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Hindusthan College of Engineering And Technology

Approved by AICTE, New Delhi, Accredited with ‘A’ Grade by NAAC

(An Autonomous Institution, Affiliated to Anna University, Chennai)
Coimbatore – 641 032


Marks COs
1. What is Biplane? 2 CO1
2. What is Monoplane? 2 CO1
3. What do you meant by ornithopter? 2 CO1
4. Which planes are called as Triplanes? 2 CO1
5. Compare Monoplanes and Biplanes. 2 CO1
6. What do you meant by Glider? 2 CO1
7. What is an Aeroplane? 2 CO1
8. What do you understand by the term “aircraft”? 2 CO1
9. What are the four forces acting on an aero plane? 2 CO1
10. Give an outline of Lift. 2 CO1
11. What is drag? Give the classifications 2 CO1
12. What is Skin Friction? 2 CO1
13. What is Pressure Drag? 2 CO1
14. What is the need for ISA? 2 CO1
What is standard atmosphere? Give the values of physical properties of air at
15. 2 CO1
sea level condition.
16. Give the various types of altitude. 2 CO1
17. What Is meant by airfoil? 2 CO1
18. State Mach number. Give its classifications. 2 CO1
19. Write down the differences between symmetric and cambered airfoil. 2 CO1
What do you understand by the terms aerodynamic centre and Centre of
20. 2 CO1
21. Give the name of primary & secondary control surfaces of an aircraft. 2 CO1
22. What are the basic components of conventional powered control? 2 CO1
23. Write down the merits & demerits of conventional powered control. 2 CO1
24. Write down the basic system of classification of instruments. 2 CO1
25. Give the name of secondary control surfaces. 2 CO1

PART B (Give questions unit wise - 14 Marks)

This can be either with one question for 14 marks or with two question 7 + 7 marks
Questions Marks COs
Discuss the classification of flight vehicles. Mention the criteria for
1. 14 CO1
Explain in detail about the major components and control surfaces of air frame
2. 14 CO1
of an airplane and their functions.
Draw a three view diagram of an aircraft and mention all the parts and its
3. 14 CO1
4. With a help of neat sketch, explain the components of rotorcraft. 14 CO1
What is International Standard Atmosphere? Describe the basic structure of
5. 14 CO1
atmosphere with a neat sketch.
i. Derive the relations for pressure and temperature variations with
6. altitude for stratosphere. CO1
ii. Derive an expression for Hydrostatic equation.
Derive the relations for pressure and temperature variations with altitude for
7. stratosphere and troposphere. 14 CO1

Discuss the temperature variation with altitude of standard atmosphere in neat

8. sketch and classify the atmospheric layers. 14 CO1

Calculate the pressure and density at 8000 m and 11000 m in the international
9. standard atmosphere. The pressure at sea level is 101325 N/m2, the sea level 14 CO1
temperature is 288.15 K and the lapse rate is 0.0065 K/m.

PART C (Give questions unit wise - 10 Marks)

Describe the function of conventional controls, power assisted control & fully
1. 10 CO1
powered controls.
Explain with neat sketches the working principle of few flight instruments for
2. 10 CO1
safe & comfortable flying.
3. Discuss in detail about fully powered control system and fly by wire systems. 10 CO1
Explain about the basic flight instruments such as attitude indicator, Vertical
4. 10 CO1
speed indicator, Turn & bank indicator.
Give an account of the working principle & application of basic flight
5. 10 CO1
instruments (airspeed indicator, altimeter, heading indicator).
6. Discuss about High lift devices. 10 CO1


