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Construction & Buildings

Freeways Geometry Standard for Toll Road



The freeway geometry standard for this toll road includes general provisions and technical provisions for
expressway geometry for toll roads in cities and intercity. The geometry in this standard includes the
technical provisions of the main road geometry, the ramp, the symphony, the geometry of the toll road, and
the place of rest and service.

Reference to this standard is A Policy on Geometric Design of Highways and Streets (AASHTO 2001),
Procedures for Geometric Planning of Inter-City Roads No. 038/TBM/1997, Geometric Planning Standards
for Urban Roads, as well as Laws and Government Regulations1992 related to roads and tot roads.

With this standard, it is hoped that expressway geometry planning for toll roads can be well planned.

Jakarta, December 2009

Director General of Highways

A. Herman to Dardak
Freeway geometry standards for toll roads

1 Scope of space
This standard contains general provisions and technical provisions for expressway geometry for toll roads
in cities and intercity. The geometry referred to in this standard includes the technical stipulations of the
main road geometry, ramp (ramp), interchange, toll road geometry and toll gates, and rest and service
2 Normative references
The expressway geometry standard for this toll road refers to the following reference books:
Republic of Indonesia Law No. 38 of 2004 concerning Roads
Republic of Indonesia Law No. 22 of 2009 concerning Road Traffic and Transportation
RI Government Regulation No. 15 of 2005 concerning Toll Roads
PPN. 44 of 2009 concerning the Amendment to the Civil Service Regulation. 15 concerning Roads in the
Republic of Indonesia Government Regulation No. 34 of 2006 concerning Roads
AASHTO, 2001, APOLICON Geometric Design of Highways and Streets Procedures for Geometric
Planning of Inter-City Roads No. 038/TBM/1997 Geometric Planning Standards for Urban Roads, 1992
3 Terms and definitions
The terms and definitions used in this standard are as follows:
3.1 Horizontal alignment
projection of the road axis line in the horizontal plane.
3.2 Vertical alignment
projection of the axis of the road in the vertical plane through the axis of the road.
3.3 The road
Part of the road that includes traffic lanes, with or without a dividing lane, and road shoulder.
3.4 Road side
The space portion of the road benefits side by side with the traffic lane to accommodate stopping vehicles,
emergency needs, and for side support for the bottom foundation layer, foundation layer, and surface layer.
3.5 Free area next to the corner
Space to guarantee freedom of view on the corner so that stop visibility is met.
3.6 Road drainage
infrastructure that can be of natural or artificial nature which functions to decide and channel surface and
underground water, usually using gravity traverses, which consist of lines of water in the drainage canals
or in place for construction (for example, rainwater wells or temporary drainage ponds)
3.7 passenger car equivalence (emp)
the fact that shows the effect of various vehicles compared to passenger cars on speed, ease of
maneuvering, the dimensions of light vehicles in traffic flow (for light vehicles with similar chassis; emp =
3.8 factor K
factors to change the volume stated in LHRT (Annual Average Traffic) to rush hour traffic volume.
3.9 toll booth
the space where toll collector works to carry out service tasks to road users.
3.10 toll gate
toll road transaction service for toll road users consisting of several substations and other facilities.
3.11 main toll gate
toll gate located on the main line.
3.12 ramp toll gate
toll gate located on the ramp of the Interchange or access road.
3.13 Street
land transportation infrastructure that covers all parts of the road, including complementary buildings and
equipment intended for traffic, which is on the surface of the land, above the surface of the land, below the
surface of the land and /or water, and above the water surface, except railroad , lorries railway, and cable
3.14 street city
paths that do not have development are always in every way, although there may be some permanent
developments such as restaurants, factories, or settlements.
3.15 arterial road
public roads that function to serve the main transportation with the characteristics of long-distance travel,
high average speed, and the number of access roads is limited efficiently
3.16 freeway
public roads for continuous traffic with full access to the access road and without a plot crossing and
equipped with a road-bound fence.
3.17 class I road
arterial roads and collectors that can be passed by motorized vehicles with a width not exceeding 2,500
millimeters, a length not exceeding 18,000 millimeters, a maximum size of 4,200 millimeters, and the
heaviest axle load of 10 tons.
3.18 special class road
arterial roads that can be traversed by motorized vehicles measuring more than 2,500 millimeters in size,
exceeding 18,000 millimeters in length, 4,200 millimeters in height, and the heaviest axle loads of more
than 10 tons.
3.19 road collector
public roads that function to serve collectors or dividers with the characteristics of medium distance travel,
medium average speed, and limited number of entrances.
3.20 connecting road
roads that only function to connect toll roads with public roads which have a minimum collector function.
3.21 urban road
road which has a permanent and continuous development throughor almost all roads, minimum on one side
of the road.
3.22 Highway
public roads which are part of the road network system and as national roads for which users are required
to pay tolls.
3.23 public road
road intended for public traffic.
3.24 lane
parts of the road used for vehicle traffic.
3.25 edge lane
the portion of the median which is elevated or distributed by the function provides free space for vehicles
traveling on its traffic lane.
3.26 visibility
the distance along the center of a lane from the driver's eye to a point on the line that can be seen by the
3.27 stop visibility
the driver's front view distance to stop safely and alertly under normal circumstances.
3.28 road capacity
the maximum number of vehicles that can pass a certain cross section on a road, unit time, road conditions,
and certain traffic.
3.29 the speed of the planned toll road
the maximum safe speed on the highway is normal, which will be the basis for toll road geometry planning.
3.30 vehicle plan
vehicles representing one group of vehicle types, which are used for road planning.
3.31 lane
elongated parts of the lane, with or without road markings, which have sufficient width for one motorized
vehicle to be running.
3.32 emergency lane
lanes in anticipation of a long decline that allows the occurrence of vehicles that are controlled, especially
heavy vehicles, can make landings, incursions, derivative slopes, flat slopes, or heaps of sand.
3.33 climbing lane
additional lanes on parts of the road that have a certain slope and length to accommodate vehicles at low
speeds, especially heavy vehicles.
3.34 horizontal curvature
curved road sections with a limited radius.
3.35 intermediate arch
the arch is inserted between the straight part of the road and the curved part of the road with a fixed radius
R, where the intermediate curvature is a spiral.
3.36 vertical arch
the section of the road curved in a vertical direction that connects two road segments with different slope.
3.37 average daily cross (LHR)
the number of average vehicles that cross a road in one day, expressed in passenger car units (pcu).
3.38 median
part of the road that cannot be traversed by vehicles with longitudinal shapes parallel to the road, located
on the axis /middle of the road, intended to separate the opposite traffic flow, the median can be an elevated
median, a lowered median or a flat median.
3.39 passenger car
transport motorized vehicles of people who have a maximum seating of 8 (eight) people, including for drivers
or who weigh no more than 3,500 (three thousand five hundred) kilograms.
3.40 ratio of volume /capacity (V/C ratio)
comparison between traffic volume and road capacity.
3.41 transitional arch length
the length of road needed to achieve change from the straight part to the circle part of the bend.
3.42 toll road (toll plaza)
the area or part of the toll road with a geometric shape that is wider than the normal width of the toll road
where the toll gate is placed.
3.43 intersection
meeting or branching, both in a plot or not.
3.44 toll island (toll island)
buildings that are placed as traffic lane separators on the toll road.
3.45 ramp (exit and driveway)
a road segment that acts as a liaison between the road segment, the main road entrance segment is called
on ramp and the main road exit segment is called the off ramp.
3.46 free space
space along the toll road is limited by a certain width, height and depth which is only intended for traffic and
building security for toll road security.
3.47 clearance of road
space on road surfaces that are only provided for vehicles or pedestrians, wherever they are not permissible
structures, facilities, trees or other immovable objects
3.48 room benefits toll road
the space along the toll road is limited by a certain width, height and depth which includes the road body,
roadside canals, heaps, and excavations and safety thresholds.
3.49 toll road space
space along the toll road which includes the toll road benefit space and a certain line of land outside the toll
road benefit space which is intended for space for road benefits, road widening, and the addition of future
traffic lanes and space requirements for road security and toll road facilities.
3.50 toll road supervision room
space along the toll road which includes a certain line of land outside the toll road space whose use is under
the supervision of the Minister which is intended for the driver's free view and safeguarding road construction
and securing the function of the road.
3.51passenger car unit (pcu)
traffic flow unit, where flows from various types of vehicles have been converted into light vehicles (including
passenger cars) using emp.
3.52 symposium
connecting road system from the road that intersects non-plot which allows traffic flow to flow freely.
3.53 service interchange
flyover that connects toll roads with non-toll roads.
3.54 system interchange
flyover that connects toll roads with toll roads.
3.55 axis of the road
an elongated line that is right in the middle on a road body
3.56 Super-elevation
the transverse slope of a special road surface that serves to compensate for centrifugal force.
3.57 taper
for the standard lane which functions to apply the moving traffic lane
3.58 rest area
a place and facilities provided for road users so that both the driver, passenger and vehicle can rest
temporarily for reasons of fatigue
3.59 service place
part of the location of the Rest Area used to serve road users who are resting, and equipped with various
public facilities.
3.60 tunnel
the road where the surroundings are closed, generally the road elevation is below the ground level.
3.61 utility
public service facilities in the form of electricity, telephone, gas, drinking water, city sanitation, and other
service facilities.
3.62 traffic volume
the number of vehicles that pass a certain point on the road per unit time, expressed in vehicles /hours or
passenger car units (pcu/ hour).
3.63 clock volume plan (VJR)
Forecasts of traffic volume expansion in the annual plan, expressed in the junior high school / hour unit, are
calculated from the VLHR multiplication by factor.
3.64 average daily traffic volume (LHR)
the total volume that crosses a point or segment on road facilities for both majors, for one year is divided
by the number of days in one year.
3.65 Daily traffic volume plan (VLHR)
Estimated or forecasted daily traffic volume for a particular part of the road.
3.66 reaction time
the time needed by a driver since he saw the obstacle in front of him, made a decision, and arrived at when
he would start the reaction.

