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Saman dance is a unique dance and famous in Indonesia. Dancers

consisted of 10 people. Saman dance is not just a dance but it has its own meaning
and function. The lyrics of this dance are a prayer to the gods that are being said.
Saman dance is usually displayed in commemoration of the Prophet's birthday.
Initially saman dance is a means of propaganda. As the time goes by, the position
of saman dance is not just for propaganda, but rather as a unique art. So, this
article is expected to raise the concerns of generations of indigenous cultures
Indonesian saman dance is not lost in time.

Banda Aceh

Banda Aceh is the provincial capital and largest city in the province of
Aceh, Indonesia, located on the island of Sumatra, with an elevation of 35 meters.
The city regency covers an area of 64 square kilometres and according to the 2000
census had a population of 219,070 people. Banda Aceh is located at the
northwestern tip of Indonesia at the mouth of the River Krueng Aceh.

The city was originally named Kutaraja, and determined as the provincial
capital in 1956. Kuta Raja means "City of the King", in reference to the founding
of the Aceh Sultanate from Champa origins. Later its name was changed to
Bandar Aceh Darussalam or popularly known as Bandar Aceh, with the first part
of the name coming from the Persian bandar meaning "port" or "haven". Today
the city is spelled Banda Aceh with the lost of "r" in "Bandar". The city is also
dubbed to as the "port to Mecca", and Aceh is also referred to as the "porch of
Mecca" (Indonesian: Serambi Mekkah), since in the past during the days when the
hajj pilgrims travelled by sea, the hajj pilgrim from all over Indonesian
archipelago traditionally always make a stop over in the city before continuing
their journey to Mecca. It is also known that earliest Southeast Asian Islamic

sultanates — such as Samudra Pasai — were first established in Aceh, which
means Islam first arrived in Aceh before spreading throughout Southeast Asia.

Banda Aceh was not frequently the subject of international discussion until
26 December 2004, the day the Indian Ocean earthquake struck off the western
coast of Sumatra. Banda Aceh was the closest major city to the earthquake's
epicenter, and suffered further damage when a tsunami struck shortly afterward. It
was the worst hit area out of all the locations hit. 167,000 people died and many
more were injured.[3] The tsunami resulted from an earthquake of magnitude 9.3
and struck at about 6:58am.[4] The epicenter was about 155 miles off the coast of
Banda Aceh. The elected mayor and vice-mayor of Banda Aceh are Mawardi
Nurdin and Illiza Saaduddin.


"Saman" the most popular dance in Aceh and the dance that has become
well-known abroad with the name "Thousand hands". It has its origin from the
Alas ethnic group and is normally performed to celebrate the birthday of the
Prophet Muhammad and other important occasions. Eight to twenty male
performers kneel in a row on the floor and make different kinds of torso
movements accompanied by songs, clapping hands, slapping chests, slapping
hands on the floor, etc. The songs are praises to Allah or prayers. The dance starts
with slow movements and increases its tempo gradually to great speed and finally
come to a sudden stop. There are many different regional versions of "Saman"

It’s an energetic, dynamic and require excellent coordination among its

players. The movements are intense and powerful because, those movements also
formed the rhythm for the dance. Because beside the sound of claps, chest
slapping or hand hitting the floor there’s only one person reading a narrative in
Acehnese tone. If it is not powerful then nobody will hear anything and if it’s out
of control, not only it will ruin the rhythm but somebody may get hurt. However,

those are the charm of this dance. It is dynamic and excellent coordination. Eight
to twenty male performers kneel in a row on the floor and make different kinds of
torso movements accompanied by songs, clapping hands, slapping chests,
slapping hands on the floor, etc.

Saman equipment Costume or special clothing saman portion is divided in


On the head:

bulung pupil or tengkuluk basic black cloth square. Two terms as clothes
embroidered with thread, edit kepies.

On the body:

basic dress / clothes filigree (basic black dress, embroidered in white

thread, green and red, with embroidered waist portion kedawek and kekait, short-
armed dress) pants and a sarong.

On hand:

Bracelet mask, handkerchief. Similarly, the use of color, according to

tradition contains certain values, because it is through the color indicates the
identity of the wearer. The colors reflect the compactness, wisdom, strength,
courage and harmony.

Ethnic groups in Indonesia with a single kebhineka ikaan, giving shape,
color and specific contents of each region. Nanggroe Aceh Darussalam with
several ethnic groups who live in one of these tribes Gayo including single
kebhineka ikaan in miniature and things like this that provide a wealth of dance as
one portion of the wealth of the Indonesian nation.

Motion pace of development, the application of technology in the era of

the development of the state and the nation can not be separated from the negative
impacts. If we do not realize early on, it will be able to fall to extinction until
losing wealth valuable, especially traditional dance that has given meaning.

