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Background of the Study

As computers have become an integral part of the human life in the modern

world, it had become a growing part of modern technology that had brought massive

global changes ever since its inception. Ranging from the internet that connects the

world and into the appliances in our home that eases our lives by a huge margin, this

is now the era of computers. With computer hardware comes its corresponding

applications and software. These software caters to various kinds of needs and

wants of a human being, from entertainment, business, communication, source of

information, and many more. Our way of living in the modern world would be a

completely different story without the existence of computers.

Figure 1.

Digital games are products of computers and software and are one of the

major trends in today’s modern world, especially to the teenaged youth. It is a way of
entertainment that goes by the use of computers and its interaction with the user,

and possibly other users. Digital gaming can easily be addictive, but like many

things, it has detrimental effects if overly used which is why it is often viewed in bad

light by society itself. According to a survey conducted by the Pew Research Center

(Figure 1); 26% of the general public thinks that most video games are a waste of

time. This kind of mentality can be changed when the general public actually gets a

thought of how essential and useful video games can actually be if used in


Response time/ reaction time is an important characteristic of a human being.

It is the length of time it takes to respond to a stimulus. A good reaction time is

essential in making decisions accurately and quickly. Reaction time is important

when driving, when playing sports, in emergency situations, and in many day-to-day

activities. Many digital games also require good reaction time, and may improve it as

well. There are various types of reaction time which would be discussed in

elaboration at the review of related literature.

Statement of the Problem

Internet addiction and gaming addiction are prevalent with the advent of the

computers in our daily lives. According to Grusser et al. (2007), In a sample of over

7000 computer game players, 11.9% meet the researchers' diagnostic criteria for

gaming addiction. Additionally, there is only weak evidence that excessive gaming is

associated with aggressive behavior. And in another study, a large German study

(more than 15,000 participants) 3% of male students and 0.3% of female student

were viewed as having a computer gaming addiction. (Rehbein, 2009). These

studies clearly show that gaming addiction had become prominent in today’s society.
There are different ways to solve this problem and one of that is to definitely

stop gaming in society. But is that feasible? Is it efficient to prohibit something that

brings joy to the people and even sometimes become their livelihood? The

researchers intended to solve this problem using another angle.

Research Questions

General Research Question:

How does digital gaming influence the lives of OCSHS STEM 12 Students

with respect to reaction time?

Specific Research Questions:

Quantitative research questions:

What is the average reaction time of casual gamers?

What is the average reaction time of hardcore and ultra hardcore gamers?

Is there a relationship between average reaction time and type of gamer?

What is the measure of correlation between the average reaction time and

type of gamer?

Qualitative research question:

What are the other factors that majorly affect the reaction time of students?

How had digital gaming contributed to the lives of the respondents?

Significance of the Study

This research study aims to benefit and be of assistance to the following

entities, groups and constituents of society:

The Community of eSports and Gamers

The growing phenomenon of eSports keeps gathering steam, generating

revenue and attracting investors. In 2017, eSports was valued at $695 million, but

recent reports forecast that by 2020 it will become a $1.5 billion opportunity, growing

exponentially. However, just like any industry in its formative years, eSports is facing

a lot of challenges (Bratu 2018). This research study aims to bring good light to the

name of gaming and will directly affect the views of the people regarding a benefit of


The Teenage Students of OCSHS

Teenagers need to affirm who they are, but they’re still getting to know and

discovering themselves. A necessity for them during this stage is to distance

themselves from their parents’ behavior, distinguish their own ideas, and define their

own path. During this process, their budding characters and personalities mature,

and so they need their own space to make decisions so they can feel like there’s a

clear difference between them and their parents. In this stage, prohibition is just

another reason to differentiate themselves from the doctrines that were ingrained in

them since they were little. So what’s forbidden becomes more attractive, as it

differentiates them and reaffirms them as a distinct and unique person

( 2016). This phenomenon is called as the Forbidden Fruit

Effect. This research can reduce or even eliminate the prohibition that some parents

and guardians impose on their children when it comes to video games.

The Teachers and Educational Leaders

They will be informed of the benefits of Digital Gaming. And instead of

abhorrence and rejection, they may consider the possibility of incorporating Digital

Games in encouraging and improving the school life of their students (e.g. Hosting e-

sports tournament, educational digital gaming and etc.).

