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Preliminary System Design


The basic objectives and benefits of the design review, evaluation, and feedback process in-
clude two facets of the activity shown in Figure 13. First, there is an ongoing informal review
and evaluation of the results of the design, accomplished on a day-to-day basis, where the re-
sponsible designer provides applicable technical data and information to all project personnel
as the design progresses. Through subsequent review, discussion, and feedback, the proposed
design is either approved or recommended changes are submitted for consideration. Second,
there is a structured series of formal design reviews conducted at specific times in the overall
system development process. While the specific types, titles, and scheduling of these formal re-
views will vary from one program to the next, it is assumed herein that formal reviews will in-
clude the following:

1. The conceptual design review is usually scheduled toward the end of the conceptual
design phase and prior to entering the preliminary system design phase of the program.
The objective is to review and evaluate the requirements and the functional baseline
for the system, and the material to be covered through this review should include the
results from the feasibility analysis, system operational requirements, the maintenance
and support concept, applicable prioritized TPMs, the functional analysis (top level for
the system), system specification (Type A), a systems engineering management plan
(SEMP), a test and evaluation master plan (TEMP), and supporting design criteria and
data/documentation. Refer to Figure A.1.
2. System design reviews are generally scheduled during the preliminary system design
phase when functional requirements and allocations are defined, preliminary design
layouts and detailed specifications are prepared, system-level trade-off studies are
conducted, and so on. These reviews are oriented to the overall system configuration
(as subsystems and major system elements are defined), rather than to individual equip-
ment items, software, and other lower-level components of the system. There may be one
or more formal reviews scheduled, depending on the size of the system and the complex-
ity of design. System design reviews may cover a variety of topics, including the following:
functional analysis and the allocation of requirements; development, product, process,
and material specifications (Types B, C, D, and E); applicable TPMs; significant design
criteria for major system elements; trade-off study and analysis reports; predictions; and
applicable design data (layouts, drawings, parts/material lists, supplier reports, and data).


Conceptual Design Preliminary Detail System Design Production and/or Operational Use and
and Advance System Design and Development Construction System Support
Planning Phase Phase Phase Phase Phase
System feasibility analysis,
operational requirements,
maintenance concept, advance
Functional analysis, requirements
allocation, synthesis, trade-offs,
preliminary design, test and evaluation
of design concepts, detail planning
Detail design of subsystem and
components, trade-offs, development
of prototype models, test and
evaluation, production planning
Production and/or construction of the
system and its components, supplier
production activities, distribution, system
operational use maintenance and
support, data collection and analysis
System operational use, sustaining
maintenance and support, data collection
and analysis, system modifications (as

System Requirements, Evaluation, and Review Process

Informal day-to-day design review and evaluation activity

Conceptual design review (system requirements review)

System design reviews

Equipment/software design reviews

Critical design review

Figure 13 Formal design reviews (example).

Preliminary System Design

3. Equipment/software design reviews are scheduled during the detail design and
development phase and usually cover such topics as product, process, and material
specifications (Types C, D, and E); design data defining major subsystems, equip-
ment, software, and other elements of the system as applicable (assembly drawings,
specification control drawings, construction drawings, installation drawings, logic
drawings, schematics, materials/parts lists, and supplier data); analyses, predictions,
trade-off study reports, and other related design documentation; and engineering
models, laboratory models, mock-ups, and/or prototypes used to support a specific
design configuration.
4. The critical design review is generally scheduled after the completion of detailed design,
but prior to the release of firm design data for production and/or construction. Design
is essentially “fixed” at this point, and the proposed configuration is evaluated in terms
of adequacy, producibility, and/or constructability. The critical design review may
include the following topics: a complete package of final design data and documenta-
tion; applicable analyses, trade-off study reports, predictions, and related design
documentation; detailed production/construction plans; operational and sustainability
plans; detailed maintenance plans; and a system retirement and material recycling/
disposal plan. The results of the critical design review describe the final system configu-
ration product baseline prior to entering into production and/or construction.

The review, evaluation, and feedback process is continuous throughout system design
and development and encompasses conceptual, preliminary, and detail design.