4 General provisions
4.1 Expressway for toll road
The general requirements of expressways for toll roads are as follows:
a) is an alternative crossing of existing public roads;
b) the general road segment is minimally available for primary crime or the primary police.
4.2 Freeway geometry for Toll Road
Freeway geometry for toll roads must:
a) fulfill the aspects of safety, security, comfort and smoothness of the traffic needed;
b) consider the aspects of traffic that will be used as toll roads, the level of road development, design
standards, maintenance, class and function of roads, and the entrance / exit roads, plots of land;
c) fulfill the requirements of geometry standards specifically designed for expressways with toll collector
d) consider technical, economic, financial and environmental factors;
e) meets higher class and specifications and must be fully controlled from existing public roads;
f) planned to be able to service the long-distance traffic with mobility height;
g) done by techniques such that a combination of horizontal alignment and vertical alignment is formed;
h) consider the availability of adequate side services.
4.3 Selection of the pathway to the sloughing of the stick
Horizontal and vertical alignments of expressways for toll roads must consider the aspects of technical,
construction, environmental and aspects of the needs of road users that are adequate and efficient.
Selection of alignments must consider:
a) security, safety and comfort for the operation of traffic and drivers;
b) the suitability and harmony of the environment with topography, geography and geology around the
toll road;
c) coordination between horizontal alignments and vertical alignments;
d) technical feasibility, economy, environment, and availability of land.
e) In the vertical alignment must consider critical ramps
4.4 Design of expressways for Toll Roads
Design of freeway for toll roads must meet:
a) functionally must be a primary arterial road or primary collector;
b) Entrance and exit must be fully controlled and only roads have been established;
c) there is no intersection in the field;
d) because topography and land conditions can form:
1) roads with main lines on the surface of the land;
2) flyovers with main lines are covered;
3) roads with main lines on the lower crossings.
4) tunnel road with main lines in the ground / water
5) bridges;
6) combinations of the items in granules 1), 2), 3), 4), and 5) above.

5 Main road technical provisions

5.1 Standards of the road
Standard 5.1.1 according to function path
Road standards according to road functions based on the nature and pattern of movements in traffic and
road transport. The classification of expressways for toll roads according to road functions can be seen in
Table 1
Table 1 Classification according to road functions
Road Transportation Travel Distance Average Total of
Function Type Speed Entrance
Arterial Main Far High limited
Collector Collector or Medium Medium limited
The devider

5.1.2 Standards according to road class

Standards according to road class are distinguished based on road use and smooth traffic and road
transport, as well as specifications for the provision of road infrastructure. Standard paths based on usage and traffic and traffic
Freeway class standards for toll roads based on road use and smooth traffic and road transport can be
Table 2: Standard paths based on function, driving dimensions and MST
Vechicle Dimention The Toughest Axis Loads
Road Road Function Maximum Allowed Allowed
Class Wide Length High (ton)
(mm) (mm) (mm)
I Arterial & 2.500 18.000 4.200 10
Specials Arterial >2.500 >18.000 4.200 >10
The class of roadblock to the airport is designed to be carried out in class 1, but for special cases, such as
the poles, which provide a safe line of safety in the railway station, where the driving is better than the
standard airport, then it must be designed to use special class roads. The standard is based on the specifications of the provision of road marketing
The classification of expressway classes for toll roads based on the specifications of the provision of road
infrastructure is a freeway because:
• toll roads serve long-distance traffic flows,
• there is no intersection,
• the number of access roads is limited and must be fully controlled,
• the number of lanes of at least two lane routes,
• uses a middle or median separator, and
• fencing must be done.
5.1.3 Classification goes on
Field road classification based on the condition of most measured terrain slopes across the road axis can
be seen in Table 3

Table 3 Classification according to terrain road

Road Field Notation Slope of Field
Flat D < 10,0%
Hills B 10,0% - 25,0%
The Montains G > 25,0%
5.2 Vehicle Standards plan
The dimensions of the vehicle standard plan for expressway design for toll roads can be seen in Table 4
and as illustrated in Figure 1 to Figure 6.
Table 4 Dimensions of vehicle plan
Type of vehicle plans Dimention of vehicle (m) Dimension of Protrusion (m) Minimum Rotate
Hight Wide Long Depan Belakang Radius (m)
Passenger Car 1,3 2,1 5,8 0,9 1,5 7,31
Bus 3,2 2,4 10,9 0,8 3,7 11,86
Truck 2 axles 4,1 2,4 9,2 1,2 1,8 12,80
Truck 3 axles 4,1 2,4 12,0 1,2 1,8
Truck 4 axles 4,1 2,4 13,9 0,9 0,8 12,20
Truck 5 axles 4,1 2,5 16,8 0,9 0,6 13,72

Figure 1 - Dimensions of passenger cars

Figur 2 – Dimensions of bus

Figure 3 –Truck 2 Axles

Figure 4 - Truck 3 Axles

Figure 5 - Truck 4 Axles

Figure 6 - Truck 5 Axles

5.3 Standard number of lines

The minimum standard number of lanes is 2 (two) lanes per direction or 4/2 D and is determined based on
the type of alignment as shown in Table 5 and the estimated traffic volume expressed in vehicles / hours
as shown in Table 6.
Table 5 : Alignment Type

Alignment Type Upk + Down Horizontal

(m/km) Arch(rad/km)
Flat < 10 < 1,0
Perbukitan 10-30 1,0 - 2,5
Pegunungan >30 > 2,5
Table 6: Number of lanes based on traffic flows

Alignment Direction of Traffic Flow Number of

Type (vehicle / hour) Lanes
≤ 2.250 4/2 D
≤ 3.400 6/2 D
≤ 5.000 8/2 D
≤ 1.700 4/2 D
≤ 2.600 6/2 D
≤ 1.450 4/2 D
≤ 2.150 6/2 D

Remarks D meaning lane separation

In calculating LHR, because of the influence of various types of vehicles, the equivalent factor of passenger
cars is used.

5.3.1 Value of equivalence of passenger cars (emp)

The emp value for expressways for toll roads can be seen in Table 7.
Table 7 Equivalence of passenger cars (emp)

Direction of Traffic Flow

Alignment emp
4/2 D 6/2D MHV LB LT
2.250 3.400 1,6 1,7 2,5
≥ 2.800 ≥ 4.150 1,3 1,5 2,0
1.700 2.600 2,2 2,3 4,3
≥ 2.250 ≥ 3.300 1,8 1,9 3,5
1.450 2.150 2,6 2,9 4,8
≥ 2.000 ≥ 3.000 2,0 2,4 3,8

LV Vehicle Lightweight two-wheeled motorized vehicle with 4 (four) wheels and withaxles of 2.0 m
- 3.0 m (including: passenger cars, oplets, microbuses, pick-ups and small
MHV Vehicle Two-axle motorized vehicle, with a distance of 3.5 m - 5.0 m
Medium Weight (including small buses, two axles trucks with six wheels)
LT Trucks Large Three-axle truck and combination truck with axle distance <3.5m
LB Bis Large Bus with two or three axles with axles of 5.0 m - 6.0 m.

5.3.2 Traffic volume plans

Estimated traffic volume during the life of the required road plan is called the planned clock volume (VJR).
Plan Hour Volume is calculated based on the formula as follows:

VLHR: forecast volumes of late daily life at the end of the year (smp/day)
K: rush hour traffic volume factor (%), called K factor, for highways K = 11% (MKJI)

5.3.3 Service standards and operating characteristics

The level of freeway services for toll roads is defined as the ability of expressways to accommodate traffic
in certain circumstances. The minimum service level for expressways for intercity toll roads is B and the
minimum service level for expressways for motorized toll roads is C. The characteristics of the related
operations for the level of service on toll roads can be seen in Table 8.
Table 8 Service standards and characteristics of operations

Services Level Related Characteristics of Operation

A • Free flow
• Volume of services 1400 smp/houron two lane one direction
B • Stable current at high speed
• Maximum service volume of 2000 pcu / hour on 2 lanes 1 direction
C • The current is still stable
• Service volume in 2 1-way lanes <75% capacity
• lane (i.e. 1500 pcu / hour / lane or 3000 pcu / hour for 2 lanes)

5.4 Speed Plan

Speed plans of expressway for toll roads must meet the criteria as set out in Table 9:
Table 9 : Speed plan
Field Road VR (km/hour) minimal
Intercity Urban areas
Flat 120 80-100
Hills 100 80
Montains 80 60
Note: The planned speed of 140 km / h (in the range) is permitted for intercity toll roads after certain
analyzes are carried out
5.5.2 Space benefits roads
The road benefit space is for the median, road pavement, dividing line, road shoulder, roadside channel,
slope, safety threshold, pile, excavation, culverts, road equipment and complementary road structures.
The benefits of expressways for toll roads must have the width and height of free space and the depth as
a) the width of the free space is measured between (two) vertical lines of the boundary;
b) free height of at least 5 (five) meters above the surface of the highest vertical path;
c) minimum free space depth of 1.50 meters below the surface of the lowest traffic lane.
5.5.3 Space belongs to the road
Road-owned space is intended for space for road benefits and road widening as well as the addition of
traffic lanes in the future as well as space requirements for securing toll roads and toll road facilities.
The freeway space for toll roads must meet the following requirements:
a) the width and height of the free space of the road space must be at least equal to the width and height
of the free space of the road space.
b) road-owned space must be prepared to be able to accommodate a minimum of 2 x 3 lanes of separate
traffic with a width of space belonging to the road of at least 40 meters in inter-city and 30-meter areas
in urban areas;
c) the land in the road space is given a boundary mark at least one stake every distance of 100 meters
and one stake at each corner and given a safety fence for each side.
d) In the condition of the road, there is a need to pay attention to the space where the road is located.
5.5.4 Road control rooms
The road supervision room is intended for the driver's free view and security of road construction. The
boundaries of the freeway supervision space for toll roads are 40 meters for urban areas and 75 meters for
intercity areas, measured from toll road axles. In the case of toll roads attached to public roads the provisions
above do not apply.
The establishment of a number of items has been defined in the above. The spaces are prepared to ensure
the smoothness and safety and comfort of road users in addition to the integrity of road construction. The
minimum spatial dimension to use the safety of the user is set according to the type of infrastructure and
function. The standard minimum dimensions of “Rumaja”, “Rumija”, and the expressways for toll roads can
be seen in Table 10.
Table 10 Dimensions of expressway space for toll roads
Part of Road Component of geometry Dimension Minimum(m)
Toll Roadl
“RUMAJA” Intercity Urban
(Road Benefit Road width 30,0 22,0
Space) High 5,00 5,00
Depth 1,50 1,50
Toll Road
“RUMIJA” Intercity Urban
Wide 30 40 30 20
Toll Roadl
“RUWASJA” Intercity Urban Bridge
(Road Monitoring Wide 1) 75 75 40 100 2)
Note: 1) Width measured from As Road
2)100 m downstream and 100 upstream

5.6 Cross section

5.6.1 Cross-sectional composition
The composition of the cross section of the freeway for toll roads consists of: traffic lanes, median and lane
lines, shoulders, safety rails, side channels, slopes.
Typical standards for cross-sections on land, elevated, and tunnels /underpasses can be seen in
Figures 7.8, 9 and 10.
Ambang Pengaman Ambang Pengaman



