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Position Sensor Control And Monitoring For Linear Actuator LINAK LA31


Tri Handayani
NIM. 15518244002


The development of technology and information developed rapidly. Product

development that is able to apply this progress effectively and efficiently. The development
of technology and information can be applied to hospital equipment product. One step in
following up its development is through the manufacture of position sensor prototypes for
linear actuators.
The linear actuators used in this project are linear LAIN LINAK actuators owned
by LINAK. Linear actuators from LINAK are often used by hospital equipment
manufacturers. The LINAK LA31 actuator is equipped with a hall effect sensor that can be
used to determine the position or distance.
This project utilizes a hall effect sensor to display the position/ distance of linear
actuator LINAK LA31. This protype can adjust and monitor the position of the liniear
piston liniear actuator manually or automatically. The application of the tool is used to
adjust and monitor the height and angle position of the patient's bed. The results of this
prototype can also be further developed into a universal remote for a variety of hospital
Keyword: Linear Actuator, Hall Effect Sensor, LINAK LA31

A. Research and Development

This research uses research and development method. Research and development
is a type of research used to manufacture products and test the effectiveness of products
made (Sugiyono, 2009). The use of this method is intended to produce products that suit

your needs. The first step to do is literature study and field study. The literature study is
used to find concepts and theoretical foundations about the products to be made. The
literature study is also used to obtain references to pre-existing products for development
and improvement purposes. Field studies conducted accompanying literature studies.
Field studies are used to analyze the needs of users / users of the product. Results from
field studies are often called need assessment. Results from literature studies and field
studies will be used as the basis for product design (Sri Haryati, 2012).
The next stage is product planning. Product planning stages include user planning,
product creation goals, product descriptions, and component requirements analysis. After
the planning phase, the next stage is the stage of making the product in accordance with
the planning that has been made. Stages of product creation is a form of actualization of
product planning.
After making the finished product is done then the next stage is the product trial
stage. This test phase to determine the performance of the product made whether working
in accordance with the scheme of work or not. If the product is in accordance with the
desired then the product is ready to be implemented. If the product fails performance or
error then the evaluation stage must be done. The evaluation stage is used to identify
product imperfections for the purpose of taking corrective action. After going through the
evaluation stage then enter the stage of product improvement. The improvement stage is
intended to refine the product to fit the planning and usability.

B. Position Sensor Control And Monitoring For Linear Actuator LINAK LA31
PROMAC is a linear actuator piston actuator control prototype LINAK LA31.
PROMAC serves to control the position of the piston rod and provide the position
information of the piston rod in the seven segment display. The displayed position is a
distance in mm. The information displayed is the result of conversion of hall effects sensor
reading which is then processed in arduino uno microcontroller.
PROMAC can control two linear actuators LINAK LA31 forward and backward.
The linear actuators are controlled via a push button. Each linear actuator will be equipped

with three push buttons. Push button "UP" serves to give advanced movement commands
on linear actuators. Meanwhile, the "DOWN" push button is used to provide reverse
movement commands on linear actuators.
When you want to store a certain position of both linear actuators then simply press
the push button "SET" for two seconds. The sign that the stored position memory is marked
buzzer sound. Furthermore, if the position is saved simply by pressing once push button
"SET". After the memory is called, the linear actuator will move to the alternating distance
starting from the linear actuator 1 and followed by the linear actuator 2. This system has
two push buttons "SET", so the PROMAC system can store two memories at once.

Figure 1. PROMAC
(Source: Personal Documentation)

C. Spesification
PROMAC designed to detect the position of the piston rod and store the linear
actuator position memory LINAK LA31 has the following specifications.