It is clear that the dances and poems contained in saman dance has given
significance to the community audience. Meaning of hand gestures, pounding feet,
her catwalk body, the view of the eye, has given meaning and significance of the

Saman dance is an idea submission that contains the value of education as

a whole. Thus, saman dance played an important role in the socio-cultural life of
the Indonesian people. In this perspective saman dance that developed in the
province of Aceh, Gayo tribe in particular can contribute positively in the culture
of the people of Aceh. especially in the arts, local language and local customs

In addition, saman dance has been able to contribute in the field of moral
education and religious fields. In each appearance, speakers songs always instilled
good qualities, both moral point of view and religious views.

Moral and religious teachings contained therein conveyed indirectly or

directly. Indirectly the listener as if the song will be prepared to take your own
conclusions on who listens to poetry, while direct, namely speakers of poems
provides conclusions about the meaning of spoken poetry.

The songs usually are praises to Allah or prayers or part of Islamic

teachings. The dance starts with slow movements, increases its tempo gradually to
great speed, and finally come to a sudden stop. There are many different regional
versions of “Saman”.

Currently, Saman’s performed not only related to the birthday of Prophet

Muhammad or other Islamic holidays but it is also performed to promote
Acehnese culture, so it’s performed to open cultural festivals, national ceremonies
or even abroad to promote Indonesia as a whole. Just like the first video here, it is
the rehearsal for one world 2008 in the Maxbell, Pearson college, Canada. It
performed not only by students from Indonesia, but from various countries.

Now, Saman’s also performed by women although in Aceh, if Saman’s

performed by women it is called Meusekat and it’s not originated from Gayo but

from West and South Aceh. However, outside Aceh, people called both kind of
dances as Saman. Maybe because both dances characterized by it’s dynamic and
well-coordinated movement of its players.

Saman although has changed from its original form, continues as an icon
from the Special District of Nanggroe Aceh Darussalam (the official name of
Aceh province) and also become an icon of an attractive speed dance from

Among the wide range of dances from all over Indonesia, including in the
category of dance saman dance was very interesting. The uniqueness lies in the
saman dance moves were amazing compactness. The dancers move in unison to
warrant the music in harmony. Irregular movements are driven as one body,
continued to dance in unison, following the dynamic sang songs. It is interesting,
is not it? Nothing wrong with a lot of saman dance captivate lovers of dance. Not
only from Indonesia, but also from abroad. Now, let us review some more about
this unique dance.

History why is this dance calledSaman dance? Saman dance is in the call
because it was created by a cleric named Sheikh Saman Aceh in XIV century AD,
from the Gayo highlands. Originally, this dance is a game called PokAne people.
However, then added accompaniment poems containing praises to God, and
accompanied by a combination of pat-pat of the dancers. At that time, saman
dance become one of the media propaganda.

At first, saman dance only shown for certain events, especially when
celebrating the anniversary of Prophet Muhammad SAW or referred to
commemorate the birth of Prophet Muhammad. Typically, saman dance is shown
below under Meunasah (a type of surau stage). However, over the ages, Saman
dance was evolved until its use becomes more and more frequent.

Now, saman dance entertainment can be classified as dance / performance,

because dance performances are not bound by time, certain events or ceremonies.
Saman dance can be displayed on every occasion that is hustle and excitement,

such as birthday parties, weddings, or other celebrations. Saman dance usually
done in the house, the grounds, and there is also the use of the stage.

Saman dance is usually displayed guided by a leader who is usually called

Sheikh.Saman Dancers must be able to work well together to create a compact
and harmonious movement.Meaning and FunctionTariSaman serve as media
propaganda. Before Saman started, performing traditional leaders to represent the
local community. Traditional leaders instructing useful to the players and

Poems are in antunkan the Saman dance also contains advice-advice and
propaganda.Here's an example of a piece of poetry in dance's safe:RenoTewani
rice paddy, Manukkedidimulu be rempulis Bunge. Meaning: How beautiful rice
fields graceful wind blown. However, the first sandpiper as the bride and groom
as well as carry the name of the fragrance. But today, a shift function saman

This dance is so often serves as a medium of entertainment at parties,

celebrations, and other events. Chant In the Saman dance, there are 5 different

1. Rengum, namely as opening or mukaddimah of Saman (i.e. after

previous keketar opening speech). Rengum is artificial sound. So
ends directly connected concurrently with sentences contained
therein, including but not limited praise to someone who likened, can
the object, or to the plants.

2. Ring, namely regnum which was soon followed by all the dancers.

3. Redet, namely short songs with short sound sung by a dancer at the
center of the dance.

4. Syek, the song sung by a dancer with a long high-pitched voice,

usually as a sign of change in motion.