5,10 RAMBU







Figure 7 – Typical of Road Benefit Space (Rumaja) , Road Owned Space (Rumija), and Road Monitoring Space (Ruwasja) of
Freeways for Toll Road

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3,6m 3,6m


5,10 m RAMBU




1,50 m


Figure 8 – Tipical Cross Section of Freeways for Toll Road on the Ground (at grade)
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Dimension 1

a b c d e f R r1 r2 r1' r2' ø1 ø2 ø1' ø2'


2 2.352 2.201 2.161 2.011 1.056 1.058 6.511 3.795 4.316 3.969 4.489 58.108728* 69.196463* 58.190928* 68.819254*

3 2.453 2.222 2.269 2.039 1.021 1.025 6.539 3.706 4.219 3.973 4.485 59.154205* 70.634525* 59.211739* 69.992362*

4 2.538 2.230 2.358 2.050 1.000 1.008 6.568 3.637 4.145 3.993 4.501 59.936933* 71.771219* 59.942560* 70.776039*


2 7.263 2.110 2.000 1.913 2.023 0.752 0.000 -0.600 0.326 0.148 -0.724 -0.902
3 7.291 2.169 2.062 1.929 2.035 0.752 0.000 -0.600 0.364 0.097 -0.686 -0.953
4 7.320 2.218 2.113 1.936 2.040 0.752 0.000 -0.600 0.402 0.046 -0.648 -0.004

Figure 9 - Typical cross section of a freeway for a toll road in a tunnel (underpass)
Min20 M







1,6m 1,6m

Figure 10 – A typical cross section of a freeway for elevated toll roads

5.6.2 Width of lane and road lanes

The width of the lane and the width of the shoulder of the road are determined based on the location of the
toll road and the speed of the plan. The width of the lane and shoulder of the road can be seen in Table 11.

Table 11 Width of lane and shoulder of toll road

Outer Shoulder Deep Shoulder

Location VR Wide of lane (m) Width Width
of Toll (km/hou) Hardened (m) Hardened(m)
Road Minimal Ideal Minimal Ideal*)
120 3,60 3,75 3,00 3,50 1,50
Intercity 100 3,60 3,60 3,00 3,50 1,50
80 3,60 3,60 3,00 3,50 1,00
100 3,50 3,60 3,00 3,50 1,00
Urban 80 3,50 3,50 2,00 3,50 0,50
60 3,50 3,50 2,00 3,50 0,50

*) needed when large vehicles are damaged

Transverse slope can be done in 1 (one) direction or 2 (two) directions for each path, as illustrated in the
following Figure 11 and 12.

Figure 11 - Slope across the road on the track

Picture 12 - Slope across the road

The normal transverse slope of traffic lanes is 2-3% and road shoulder 3-5%,

5.5.3 Median
Median or middle separator is a building that functions to separate traffic flows in opposite directions and
there are three types of median standards that can be used

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1. Median Concrete Barrier, which is a longitudinal barrier that functions as a safety. There
are 2 types of Median concrete barriers, namely the standard type with a height of 32
"(81.28 cm) and type" high "with a height of 42" (106.68 cm).

Figure 13 - Median Concrete Barrier with High type

2. The median is lowered, the number that is lower than the surface of the traffic path. The data that is
lowered must follow the conditions as follows:
• installed if the width of land provided for the median is greater or equal to 5.0m
• the slope of the median surface is between 6% -15%, starting from the outside to the middle of the
median and physically in the form of a bend.
• for toll roads in urban areas, the lowered median is not permitted, it must be flat as green open
space and / or space for additional lane widening in the future.
• detail pieces and lowered median placement in cross sections of the road can be seen in Figure 14.

Figure 14 - Median is lowered

The median width of the road must meet the conditions in Table 12

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Table 12 Median toll road planning
Location Wide of Median (m)
of Toll Minimal Construction Stage
Intercity 5,50 13,00 measured from the margins
Urban 3,00 10,00 in the traffic lane
Note: For medians with a minimum width must use a traffic safety rail.

5.6.4 The median cross section on the road is superelevation

In superelevation bend conditions, the median freeway for the toll road is chosen by 3 (three) methods to
be reduced in the elevated reach, as in Figure 15 and described as follows:
a) Method 1, with conditions:
1) The entire traffic lane including the median exposed to super elevation resembles a flat plot;
2) The middle part of the median becomes the right axis of the elevation.
b) Method 2, with conditions:
1) The entire traffic lane without a median is evaluated;
2) The shares in the medical industry are in the form of a crossroad in the yard, and the general
election becomes the rotary axis of the outer lane.
c) Method 3, with provisions:
1) Both traffic lanes are treated separately;
2) Each traffic lane uses the axis of its path to do super elevation

Figure 15 - Achievement of super elevations on the road with the median

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5.7 Visibility and freedom aside
5.7.1 Distance view
The distance of view (S) is measured based on the level of the height of the driver is 108 cm and the height
is 60 cm measured from the surface of the road. Each part of the road must meet visibility.

Figure 16 - Stop visibility in a convex vertical arc

Figure 17 - Stop visibility in a concave vertical arc

Stop visibility (Ss) consists of 2 (two) elements of distance, namely:

a) distance of reaction (Sr) is the distance of the movement of the driving force to see an obstacle which
causes it to stop until the driver experiences the injury;
b) initial braking distance (Sb) is the distance of the vehicle's movement since the driver stepped on the
brake until the vehicle stops.

Stop visibility can occur in two specific conditions as follows:

a) Stop visibility (Ss) on flat parts is calculated by the formula:

b) Stop visibility (Ss) due to slope is calculated by the formula:

VR = Speed plan (km/hour)
T = reaction period, set up 2,5 second
a = deceleration rate /sec2), set up 3,4meter/sec2
G = road slope (%)

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Table 13 contains the minimum Ss calculated based on the formula above with rounding for various VRs.

Table 13 Minimum stopping distance (Ss)

VR Initial Reaction Breaking initial distance Stop viewing distance (m)

(km/hour) Distance(m) (m) culation unded
120 83,3 163,4 46,7 250
100 69,4 113,5 82,9 185
80 55,6 72,6 28,2 130
60 41,7 40,8 82,5 85

Table 14 contains the minimum Ss with slope calculated based on the above formula for various VRs.

Table 14 Minimum stopping distance (Ss) with slope

Stop viewing distance (m)
Acending Derivatives
1% 2% 3% 4% 5% 6% 1% 2% 3% 4% 5% 6%
120 252 257 263 269 275 281 243 238 234 230 227 223
100 187 190 194 198 203 207 180 177 174 172 169 167
80 131 133 136 138 141 144 127 125 123 121 120 118
60 84 86 87 88 90 92 82 81 80 79 78 77

5.7.2 Side free areas are bent

upper bound area is intended to give the appearance of the boundary by freeing the obstructive objects as
far as M (meters), measured from the center line of the lane to the obstructions of the view as long as the
conditions stop being met. Illustration of the area is the upper border and can be seen in Figure 18
Figure 18 - illustrated diagram of components to determine the free area of the side

Stop viewing distance

Axis of Road

Line of
Inner lane


Side free areas in bends in certain conditions are calculated based on the following formula:
a) If visibility is smaller than the length of the bend (Ss < Lc as shown in the Figure 19;

24 dari 76
b) If visibility is greater than the length of the bend (Ss > Lc) as shown in the Figure 20.

M : distance measured from the inner lane axis to the view barrier object (m)
R : inner lane radius (m)
Ss : stop visibility (m)
Lc : bend length (m)

Figure 19 - Illustration diagram of the side free area round the corner for Ss < Lc

25 dari 76
Figure 20 - Illustration diagram of the side free area round the corner for Ss > Lc

Figure 21 gives the M value for the condition Ss <Lc at each plan speed. Whereas Table 15 to Table 17
presents the M value calculated using the formula above. The table is used to determine the value of M

Figure 21 - Clearn (M) based on stop vesibility on bends (Ss< Lc)

26 dari 76
Table 15 : The free side areas at the bend with Ss< Lc

The free side area at the bend (m)

R (m)
VR = 120 km/hour VR = 100 km/hour VR = 80 km/hour VR = 60 km/hour
1.627 4,80
1.500 5,21
1.400 5,58
1.300 6,00
1.200 6,50
1.140 6,84 3,75
1.000 7,80 4,28
900 8,67 4,75
800 9,75 5,34
700 11,13 6,10
600 12,97 7,12
563 Rmin = 590 7,59 3,75
500 8,53 4,22
400 10,65 5,27
300 Rmin = 365 7,01
250 8,40
240 8,74 3,75
200 Rmin = 210 4,50
175 5,14
150 5,98
140 6,40
130 6,89
120 7,45
Rmin = 110

Tabble 16 Free side areas at the bend with Ss > Lc, where Ss - Lc = 25 m

Free side areas at the bend, M= (m)

R (m)
VR = 120 km/hour VR = 100 km/hour VR = 80 km/hour VR = 60 km/hour
1.611 4,80
1.500 5,15
1.400 5,52
1.300 5,95
1.200 6,44
1.119 6,90 3,75
1.000 7,72 4,20
900 8,58 4,66
800 9,65 5,24
700 11,02 5,99
600 12,85 6,99
542 Rmin = 590 7,73 3,75
500 8,38 4,06
400 10,46 5,08
300 Rmin = 365 6,76
250 8,10
220 9,21 3,75
200 Rmin = 210 4,11
175 4,70
150 5,47
140 5,86
130 6,31
120 6,82
Rmin = 110

27 dari 76
Table 17 Free side areas at the bend with Ss > Lc, where Ss - Lc = 50 m

Free site areas at the bend, M (m)

R (m)
VR = 120 km/hour VR = 100 km/hour VR = 80 km/hour VR = 60 km/hour
1.562 4,80
1.500 5,00
1.400 5,35
1.300 5,77
1.200 6,25
1.057 7,09 3,75
1.000 7,49 3,96
900 8,32 4,40
800 9,36 4,95
700 10,69 5,66
600 12,46 6,60
500 Rmin = 590 7,91
480 8,25 3,75
400 9,88 4,49
300 Rmin = 365 5,99
250 7,18
200 Rmin = 210
157 3,75
150 3,93
140 4,21
130 4,53
120 4,91
Rmin = 110

Road intercity “rumija”, 40 m, distance between the inner lane axis to “rumija” is 6,75 m. Urban
Road, rumija 30 m, the distance between inner lane axis to “rumija” is 4,25 m.

