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Melayani: Les Semua Pelajaran, Kursus Bahasa Inggris dan Balistung

Alamat : Jl. Pelayaranb No. 51 RT. 14 Kel. Prapatan Balikpapan Kota 76111 Telp. 082142440708 e-mail
Melayani: Les Semua Pelajaran, Kursus Bahasa Inggris dan Balistung

Alamat : Jl. Pelayaranb No. 51 RT. 14 Kel. Prapatan Balikpapan Kota 76111 Telp. 082142440708 e-mail

Name : Subject : Writing Test

Class : Time : 60 Minutes

A. Choose one of the correct answer at the following questions by selecting A,B,C and D !
1. I buy a magazine in the book store. What is the meaning of the word that underlined ?
a. Kamus b. Koran c. Majalah d. Buku
2. What is your father ? My father is ….. ( Petani )
a. Fisherman b. Farmer c. Postman d. Gardener
3. Today is Sunday. What day is yesterday ?
a. Friday b. Tuesday c. Saturday d. Wednesday
4. The month before June is……
a. March b. May c. July d. April
5. Ten times three minus five is……
a. Twenty two b. Twenty four c. Twenty one d. twenty five
6. What time is it now ? it is 07.30. How to read that time?
a. A half past seven b. Seven to a half c. Seven past a half d. A half past seven
7. My house is far from the school. What is the opposite word from “ Far ” ?
a. Wide b. Near c. Fast d. Big
8. The lamp is dark tonight. What is the opposite word of it?
a. Bright b. Narrow c. Short d. Ugly
9. My father goes to Surabaya by……..( pesawat )
a. Ship b. Bus c. Helicopter d. Plane
10. Do you have a rubber ?
a. No. I do b. Yes, I have c. No. I have not d. Yes. I do
11. What colour is the camel ?
a. Black b. Brown c. Grey d. Black and white
12. What do you play ? I play ……….(bulu tangkis)
a. Baseball b. Badminton c. Vollyball d. Football
13. What is the weather today ? today is ………( badai )
a. Windy b. Thunder c. Lighting d. Snowing
14. I save the money at the……..
a. Airport b. Harbour c. Bank d. Market
15. They go to see some animals at…..
a. Farm b. Zoo c. Garden d. School
16. “Saya mempunyai 2 topi”. How to translate in English ?
a. I has two hats
b. I have two hat
c. I has two hat
d. I have two hats
17. I borrow (meminjam) books in the……
a. Library b. Hospital c. Post office d. Mosque
18. Lisa Hides …………( di belakang ) the tree.
a. Beside b. Behind c. In front of d. on
19. The animal that have Tusk, Trunk, Tail. What is it?
a. Crocodile b. Girrafe c. Elephant d. Tiger
20. The Favourite Fruit s of monkey is…..
a. Pineapple b. Manggo c. Papaya d. Banana
Melayani: Les Semua Pelajaran, Kursus Bahasa Inggris dan Balistung

Alamat : Jl. Pelayaranb No. 51 RT. 14 Kel. Prapatan Balikpapan Kota 76111 Telp. 082142440708 e-mail

B. Fill this following question with correct answer !

1. Translate to English Language
a. Saya mempunyai 5 buku =……………………………………
b. Saya mempunya 3 burung =…………………………………..
c. Mereka membeli roti mahal =…………………………………
d. Ini adalah kelas kita =…………………………………………
2. What is the opposite word from this
a. Cheap x……
b. Open x……
c. Long x…..
d. Boy x……
3. Mention 5 Adjectives that you know
c. ……………
d. ……………
e. ……………
4. Mention 5 Verbs that you know
5. Fill in the blank box correctly !
Subject Object Possesive
I Me ………
We Us ……….
You You ……….

Do this examination well

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