Scope and Delimitation

This research study focuses on gathering both statistical and descriptive data

of gamer classifications and the visual reaction time of the respondents and did not

touch upon other genres of games and other kinds of reaction time. The researchers

utilized only the human benchmark reaction time test for the time to conduct this

research is very limited and constricted for the researchers with their different

academic and non-academic responsibilities.

There are many types of game genres and subgenres in the world of

computer gaming and there are still two different kinds of reaction time experiments

other than the simple reaction time and it is not limited to just visual reaction time,

these had been elaborated in the review of related literature. These different

variations serve as an opportunity for future researchers hoping to find a doable

research study. Furthermore, the research focused on STEM students of OCSHS.

This may have lead to discrepancies due to the fact that we did not take respondents

outside the school, but this also prevent the intervention of multitude of factors

outside the school (e.g. culture, environment and guidance).

Conceptual Framework

Digital Gaming and Reaction Time of OCSHS STEM 12 Students

Formatted: Font: Not Bold

• Casual and hardcore gamers were selected from the population of

Grade 12 STEM students of Ormoc City Senior High School through
criterion sampling in accordance to survey questionnaire results.

• Statistical data was gathered from the casual and hardcore gamers,
this consists of their simple reaction time test results.
Quantitative Data
Gathering and

• Qualitative data was gathered through interviews with research

participants in regards to their experience in connection with digital
gaming and reaction time.
Qualitative Data

• Analyzation and interpretation of collected quantitative and

qualitative data.
Respondent Selection
• Casual and hardcore gamers were
selected from the population of
Grade 12 STEM students of
OCSHS through criterion sampling
in accordance to survey
questionnaire results.

Quantitative Data Gathering and

• Statistical data was gathered from
the casual and hardcore gamers
through the Human Benchmark
Visual Reaction Time Test.

Qualitative Data Gathering

• Qualitative data was gathered
through interviews with research
participants in regards to their
experience in connection with
digital gaming and reaction time.

• IBM SPSS was used to determine
the effect size which is used to
measure the correlation between
the two variables in quantitative
data. As for the qualitative data,
codes were used to organize the
respondents’ interview answers.

Review of Related Literature

Reaction time is a vital part in digital gaming, but does the latter affect the

former otherwise? There is a study at the University of Rochester that stated about a

heightened sense that video game players experience, that can help with their daily

lives. But it doesn’t specify about people’s reaction time, which the researchers’

study had centered on. This review of related literature aimed to shed light about

reaction time and previous studies about it.

The said study in the introduction was found in the journal titled, Improved

Probabilistic Inference as a General Learning Mechanism with Action Video Games

by Bavelier and his colleagues. Action video game players' brains are more efficient

collectors of visual and auditory information, and therefore arrive at the necessary

threshold of information they need to make a decision much faster than non -gamers

(Bavelier 2010). The research measures a specific type of reaction time, which

is visual reaction time using the simple reaction time experiment which is the stick

drop test.

A previous study by Karagöz’s (2008) stated that on children aged 8 - 10

found right hand as 404.2ms, left hand as 427.75ms in males’ audio response time

average and right hand as 420,75ms, left hand as 457.6ms in their visual response

time average, right hand as 424.65ms, left hand as 476.6ms in females’ audio

response time average and right hand as 482.7ms, left hand as 510.1ms their visual

response time average. As there are currently no related literature found regarding

the standard average reaction of adolescents, the researchers opted to evaluate the

average reaction time of OCSHS STEM students.

Psychologists have named three basic kinds of reaction time experiments

which cater to different kinds of reaction time (Luce, 1986; Welford, 1980). They are
simple reaction time experiments, recognition reaction time experiments and choice

reaction time experiments. In simple reaction time experiments, there is only one

stimulus given and one response expected. Examples of these are ‘X at a known

location’, ‘Spot the dot’, ‘Reaction to sound’ and the well-known ‘Stick drop test’. In

recognition reaction time experiments, there are some stimuli that should be

responded to (the 'memory set'), and others that should get no response (the

'distractor set'). There is still only one correct response. 'Symbol recognition' and

'tone recognition' are both recognition experiments. In choice reaction time

experiments, the user must give a response that corresponds to the stimulus, such

as pressing a key corresponding to a letter if the letter appears on the screen (Luce,

1986; Welford, 1980). The researchers had focused on and chose the simple

reaction time experiment for doability and specificity in accordance to their time and


For about 120 years, the accepted figures for mean simple reaction times for

college age individuals have been about 190ms (0.19 sec) for light stimuli and about

160ms for sound stimuli (Galton, 1899; Fieandt et al, 1956; Welford, 1980; Brebner

and Welford, 1980). This mean simple reaction time would become the basis of

comparison for the researcher’s sample size which would vary from the average

reaction time of light gamers to heavy gamers.