5.8 Alignment horizontal

5.8.1 General
a) Horizontal alignment consists of straight parts and curved parts (also called bends).
b) The geometry of the curved section is designed in such a way as to compensate for the centrifugal
force received by the vehicle running at VR speed.
c) For road user safety, visibility and roadside free areas, horizontal alignments must be calculated accurately.
5.8.2 Length of the straight section
Taking into account road safety factors, in terms of driver fatigue, the maximum length of the straight road
must be taken in no more than 2.5 minutes (according to VR).
The length of the straight section is determined according to Table 18 as follows
Table 18 Length of the straight section maximum

VR Lenght of the straight section maximum (m)

(km/jam) Calculation Rounded
140 5833,3 5850
120 5000,0 5000
100 4166,7 4200
80 3333,3 3350
60 2500,0 2500

28 dari 76
5.8.3 Standard bend shapes (added when used FC, SCS and SS)
Standard bend forms consist of 3 (three) forms in general, namely:
a) Full Circle (FC), which is a full circle arc. This bend has a central circle with a uniform radius.
b) Spiral-Circle-Spiral (SCS), which is a bend consisting of 1 (one) circle arch and 2 (two) spiral arches.
c) Spiral-Spiral (SS), which is a bend consisting of 2 (two) spiral arches.
d) Special arches, namely in the form of compound bends which have several bend radius, which can
consist of 3 (three) spiral arches or more.
The standards for these bend shapes and their explanations can be seen in Figure 22 to Figure 24, whose
use and application must take into account the planned conditions and field situation.

Figure 22 - Full Circle Bend

Figure 23 – Spriral Bend – Cicle Spiral

Figure 24 Spiral Bend-Spiral

5.8.4. Bend length

The length of the bend (Lt) can consist of the length of a circular arc (Lc) and the length of 2 (two) spiral
arches (Ls) or some spiral arches measured along the axis of the road. To ensure the smoothness and
ease of driving a vehicle during cornering, the length of a bend is not less than 6 seconds traveling by VR.
This length can be calculated based on VR or determined based on Table 19 as follows:

Tabel 19 Bend Length Minimum

VR Bend Length Minimum

(km/hour) (m)
120 200
100 170
80 140
60 100
Note : (need to be explained..) 30 dari 76
a. At the full circle bend, the value of Ls = 0, so Lt = Lc
b. At the Spirals bend, the value of Lc = 0, so Lt = 2 Ls
5.8.5 Superelevation
a) Superelevation must be made on all bends except for bends that have a larger radius than Rmin
without superelevation. The amount of superelevation must be planned in accordance with VR.
b) Superelevation applies to traffic lanes and road shoulder
c) The maximum superelevation value is set between 4% -10%
d) Drainage issues must be considered in achieving slope.
5.8.6 Bend Radius
The minimum bend radius (Rmin) is set as follows

Rmin = minimum (m) bend finger,
VR = Plan speed (km / h),
emax = Superelevasi maximum (%),
fmax = maximum friction coefficient,
The maximum superelevation value is determined using Table 20 as follows:
Tabel 20 Maximum superelevation based on land use and climate
Max. Superelevation Condition Used
10% The Maximum for Intercity Toll Roads
8% The Maximum for Intercity Toll Roads with High Rainfall
6% Maximum for Urban Toll Roads
4% Maximum for High Descity of Urban Toll Roads

The maximum friction coefficient value is determined using Table 21 as follows

Table 21 Maximum friction coefficient based on VR
VR Max. Friction Coefficient
(km/hour) (fmax)
120 0,092
100 0,116
80 0,140
60 0,152

The results of the Rmin calculation are shown in Table 22 and the distribution of the superelevation based
on the R value is shown in Figure 25 to Figure 28 as follows
Table 22 Minimun Radius Length (rounded)
emax VR Rmin (m)
fmax (e/100+f)
(%) (km/hour) Calculation Rounded
10,0 120 0,092 0,192 590,6 590
10,0 100 0,116 0,216 364,5 365
10,0 80 0,140 0,240 210,0 210
10,0 60 0,152 0,252 112,5 110
8,0 120 0,092 0,172 659,2 660
8,0 100 0,116 0,196 401,7 400
8,0 80 0,140 0,220 229,1 230
8,0 60 0,152 0,232 122,2 120
6,0 120 0,092 0,152 746,0 745
6,0 100 0,116 0,176 447,4 445
6,0 80 0,140 0,200 252,0 250
6,0 60 0,152 0,212 133,7 135
4,0 120 0,092 0,132 859,0 860
4,0 100 0,116 0,156 504,7 505
4,0 80 0,140 0,180 280,0
31 dari 76 280
4,0 60 0,152 0,192 147,6 150
Fiture 25 - Distribution of superelevation quantities for superelevation maximum 10%

Fiture 26 - Distribution of superelevation quantities for superelevation maximum 8%

32 dari 76
Figure 27 - Distribution of superelevation quantities for superelevation maximum 6%

Figure 28 - Distribution of superelevation quantities for superelevation maximum 4%

33 dari 76
The choice of Rmin or bend with emax for a bend is not to provide comfort to road users. Besides that, the
speed of the cornering vehicle varies, thus, the use of Rmin is only for difficult road conditions and only in
urban areas, it is required to use R which is greater than Rmin.
5.8.7 Interchange arches
Transition curves (Ls) function to give the driver the chance to anticipate changes in road alignment from
a straight shape (R infinity) to the curved part of the road with a finger R fixed, thus, the centrifugal force
acting on the vehicle when crossing the bend changes gradually installments, both when the vehicle
approaches the bend or leaves the bend.
Transitional arch provisions are as follows:
a) The intermediate curvature used is spiral (clothoide)
b) Transitional curvature is determined by the following considerations:
1) travel time across the transition arch
2) the rate of change in slope across the road
3) centrifugal force acting on the vehicle
4) the level of change in relative slope
c) Ls are determined that meet the four criteria above, so that the longest Ls value is chosen. Time of travel across the intermediate arch

The travel time across the transition arch must be limited to avoid the sudden change in alignment.
This criterion is calculated by the formula:

VR : Speed plan (km/hour)
T : travel time in transition arches (seconds), set by 2 seconds
Or used Table 23 below:

Table 23 Ls min based on travel time

VR (km/hour) Ls min (m)

120 67
100 56
80 45
60 34 Level of change in slope across the road

The rate of change of cross-road slope (re) from the form of normal slope to full super-elevation slope
cannot exceed the specified re-max as follows:
a) for VR ≤ 70 km / h, re-max = 0.035 m/m/sec,
b) for VR ≥ 80km / hour, re-max = 0.025 m/m/sec.

This criterion is calculated by the formula:

em : superelevation maximum (%)
en : superelevation normal (%)
VR : speed plan (km/hour)
re : the rate of change in cross-slope road (m/m/s)
34 dari 76

Or used Table 24 below:

Tabel 24 Ls min based on the level of change in slope across the road

em Ls min (m)
(%) VR = 120 km/hour VR = 100 km/hour VR = 80 km/hour VR = 60 km/hour
10,0 107 89 71 38
9,5 100 83 67 36
9,0 93 78 62 33
8,5 87 72 58 31
8,0 80 67 53 29
7,5 73 61 49 26
7,0 67 56 44 24
6,5 60 50 40 21
6,0 53 44 36 19
5,5 47 39 31 17
5,0 40 33 27 14
4,5 33 28 22 12
4,0 27 22 18 10
3,5 20 17 13 7
3,0 13 11 9 5
2,5 7 6 4 2
2,0 0 0 0 0

35 dari 76 Centrifugal forces acting on vehicles
The centrifugal force acting on the vehicle can be anticipated to be gradually in the transition arc safely.
This criterion is calculated by the formula:

Remarks :
VR : Speed plan (km/hour)
R : Bend radius (m)
C : Change in maximum radial direction acceleration (m/det3), used 1,2 m/det3

or used in Table 25:

Table 25 Ls min based on anticipation of centrifugal force

R Ls min (m)
(m) VR = 120 km/hour VR = 100 km/hour VR = 80 km/hour VR = 60 km/hour
2500 12 7
2000 15 9 5
1500 21 12 6 3
1400 22 13 7 3
1300 24 14 7 3
1200 26 15 8 3
1000 31 18 9 4
900 34 20 10 4
800 39 22 11 5
700 44 26 13 6
600 51 30 15 6
500 36 18 8
400 45 23 10
300 30 13
250 37 15
200 19
175 22
150 26
140 28
130 30
120 32
110 35 Level of change in relative slope

The level of change in relative slope (∆) from a normal slope to a super-elevated full slope should not
exceed the maximum ∆ specified in Table 26.
Table 26 The maximum rate of change in transverse slope
VR ∆
(km/hour) (m/m)
120 1/263
100 1/227
80 1/200
60 1/167

The length of attainment of a change in slope from a normal slope to a full super-elevation slope (Ls) is
calculated using the formula:

36 dari 76
W : width of one lane of traffic (m)
Ed : superelevation of the plan (%)
n1 : number of lanes rotated
bw : adjustment factor for the number of lanes being rotated
n1 1 1,5 2
bw 1,00 0,83 0,75

∆ : level of change in relative slope (m / m)

The bend that has R with the value e = LN does not require an intermediate curve and a bend that has R
with the value e = RC does not require superelevation.

Table 27 Relationship of horizontal curvilinear planning parameters with VR

(emax = 10%)
VR = 120 km/hour VR = 100 km/hour VR = 80 km/hour VR = 60 km/hour
R Ls (m) Ls (m) Ls (m) Ls (m)
e e e e
2 4 2 4 2 4 2 4
(m) (%) Lane Lane (%) Lane Lane (%) Lane Lane (%) Lane Lane
7000 LN 0 0 LN 0 0 LN 0 0 LN 0 0
5000 LN 0 0 LN 0 0 LN 0 0 LN 0 0
3000 2,5 23 35 RC 16 25 LN 0 0 LN 0 0
2500 2,9 28 42 2,2 18 27 LN 0 0 LN 0 0
2000 3,6 34 52 2,7 22 33 RC 14 22 LN 0 0
1500 4,8 45 68 3,5 29 43 2,4 17 26 LN 0 0
1400 5,1 48 72 3,8 31 46 2,6 19 28 RC 12 18
1300 5,4 52 77 4,0 33 49 2,8 20 30 RC 12 18
1200 5,9 56 83 4,3 35 53 3,0 21 32 RC 12 18
1000 6,9 66 99 5,1 42 63 3,5 25 38 2,2 13 20
900 7,6 72 108 5,6 46 69 3,9 28 42 2,5 15 22
800 8,5 80 120 6,2 51 76 4,3 31 46 2,7 16 25
700 9,4 89 134 6,9 57 85 4,8 35 52 3,1 19 28
600 10,0 95 142 7,9 64 97 5,5 40 59 3,6 21 32
500 Rmin = 590 9,0 73 110 6,4 46 69 4,2 25 37
400 9,9 81 121 7,5 54 81 5,0 30 45
300 Rmin = 365 9,0 65 97 6,3 38 56
250 9,7 70 105 7,1 43 64
200 Rmin = 210 8,2 49 74
175 8,8 53 79
150 9,4 56 85
140 9,6 58 87
130 9,8 59 88
120 10,0 60 90
110 10,0 60 90
Rmin = 110
emax : Superelevation maximum 10%
R : Diameter arch
: Assume speed plan
e : Superelevation level
Ls : Minimum length of achiement of superelevation run off
Excluding the length of achievement of super-run run out)
LN : Normal Slope
RC : The outer slope is rotated so that the pavement
gets a cross slope as big as the normal slope.
37 dari 76
Table 28 Relationship of horizontal curve planning parameters with VR

