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page 6 Thursday, Sept.

16, 2010


Sex, drugs and Amsterdam between the small amount of laws and the never ends well. have not been locked away for drugs and
By Laura Hancq small amount of prisoners in the Nether- Would we want our children growing drugs alone. In the Netherlands, cocaine
Staff Writer lands. After all, an individual can only be up in a society where they could walk into and heroin usage is at an all-time high.
punished for a law they have broken. If that a store and buy enough marijuana to stay Hard drugs lead to harder crime. Murder,
law does not exist, they are not guilty. high for about a week? How about them violence, abuse and stealing, along with
“Peace, Love and As ESPN is “the worldwide leader walking home from school on streets lined dropping out of school and losing a job, are
Amsterdam” reads of sports,” Amsterdam is the worldwide with prostitutes? Most parents would not all common with the usage of harder drugs.
a popular women’s leader of sex and drugs. In Philadelphia, want this for their child. When a society does not outlaw the
T-shirt. With about on a typical Sunday night in Oct., friends Obviously, American prisons are more gateway drugs, the harder drugs follow,and
eight prisons being shut down in the Neth- may pile into crowded but at hard drugs do not better a society. The
erlands because of lack of inmates, many a local bar, the same time Dutch may be proud of their low prison
would agree that this motto holds true. get a round they are crowd- rate for now but they are not going to be

“ The Dutch may be

The United States has the largest of beers ed because proud of the amount of heroin and cocaine
amount of documented incarcerations in and watch we have laws users that develop in the young generation.
the world. Many researchers, critics and the Eagles. proud of thei low that protect Just about every country in the world
In Amster- us from deal- struggles when it comes to creating drug
citizens claim that the United States should
be ashamed of this statistic. Instead of dam, anyone
prison rate for now ing with those laws. It is a constant battle on how much
blaming the criminals, people from all over can go into but they are not go- situations. Sure, marijuana is legal and if it has positive or
the world blame the too-strict American what they some Ameri- negative effects. There is no perfect an-
law. What happened to the days of world call a “cof- ing to be proud of the can drug users swer. Drugs are part of this world and they
government officials looking to American fee shop,” might wish the are never going to go away, whether it is
government as the paramount? order up to
amount of heroin and United States legal to possess a certain amount or not.
Well, it all depends on the way you 5 grams of cocaine users that de- could emulate The Netherlands has already stated that
look at the issue. Yes, many prisons are marijuana the freedom to the 5 grams sold in coffee shops may be
closing in the Netherlands and yes, many and watch velop in the young gen- smoke what- too dangerous and that 3 grams should be

prisons in the United States are overflow- their favorite ever, whenever the new standard. It sounds like the Dutch
ing. But does a lesser amount of inmates prostitutes eration. and wherever officials may start to further examine all of
mean a safer society? After all, the point of get ready they’d like. their relaxed policies. That’s not to say that
a prison is to provide a place to keep crimi- for a day’s However, re- their prisons may start to fill back up soon.
nals from hurting others while they repay work. Of cent news about But do not be surprised if “Peace, Love,
their debt to society and can hopefully be course, both the drugs and prostitution are Amsterdam leads citizens of other coun- and Amsterdam” does not last forever.
released as better citizens. legal. At least for now. tries to believe that they are definitely bet-
So does the fact that the Netherlands “Peace, Love, and Amsterdam” aside, it ter in a society that has drug laws in place.
has to close prisons mean their society is is much more dangerous to live in a soci- Dutch officials may actually take a second
overall better and safer than ours? Is every- ety where this behavior is typical and legal. glance at their society and shockingly re-
one walking the streets of Amsterdam as a Even though the coffee shops are allowed vert back to the days of looking to Ameri-
lover, not a fighter? That would be unreal- to sell marijuana, they have become plac- can law for guidance.
istic. There is obviously a direct correlation es for underground drug trafficking. That Most prisoners in the United States

