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Desire Espinoza

Senior English


7 December 2018

Anglo-Saxons Values

Many people in Scandinavia do not have the potential to be like Beowulf. The Anglo-

Saxons are the ones whom conquered and invaded Great Britain after the Romans. In this epic

poem there was a lot of conflict. Beowulf would always come to rescue those in Scandinavia, no

matter the problem, he would always help no matter the danger. In Beowulf, many examples

were shown for the Anglo-Saxons values, such as loyalty, honor, and bravery.

One of the many vales that the Anglo-Saxons believed in was loyalty. In this epic poem

there was a character that goes by Wiglaf, he was loyal to Beowulf, which was his lord.

According to this quote it proves his loyalty to Beowulf, “I’d rather burn myself than see, Flames

swirling around my lord.” (Beowulf 726-727) His ways of showing that loyalty was putting

Beowulf first. Wiglaf thought to himself in that moment and remembered about how Beowulf

has helped in the passed and how Beowulf needed help in that moment. Another example of how

Wiglaf showed his loyalty to Beowulf was engaging into battle with him against the dragon.

“Mind was made up; he raised his yellow shield and drew his sword…” (Beowulf 704-705) Even

throughout Beowulf’s struggles Wiglaf put himself last and decided to help him out even if it

meant the dragon taking his life, Wiglaf did not run like his comrades, he stayed. The Anglo-

Saxons believed in many values and one that this epic poem focused on was loyalty.

Furthermore, another value that the Anglo-Saxons believed in was honor. Honor was

shown in this epic poem when Beowulf was breathing his last breathes. “This happy life; I can
die, all life has never, watched me wash my sword in blood.” (Beowulf 752-753) Although

Beowulf was breathing his last breath all he can think about was how he was honoring

Scandinavia, and everyone whom he has helped. Every time Beowulf would go into battle, he

would say a Christian prayer about God will take him when it he wants, and this was the time

and all Beowulf can think about is accepting it. When Beowulf was breathing his final breathes,

we also had a death wish. “This tower, and remember my name, and call it, Beowulf’s tower…”

(Beowulf 816-817) He wanted everyone to honor him even after he passed. He wanted to be

remembered of everything he did, Beowulf loved the fame and everything that came with him

being a hero.

Lastly, the Anglo-Saxons also valued bravery, many of Beowulf’s men had it in them, it

is as if it was mandatory to value bravery. Without bravery Beowulf would have never gone up

against monsters nor his warriors have gotten into battle with him. “Alone shall fight for me,

struggle for life.” (Beowulf 173) Beowulf’s warriors were confident when going into battle with

Grendel, even if it meant them dying, they tried their best when helping Beowulf. In addition.

Many of the men had seen what Grendel is capable of and they still went to go help Beowulf.

This quote proves how strong Grendel is and just how brave Beowulf’s men are. “Could not hurt

him, the sharpest and hardest iron” (Beowulf 323) Grendel was strong and nothing was able to

hurt him. Many warriors put into a position where not even the strongest iron can hurt the enemy

they would just give up, but unlike those men, the ones in this epic poem went against the

Devil’s pawn and showed courage and bravery when attacking Grendel.

The Anglo-Saxons believed in loyalty, honor, and bravery, in those values it was a great

time to be alive. To be able to have those values meant never giving up, and always seeing the

end within your problems. In this epic poem it showed that having loyalty, honor, and bravery,
gets you to resolve your problems no matter what you or they are up against. Beowulf was up

against the Devil’s spawn, he has all these values to have the courage to battle such monsters.

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