This chapter provides a continuation of the system design process and covers the transition
from the “Conceptual Design Phase” to and throughout the “Preliminary Design Phase.” The
systems engineering process establishes the framework.
Specifically, this chapter includes a description of the design requirements for subsys-
tems and major elements of the system, preparing detailed specifications, accomplishing
functional analysis and the allocation of requirements to the subsystem level and below, devel-
oping detailed design requirements, initiating design engineering activities and establishing the
design team, utilizing technologies and analytical models in design, conducting detailed trade-
off studies, and describing the types and scheduling of design reviews.
Of particular significance is the proper integration of the various design engineering
disciplines (illustrated in Figure 9) and establishing the “design team” in Section 5 and the
selection and/or development of the appropriate technologies and analytical models/tools
for application throughout the implementation of the systems engineering process described
in Section 6. The successful implementation of this process requires that the system designer,
or design team, be able to (1) accomplish all design objectives rapidly, accurately, and reli-
ably throughout system acquisition; (2) transmit applicable design data and supporting doc-
umentation to many different locations, both nationally and internationally, rapidly and on a
concurrent basis; and (3) implement design changes efficiently while at the same time

Preliminary System Design

maintaining effective configuration control. Included within this continuous process is the
accomplishment of many different trade-off studies covering a wide variety of design-related
issues. Responding to these objectives requires a comprehensive knowledge of the analytical
techniques and the models/tools that are available to the designer (design team). Thus, a
“qualified” systems engineer needs to be conversant and thoroughly familiar with the vari-
ous analytical methods and their application in system design.
Challenges pertaining to shortening the system acquisition cycle for highly complex
systems involving a wide mix of suppliers worldwide dictate the need for improvements in
the use of automated computer-based design aids and global networks. There is a great
need for improved methods for accomplishing design analyses, technical communications,
and information/data processing. As an objective, the development and implementation of
an integrated design workstation, described in Section 6, should be addressed. In addition,
the “systems engineer” must have an in-depth knowledge of systems concepts, interface
requirements, interdisciplinary relationships, and so on, and should assume a leadership
position in attaining these and related objectives.
For more detailed knowledge of systems engineering design-related requirements, the
reader should review in particular: ANSI/GEIA EIA-632, IEEE 1220-1998, INCOSE’s
Systems Engineering Handbook, Systems Engineering Guidebook, and System Engineering
Management (B. S. Blanchard). In addition, one should visit the website for the International
Council on Systems Engineering (INCOSE) at


1. Select a system of your choice and develop operational functional flow block diagrams
(FFBDs) to the third level. Select one of the functional blocks and develop maintenance
functional flows to the second level. Show how the maintenance functional flow diagrams
evolve from the operational flows.
2. Describe how specific resource requirements (i.e., hardware, software, people, facilities,
data, and elements of support) are derived from the functional analysis.
3. Describe the steps involved in transitioning from the functional analysis to a “packaging
scheme” for the system. Provide an example.
4. Refer to the allocation in Figure 6. Explain how the quantitative factors (i.e., TPMs) at the
unit and assembly levels were derived.
5. What steps would you take in accomplishing the allocation of requirements for a system-
of-systems (SOS) configuration? Describe the overall process.
6. Select a system of your choice and assign some top-level TPMs. Allocate these require-
ments as appropriate to the second and third levels.
7. Refer to Figure 7. How would you define the design-to requirements for the common unit?
8. Describe what is meant by interoperability? Why is it important?
9. Describe what is meant by environmental sustainability? Identify some specific objectives
in the design for such.
10. Why is the design for security important? Identify some specific design objectives.
11. What is meant by design criteria? How are they developed? How are they applied in the
design process?
12. Refer to Figure 1. Why is the development of a specification tree important? What inherent
characteristics should be included?

Preliminary System Design

13. Refer to Figure 2. How are metrics established for the function shown? Give an example.
14. Refer to Figure 4. Describe some of the interfaces or interactions that must occur to
ensure a completely integrated approach in the development of the hardware, software,
and human system requirements. Be specific.
15. Define CAD, CAM, CAS, Macro-CAD, and their interrelationships. Include an illustration
showing interfaces, information/data flow, etc.
16. Assume that you are a design engineer and are looking for some analytical models/tools to
aid you in the synthesis, analysis, and evaluation process. Develop the criteria that you
would apply in selecting the most appropriate tools for your application.
17. Assume that you have selected an analytical model for a specific application. Explain how
you would validate that the model is adequate for the application in question.
19. List some of the benefits that can be derived from the use of computer-based models.
Identify some of the concerns associated with the application of such.
20. Refer to Figure 8. Identify some of the objectives in selecting the appropriate methods/tools
for accomplishment of the tasks in the right-hand columns.
21. Refer to Figure 12. Identify some of the objectives in designing a “tool set” as shown by
the seven blocks in the figure.
22. Briefly identify some inputs and outputs for the system design review, the equipment/software
design review, and the critical design review.
23. On what basis are formal design reviews scheduled? What are some of the benefits
derived from conducting formal design reviews?
24. How are supplier requirements determined? How are these requirements passed on to
the supplier?
25. Design is a team effort. Explain why! How should the design team be structured? How
does systems engineering fit into the process?
26. What is the desired output of the Preliminary System Design Phase?