(emax = 8%)
VR = 120 km/hour VR = 100 km/hour VR = 80 km/hour VR = 60 km/hour
R Ls (m) Ls (m) Ls (m) Ls (m)
e (%) (%) (%) e (%)
2 4 2 4 2 4 2 4
(m) Lajur Lajur Lajur Lajur Lajur Lajur Lajur Lajur
7000 LN 0 0 LN 0 0 LN 0 0 LN 0 0
5000 LN 0 0 LN 0 0 LN 0 0 LN 0 0
3000 2,4 23 34 RC 16 25 LN 0 0 LN 0 0
2500 2,9 27 41 2,1 17 26 LN 0 0 LN 0 0
2000 3,5 33 50 2,6 21 32 RC 14 22 LN 0 0
1500 4,6 43 65 3,4 28 42 2,4 17 25 LN 0 0
1400 4,8 46 69 3,6 30 44 2,5 18 27 RC 12 18
1300 5,2 49 74 3,9 32 47 2,7 19 29 RC 12 18
1200 5,6 53 79 4,1 34 51 2,9 21 31 RC 12 18
1000 6,5 61 92 4,8 39 59 3,4 24 36 2,2 13 20
900 7,1 67 100 5,2 43 64 3,7 27 40 2,4 14 21
800 7,6 72 108 5,7 47 70 4,1 29 44 2,7 16 24
700 8,0 75 113 6,3 52 78 4,5 33 49 3,0 18 27
600 Rmin = 660 7,0 57 86 5,1 37 55 3,4 20 31
500 7,6 63 94 5,8 41 62 3,9 24 35
400 8,0 65 98 6,6 48 71 4,6 28 42
300 Rmin = 400 7,6 55 82 5,6 34 51
250 7,9 57 86 6,2 37 56
200 Rmin = 230 7,0 42 63
175 7,4 44 66
150 7,8 47 70
140 7,9 47 71
130 8,0 48 72
120 8,0 48 72
Rmin = 120
emax : Superelevation maximum 8%
R : Diameter arch
: Assume speed plan
e : Superelevation level
Ls : Minimum length of achiement of superelevation run off
Excluding the length of achievement of super-run run out)
LN : Normal Slope
RC : The outer slope is rotated so that the pavement
gets a cross slope as big as the normal slope.

38 dari 76
Table 29 Relationship of horizontal curve planning parameters with VR

(emax = 6%)
VR = 120 km/hour VR = 100 km/hour VR = 80 km/hour VR = 60 km/hour
R Ls (m) Ls (m) Ls (m) Ls (m)
e (%) (%) (%) e (%)
2 4 2 4 2 4 2 4
(m) Lajur Lajur Lajur Lajur Lajur Lajur Lajur Lajur
7000 LN 0 0 LN 0 0 LN 0 0 LN 0 0
5000 LN 0 0 LN 0 0 LN 0 0 LN 0 0
3000 2,3 23 34 RC 16 25 LN 0 0 LN 0 0
2500 2,7 27 41 2,1 17 26 LN 0 0 LN 0 0
2000 3,3 33 50 2,6 21 32 RC 14 22 LN 0 0
1500 4,2 43 65 3,4 28 42 2,4 17 25 LN 0 0
1400 4,4 46 69 3,6 30 44 2,5 18 27 RC 12 18
1300 4,7 49 74 3,9 32 47 2,7 19 29 RC 12 18
1200 4,9 53 79 4,1 34 51 2,9 21 31 RC 12 18
1000 5,5 61 92 4,8 39 59 3,4 24 36 2,2 13 20
900 5,8 67 100 5,2 43 64 3,7 27 40 2,4 14 21
800 6.0 72 108 5,7 47 70 4,1 29 44 2,7 16 24
700 8,0 75 113 6,3 52 78 4,5 33 49 3,0 18 27
600 Rmin = 745 7,0 57 86 5,1 37 55 3,4 20 31
500 7,6 63 94 5,8 41 62 3,9 24 35
400 8,0 65 98 6,6 48 71 4,6 28 42
300 Rmin = 445 7,6 55 82 5,6 34 51
250 7,9 57 86 6,2 37 56
200 Rmin = 250 7,0 42 63
175 7,4 44 66
150 7,8 47 70
140 7,9 47 71
130 8,0 48 72
120 8,0 48 72
Rmin = 135
emax : Superelevation maximum 6%
R : Diameter arch
: Assume speed plan
e : Superelevation level
Ls : Minimum length of achiement of superelevation run off
Excluding the length of achievement of super-run run out)
LN : Normal Slope
RC : The outer slope is rotated so that the pavement
gets a cross slope as big as the normal slope.

39 dari 76
Table 30 Relationship of horizontal curve planning parameters with VR

(emax = 4%)
VR = 100 km/hour VR = 80 km/hour VR = 60 km/hour
R Ls (m) Ls (m) Ls (m)
(m) e e e
2 4 2 4 2 4
(%) Lajur Lajur (%) Lajur Lajur (%) Lajur Lajur

7000 LN 0 0 LN 0 0 LN 0 0
5000 LN 0 0 LN 0 0 LN 0 0
3000 RC 16 25 LN 0 0 LN 0 0
2500 1,9 16 25 LN 0 0 LN 0 0
2000 2,2 18 27 RC 14 22 LN 0 0
1500 2,6 22 32 RC 14 22 LN 0 0
1400 2,7 22 34 2,1 15 22 LN 0 0
1300 2,8 23 35 2,2 16 24 LN 0 0
1200 3,0 24 36 2,3 17 25 RC 12 18
1000 3,2 27 40 2,5 18 27 RC 12 18
900 3,4 28 42 2,7 19 29 RC 12 18
800 3,6 29 44 2,8 20 30 2,1 13 19
700 3,8 31 46 3,0 21 32 2,3 14 21
600 3,9 32 48 3,2 23 35 2,5 15 22
500 Rmin = 505 3,5 25 37 2,7 16 24
400 3,7 27 40 2,9 18 26
300 4,0 29 43 3,3 20 30
250 Rmin = 280 3,6 21 32
200 3,8 23 34
175 3,9 24 35
150 4,0 24 36
Rmin = 150
emax : Superelevation maximum 4%
R : Diameter arch
: Assume speed plan
e : Superelevation level
Ls : Minimum length of achiement of superelevation run off
Excluding the length of achievement of super-run run out)
LN : Normal Slope
RC : The outer slope is rotated so that the pavement gets a
cross slope as big as the normal slope

40 dari 76 Requirements for LSM and Ls max
If the intermediate curve is used, then the position of the bend path shifts from the part of the road that is
straight to the inside as far as p.

Figure 29 - Shift of the track on a bend using a transitional curve

If the p value is less than 0.20 m, then the intermediate arc is not needed. So that the bend type becomes
a full circle
Ls min = 24 ( pmin ) R

The intermediate curve is also limited by the magnitude of the p value which is permissible if it uses an
intermediate arc of 1.0 m. So that the equation for the maximum arch length allowed is as follows:

Ls max = 24( pmax ) R

Table 31 Ls min and Ls max based on track shift (p)

41 dari 76
Figure 30 - Superelevation diagram with the axis of the road axis

Figure 31 - Superelevation diagram with the rotating axis of the side in the pavement

42 dari 76
Figure 32 – Superelevation diagram with the rotating axis on the outside of the pavement
5.8.8 Superelevation Diagram
a) Superelevation is achieved gradually from the normal transverse slope on the straight part of the
road to full superelevation in the curved part, as in Figure 33

Figure 33 - The method of achieving superelegation in bends

b) On the SCS type bend, superelevation is carried out linearly, starting from the normal form to the
beginning of the intermediate curve at the TS point, then increasing gradually until it reaches full
superelevation at the SC point, as in Figure 34.
c) At the FC type bend, if needed superelevation is carried out linearly, starting from the straight part
along the 2/3 LS and continuing to the full circle section along 1/3 the length of Ls, as shown in Figure
d) In the SS type bend, the achievement of superelevation is carried out in the spiral section, as in Figure

43 dari 76
Figure 34 - Achievement of superelevations on SCS type bends

Figure 35 - Superelevation of FC type bends

44 dari 76
Figure 36 - Achievement of superelevations on SS type bends

5.8.9 Widening of the traffic lane on the bend

Widening on the bend is intended to maintain the operational service conditions of traffic at the
bend, so that it is the same as operational services in the straight part of the road.
On highways for toll roads, where bend planning is as far as possible using a large bend radius,
widening the traffic lane is not significant. However, in planning a loop in the form of a loop,
widening the traffic lane on the bend must be considered, according to the formula:
W = Wc – Wn

W : Widening the road on the bend (m)
Wc : The width of the road at the bend (m)
Wn : The width of the road on a straight road (m)

45 dari 76
Figure 37 - Widening on bends for semi-trailer vehicles

The planned vehicle that will be used in planning the widening of the road at the bend is a V-type vehicle
truck semi trailer with a large combination of 5 axes. The widening of the traffic lane based on the plan
speed and bend radius is determined as in Table 32 as follows

46 dari 76
Table 32 Widening of the traffic lane on the bend

VR = 120 km/hour VR = 100 km/hour VR = 80 km/hour VR = 60 km/hour

Widening, Widening, Widening, Widening,
(m) Wc (m) Wc (m) Wc (m) Wc (m)
W (m) W (m) W (m) W (m)
3000 7,24 0,04 7,21 0,01 7,17 0,00 7,13 0,00
2500 7,27 0,07 7,23 0,03 7,19 0,00 7,15 0,00
2000 7,31 0,11 7,27 0,07 7,22 0,02 7,18 0,00
1500 7,38 0,18 7,33 0,13 7,27 0,07 7,22 0,02
1000 7,49 0,29 7,43 0,23 7,37 0,17 7,30 0,10
900 7,53 0,33 7,46 0,26 7,39 0,19 7,33 0,13
800 7,57 0,37 7,50 0,30 7,43 0,23 7,36 0,16
700 7,62 0,42 7,55 0,35 7,47 0,27 7,40 0,20
600 7,69 0,49 7,61 0,41 7,53 0,33 7,45 0,25
500 Rmin = 590 m 7,69 0,49 7,60 0,40 7,51 0,31
400 7,81 0,61 7,71 0,51 7,61 0,41
300 Rmin = 365 m 7,88 0,68 7,77 0,57
250 8,02 0,82 7,89 0,69
200 Rmin = 210 m 8,07 0,87
150 8,35 1,15
140 8,43 1,23
130 8,52 1,32
120 8,63 1,43
110 8,76 1,56
100 Rmin = 110 m

Widening of values less than 0.60 m can be ignored. For road 6/2 D, the widening value is multiplied by 1.5,
while for road 8/2 D the widening value is multiplied by 2.0.