Table 1. PROMAC Spesifications
1 24 VDC Input PROMAC operates at 24 volt DC voltage.
2 LINAK LA31 Promac using actuator Linear LA31 linear
Linear Actuator motor that has a maximum length of actuator
100mm, has 2 pieces of hall effect sensor
(sensor position) inside, and operates at 24
Volt DC voltage.
3 4 Digit 7 Segment Position Display Promac can display actuator
Position Display position data using 7 segment display size 0.56
4 Adjust Position Promac can control and store the actuator
position and can recall the position of the
stored actuator.
5 Manual Promac can be used to adjust the position of
Positioning the linear actuator manually.
6 Accuracy 1mm Promac has a degree of position sensor
accuracy of up to 1 mm.

D. Design of Position Sensor Control and Monitoring For Linear Actuators LINAK
1. Electronic Power Design
The step-down or buck converter converts a higher input voltage into a stabilized
lower output voltage (Roberts, Steve, 2014: 20). Power or PROMAC power supply
uses 24 volt DC voltage from power supply. A 24 volt voltage is required to operate
the linear actuator LINAK LA31. The next 24 volt voltage is lowered to 5 volts DC to
supply voltage to the arduino. The power supply on PROMAC is connected using a
DC jack, whereas to lower the voltage using step-down module DC-DC LM2596.

Picture 2. Volatage Distribution In PROMAC System
(Source: Personal Document)
The above-mentioned power electronics design is the source voltage division
circuit. Voltage source of 24 volts divided by two, namely for relay and arduino. The
source of the relay voltage gets a direct voltage from the power supply of 24 volts.
Unlike relays, arduino only requires a voltage source of 5 volts only. The 24 volt
voltage from the power supply is connected to the step-down module LM2596 DC-
DC to get the output voltage of 5 volts. The output voltage of the step down module is
then connected to the arduino.
2. Electronic Control Design
The control system in PROMAC is divided into three parts, namely the forward-
reverse control circuit, the shield for the arduino UNO R3, and the interface circuit.
a. Linear Actuator LINAK LA31 Forward-Reverse Control
The movement of forward or reverse linear actuator LINAK LA31 is
controlled through the relay. The relay is used to replace the motor driver in
reversing the polarity of the LINAK LA31 linear actuator automatically. Here is
a linear actuator control circuit LINAK LA31 using relay.

Picture 3. Circuit Control of Linear Actuator LINAK LA31 Forward-Reverse
(Source: Personal Document)

The figure above is a schema of the linear control of the forward-reverse

actuator. The forward-reverse arrangement on the linear actuator is controlled by
a 4-channel module. Channels 1 and 2 are enabled to control the forward-reverse
on a linear actuator 1, while channels 3 and 4 are enabled to control the forward-
reverse linear actuator 2. Relay module gets 5 volts and ground power from the
arduino. The four channel outputs are also connected to arduino pins D10, D11,
D12, and D13.
b. Shield of Arduino UNO R3
Shield arduino UNO R3 is made to connect hall effect sensor, buzzer, relay
module input, push button, seven segment display to pins on arduino UNO R3.
Configuration of arduino pin connection to several components can be seen in the
following table:
Table 2. Arduino UNO R3 Pins Configuration
Arduino Pin Connection Arduino Pin Connection
A0 PB Up 1 D4 CLK1
A1 PB Down 1 D5 DIO1
A2 PB Set 1 D6 CLK2
A3 PB Up 2 D7 DIO2

A4 PB Down 2 D8 Hall B2
A5 PB Set 2 D9 Hall A2
D0 No Con D10 Relay Ch 1
D1 Buzzer D11 Relay Ch 2
D2 Hall B1 D12 Relay Ch 3
D3 Hall A1 D13 Relay Ch 4

Picture 4. The Arduino UNO R3 Shield Circuit

(Source: Personal Document)
The picture above is a series of arduino shield UNO R3. Shield circuit is
used to connect arduino pins to the components used. Arduino gets a 5 volt DC
power supply from the step down module. The arduino pins are then connected to

components such as hall effect sensors, relay modules, seven segment displays,
and push buttons. A list of pin connections to components is already listed in the
arduino pin configuration table.
c. Interface Circuit
The interface consists of two seven segment module 4 digit TM1637 and six
push buttons. The following is a series of PROMAC interfaces:

Picture 5. PROMAC Interface Circuit

(Source: Personal Document)
The interface consists of 6 push buttons and 2 seven segment displays. This
circuit is used as an input and output viewer processed in arduino. Six push buttons are
used to provide inputs in the form of linear actuator moves and memory positioning
and positioning commands. The inputs are then processed by the controller, ie arduino
UNO R3. After that arduino processing results will be displayed by seven segment.