5. Saur, the song that is repeated along the entire dancers after sung by a
solo dancer.

Movement Saman dance using two elements pertaining to the basic

elements of the dance saman: applause and pat his chest. Presumably, when the
spread of Islam, sheikhs saman studying ancient Malay dance, then bring back
through the motion, along with verses preaching the message of Islam for the sake
of ease. In the present context, religious ritual dance is still used as a medium for
conveying messages preaching through performances.

Saman dance one dance that is unique, because it only shows the motion
of clapping and other movements, such as rocking motion, kirep, lingang, surang-
filter (all motion is Gayo language). In addition, there are 2 rows of people
singing and clapping Saman dance all dancers must dance in harmony. In Tari
Saman usually, the longer tempo will accelerate that Tari Saman interesting.
Dancer in general, Saman dance played by a dozen or dozens of men. but the
numbers must be odd. However, in a further development, this dance was also
played by women.

Another opinion says dance is danced less than 10 people, with details of 8
dancers and 2 as the grantor while singing. However, developments in the modern
era requires that a dance would be more lively when danced by dancers with
higher numbers. This is where the role of the sheikh, he had to organize the
movement and singing the Saman verses.

Costume or special clothing saman divided into three parts: On the head:
bulung pupil or tengkuluk basic black fabric square. Two terms as clothes
embroidered with thread, edit kepies: In the body: basic shirt / dress filigree (basic
black dress, embroidered in white thread, green and red, embroidered waist
portion kedawek and kekait, shirt short-handed) and sarong pants.· On hand: mask
bracelets, handkerchiefs. Similarly, the use of color, according to tradition
contains certain values, because it is through the color indicates the identity of the
wearer. The colors reflect the compactness, wisdom, strength, courage and

Meaning and Function

Tari Saman used as media propaganda. Before starting Saman, traditional

leaders appear to represent the local community. Traditional leaders to give the
advice that is useful to the players and spectators. Poetry at the Samanantunkan
also contains advice, advice and propaganda.

Here's an example piece of poetry in dance S is safe:Reno Tewani rice

paddy, ManukkedidiMulu be rempulisbunge.


How beautiful rice fields windblown graceful. However, the first

sandpiper as the bride and groom as well as carrying the name of the fragrance.
But today, a shift function Saman dance. This dance is so often serves as a
medium of entertainment at parties, celebrations, and other events.


In the Saman dance, there are 5 kinds of songs:

1. A. Rengum, that is, as opening or mukaddimah of Saman (i.e. after the

opening remarks made earlier keketar). Rengum this is an imitation of
sounds. Once connected direct expires concurrently with the sentence
contained therein, including but not limited to someone who is likened
to praise, to the object, or to other plants.
2. Ring, namely rengum immediately followed by all dancers.

3. Redet, which is short with a short sound track sung by a dancer at the
center of the dance.
4. Syek, the song sung by a performer with a long high-pitched voice,
usually a sign of change in motion.
5. Saur, the song is repeated by all the dancers after sung by a solo

Saman Dance Lyric

The subsequent lyric is originally cited from the RindangSaman Dance

Club of South Australia..

- Opening

Sheikh : HaiJanaaaa…

Dancers : Lahotujan…leunding la heumbala…

o lee la heumbalaa..ehaa la

Sheikh : Haymapute…

Pute la sibungong..binte la lenlaba…binte la keayeum

Kaayeum mate hate lonsede..

Binyolahateuleun… bedde la nyobaro..

Pule la olamma..olammagatta…

Dancers : LahoTujan

Dancers :Yahuala..hualaehaaa…alaehaaalaeeee..


Sheikh : Haymatakotakobumba…acutabang e tapulatapulabumba

Lama jumme…jummeleunaglee

Yakokaye…. yakokayee kalian pute

- Movement 1

Sheikh :HaiBintaaaaaang…..

Dancers : Salamualaikumkamoucapkan

Para undangan yang baroteuka…karenasalamnabikansunah


Sheikh : Muliawarohranup lam puan

Muliarakanmamehsuara…ranupkuneng on kamobareujang


- Movement 2

Dancers : * La ilaa la ila la heewa se un e in hala..

E in ha la me tu a ee la ilaa la ilaaa la hee

Sheikh : Takobumbatapulabumba

Dancers : E inhala…

Sheikh : Nangadongadengkaelamputeh

Dancers : E inhala…

*back to

Sheikh : Taja u Aceh lam terangpade

Dancers : E inhala…

Sheikh : Le bak me timpe di pottangente

Dancers : E inhala…

- Movement 3

Dancers : Haaayjalla

Tunmiiilee… la milleeJalatun..Hey Jalla

Tunmiilee..lamiilee.. Jalatun…

Sheikh : Lemburat menari lam ateuh


- Movement 4

Dancers : Ku…ku

*Ku tiding lahang ding heeumanneuk…

Ku tiding lahang ding heeum…La hembot…bot laa tiding

La hembot..botlaa tiding…La hembot bot laa tiding…

Sheikh : Hay me putehputeh…hay me putehputeh

La bungongsibungongputeh

La bungongsibungongputeh

Hay le latbabinteh..hay le latbabinteh

La bintekeayeum mate…la bintekeayeum mate..