Various researchers proved that response to an auditory stimulus is faster

than reaction to a visual stimulus, with the mean auditory reaction times being 140-

160msec and the visual reaction times being 180-200msec (Galton, 1899;

Woodworth and Schlosberg, 1954; Fieandt et al., 1956; Welford, 1980; Brebner and

Welford, 1980). Perhaps this is because an auditory stimulus takes about 8-10msec

to reach the brain (Kemp et al., 1973), but a visual stimulus takes about 20-40msec
(Marshall et al., 1943). Reaction time to touch is intermediate, at 155msec

(Robinson, 1934). Differences in reaction time between these types of stimuli persist

whether the subject is asked to make a simple response or a complex response

(Sanders, 1998, p. 114).

There are many factors affecting reaction time apart from the type of the

reaction time experiment, the type of stimulus and the intensity of the stimulus

(Kosinski, 2006). They are extraneous factors which the researchers would take into

consideration in choosing their sample size and conducting the experiment. These

factors are: arousal, age, gender, left vs. right hand, direct vs. peripheral vision,

practice and error, fatigue, fasting, distraction, warnings of impending stimuli,

warnings about impairment by alcohol, order of presentation, breathing cycle, finger

tremors, personality type, exercise, punishment, stimulant drugs, intelligence, brain

injury and illness. Over these myriad of factors, the researchers had incorporated

what they are able to incorporate to the best of their abilities in their study during the

qualitative phase.

The research results lies in the data that’ll be obtained from students who

are identified as hardcore gamers. A gamer is a devoted player of electronic games,

especially on machines especially designed for such games and, in a more recent

trend, over the Internet. Playing such games is known as gaming, which is a term

first used as a synonym for gambling. To identify what is a gamer validly, the

researchers followed the suggestions of Adams (2000) and Kim (2001), the two

researchers proposed 15 variables that the researchers believe are key to

distinguishing between the hardcore and the casual gamer, and ways of measuring

each for a given player. Once these data are gathered, they may be weighted to
obtain a single numeric score, which determines the extent to which the player is a

"core" or a "casual" gamer -- a value that they call gamer score or dedication.

Factor Weighting

1. Play games over many long sessions 10

2. Discuss games with friends/bulletin boards 10

3. Comparative knowledge of the industry 10

4. Much more tolerant of frustration 9

5. Indications of early adoption behaviour 9

6. Desire to modify or extend games in a creative way 8

7. Technologically savvy 7

8. Have the latest high-end computers/consoles 7

9. Play for the exhilaration of defeating (or completing)

the game

10. Hunger for gaming-related information 6

11. Engaged in competition with himself, the game, and

other players

12. Willingness to pay 5

13. Prefer games that have depth and complexity 3

14. Time started playing games relative to the age of

the industry

15. Prefer violent/action games 1

Table 1: The 15 Factors of Classification and associated weightings

(ranked according to weight)

This is the Formula for the gamer score

Where n=15; s = self-ranked score; and w = weight

Figure 2: adapting overall gamer-dedication scores obtained using the

15 Factors of Classification into customer segments

According to Kim those with consistent scores for all 15 factors show a strong

indication of being a hardcore gamer. These gamers are likely to possess greater

gaming-related knowledge and experience, as well as spending considerably more

time and resources on games than the preceding categories. While casual gamers,

with a higher score than the above category, but lower than that of the preceding one

and they show a mild response to the 15 Factors. Casual gamers are not ignorant or

indifferent about games, but simply show a reserved level of interest.

There is also another definition by Green & Bavelier (2007), which defined a

gamer as an individual who played 4+ hours of video games a week. These factors

and traits of a gamer are necessary in the formulation of an accurate and valid

research questionnaire for the researchers.

According to Grusser et al. (2007), in a sample of over 7000 computer game

players, 11.9% meet the researchers' diagnostic criteria for gaming addiction.