Marks COs
1. What is stress? 2 CO2
2. What do you meant by strain? 2 CO2
3. What is Hooke’s law? 2 CO2
4. Draw stress-strain curve. 2 CO2
5. What is monocoque construction? 2 CO2
6. What do you meant by semi monocoque construction? 2 CO2
7. What are spars? 2 CO2
8. What are ribs? 2 CO2
9. What are the metallic materials used in aircraft? 2 CO2
10. List of aerospace aluminium alloys. 2 CO2
11. Mention the uses of aerospace materials. 2 CO2
12. Mention the uses of Ttitanium alloy in an aircraft. 2 CO2
13. Mention the uses of stainless steel in an aircraft. 2 CO2
14. Name any two aeroplane parts/components made out of Titanium alloys. 2 CO2
15. What are construction materials for supersonic airplanes? 2 CO2
16. Mention the application of composite materials in Aerospace. 2 CO2

PART B (Give questions unit wise - 14 Marks)

This can be either with one question for 14 marks or with two question 7 + 7 marks
Questions Marks COs
1. Write the short notes about
a) Monocoque construction 7
b) Geodesic construction of airplane structures 7

2. Discuss in detail with the help of sketches the constructions of a typical wing
14 CO2
and fuselage structure.
3. With neat sketch, explain the construction of a typical aircraft wing. Show all
the structural components of wing construction and mention the types of 14 CO2
loads/ stresses experienced by the structural members.
4. What are the use of titanium and composite materials for aircraft components
and the need for such materials? (ii)Write short notes on inspection and 14 CO2
cleaning of sparkplugs.
5. Write a short note on composite materials and their applications to aircraft
14 CO2

PART C (Give questions unit wise - 10 Marks)

1. Distinguish between monocoque and semi monocoque structure. 10 CO2
2. Discuss about flight loads. 10 CO2
3. State the importance of composite materials used in aircraft construction. 10 CO2
What are specialties of Titanium and Nickel and their alloys to be used in
4. 10 CO2

Marks COs
1. Distinguish between Piston engines and gas turbine engines. 2 CO3
2. What is meant by jet propulsion? 2 CO3
3. How will you classify propulsive engine? 2 CO3
4. List the different types of jet engine. 2 CO3
5. Give the components of a turbojet engine. 2 CO3
6. What is meant by afterburner? 2 CO3
7. List the types of thrust augmentation 2 CO3
8. What is specific impulse? 2 CO3
9. Differentiate jet propulsion and rocket propulsion. 2 CO3
10. Differentiate pressure thrust and momentum thrust. 2 CO3
11. What is meant by FADEC? 2 CO3
12. What is the difference between propeller propulsion and jet propulsion? 2 CO3
13. State specific fuel consumption & Bypass ratio. 2 CO3
14. What is Blade angle and advance ratio? 2 CO3
15. List the uses of propellers. 2 CO3
16. Write down the factors affecting thrust production. 2 CO3

PART B (Give questions unit wise - 14 Marks)

This can be either with one question for 14 marks or with two question 7 + 7 marks
Questions Marks COs
With the help of diagrams, explain the elements of the four-stroke, internal
1. 14 CO3
combustion reciprocating engine in detail.
Describe a turbofan engine with a neat sketch and explain why the efficiency of
2. 14 CO3
this engine is better than a turbojet engine.
Sketch a schematic diagram of turbojet engine and explain the functions of its
3. 14 CO3
components. What are the advantages and disadvantages?
Sketch a schematic diagram of turboprop engine and explain the functions of
4. 14 CO3
its components. What are the advantages and disadvantages?
5. Discuss about Thrust Augmentation and its types. 14 CO3
Sketch a schematic diagram of turboprop engine and explain the functions of
6. 14 CO3
its components. What are the advantages and disadvantages?