Seven segment will display data in the form of linear piston actuator position and
memory linear position of stored actuator.
3. Programming Design
PROMAC programming is done using the application of Arduino IDE version
1.8.2. Before making the program, first made the flowchart (flow chart). This flow
chart will be used as a reference in programming.



MOTOR 1 & 2









Picture 6. Linear Actuator LINAK LA31 Forward-Reverse Flow Chart

(Source: Personal Document)
Flow chart is a picture of the work scheme of the process of controlling forward-
reverse linear actuator until the process of position data appearance. When the tool is

turned on then arduiono will read the memory stored on EEPROM. The EEPROM
reading results are then displayed on the seven segment as the linear position of the
initial actuator. When push button UP is pressed then linear actuator will move forward
and hall effect sensor will read the movement.
The data read by hall effect sensor is then displayed by seven segment. The data
displayed by the seven segment changes according to the position changes detected by
the hall effect sensor. If push button UP is not pressed then push button DOWN can
be pressed and linear actuator move backward. The movement will also be detected by
the hall effect sensor. The data of the next actuator linear position change is shown by
seven segments.



& &








Picture 7. Flowchart of Process Storage and Memory Calling

(Source: Personal Document)

Flow chart above is a working scheme of the storage process and memory
calling. Memory storage is done by positioning the linear actuator in the desired
position. The storage process is done by pressing and holding the push button SET.
When the memory storage has been successfully marked with a buzzer sound.
Memory dialing by pressing the SET push button just once. If there is no change
of the linear actuator position from the stored position, then the actuator will not move.
If the linear position of the actuator is greater than the stored position memory then the
linear actuator will move backwards. The linear actuator moves forward when the
current position of the actuator is smaller than the stored position memory.

E. Testing Of Position Sensor Control and Monitoring For Linear Actuator LINAK
1. Positioning Accuracy Testing
Position accuracy testing is performed to test the accuracy of the actual position
with position data displayed on the seven segment. The test was performed using
PROMAC prototype, 24 volt DC power supply, 2 linear actuators LINAK LA31.
Results obtained from the positioning accuracy test obtained 30 times out of 44
experiments. So obtained a success rate of 68.18% for positioning accuracy testing.
2. Memory Accuracy Testing
Memory accuracy tests are performed to test the success of position memory
storage. In addition, this test is also done to test the accuracy when calling the position
whether in accordance between the actual position with position data displayed on the
seven segment. Through the test is known that there is a difference between the results
of the actual position with the data displayed on the seven segment.
The difference occurs especially when the memory call is from the maximal
position of the linear actuator. This happens because several factors such as the
calculation factor of different hall effect sensor data when the linear actuator condition
forward and backward. When the linear actuator moves backward, the number of data
hall sensor sensor readings is greater than when it progresses. In addition, linear