Additionally, there is only weak evidence that excessive gaming is associated with

aggressive behavior. And in another study, a large German study (more than 15,000

participants) 3% of male students and 0.3% of female student were viewed as

having a computer gaming addiction (Rehbein 2009). The research study more or

less impacts the way people perceive computer games, but it is currently unknown

what will its effect to the state of computer addiction.

Reaction time becomes an important component of information processing as

it indexes speed of stimulus processing and response programming. Due to its

importance, there existed a lot of researches about it. One of them states that

reaction time decreases with training and practice. This information can be useful in

day-to-day regular life. By the practice of an important task, time required for

stimulus identification and response can be decreased (Ghuntla et al., 2014).

There was also a study similar to the researcher’s study titled “Reaction Time

Differences in Video Game and Non Video Game Players”. The study stated in its
conclusion that statistical difference observed between gamer and non-gamer

groups confirms the original hypothesis of the research that individuals qualifying as

gamers would record significantly lower reaction times than non-gamers and provide

further support hypothesizing visual processing is enhanced in gamers. (Richardson,

2014). What distinguishes the researcher’s research from that past study was that

they are intently focused on the population of Filipinos, specifically OCSHS students.
Definition of Terms

Casual Gamers – a gamer whose weighted gamer score reached 30 to 45 %. They

are composed of people who is borderline to non-gamers.

Digital Gaming – a game in which people interact through electronic means (e.g.

computer, videogame, mobile devices, etc.). This is manipulated by one or more


Gamer Score – As suggested by researchers Adam (2000) and Kim (2001) there are

15 variables that are the key to distinguishing between the non-gamer/ultra-casual,

casual, moderate/traditional, hardcore and ultra-hardcore.

Genre - refers to a particular type or style of a game

Hardcore Gamers – a gamer whose weighted gamer score is 55- to 70%

Human Benchmark Reaction Time Test – an online test to determine simple visual

reaction time.

Reaction Time – the time between a stimulus and how long it takes to react on it.

Visual Reaction time – is a time required to respond to a visual stimuli.

Heightened sense – an increase or enhance in the five senses.

Stimulus - a sense or something that has an impact or an effect on an organism so

that its behavior is modified in a detectable way.



Research Design

The researchers chose to use the explanatory sequential mixed methods

research design, gathering first quantitative data to be followed and supported by

qualitative data. Though there are some questions that were answered only by using

a qualitative method, the researchers treated the qualitative research design as an

auxiliary component.

Context and Participants

A. This study was conducted by the researchers within the area of Ormoc City

Senior High School with the said school’s STEM students in general as the primary

respondents. The research was conducted for a total of a semester, which is

approximately six months, though there were discrepancies due to the holiday

season, weekends, and other school related activities. Regardless, the researchers

did their best to accomplish this research and create a satisfying conclusion for


B. As for the sampling procedure, the researchers applied criterion sampling

and simple random sampling in conducting this study. Criterion sampling was done

after the analysis of data from the survey questionnaires that were distributed, and

then collected from the primary respondents. to determine the casual and hardcore

gamers of the OCSHS STEM 12 Students. While Convenience sampling was done

in selecting 26 casual gamers and 26 hardcore gamers to be the respondents for the

human benchmark reaction time test and interview. Convenience sampling was done
to avoid delay in the data gathering procedure due to the researchers’ little time to

conduct the research.

Research Instruments

A. Survey Questionnaires – The researchers had decided to use survey

questionnaires on their first stage of data gathering to screen out prospective

respondents for the stage two data gathering. The data gathered through these

questionnaires were used to determine the remaining respondents for the second

stage of this research study.

B. Human Benchmark Reaction Time Test – The respondents that were

chosen from the first stage of data gathering had been tested using this instrument.

The test was administered to both casual and hardcore gamers. The data gathered

by this instrument was used to formulate the conclusion.

C. Interview – The researchers interviewed the respondents selected through

criterion sampling. This was used to gather the qualitative data.

Data Gathering Procedure

There were two stages of data gathering for this research.

The first stage was composed of two parts. The purpose of the first stage was

to classify and identify the type of gamer the respondents are by establishing their

gaming score. Researcher-prepared survey questionnaires were distributed to the

entirety of STEM students as they are the primary participants of this study. When

the data gathered from the survey questionnaires went through data analysis, the

participants for the second part of the first stage were determined.
The second part of the first stage was done with the use of simple reaction

time experiment, specifically a visual test, to measure the reaction time of the casual

and hardcore gamers selected. The data gathered from the two will be treated by

finding their measurement of correlation using SPSS software.