PART C (Give questions unit wise - 10 Marks)

Bring out the essential differences between piston engines and jet engines for
1. 10 CO3
aircraft propulsion.
2. Explain how a propeller produces thrust for aircraft propulsion. 10 CO3
3. Discuss about Thrust vector control 10 CO3
4. Comparative merits and demerits of turbojet and turboprop 10 CO3
5. Comparative merits and demerits of turbofan and turboshaft 10 CO3


Marks COs
1. What is Rocket Propulsion? 2 CO4
2. What is meant by space debris?
3. Classify the different types of rocket engines. 2 CO4
4. What are the types of liquid propellants used in rocket engine? 2 CO4
5. What is mono propellant? Give example. 2 CO4
6. What is the difference between propeller propulsion and jet propulsion? 2 CO4
7. What is RAMJET? 2 CO4
8. What is SCRAM JET Engine? 2 CO4
9. Distinguish SCRAM JET and RAM JET 2 CO4
10. What is meant by thrust vector mechanism? 2 CO4
11. What is a re-entry vehicle? 2 CO4
12. What is meant by Fuel cells? 2 CO4
13. Write down the staging of rockets 2 CO4
14. wWhat is stage exploration? 2 CO4

PART B (Give questions unit wise - 14 Marks)

This can be either with one question for 14 marks or with two question 7 + 7 marks
Questions Marks COs
1. What are the applications of rockets? How are they classified? 14 CO4
Sketch a typical liquid propellant rocket power plant and name the important
2. components. What are the advantages of liquid propellant rockets over solid 14 CO4
propellant rockets?
Sketch a schematic diagram of RAMJET engine and explain the functions of its
3. 14 CO4
components. What are the advantages and disadvantages?
Sketch a schematic diagram of SCRAMJET engine and explain the functions of
4. 14 CO4
its components. What are the advantages and disadvantages?
5. Discuss about Thrust vector control? 14 CO4
6. Explain about Staging of rockets with neat sketches. 14 CO4

PART C (Give questions unit wise - 10 Marks)

1. Write short notes on Space Debris and Launch site selection 10 CO4
2. Enumerate the types of rockets. 10 CO4
3. Explain with the help of a sketch, the principle of operation of a rocket. 10 CO4
Discuss the different types of liquid propellants and mention its merits and its
4. 10 CO4
5. Discuss about re-entry of Space vehicles 10 CO4
6. Explain life support systems for manned mission 10 CO4
7. Write shot notes about Fuel cells 10 CO4

Marks COs
1. Difference between Aircraft and Helicopter. 2 CO5
2. What do you meant by UAVs and MAVs? 2 CO5
3. Mention the uses of UAV’s and MAV’s. 2 CO5
4. Why hydraulic system is used in aircraft? 2 CO5
5. Differentiate between open and closed hydraulic system. 2 CO5
6. Give the main requirements of hydraulic fuels. 2 CO5
7. What is the need for pressurization in aircrafts? 2 CO5
8. What are the navigation instruments? 2 CO5
9. What is the principle involved in ADF? 2 CO5
10. Name any four modern control systems. 2 CO5
11. What are TAS and EAS? 2 CO5
12. Name some advantages of fly by wire control systems. 2 CO5
13. Why air/nitrogen used in oleo strut? 2 CO5

PART B (Give questions unit wise - 14 Marks)

This can be either with one question for 14 marks or with two question 7 + 7 marks
Questions Marks COs
1. Brifelys explain about UAVs and MAVs and its types. 14 CO5
2. Explain about Hydraulic pump and Filters 14 CO5
Explain the working of the typical hydraulic system used for the passenger
3. 14 CO5
4. Explain in detail about auto pilot system with a block diagram. 14 CO5
5. Explain about Pressure feed system with neat sketch. 14 CO5
6. Explain the characteristics of Reciprocating Lubrication systems. 14 CO5
7. Explain the operation of Instrument Landing Systems with neat sketches 14 CO5

1. Give an account on UAV’s and MAV’s. Write down their merits and demerits. 10 CO5
2. Explain about fuel Jettison system. 10 CO5
3. Explain in detail about air cycle cooling system. 10 CO5
Explain the following
4. a. Flight Instruments 10 CO5
b. Communication instruments
5. Discuss about high lift devices. 10 CO5
6. Explain about Brake systems. 10 CO5

Name of the faculty Signature
Mr.M.Magesh Kumar
Mr.V.Saravana Kumar

Course Co-ordinator HOD DEAN


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