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Comprehension Questions 

Movie: X-Men (2000)  


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Part 1: Character Identification ​ /5 
Associate the human names to the superhero name. (1 point each)  
A. Wolverine  C. Cyclops  E. Rogue 
B. Professor X   D. Magneto  
Charles Xavier   

Erik Lehnsherr   

Marie D’Ancanto   


Scott Summers   
Part 2: Chronological Questions ​ /15 
1. At the beginning of the movie, we see a flashback to Nazi occupied Poland.Which 
character’s origin story are we watching and what is the demonstrated power? (2 points) 

2. When does the mutation present itself and what triggers it? (2 points) 

Created by Daena Rose Parsons - Bishop’s University (B.Ed. Practicum) - January 2019
3. What was the American Congress voting on (regarding mutans)? (2 point) 

4. What is used to hide the X-Men’s lair? (1 point)  

5. Cerebro is a large sphere shaped room with a platform that has a helmet for the Professor 
on it. What does Cerebro do? (2 points)  

6. Wolverine is bad at following orders. Name one instance where he doesn’t follow the 
Professors’ instructions? (1 point)  

7. While storm is speaking to the Senator, why does she say that she sometimes hate 
normal people? (1 point)  

Created by Daena Rose Parsons - Bishop’s University (B.Ed. Practicum) - January 2019
8. At which point in the movie does Rogue get two white stripes in her hair? Describe the 
situation that leads to the change in her hair. (1 point)  

9. If Senator Kelly dies during the movie, how is he speaking on the news on the television 
at the end of the movie? (2 point) 

10. What kind of prison does Magneto get sent to? (1 point)  



Created by Daena Rose Parsons - Bishop’s University (B.Ed. Practicum) - January 2019
Part 4: Non-Chronological Questions ​ /10 

1. Draw the X-Men Logo (1 point)  

2. Name three (3) mutant powers that are seen or discussed in this movie? (3 points)  


3. Name the main mode of transportation used by the X-Men while on mission. (1 point)  

4. What was Magneto’s goal in this movie? How did he want to do it? (3 points) 


5. Is Magneto a true villain (with criminal intent)? Why? (2 points)  

Created by Daena Rose Parsons - Bishop’s University (B.Ed. Practicum) - January 2019
Part 3: Full Movie Paragraph Questions ​/20 

The following questions require a full paragraph response (4-6 sentences). They include 
sections of the whole movie brought together. Make sure to give as much information as 
you can.  
1. Throughout the movie, parts of Wolverine’s origin story are revealed through flashbacks 
and references by characters. Using only what was told during this movie, infer an 
explanation as to how Wolverine became who is. (10 points)  

Created by Daena Rose Parsons - Bishop’s University (B.Ed. Practicum) - January 2019
2. Is Wolverine a hero, an anti-hero or a villain? Name two supporting arguments with 
examples for your answer. (10 points)  

Created by Daena Rose Parsons - Bishop’s University (B.Ed. Practicum) - January 2019

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