actuator factor which operated without load also become one of the factor of the
happening of difference or shift of value.
Based on 30 experiments with 15mm and 30mm actuator positions have a
success of 26 times. So obtained performance success rate of 86.67% and tool failure
rate of 13.33%. Meanwhile, for experiments on the 60mm and 75mm actuator
positions obtained success as much as 23 times and failure of 7 times. So obtained the
success rate of 76.67% and failure rate of 23.33%.
Based on 30 experiments with 15mm and 30mm actuator positions have a
success of 26 times. So obtained performance success rate of 86.67% and tool failure
rate of 13.33%. Meanwhile, for experiments on the 60mm and 75mm actuator
positions obtained success as much as 23 times and failure of 7 times. So obtained the
success rate of 76.67% and failure rate of 23.33%.
F. Occupational Health and Safety
Every company has an obligation and responsibility to ensure the safety and well-
being of employees who work. One of the efforts to ensure the safety and welfare of
employees is through the following steps:
1. Every working employee must equip themselves with Personal Protective Equipment
such as special work clothes, gloves, safety shoes, masks, helmets, earmuff, and
2. Making Standard Operating Procedure (SOP).
3. Jobdesk and work matriculation.
4. Each employee is given a flat workload according to skill and ability mastered.
5. Every employee is required to check the condition of equipment and machinery before
6. Implement the 5S principle in the work environment.
7. Employees must use work equipment in accordance with the functions and kegunannya.
8. Employees are prohibited from using jewelry such as rings, bracelets, and necklaces
while doing work to avoid work accidents.
9. Employees are prohibited from smoking in the workplace.
10. Employees are prohibited from carrying and consuming food or drink in the work area.

11. Create instructions and evacuation routes.
12. Provide first aid kit and supplies.
13. Checking APAR periodically.
14. Conducting Health Risk Assessment (HRA).
15. Conduct a preparedness and response simulation of the family.
16. Install safety signs and appeals that all employees must obey.
17. Install guide line specified based on 3 colors, namely red, green, and yellow to support
work safety and effectiveness.
18. Provide a special room to keep employees' personal items and rest.
19. Use different shoes for indoor and outdoor activities.

Based on the results of observations on the implementation of occupatioal health

and safety when making the project, obtained the following results (ILO, 2010):

1. Use of Personal Protective Equipment

The work process in this project has implemented occupational health and
safety by equipping themselves with personal protective equipment when working.
However, there are some personal protective equipment that have not been used and
have not been provided by the company to equip employees while working. The work
that is often done is a soldering job. The following is a picture of the condition when

Picture 8. Component Soldering Process Activities

(Source: Personal Documentation)

The picture above shows there are still shortcomings in the implementation of
occupational health and safety. This can be seen from the use of personal protective
equipment is still not complete. The ideal sterilization process should be equipped with
glasses, masks, and gloves. The use of goggles is intended to protect the eyes and
respiratory organs from the smoke from tin solder melting. While the gloves
functioned to protect the hands from the danger of hot soldering eye solder while
The above conditions will pose a potential danger that threatens health and
safety for employees. The hazard of smoke during the soldering process will disrupt
the health of the eyes and respiratory employees. Smoke is when the eyes can cause
eye irritation even cause irritation to the eyes. In addition, if the smoke is to be inhaled
it will disrupt the respiratory system and dangerous for the long term. Safety of the
hands is also not guaranteed because it is not used gloves when soldering. If the hands
to the eye solder or melted lead solder will cause burns and feeling sore. Burns
generated are usually marked and hard to remove.

2. Fixing Work Area Layout To Minimize Motion

The layout of the work area with materials and work equipment gives effect to
the work result and the level of worker productivity (ILO, 2010). Placing materials and
equipment close to the work area should be done to minimize workers' movement
needs. The easier and faster accessing materials and work equipment will be the sooner
a job is completed. In addition, this is also done to minimize the emergence of worker
fatigue. Risks that may occur if these steps are not implemented are as follows:
a) Lower back pain.
b) Repetitive strain.
c) Injury rate increases
d) Disorders due to stress.
e) Excessive fatigue.

Picture 9. Material and Equipment Placement
(Source: Personal Documentation)

G. Conclusion
The conclusions that can be drawn from the prototype position sensor and
monitoring for linear actuator LINAK LA31 are as follows:
1. Hall effect sensor embedded in linear actuator LINAK LA31 can be utilized to
determine the distance / position of piston rod from linear actuator.
2. The resulting prototype can be used to adjust the position and monitor the height and
angle position of the patient bed either manually or automatically.
3. This prototype can be developed and refined into a universal remote and is used for a
variety of hospital equipment, especially the patient's bed.


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