5.8.10 Standard forms of consecutive bends

There are two standard types of consecutive bend shapes:
a) consecutive bends, which are two or more bends with the same turn direction but with different radius
b) consecutive twists and turns, which are two or more bends with different turns.

The use of consecutive bends must be considered based on the ratio R1 and R2, where it can be determined
that R1 is the radius of the greater bend. Provisions for consecutive bends are as follows:
a) Each consecutive bend must have a straight slope that has a normal slope with the following
1) On consecutive bends in the direction, the length of the straight section is at least 20 m
2) On consecutive bends, the length of the straight section is at least 30 m
b) If R2 / R1> 2/3, then consecutive bends must be avoided
c) If R2 / R1 <2/3, then the reverse direction curve must be inserted in a straight or spiral section /

47 dari 76
R1 > R2


Figure 38 - Consecutive curves that must be avoided

R1 > R2



Figure 39 - Consecutive bends in the direction of minimum straight section inserts

R1 > R2



Figure 40 - Sequential turns behind the direction that must be avoided

R1 > R2



Figure 41 - The reverse direction curve with minimum straight section inserts

48 dari 76
5.9 Vertical alignment
5.9.1 Vertical alignment parts
Vertical alignment consists of straight sections and curved parts.
a) Straight parts can be positive ramps (inclines), or negative ramps (derivatives), or zero ramps (flat).
b) The vertical curvature can be a concave arch or a convex arch.

Figure 42 - Convex vertical curves and concave vertical arches

If the construction is carried out in stages during the toll road concession period, it must be considered, for
example increasing pavement, increasing lanes, and with efficient and recommended financing, changes
in vertical alignment in the future should be avoided.
5.9.2 Minimum slope
Minimum slope must be given if road conditions do not allow drainage to the side of the road. The minimum
level of slope is set at 0.50%, extending the road for the sake of breaking the water flow.
5.9.3 Maximum slope
Limitation of maximum slope is intended to allow the vehicle to move continuously without losing significant
speed. Maximum slope of the road for vertical alignments must meet Table 33 as follows.

Table 33 Maximum slope

VR Maximum Slope (%)

(km/hour) Flat Hills Mountains
120 3 4 5
100 3 4 6
80 4 5 6
60 5 6 6

5.9.4 Length of critical ramps

The length of the critical ramps is the maximum ramps where the vehicle can maintain its speed in such a
way, which is determined on the basis of the slope and the decrease in the speed of heavy vehicles by 15
km/hour. The critical length is set from Table 34 as follows

50 dari 76
Table 34 Length of critical slope

VR Flat Length Critical Flat

(km/hour) (%) (m)
3 800
120 4 500
5 400
4 700
100 5 500
6 400
5 600
6 500
60 6 500

• If the operating speed drops to twice the Level of service, then use the landing.
• If the operating speed is different (down) 15 km /hour from the design speed then use climbing line, or
by using multi grade
• If the speed drops lower than 15 km/hour from the current speed then the current velocity is assumed
to be the same as the design speed

5.9.5 Climbing lanes

Climbing lanes are intended to accommodate heavy-duty trucks or other vehicles that run slower than
other vehicle vehicles in general, so that other vehicle vehicles can overtake the slow vehicle without
having to move lanes. Climbing lanes must be provided on roads that have a large, continuous slope, and
the traffic volume is relatively dense.
Placement of climbing lanes, based on expressway geometry planning for toll roads must be carried out
with the following conditions:
a) if the critical length is exceeded, the road has VLHR> 25,000 SMP / day, and the percentage of
trucks> 15%.
b) The width of the climbing lane is at least 3.60 m

Figure 43 - Typical climbing lane

51 dari 76
c) The climbing lane starts 30 meters from the beginning of the change in slope with a stretch of 45 meters and
ends 50 meters after the peak of the slope with a 45 meter stretch, as in Figure 43.
d) The minimum distance between 2 climbing lanes is 1.5 km.

5.9.6 Emergency lanes

Long drop lanes allow the vehicle to be out of control, especially heavy vehicles. To anticipate these
conditions, it is necessary to limit the length of the drop lane or provision of emergency lanes. The minimum
criteria for the emergency lane are given for traffic operational conditions reaching 120-140km/ hour and
are provided if the accident rate and fatality rate exceed the applicable standards and guidelines.

Emergency lanes can be slope slope, derivative slope, flat slope, or sand pile, as shown in Figure 44 below

Figure 44 - Types of emergency lanes

Emergency lanes, in addition to using slope, also use several types of material to hold the vehicle's speed.
Several types of material that can hold the vehicle's speed can be seen in Table 35 as follows

52 dari 76
Table 35 Material types and rate resistances for emergency lanes

Tahanan laju Kelandaian

No Jenis Material (kg/1000 kg Ekivalen
berat kendaraan) (%)

1 Portland cement concrete 10 1,0

2 Concrete asphalt 12 1,2
3 Gravel, compacted 15 1,5
4 Soil, sandy, loose 37 3,7
5 The aggregate is destroyed, 50 5,0
6 Gravel, loose 100 10,0
7 Sand 150 15,0
8 Round gravel 250 25,0

To calculate the length of the emergency lane, the following formula can be used:

L : emergency lane length (m)
V : entry speed (km/h)
R : resistance rate, expressed by the multiplicity equivalent (%)
G : slope (%), (+) incline; (-) derivative.

Table 36 - Length of emergency lane for entry speed of 120km/hour

Emergency lane slope (%)

No Materials type
0 2 4 6 8 10
1 Portland cement concrete 378 333 298 270 246 227
2 Concrete asphalt 315 283 258 236 218 202
3 Gravel, compacted 252 231 214 199 186 174
4 Soil, sandy, loose 102 99 95 92 89 87
5 The aggregate is destroyed, 76 74 72 70 68 67
6 Gravel, loose 38 37 37 36 36 35
7 Sand 25 25 25 25 24 24
8 Round gravel 15 15 15 15 15 15
Note: For the total weight of vehicle is 15 ton

53 dari 76
Figure 45 - Length of the emergency lane for entry speeds of 120 km/h
(Numbers show no material)

5.9.7 Vertical arc length

Vertical arches must be provided at each location that experiences changes in slope with the aim of:
a) reduce shocks due to changes in slope; and
b) provides stop visibility.
5.9.8 Convex vertical curves
Convex vertical curvature based on stop view distance is determined by the following formula:
a) if the stop visibility is smaller than the convex vertical arc length (S <L), as in Figure 46;

b) than the convex vertical arc length (S> L), as in Figure 47.

L : vertical arch length (m)
A : difference in gentle algebra (%)
S : stop visibility (m)

54 dari 76
Figure 46 - Stop visibility is smaller than the convex vertical curvature

Figure 47 - Stop visibility is greater than the convex vertical curvature

The minimum value for vertical curvature in conditions of visibility is greater than the vertical arch length,
which is Lmin = 0.6 VR, where VR is in km / h and Lmin is in meters

Convex vertical curve minimum length based on stop view distance, for each motorway plan speed (Vr)
can use Table 37 and Figure 48
Perbedaan Aljabar Landai (%)

Convex Vertical Arch Length (m)

Figure 48 - Convex vertical curvature based on stop visibility

55 dari 76
Table 37 Convex vertical curvature based on stop visibility

Difference Convex Vertical Arch Length (m)

Algebraic ramps
(%) VR = 120 km/hour VR = 100 km/hour VR = 80 km/hour VR = 60 km/hour
12,0 625 309 132
11,0 573 283 121
10,0 521 257 110
9,0 469 232 99
8,0 760 417 206 88
7,0 665 365 180 76
6,0 570 313 155 61
5,0 475 261 129 39
4,0 380 209 96 36
3,0 285 151 48 36
2,0 171 60 48 36
1,0 72 60 48 36

5.9.9 Concave vertical arches

Concave vertical curvature, based on stop view distance, is determined by the following formula:

a) if the stop visibility is smaller than the concave vertical arc length (S <L)

b) if stop visibility is greater than the concave vertical arc length (S> L),

L : vertical arch length (m)
A : sloping algebraic differences (%)
S: stop visibility (m)

The minimum value for vertical arc length in visibility conditions is greater vertical curve length, which is
Lmin = 0.6 VR, where VR is in km/h and Lmin is in meters.

Concave vertical arch minimum length based on stop view distance, for each plan speed (VR) using Table
38 and Figure 49

56 dari 76
Table 38 Concave vertical curvature based on stop visibility

Difference Convex Vertical Arch Length (m)

Algebraic ramps
(%) VR = 120 km/hour VR = 100 km/hour VR = 80 km/hour VR = 60 km/hour
12,0 536 353 208
11,0 491 324 191
10,0 446 294 174
9,0 402 265 156
8,0 503 357 236 139
7,0 440 313 206 122
6,0 377 268 177 104
5,0 315 223 147 87
4,0 252 179 117 66
3,0 169 115 69 36
2,0 72 60 48 36
1,0 72 60 48 36

Figure 49 - Concave vertical curvature based on stop visibility

5.9.10 Concave vertical arch below the track

Concave vertical arches below the track need to be taken into account, given there are limited visibility
with the presence of an overpass. Visibility is calculated based on the truck driver's eye height (h1) 2.40 m
looking at the object (h2) 0.60 m in 2 different slopes G1 and G2 with limited vertical freedom (C) above
the road, as in Figure 50

57 dari 76
Figure 50 - Visibility on the track below

This condition resulted in the emergence of limited visibility in the conditions of each plan speed, which is
very dependent on differences in sloping algebra and the location of the road conditions above the road.

Concave vertical curvature, based on the track distance below, is determined by the following formula:

a) if the stop visibility is smaller than the concave vertical arc length (S <L)

b) if the stop visibility is greather than the concave vertical arc length (S <L),

L : vertical arch length (m)
A : sloping algebraic differences (%)
S : stop visibility (m)
C : vertical freedom (m

58 dari 76
Figure 51 - Concave vertical curvature below the track

When the concave vertical curve is calculated below the track, it is obtained that the concave vertical
curvature produced by the above equation is smaller than if using the usual vertical curvilinear length
equation, the calculation results obtained are greater than the usual vertical curve length equation at the
planned speed 235 km / hour. Then the above equation is only used as a comparison of the usual concave
vertical curve planning.