What I wish I did as a freshman Follow your instincts, get involved and
By Kelly Hannan do not let your roommates, friends or sig-
Staff Writer nificant others play a part in your future.
Make the most of your four years at col-
As a current se-
nior at Cabrini Col-
lege, looking back
on the last three
years I have spent here, time has only
How You
made me realize what I have missed out
on. I think about the clubs I did not join,
can Get
what activities I did not get involved in,
what classes I should have taken and why Involved
I waited for my mom outside Xavier Hall
almost every Friday with my hamper of Aamber lajeunesse / submitted photo 1. CAP Board - Cabrini’s pro-
dirty laundry. One of the first on campus events of the season, Hypnotic Intoxication, mixed fun gramming board. All the events
With more than 50 student clubs and and education. and trips go through the board.
organizations offered on campus, the one You could plan one too.
that has always caught my eye has been (SEaL). The SEaL office is located on the est was going to be in the field of commu-
the Campus Activities and Programming first floor of the Widener Center right be- nication, I would have enrolled in classes 2. Student Government
Board. hind Jazzman’s Café. I of course was not such as radio, video production, journalism Association- Have your voice be
CAP Board’s main purpose on campus aware of this until at least my sophomore and a few others. heard in the hub of all campus
is to unite the student body by offering a year. It’s an office I wish I had visited in Instead, I was taking classes to try and activity.
tremendous amount of opportunities for the past. make a dent in my required core curricu-
students to become involved. I would have enjoyed my freshman year lum. 3. Student Diversity - The Office
The board hosts a variety of events to as a college student a heck of a lot more if I As a freshman, not showing my interests of Student Diversity balances fun
get students involved. One of their greatest participated in at least two of the activities. towards the communication department, I events with education.
purposes is to get students to stay on cam- I should have taken advantage of a Fast had no knowledge of how magnificent the
pus during the weekends. They offer af- Track to Philly pass which is sold at the communication program really was. 4. Sports - When the Cavaliers
fordable college-priced tickets to Wayne’s very low price of $2. I wish when I was a freshman I was are on a roll, the whole school
movie theater as well as Fast Track into Habitat for Humanity is another ex- more mature and took the initiative to edu- comes out to see. Rowdy fans
Philly tickets. ample of an extraordinary organization cate myself on what my college had to of- make games more fun.
The activities are not just held on the on this campus. It is an incredible way to fer and did not focus my attention on my
weekends but also during the week. Bingo, get involved in the community and help aunt. She is a pharmacutical sales rep with 5. Your department - It might
Cabrini dances and there are Phillies tick- out those less fortunate than you. I know a bachelor of science degree in marketing, sound lame but diving into your
ets for Cabrini night at the Phillies game I would not only of gained experience for who makes a lot of money. classes and seeing what groups
are a few of the options you can choose. my resume but had a more open outlook I knew she had a great job with a ben- are active in your major can help
When you purchase tickets for any of on life itself. eficial salary, so I decided I would try and you get ahead academically and
these events, you do so in the Center for Marketing was the major I declared my follow in her footsteps by majoring in the socially.
Student Engagement and Leadership, freshman year. Had I only known my inter- same field as she did.
Thursday, Sept. 16, 2010 page 7

No more pencils, no more books, is all you need the Nook?
printed books
By Eleni Antipas generates
Staff Writer roughly 1,074
kilograms of
CO2, while the
These days, Kindle only
video rental stores produces ap-
have suffered a proximately
slow decline due to 168 kilograms
the rising popularity of things such as the of CO2 over
commitment-free Redbox kiosks and the the course of
convenience of Netflix. The friendly smile two years.
of the cashier has been replaced with self- In 2008,
checkout machines. Soon, your campus the Book In-
bookstore may swap their textbooks for dustries Study
iPads, Nooks and Kindles. Group report-
Currently, textbook publishing com- ed that Apple
panies like McGraw Hill are converting had sold one
college textbooks into a digital format. I million iPads
believe this trend will continue to expand. in the first four
No one enjoys lugging heavy books weeks of sales.
around campus. Not to mention the te- In 2009, the
diousness of waiting in line at the college total revenue
bookstore. However, nothing makes me of the digital
cringe more than when I hear how much book industry
textbooks cost. was $40 mil-
Downloading an E-textbook to your lion. Despite
laptop rarely takes more than a few min- already own- E-readers have become the new hot gadget and electronics companies have a full slate of products.
utes. The average laptop weighs between 5 ing a laptop, I
to 7 pounds compared to 3.5 pounds for a definitely find Online retailers like Zinio and Cours- more difficult for them to pace with their
single textbook. However, for those of you the convenience of a digital reader to be eSmart save students an average of 50 younger classmates. However, using the
looking to lighten your load even further, worth the cost and their popularity seems percent on digital textbooks. Individual latest technology in the classroom will bet-
the iPad, the Kindle 2, the Kindle DX and to be on the rise. chapters are also available for $1.99 from ter prepare all students for the competitive
the Nook each weigh less than a pound. According to Dr. Roger Von Holzen, di- iChapters. job market.
Digital readers typically cost less than a rector of the Center for Information Tech- Digital readers will enhance the learn- Charles Jones, an influential speaker,
semester’s worth of printed textbooks. The nology in Education at Northwest Missouri ing process with 3-D imagery, which is once said, “You are the same today that you
iPad sells for $499, the Kindle 2 is $259 State University, within three to five years especially useful for science courses. Us- are going to be in five years from now ex-
and the latest version the Kindle DX holds printed textbooks will be virtually obsolete ing these devices, professors will be able to cept for two things: the people with whom
3,500 books and sells for $489. The Nook, on most college campuses. In a few years, update information instantly by correcting you associate and the books you read.” In
manufactured by Barnes & Noble, is rea- I believe professors at Cabrini College will inaccuracies and providing supplemental this case, I don’t think it’s the books that
sonably priced at $220. be instructing their students on which e- information. There are also features that people read that will change, but the way
In addition to being economically priced, textbooks to download rather than which allow students to highlight and take notes in which we read them.
lovers of the printed word will also be able textbooks to purchase at the campus book- that can be shared in real time.
to appreciate the positive impact digital store. This will significantly lower the cost Many learning institutions are con-

readers will have on the environment. Ac- of required reading materials for college cerned that this type of technology may
cording to Cleantech, the production of 140 students. be unfamiliar to adult students, making it

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