Through the second stage of the study, the researchers strengthened the

statistical data by using qualitative data about the impression of students when it

comes to video games by conducting an interview with the respondents. This data

gathering stage had been conducted after the data analysis of the data gathered in

the first stage.

Data Analysis Procedure

After the first part of the first phase of the data collection, the researchers

tabulated the data and used the tabulated data as a basis for criterion sampling.

The researchers made a general conclusion from the answers of the students

on the interview after coding and interpreting the given data.

The researchers used SPSS to find the relationship between type of gamer,

which is an ordinal variable and average reaction time, which is an interval variable.


Formatted: Font: Not Bold

Figure 3. Data Tabulation from Human Benchmark Reaction Time Test of

RespondentsHardcore (Right) and Interview QuestionnairesCasual (Left) Gamers
The results of the Human Benchmark Test, which is a simple visual reaction

time experiment for casual gamers, yielded an average of 408.54ms while 385.12ms

for the hardcore gamers. This result came from 52 grade 12 STEM students.

Measures of Association Formatted Table

Eta Eta Squared Eta Square root

Average * Gamer .277 .077 .526

Based on the results of IBM SPSS in finding the partial effect size of the data

gathered from casual gamers and hardcore gamers, the interpretation goes as:

There is a relationship between the classifications of a gamer (e.g. Casual and

Hardcore). This is a direct relationship, in which being scored with higher gamer

score and identified as a greater type of gamer leads to a faster simple reaction time

and vice versa.

Figure 3. Interview questions:

1.) As a gamer, how important is your reaction time for you?

2.) What can you say about your reaction time? Do you think is is related to your

being a gamer?

3.) How did you start gaming? What drives you to continue gaming?

4.) What is your impression regarding the effects of gaming to your reaction


5.) What other factors do you think affect your reaction time? (Example:

(1)arousal, (2)age, (3)gender, (4)left vs. right hand, (5)direct vs. peripheral

vision, (6)practice and error, (7)fatigue, (8)fasting, (9)distraction, (10)warnings

of impending stimuli, (11)warnings about impairment by alcohol, (12)order of

presentation, (13)breathing cycle, (14)finger tremors, (15)personality type,

(16)exercise, (17)punishment, (18)stimulant drugs, (19)intelligence, (20)brain

injury and (21)illness.

6.) What is your general impression about gaming?

Formatted: Font: Not Bold

Figure 4. Data Tabulation of Interview Results from Hardcore Gamers (see Figure 3

for better understanding)

Figure 4 shows the answers of the respondents in the interview (Figure 3) of

the respondents with them. Based on the data gathered from the interview, the

majority of the reasons why students play digital games are due to personal reasons

(e.g., Boredom, Entertainment), some for positive reasons (e.g. Stress reliever, Self

Progress) while some were for negative reasons (e.g. Depression and Addiction).

The majority of the impressions of the respondents when it comes to digital gaming

is just they play for the sake of having fun, but some prefer to differ. There was a

student that answered that Professional Digital Gaming (E-sports) is a huge field that

contributes greatly to the economy of the country. Another stated that Online Digital

Gaming is a great and fun way to enhance our communication skills. The rest of the

answers were about mental health improvement, reaction time improvement,

security and relieving stress.



Summary of Findings
Figure 5. Summarized Data from Human Benchmark Visual Reaction Time Test


With the data gathered from both qualitative and quantitative phase of this

mixed method research, the researchers were able to conclude the following:

There is a direct relationship between digital gamer type and visual simple

reaction time quality.

Other than that there are good benefits and helpful uses of digital gaming of

gaming other than entertainment; (e.g. Stress Reliever, Motivation, Satisfaction,

Creativity Enhancer and Improves Reaction Time).


Due to the time constraints, the researchers were not able to explore deeply in

the research. The researchers were only able to impose limited interview questions
to answer the research questions. Future researchers can further specify the

research interview to gather more in depth and clearer data. They can also specify

the genre of the digital the respondents play or even utilize observation as the main

research instrument. And with different cultures and places, the effect and result of

the research could vary. Even with the limited capabilities of the student researchers,

they were able to uncover an important and positive effect of digital gaming with the

limited time they have. What more could professionals uncover if they research more

deeply on the many aspects of digital gaming, such as economical value, medicinal

usage and etc.