5.9.11 Comfort factors for concave vertical arches

For the convenience of a concave vertical curve, the concave vertical arch length must be greater than the
following curve


L : vertical arch length (m)

A : difference in gentle algebra (%)
V : plan speed (km / h)

Convex vertical curve minimum length based on comfort factor, for each toll road (VR) plan speed can use
Table 39 and Figure 52

60 dari 76
Table 39 - Concave vertical curvature based on comfort factor

Difference Convex Vertical Arch Length (m)

Algebraic ramps
(%) VR = 120 km/hour VR = 100 km/hour VR = 80 km/hour VR = 60 km/hour
12,0 304 194 109
11,0 278 178 100
10,0 253 162 91
9,0 228 146 82
8,0 292 203 130 73
7,0 255 177 113 64
6,0 219 152 97 55
5,0 182 127 81 46
4,0 146 101 65 36
3,0 109 76 49 27
2,0 73 51 32 18
1,0 36 25 16 9

Figure 52 - Concave vertical curvature based on comfort factor

5.10 Alignment coordination

Vertical alignment, horizontal alignment, and cross section of the toll road must be coordinated in such a
way as to produce a good road shape in the sense of making it easier for the driver to drive the vehicle
safely and comfortably.

The form of the unity of the three elements of the road is expected to give an impression or guidance to the
driver on the shape of the road that will be passed in front of him, so that the driver can anticipate earlier.

61 dari 76
Coordination of vertical alignment and horizontal alignment must meet the following conditions:
a) horizontal curves should coincide with vertical curves, and ideally a slightly longer horizontal
alignment surrounding the vertical alignment.
b) sharp bends at the bottom of a concave vertical arc or at the top of a convex vertical curve must be
c) concave vertical arches on straight and long slopes, must be avoided.
d) two or more vertical curves in one horizontal curve must be avoided.
e) sharp bends between two straight and long parts of the road must be avoided.

5 Provisions on the ramp

6.1 Standards
The connecting road is a road that connects toll roads with existing public roads to the first intersection
which is solely for outbound and / or incoming traffic from and / or to the toll road.
Toll road connections must meet the following standards:
a) A road with a collector's minimum function
b) Having a road class that is able to hold vehicles planned for toll roads
c) Having a road class with minimal highway specifications
d) The space belonging to the road must be fenced

6.2 Planning the geometry of the connecting road

The connecting road geometry planning follows the geometric standards that apply to urban roads and / or
intercity roads, which must meet the above standards.
6.3 Control of the entrance and exit
Provisions for the control of entrances and / or exits are as follows:
a) The access road and ramp to the toll road and from the toll road must be made using the acceleration
lane to enter the main lane and the deceleration lane to exit the main lane.
b) The distance between the same route and exit ramp ramp ramp for the nose ramp is at least 2 (two)
km for toll roads in urban areas and 5 (five) km for toll roads in intercity areas

Figure 53 - Areas of influence on ramp and off ramp

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6.4 Resting place and service place

6.4.1 General requirements

a) Rest and service places are only intended for highway users for toll roads and are prohibited from
being connected with any outside access.
b) Rest and service places are service facilities for toll road users for toll roads and not facilities that
are the destination.
c) Rest and service places must be able to service all types of expressway user vehicles for toll roads.

6.4.2 Geometry requirements exit and entrance

a) The distance between the ramp ramp on the ramp and the ramp ramp off to the resting place and
service or vice versa in the same direction is a minimum of 5 (five) km.
b) The interval between the resting place and the service in the same direction is determined as
follows Table 40:

Table 40 Distance interval between resting place and service

Minimum Distance Maximum Distance

(km) (km)
Distance of resting place with place of 10 20
rest and service
Distance to service place with service 30 50

c) The geometry of the main lane at the location of the rest area must meet the provisions as follows in
Table 41:

Table 41 The main path geometry at the location of the rest area

VR Main lane Geometry Component

(km/hour) Minimum Turning Radius (m) Maximum ramps (%)
120 2.000 2
100 1.500 2
80 1.000 3
60 500 4

The geometry of the exit and ramp with 1 lane of traffic must meet the criteria as follows Table 42:

Table 42 Geometry of exits and ramps with 1 lane of traffic

Geometry Component Criteria Standard

Plan speed 40 km/hour
Lane width 4.00 m
Outer shoulder width (left) 2.50 m
Inner shoulder width (right) 0.50 m
Normal transverse slope 2%
maximum ramps

d). Roads and / or infrastructure for traffic movements within the area of rest and service must be
equipped with traffic arrangements and signs.
e) Entrance and on / off ramp where rest and service are equipped with deceleration lane and
acceleration lane.
f) The ramp nose distance of the exit and entry road with branching or with public facilities (parking
area, gas station area, etc.) at least 60 meters.

64 dari 76
6.1.1 Requirements for service facilities
a) The area of rest and service as well as service facilities must be calculated to be able to
accommodate service needs for up to ten years starting from being operated with the capacity
of service facilities to be built in stages.
b) At the rest area, a minimum parking space must be provided for 30 class I vehicles (passenger
cars and small trucks / single wheels) and 10 class II vehicles (large trucks and large buses)
c) At a minimum rest and service area, parking lots must be provided for 80 class I vehicles and
20 class II vehicles.

7. Technical provisions for interchanges

7.1 Technical requirement for interchanges

Technical requirements for interchanges that must be considered in planning interchanges:

a) Ramps type (Direct, Indirect, Loop);
b) Additional lines consisting of lane acceleration and deceleration;
c) Entry points for interchanges;
d) Use of the design reference axis between the road axis on the main road and the road axis on
the ramp;
e) Standard geometry used;
f) ramp ramps for acceleration and deceleration lanes;
g) Free space is related to the minimum height of the bridge;
h) Consistency of the forms of intersections and / or the distance between sequential intersections.

The balance of the lane in the main lane and in the interchanges which must follow the provisions as
shown in Figure 54.

65 dari 76
Figure 54 - Provisions on the balance of the number of lanes

For the main lane of more than 4 (four) lanes, then between the fourth lane and the fifth lane, road
nails must be provided.

7.2 Standard types and shapes of intersections

The standard specification for expressways for toll roads is the absence of a crossing in the same
level. The standard types and forms of intersections are not as large as the following:
• T (or Trumpet) or Y, for 3-foot/arm interchanges:
• Diamond for 4 feet / arms and major and minor currents;
• Cloverleaf consists of partial cloverleaf and full cloverleaf;
• Directional or direct;
• Combination, is a combination of the basic forms above.

The choice of use and application of the types and forms of intersections not as large as possible
must take into account the availability and conditions of the field from the Toll Road Owned Space
and the surrounding environment. The standard form of intersection is not as large as can be seen
in Figure 55.

66 dari 76



Figure 55 - Standard type 67

ofdari 76
Intersection / Interchange
7.3 Distance of interchanges

Provisions for distance of intersections as illustrated in Figures 56, 57 and 58 are as follows:
a) The distance between the interchanges for the intercity toll road is at least 5 (five) km to US or
with the ramp nose distance of the exit of ramp for the same direction at the two intersections at
a minimum of 5 (five) km.
b) The distance between the intersections for urban toll roads is at least 2 (two) km as to or with
the nose ramp the exit path and ramp ramp for the same direction at the two interchanges at a
minimum of 2 (two) km.

on ramp on ramp

off ramp off ramp

Figure 56 - Illustration of the ramp nose distance on on ramp - on ramp and off ramp - off

on ramp off ramp

Figure 57 - Illustration of ramp nose distance on on ramp - off ramp

off ramp
on ramp

Figure 58 - Illustration of the ramp nose distance on the off ramp - on ramp

c) Service lines must be planned to connect toll roads and non-toll roads that function as arterial
roads or at least collectors in the primary road network system.
d) The distance of the intersection of the intersection of the intersection with the exit ramp ramp
ramp or the intersection distance of the ramp ramp with the break ramp nose ramp in the same
direction at least 5 (five) km.
e) e) The distance of the international airport tunnel / gate / international seaport gate connected
to the toll road must be within the distance of the ramp ramp of the intersection of at least 2 (two)
f) Provision of interchanges on toll roads takes into account the number of residents in the area
concerned to be served, with a provision of at most 1 (one) interchange for 1 (one) region with
a population of at least 100,000 inhabitants.

68 dari 76
7.4 Speed Plan

The speed of the planned ramp intersections connecting toll roads with toll roads (System
Interchanges) must fulfill the provisions as follows:

Table 43 The speed of the ramp plan at system interchanges

VR toll road I VR toll road II

(km/hour) (km/hour)
120 100 80 60
120 60 – 80
100 60 – 80 60 – 80
80 40 – 80 40 – 60 40 – 60
60 40 – 60 40 – 60 40 – 60 40 – 60

The speed of the planned ramp intersection that connects toll roads with non-toll roads (Service
Interchanges) must meet the provisions as follows in Table 44:

Table 44 The speed of the planned ramp at service intervals

VR Toll Road VR non-toll road

(km/hour) (km/hour)
100 80 60
120 60 – 80
100 60 – 80
80 40 – 60 40 – 60
60 40 – 60 40 – 60 40 – 60

7.5 Cross-Section

a) Ramp intersections for 2 (two) traffic directions must be equipped with a median.
b) Width of ramp traffic interchanges with 1 lane of traffic with a minimum direction of 4.5 meters
without considering the need for widening the lane of traffic on the bend.
c) The width of the ramp traffic lanes with 1 lane of traffic for 1 direction or with 2 lanes of traffic for
1 direction, is made equal to the width of the lane of traffic on the main lane taking into account
the widening needs of the bends.
d) The amount of widening needs on the ramp follows the calculation of widening on the bend.
e) The outer shoulder and inner shoulder width in the ramp intersection must meet the provisions
as follows in Table 45:

Table 45 The width of the outer shoulder and inner shoulder in the ramp

Speed of the Main Outer Shoulder Width (m) Lebar Bahu Dalam (m)
Road Plan (km/hour) Intercity Urban Intercity Urban
120 3,00 - 1,00 -
100 3,00 2,00 1,00 1,00
80 3,00 2,00 1,00 0,50
60 - 2,00 - 0,50

f) At the Service Interchange ramp with 2 lanes of traffic for 1 direction, the outer shoulder width can
be made equal to the inner shoulder width.