Dancers : eha

- Movement 5

Sheikh : Hay miiiilenmilen la hak

Dancers : Hay waalahaehaaa la…

Sheikh : Hay miiilenmilehlahe

Dancers : Hay waalaheeohee le

Sheikh : Meeee ta jakuglee…… (cekiiii)

Ta jakkohkayee

Tinggalperedeee …tempat le kutruk

Beta pu judo…. (judo…)

Judooo ran gileee… (gileee…)

Need daaaperede…ranupsigulu…

Dancers : *hay mileenmilenalahaaaaa…walahaehaaa la


Sheikh : Haymatakotakobumba..tapulatapulabumba

Lammagadonggadongadang…..le hay la babinte

nyopulopulowehnyo ………hate hatelonsede…

nyobarobaropuleh…..o lemma lemmagatta

Back to *

Sheikh : Hay me putehputeh…sibungongputeh

Le hay la babintekeayeum mate


Nyobaropuleh oh leummahgatta

- Movement 6

Sheikh : Hay la ootsah

Iiii la laombak me..Alunkapay di

Etraa ma buraaa…buraaa hay bacuttek

Salal bun kontsa( kontsa..)…A lunsalamun..(lamuuun)

Aluunhawaydiii…. Gatra lam parahu

Layarlaburka u…Sabangkapatan..


Hot se la bihone..Sa bang wahai cut..

Cut baaang me mayang..Mayangsenda hay la hotsa..

- Movement 7

Sheikh : Hailahenhaiadoeeuk… ranubkaabeh

Lahenhaiadoeeuk…..yangkamohidang …sambong


Lahenhaiadoeeuk…yang kamohidang,…Allah






Saman dance using two elements of the basic elements of movement in

dance Saman: Applause and cheers chest. Allegedly, when the spread of Islam,
sheikhs Saman studying ancient Malay dance, then bring back through the
motion, accompanied by verses preaching the message of Islam for the sake of
ease. In the present context, the religious ritual dances are still used as a medium
to convey the message proselytizing through performances.

Saman dance one dance that is unique, because it only shows the motion
of applause and other movements, like rocking motion, kirep, lingang, surang-
strain (all motion is the Gayo language). In addition, there are two rows of people
singing, clapping and all dancers must dance Saman dance in harmony. In
TariSaman always, tempo going faster and faster the longer the Saman dance so

This dance is usually played by a dozen or a dozen men, the dancers must
be odd. In changing times, this dance is played also by women or a mixture of
male and female, and dance movements have been modified. Because dance
saman played without musical instruments, then as a retinue in use hands and
body. There are several ways to get these sounds:

1. Clapping both hands. This is usually moderate to fast.

2 tempo. Punch both hands to the chest. Usually upbeat fast.

3. Next clap hands to the chest. Moderate.

4 generally upbeat. Friction with the thumb-hand middle finger (kertip). Was
generally upbeat.


In general, Saman dance played by a dozen or a dozen men. but the

numbers must be odd. However, in later development, women also play this
dance. Another opinion says the dance is danced less than 10 people, with details
of eight dancers and two people as the grantor while singing. However,
developments in the modern era requires that a dance would be more lively when
danced by dancers with higher numbers. This is where the Sheikh, he must
organize the movement and singing the Saman verses.

Costume or special clothing samanis divided in three parts:

On the head: bulung pupil or tengkuluk basic black fabric square. Two terms as
clothes embroidered with threads, edit kepies. On the body: essential clothing /
clothes filigree (the basic black dress, embroidered in white thread, green and red,
embroidered with the waist portion and kekaitkedawek, short-handed shirt) and
sarong pants.

On the hand, wrist masks, handkerchiefs. Similarly, the use of color,

according to tradition contains certain values, because through the color indicates
the identity of the wearer. The colors reflect the compactness, wisdom, strength,
courage and harmony.

Saman dance is very interesting. Saman dance performances are not only
popular in our own country, but also popular in foreign countries such as Australia
and Europe. Recently saman dance at shows in Australia to commemorate the
tsunami catastrophe on December 26, 2006. Therefore, we should be proud of the
arts that we have, and preserve it so as not to become extinct.


Saman is the most popular dance in Aceh and the dance that has become
well-known abroad with the name "Thousand hands". It has its origin from the
Alas ethnic group and is normally performed to celebrate the birthday of the

Prophet Muhammad. Tari Saman used as media propaganda. Before starting
Saman, traditional leaders appear to represent the local community. Traditional
leaders to give the advice that is useful to the players and spectators. Poetry at the
Saman also cosntains advice, advice and propaganda.


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