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Your details

Name: Hanna

Address: 587 Rosemarry St. Imperal CA 76002

Date of Birth: 3/26/1996


Telephone: (734) 564-8342

Email address:


Your statement:

On October 31,2018, I found London dead. She invited me to her party, we were
lab partners in our chemistry class. She’s a nice, sweet, smart person, on the day
that the incident happen I arrived at her party and she welcomed me in to her
house, we talked for a while and then she went to go do other stuff with other
people. I was with a group of friends. I went to go use the bathroom, I knocked
on the door, no one answered. So, I opened the door and there she was, laying
on the floor. I got scared and screamed, I said “London are you okay, can you
hear me?” Sara also started talking to her but there was no response so she
called 911.

This statement is true to the best of my knowledge and belief. If it is used in evidence, I
understand that I will be liable for prosecution if I have wilfully stated in it anything that I know
to be false or do not believe to be true.
Signed……………………….. Date: ....................................

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