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Drill Scenario
 Some scaffolders were in process of scaffold installation/modification at level 3 module ESS-300.
 At approximately 13.30 hrs, one of scaffolders lost his footing and fell down out side module. He was
hanging with body harness and in conscious condition. (IP-hanging was performed by dummy)
 His co-worker shouted out for help, and another co-worker sought for their foreman/supervisor to
inform the incident.
 Once after received the information the foreman/supervisor notified the incident to EAS/ Project HSE
Lead (by radio) then proceeded to the scene and found IP was hanging in conscious condition.
 Project HSE Lead/Emergency Active Support (EAS) notified the incident to Site Incident
Controller (SIC)/ FIRST Coordinator by radio.
 SIC instructed EAS to activate all ERT team (FIRST).
 EAS notified Emergency Situation and instructed all ERT team/ FIRST to switch radio to channel-
1, then EAS activated FIRST (including rescue team, paramedic team, ambulance, security
personnel, etc).
 EAS performed coordination of ERT mobilization.
 EAS notified the incident to PT. SMOE-HSE Dept and to Siemen’s HSE Coordinator. (by
 First aiders, safety personnel on site arrived at the scene then secured the area, and continued
communicating with IP to keep IP conscious.
 Security-Crowd Control arrived at the scene, and performed crowd-control and trafic .
 Rescue team arrived and proceeded to the scene and performed rescue (using tripod to lower
down IP to ground).
 Ambulance and paramedic team arrived and proceeded to the scene (at ground area).
 First Aiders caught the IP after landed on the ground, and paramedic team performed medical
examination and treatment.(After dummy landed on the ground, IP was performed by a
 Paramedic team notified to EAS that IP should be evacuated to Medical Center for further medical
treatment. First aider and paramedic team evacuated IP to ambulance.
 Ambulance left the scene.
 Ambulance arrived at Clinic.
 Doctor reported IP condition to EAS.
 EAS notified to SIC that IP had successfully been evacuated to Clinic and had got medical
treatment by doctor. (emergency situation was over).
 SIC instructed to EA to give ‘clear signal’ and deactivate the ERT team.
 EAS gave clear signal and deactivated the whole ERT team..
 End of the drill

Actions by Supervisor/Foreman in area:

 Received the information of incident, notified the incident to Project HSE Lead (by radio), then
proceeded to the scene.

Actions by Project HSE Lead/ Emergency Active Support (EAS):

 Directed emergency activities as per PT SMOE Emergency Procedure (see attachment 1)
 Notified the incident to Site Incident Coordinator
 Notified the incident to SMOE-HSE Dept and to Siemens HSE Coordinator
 Activated and Deactivated the ERT team (Rescue Team, First Aider, Medical team, security
personnel, HSE personnel on site).
 Coordination of ERT.

Actions by Site Incident Controller (SIC):

 Instructed EAS to activate and deactivate the ERT team including rescue team, first aider, medical
team, security personnel, etc..
Actions by First Aiders
 Proceeded to the scene (IP on level 2 and on ground level)
 Monitored the IP’s condition
 Evacuated IP to ambulance (by stretcher)

Actions by HSE Personnel on site:

 Cordoned off incident area.
 Coordination to clear access surround the scene.
 Assisted Rescue team arrive on the location

Actions by Rescue Team:

 Proceeded to the scene
 Installed/set the rescue equipment from height (tripod)
 Performed rescue IP from height : lowered down IP by tripod.

Actions by Paramedic Team:

 Activated the respected personnel (Doctor & paramedic), ambulance and necessary medical / first aid
equipments and dispatches immediately to the scene of the incident.
 Understood the type of emergency and what immediate treatment was required.
 Proceeded the scene and performed medical examination /treatment to IP.
 Doctor confirmed, and informed to EAS, whether the IP had to be referred to external clinic / hospital
 Took the IP to SMOE-Medical Center by ambulance.

Actions by Crowd:
 Dispatched immediately to the scene of the incident.
 Understood the type of emergency and what immediate Actions was required.
 Controled vehicle movement around the scene of the incident (especially for the ambulance).
 Performed crowd control, including traffic control.

Actions by Banks man:

 Performed traffic control for emergency case.

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