Appendix: Figures
Problem Definition; Functional Analysis; Requirements Subsystem/Component Design; Trade-Off Production and/or Construction of System Operation in the User
Need Identification; Allocation; Trade-Off Studies; Synthesis; Studies and Evaluation of Alternatives; System Components; Supplier Environment; Sustaining Maintenance
Requirements Analysis; Operational Preliminary Design; Preliminary Development of Engineering and Production Activities; Acceptance Testing; and Logistic Support; Operational
Requirements; Maintenance and Support Evaluation of Design Alternatives Prototype Models; Verification of System Distribution and Operation; Testing; System Modifications for
Concept; Evaluation of Technology; (Early Prototyping); Acquisition Plans; Manufacturing and Production Processes; Developmental/Operational Test and Improvement; Contractor Support; System
Selection of Technical Approach; Contracting; Program Implementation; Developmental Test and Evaluation; Evaluation; Interim Contractor Support; Assessment (Field Data Collection
Functional Definition of System: System/ Major Suppliers and Supplier Supplier Activities; Production Planning System Assessment And Analysis)
Program Planning Activities


Milestone I Milestone II Milestone III Milestone IV

(TYPES B to E)
Program Management Plan
System Engineering Management Plan (SEMP)
Test and Evaluation Master Plan (TEMP) I
Conceptual Design Review (System Requirements Review)
N System Design Review
Equipment/Software Design Reviews
E Critical Design Review
System Level Subsystem Level Component Level Modifications for Improvement Modifications for Improvement
0.1 1.1 2.1 3.1 4.1
Requirements Refined Detailed Proposed Design Proposed Design
Design Modification(s) Modification(s) E
Functional 2.2 3.2 4.2
1.2 Synthesis Synthesis
Analysis Refined Detailed
0.3 Synthesis of Modifications of Modifications
Allocation 2.3 3.3 4.3 N
Allocation 1.3 Evaluation Prototype Prototype
0.4 Detailed (Prototype Modifications Modifications
Trade-Off Models) 3.4
Test and Evaluation
Test and Evaluation
Studies 2.4
0.5 1.4 (Production Model) (Operational Model)
Synthesis (CI) Types B to E
Synthesis Specifications 3.5 4.5
0.6 1.5 Incorporation Incorporation
Evaluation 2.5 of Modification(s) of Modification(s)
Evaluation Feedback Design
0.7 (Engineering 3.6 4.6
Models) Review(s)
Type A 1.6 Feedback Configuration Feedback System Evaluation
Specification Type B Item Reviews (Field Assessment)
0 Specification
.8 1
Feedback Design .7
Review(s) Feedback Design

Continuous Process/Product Improvement

Preliminary System Design

To develop a transportation capability
between City A and City B

Feasibility Analysis

Ground Airborne Waterway

transportation transportation transportation

Result of Analysis
(Select airborne transportation capability)

Missing profile

Start mission Complete mission

City A City B
Functional Analysis
System top-level
functional flow
2 5 9
Produce Operate
prime system the system
elements in user
1 system 4
6 8 environment
Define Perform
system Procure Distribute
system and and
integration elements of system for or
requirements 3 and test support consumer use 10
(Oper. Maint.) or 7
Design Maintain the
system Produce system
support elements of (as required)
Second-level functional flow
9.1 9.3 9.4 9.5 9.6 9.7
9.0 Prepare Perform
Ta xi aircraft Ta ke off Proceed from Land at City
aircraft for aircraft
for takeoff from City A City A to City B B
Ref flight checkout
Operate the or 9.2
system in user Prepare
environment aircraft for

Third-level functional flow

5 9.5.1 Check G 9.5.2 9.5.3 9.5.4
Ref communication
Contact control Contact control Receive landing
Proceed subsystem
tower City A tower City B instructions
from City A
to City B G Maintenance flow

Figure A.2 Progression from the “need” to the functional analysis.

Preliminary System Design

1.0 2.0 3.0 4.0

Identify Need
Design Manufacture Operate
and Determine
and Develop system and Maintain
System (Production) System

4.0 4.1 4.2 4.3
Operate Operate Operate Operate
and Maintain System System System
System in ModeA in Mode B in Mode C


14.0 14.1 14.2 14.3

Isolate Remove
Faulty Unit Repair
Fault to and Replace
to Faulty Unit
“Unit”Level Faulty Unit
Figure A.3 Functional block diagram expansion (partial).


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