69 dari 76
7.60 + (A)

1.00 3.60 + (A) 3.00 (2.00)

(a) ramp one lane one way

8.50 (7.50)

1.00 4.50 3.00 (2.00)

15.60 + (2A)


3.00 (2.00) 3.60 + (A) 1.00 1.00 3.60 + (A) 3.00 (2.00)

(c) ramp two lane two way

Remarks: Unit in meter

(A) : widening needed
() : figures for urban toll roads

Figure 59 - Typical cross section of the ramp

The median width on the ramp intersection with 2 (two) traffic lanes for 2 (two) directions
using a flat median or elevated median (median concrete barrier) as in the provisions of the
main road technique mentioned above.

7.6 Ramps Planning

7.6.1 Ramps Type

Based on the movement, there are 3 (three) types of ramp, namely Direct, Semi Direct, and Indirect. Direct

Before the center point, the ramp is directly shaped towards the destination, as in the Figure 60 below.

Figure 60 - Direct lane

70 dari 76 Semi direct

In the direction of the destination, ramp through / around the center point first and cut one of the
other currents perpendicularly, as in Figure 61 below.

Figure 61 – Semi direct lane Indirect

Dalam In the direction of the destination, the ramp turns in the opposite direction and then rotates
around 2700, as in Figure 62 below.

Figure 62 – Indirect Lane

7.6.2 Bend radius on ramp / loop

The bend radius on the ramp / loop must meet the following conditions:
a) In accordance with the speed of the ramp entry plan, as shown in Table 46 below:

Table 46 Minimum bend radius for ramp

VR Minimum Bend Radius (m)

(km/hour) emax = 6% emax = 8% emax = 10%
80 250 230 210
60 135 125 115
40 55 50 45

b) If multiple bends are used, the ratio between the first bend radius and the second bend is 2: 1,
or a minimum of 1.5: 1, with the length of each curve determined as follows Table 48:

71 dari 76
Table 47 The minimum circle arch length on the ramp

Minimum curved circle

R length (m)
Minimal Ideal
150 or bigger 45 60
125 35 55
100 30 45
75 25 35
60 20 30
50 15 20

Figure 63 - Ramp using 1 (one) bend radius

Figure 64 - Ramp using 2 (two) bend radius

Figure 65 - Ramp using 3 (three) bend radius

7.7 The acceleration and deceleration lanes

a) Exit at interchanges with 1 (one) traffic lane using taper type deceleration lane, as shown in
Figure 66 below.

Figure 66 - Taper type deceleration lane

70 dari 76
Figure 67 - Parallel type deceleration lane

b) Entrance to a stack with 1 (one) lane of traffic using a parallel type acceleration lane, as shown
in Figure 68 below.

Figure 68 - Parallel type acceleration lane

Figure 69 - Taper type acceleration lane

c) Exit and Entrance Roads in interchanges with 2 lanes of traffic using deceleration lane and
acceleration lane.
d) The deceleration lane and acceleration lane must fulfill the following provisions in Tables 48
and 49:

Table 48 Minimum lane acceleration length

Minimum lane acceleration length (m)

VR jalan tol
VR ramp (km/jhour)
80 60 40
120 245 410 490
100 40 205 285
80 - 65 145
60 - - 45

71 dari 76
Tabel 49 Minimum deceleration lane length

Minimum deceleration lane length (m)

VR jalan tol
VR ramp (km/hour)
80 60 40
120 120 155 175
100 85 120 145
80 - 80 100
60 - - 65

7.8 Taper

The taper is used for the start of the acceleration / deceleration lane provided for right turn movement
and turn left unison, to direct the merging or separation of traffic on the main lane.

The minimum taper length for separating and joining movements is shown in Table 50 below:

Table 50 Single taper lane length

Speed of plan Minimum taper length (m)

(km/hour) Separate Merged
120 135 270
100 113 225
80 90 180
60 42 84

8 Technical provisions for toll road and toll gates geometry

8.1 Planning requirements

Toll and toll gate planning must pay attention to the following:
a) smooth flow of traffic;
b) security and operating efficiency;
c) free view.

8.1.1 Smooth flow of traffic

a) To avoid the queue at the main toll gates affecting toll road operations, unless it can be proven
through technical analysis, the distance of the connecting road between the main toll gate
towards the non-toll road intersection is a minimum of 2 km while taking into account the balance
of capacity between toll gates and intersections.
b) At toll gates, interchanges or ramps must be planned in such a way that if there is a queue, it
will not disturb the smooth flow of traffic on the main lines of toll roads or non-toll roads.
c) Courtesy of toll roads and toll gates should not be the location of bottle necks for traffic flow.
Therefore, there must be enough traffic lanes and toll booths at the toll gate to be able to
accommodate the traffic volume at peak / busy hours.

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8.1.1 Security and operating efficiency

a) The existence of a toll gate must be known by road users for that it must be equipped with clear
instructions and warnings that can be read from vehicles running at high speed, regarding the
distance to which the toll gate is concerned.
b) To avoid the accumulation of exhaust gas pollution in the toll gate area, the placement of toll
gates in the excavated area is quite avoided.
c) For the drainage needs of the toll road area, the toll gate must be placed at the highest point of
the vertical curve of the convex vertical alignment of the road.
d) Toll gates must allow and guarantee that vehicles can stop and run safely from operational
activities to collect tolls efficiently. For this reason, the toll road should be planned as far as
possible and placed in a straight and flat area.
e) Provision of land for toll road areas and toll gates must take into account the possibility of
increasing gate capacity (expansion) in the future in proportion to the planned maximum road

8.1.2 Free Views

a) The placement of toll gates is avoided placed on bends with small radii or in concave vertical
arches where distance of view is limited and traffic tends to run at relatively high speeds.
b) The toll gate must be placed at least 250 m from the overpass bridge so that the driver's free
view and the toll road geometry are not disturbed.

8.2 Toll road planning

The width of the traffic lane at the 2.90 m toll gate and the width of the toll island (toll island)
is 2.10 m. To be able to serve something special, such as transportation with special vehicles
that are extra wide then the outer lane (left) is made with a minimum width of 3.50 m, the
transverse slope of the pavement surface at a minimum toll road of 1.0% and a maximum of
2 0% while for the toll road pavement surface on the barrier, the transverse slope of the
pavement surface is made at a minimum of 0.5%, provided that the toll gate axis is at a
vertical arch peak with a ramp extending + 2% and -2%.

The widening of the lane on the toll road must be made with sufficient transition length, so as
to enable maneuvering or weaving traffic from the normal lane to the toll lane / substation to
be addressed and / or vice versa.

In the highway barrier yard, widening of the lane must be made with a maximum
taper slope of 1: 8, and the maximum taper slope of the toll road on the ramp or
access road 1: 5.

73 dari 76
Figure 70 - Pelataran tol pada gerbang tol barrier

Figure 71 - Courtesy toll road at ramp toll gate

74 dari 76
In certain special conditions where the availability of land becomes a determinant or the number of toll
lanes is relatively small (2 lanes to 4 lanes only) such as in urban areas for example, maximum slope
is a taper of 1: 3.

Leftmost Lane Free space Free space

Free Space

5,10 m

Toll Toll Toll

Station Station Station

3,50 m 2,10 m 2,90 m 2,10 m 2,90 m 2,10 m

Figure 72 - Free space at the toll gate

8.3 Toll gate planning

8.3.1 General Criteria

Toll gates must be planned according to the following criteria:

a) The form of construction of the roof and minimum height of the toll gate is made in such a way
that it has free space on the traffic lane with a minimum height of 5.10 m.
b) The minimum roof width of the toll gate is 13 m and the form of the listplank is made so as to
enable the installation of traffic lights or lane indicators. The placement of the gate column must
be such that it does not interfere with the free view of the toll collector towards the arrival of the
vehicle and the need for adequate space for gate employees to carry out their duties at the toll
c) For toll gates with lanes of more than 10 lanes (9 toll islands) must be equipped with connecting
tunnels between substations and to the gate office for the safety and security of toll collectors
while simultaneously accommodating utilities.
d) The placement of the lights on the roof of the gate so that it is not so dazzling the toll collector is
to see the coming vehicle and does not interfere with the lane indicator function.

8.3.2 Toll island

The minimum width of the island is 2.10 m with a minimum length of 25 m for a direct line and 33 m
for a reversible lane. The tip of the toll road that faces the direction of traffic is equipped with bull noses
and 2 bumper blocks. One bumper block is placed at the end of the bull nose and the other one is
placed in front of the toll booth. The bull nose length is 7 m and a bumper block height of 1.35 m above
the road surface. The perimeter of the toll road is equipped with concrete curb (canstine / road frame)
with a height of 0.25 m above the road surface.

8.3.3 Toll booth

Toll stations need to be planned in such a way as to create working conditions that are quite
comfortable and safe for toll collectors. For this reason, toll booths must be equipped with temperature
regulators, fresh air supplies and communication devices between substations and with the gate or
toll station.
The toll booth size is at least 1.25 m wide, 2.00 m long and 2.5 m high. The toll gate door is a sliding
door and is placed on the back of the substation, with a minimum width of 0.60 m
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8.3.4 Number of toll booth needs

To determine the number of lanes or number of toll booths planned, it will be determined by 3 (three)
factors, namely:
a) Traffic volume
b) Service time at the toll booth
c) Service standards (number of queues of vehicles allowed) Traffic volume

In planning the number of lanes (toll booths), the traffic volume that must be taken into account is the
volume of traffic during rush hour, in this case what is used is the volume of traffic planning hours. Service time

The amount of service time is strongly influenced by the toll collection system and toll equipment capabilities
as well as the skills and readiness of toll collection and road users. The amount of service time is as follows:

a) Open toll collection system

1) Entry / exit station : 6 seconds
b) Closed toll collection system
1) Entry station : 4 seconds
2) Substation comes out : 10 seconds Gate capacity

For the purposes of calculating the plan for the number of toll lanes at toll gates, the maximum number
of vehicle queues per lane (per substation) is 3 (three) vehicles. Thus the toll gate capacity can be
calculated as shown in Table 51 below:

Table 51 Toll gate capacity is based on number of substations and service time

Toll gate capacity

Number of (unit / hour)
substations Service time (sec)
4 6 10
1 675 450 270
2 1.575 1.050 630
3 2.475 1.650 990
4 3.375 2.250 1.350
5 4.275 2.850 1.710
6 5.175 3.450 2.070
7 6.075 4.050 2.430
8 6.975 4.650 2.790
9 7.875 5.250 3.150
10 8.775 5.850 3.510
11 9.675 6.450 3.870
12 10.575 7.050 4.230
13 11.475 7.650 4.590
14 12.375 8.250 4.950
15 13.275 8.850 5.310

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