Modalities Activity 3

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Bridget Staniszewski

Modalities Activity 3:
1. Activity Title
- Mindfulness Journal Exercise’s: Trophy Case
A.) Trophy Case

2. Sources for your activity and for your adaptations (APA citations)
- Martin P. J. van Boxtel, Lotte Berk, Marjolein E. de Vugt & Franca van
Warmenhoven (2019) Mindfulness-based interventions for people with
dementia and their caregivers: keeping a dyadic balance, Aging & Mental
Health, DOI: 10.1080/13607863.2019.1582004
- Wong, W. P., Coles, J., Chambers, R., Wu, D. B., & Hassed, C. (2017).
The Effects of Mindfulness on Older Adults with Mild Cognitive
Impairment. Journal of Alzheimer's disease reports, 1(1), 181–193.

3. Equipment needed
- Pen, pencil, marker (whatever the preference may be)
- Tape
- Printed out copies of trophy stencils

4. Activity Description - How will you explain to your participants how the activity will
go? Task Analysis guidelines will help you with this part of the assignment.
- Trophy Case Activity:
- I will start by first setting up participants for the trophy case activity by
hanging a large sheet of paper with a border around it which participants
will later use to “hang their trophies”.
- I will then pass out a blank sheet with a trophy outline on it as well as
markers, pens, pencils and tape.
- I will then instruct participants to create a trophy, awarding themselves for
something they feel proud of. I will allow 5 minutes for participants to write
their accomplishments and decorate their trophies.
- I will then instruct participants to one by one come hang their trophies and
share what they wrote and why.

5. Primary interaction pattern(s) (activity analysis) – Explain why you chose the
pattern or patterns you chose. You no longer are required to upload a copy of the
activity analysis form.
- This activities primary interaction pattern is aggregate as it is conducted in
a large group but the focus of the activity is individual, done in the
presence of others. I chose this interaction pattern to promote
mindfulness but to also have a chance to appreciate others
accomplishments by sharing and creating the “trophy showcase” at the
end of the activity.
6. Adaptation: One researched adaptation specific to an assigned disability group
(see syllabus).
- Upon doing some preliminary research for this population I came across a
few studies highlighting to benefits on Mindfulness. Interestingly enough
there are multitudes of studies examining the effects of Mindfulness in a
geriatric population with MCI’s. According to a study by (Wang, 2017) the
older the mindfulness partcipants (age 60+) were preforming better when
compared to a younger control group in attentiontional processing. This
information suggests that long term Mindfulness practice may offset
dementia in older adults. There are 3 common types of Mindfulness-
based interventions (MBI) include: mindfulness based stress reduction
programs (MBSR), mindfulness based cognitive therapy (MBCT) and
insight meditations such as Zen meditation. The Trophy Case Activity
encompasses both MBSR & MBCT elements. Stress reduction can be a
result of actually writing down and accomplishment and taking the time to
recognize you are worthy of praise and value no matter what age! There
are some cognitive components of this exercise that can be used as well
such as forward chaining when leading the activity then in presenting the
trophy to the group. Another awesome benefit I learned about Mindfulness
is that it is not limited to alzhiemers pt’s or geriatric population with MCI’s
but it has also shown the be beneficial for the care givers as well. In a pre
and post prelimnary study on MBI’s effect on caregivers and pt’s, reported
improvement in QOL and decrease in depressive symptoms. I think that
an intervention that can help bring pt’s and caregiver’s together can create
a better sense of mutual understanding and decrease some caregivers
burden. An excericse like the Trophy Case is a great oppurtunity to award
ourselves or our loved ones and remind them how valuable they are to
use. It is important for both the pt and caregiver to feel proud of their lives
and loved ones. Mindfulness based interventions as a mean for a
nonpharmologic approach to therapy for dementia patients may result in
decrease in memory deterioration, depressive symptoms, severity of
worry, and lower cortisol levels.

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