Reference List

Kemp, B. J. 1973. Reaction time of young and elderly subjects in relation to

perceptual deprivation and signal-on versus signal-off condition.

Developmental Psychology 8: 268-272.

T.P. Ghuntla, H.B. Mehta, P.A. Gokhale and C.J. Shah, Influence of practice on

visual reaction time. Journal of Mahatma Gandhi Institute of Medical

Sciences, 19(2), 119 (2014).

Rao SL, Gangadhar BN, Keshavan MS, Hegde AS, Nardev G. Reaction time

deficits in post traumatic syndrome. Indian J Psychiatry 1985; 27:63-5

Matthew V. (2018, April). The many different types of video games and their sub

genres. Retrieved from


Sanders, A. F. 1998. Elements of Human Performance: Reaction Processes and

Attention in Human Skill. Lawrence Erlbaum Associates, Publishers,

Mahwah, New Jersey. 575 pages.

Marshall, W. H., S. A. Talbot, and H. W. Ades. 1943. Cortical response of the

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Worcester, MA.

Woodworth, R. S. and H. Schlosberg. 1954. Experimental Psychology. Henry Holt,

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Galton, F. 1899. On instruments for (1) testing perception of differences of tint and

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Luce, R. D. 1986. Response Times: Their Role in Inferring Elementary Mental

Organization. Oxford University Press, New York.

Welford, A. T. 1980. Choice reaction time: Basic concepts. In A. T. Welford (Ed.),

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Galton, F. 1899. On instruments for (1) testing perception of differences of tint and

for (2) determining reaction time. Journal of the Anthropological Institute 19:


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Institute, No. 2, University of Helsinki.

Brebner, J. T. and A. T. Welford. 1980. Introduction: an historical background sketch.

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Kosinski, R. J. 2006. A literature review on reaction time [cheat sheet]. Retrieved



Bratu, E. (2018, June, 22). eSports – The rise of the gaming community. Retrieved

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and aggression? Cyberpsychology & Behavior, 10, 290 - 292.

Rehbein et al. (2009). Excessive video game playing and video game addiction

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Current Biology, 2010; 20 (17): 1573-1579 DOI:



The researchers would like to express their deepest gratitude to the people

who had contributed for the success of this study.

To the powerful Almighty God above for guiding the researchers in conducting

the study and giving them the strength to strive hard in the hardest of situations


To Mr. Marjune Nepaya for guiding the researchers in conducting the study as

well as for giving them important advises.

To Mrs. Ingrid Rica Soria Blanco for being the supporting pillar of the

researchers who gave her professional expertise and advice for the betterment of

the research study.

To Mrs. Cortez for giving the researchers important recommendations which

made major changes in conducting the study.

To Ms. Emmeylou Redoble for giving the researcher constructive criticisms

during the presentation for them to be more ordered, clear and accurate.

To Ms. Cecilio for giving the researchers advice and moral strength to

continue conducting the study.

To Mr/Mrs. Viray who guided the researchers s and for providing them a place

to stay in during the tabulation of a vast amount of data.

To the researcher's parents for giving them undying support as they did the

study till the end.


Dio Kristoffer C. Yap
Lian Kaye M. Viray
Ormoc City Senior High School
Marjune M. Nepaya, Research Adviser

This research study aims to bring awareness to the issue of digital games on today’s
society. Human nature tends to label things as good or bad. And with the prevalent
issue of computer gaming addiction, the name of digital gaming had been stained.
What the researchers are doing is bringing better light to this subject by validating
and proving a good effect of gaming to ourselves, specifically reaction time. The
research is a mixed method research which utilizes both quantitative and qualitative
instruments (e.g. Interview, Survey Questionnaires and Simple Reaction Time
Experiment). The researchers were able to gather gamer respondents using a
previous study. And after gathering data from them, the researchers found out that
there is a direct relationship between what type of gamer the respondents are (e.g.
Casual and Hardcore) and their simple reaction time. The conclusion garnered from
the qualitative phase provided that digital gaming has been a huge part in the life of
Grade 12 STEM Students of OCSHS (e.g. Stress Reliever, Motivation, Satisfaction,
Creativity Enhancer and Improves Reaction Time).

Digital Gaming, Reaction Time, Computers and Technology

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