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Mary, Mother of the Church Parish Youth Ministry

By Laws 2018

-To become the source and a foundation of future parish ministers, mold the parish youth and
develop them as future area youth coordinators.


As a part of the Mary, Mother of the Church Parish, Vicariate of Our Lady of Lourdes from the
Diocese of Novaliches:

-To be socially responsible, support the youth and encourage them to take part of parish related
- To educate, train and hone responsible, ethical, effective and committed youth leaders who
will serve as role models to young people.

Official Logo

-The ministry official logo shall be:

Official Uniform

- The official of the ministry shall be the White Shirt used in the launch. The shirt should
not be worn on non-ministry related activities.

- The shirt should also be returned in-case that the member will leave or will no longer
be active in the ministry.
CORE Officers’ Duties and Responsibilities

PYM Adviser

-In charge of the supervising the over-all operations of the Parish Youth Ministry.

-In charge of supervising and assisting of the Youth Coordinator in making decisions and in
holding ministry meetings (if necessary) and in SPECIAL CASES can hold meetings which
involves the whole ministry.

-In charge assisting the Youth Coordinator in decision-making that the ministry needs.

-Trains and gives tasks to the members and most especially the core officers including the
Youth Coordinator.

Youth Coordinator

-In charge of the over-all operations of the Parish Youth Ministry.

-In charge of presiding ministry meetings every month (or if urgently needed) with the
supervision and assistance of the PYM Adviser.

-In charge of decision-making that the ministry needs with the assistance of the PYM Adviser.

-In charge of coordinating ministry activities to the formation committee head, PPC Chairperson
and Parish Priest.

-Monitors given tasks by the PYM Adviser to the members and core officers.

-Shall attend the PPC Meeting as the Ministry Representative.

Youth Coordinator (External Affairs)

-In charge of coordinating External Youth Activities (both on the Vicariate and Diocesan Level)
that the ministry can take part.

-In charge of presiding ministry meetings every month (or if urgently needed) with the
supervision and assistance of the PYM Adviser if the Youth Coordinator is not around.

-In charge of decision-making that the ministry needs with the assistance of the PYM Adviser in
case of the Youth Coordinators absence.

-Shall attend the PPC Meeting as the Ministry Representative if the President won’t be able to
attend the said activity.


-In charge of making the minutes of the meeting and shall be passed to the PYM Adviser 3 days
after the meeting.

-Responsible for posting the Minutes of the Meeting on the CORE Officers group page.
-In charge of writing letters (eg, Proposal letters, Sponsorship letters, Solicitation letters, excuse
letters) for the ministry’s own use.

-In charge of creating ministry memos if necessary.

-Shall update the ministry database every month.

-In charge of tracking Ministry member’s birthdays.

Assistant Secretary

-In charge of writing the minutes of the meeting alongside the secretary.

-Responsible for filling the Minutes of the Meeting and other important documents of the

-In charge of assisting the secretary in writing letters (eg, Proposal letters, Sponsorship letters,
Solicitation letters, excuse letters) for the ministry’s own use.

-In charge of monitoring the attendance of the members in every activity that the ministry

Finance Officer

-In charge of making the Ministry Financial Report to be reported every monthly meeting.

-Responsible for the receipts needed to be attached with the financial reports.

-In charge of monitoring cash inflows and outflows and budgeting the ministry funds.

Public Relations and Communications Officer (PRACO)

-In charge of informing the members on the activities that the ministry will have.

-In charge of reminding everybody on the ministry about upcoming events and activities.

-In charge of handling the PYM Page for announcements and uploading of photos.

I-Share Program Head

-In charge of needed choreographies and animations of the ministry.

-Responsible for coordinating with the vicariate, the diocese or the commission on youth in
animations, etc.

CORE Members

-Will serve as the COMMITTEES of the CORE Officers in ministry activities.

-If any of the CORE Officers weren’t able to fulfill the tasks given to them, the PYM Adviser or
the Youth Coordinator has the power to pick the replacement from this group of people.
Parish Youth Ministry Rules and Regulations

Admission / Membership

1. The member of the ministry must be 13-39 years of age. Must be single and is willing to
commit his/her time, talent and treasure for the ministry.
2. For the member to be a bona fide PYM Member, one must undergo two (2) interviews;
Preliminary Interview (to be conducted by the Youth Coordinator) and the Final Interview
(to be conducted by the Ministry Adviser).
3. The newly recruited member must be ready to undergo training as the ministry not only
promotes spirituality and enjoyment, but it also trains young members to become future
youth servant leaders.
4. The member should also show initiative and should always be active in every activity
that the PYM will have.

Promotions and Demotions (amongst the current members)

1. In order to a member to be promoted into a member of the CORE Group, one must
possess maturity, persistence, hard work, productivity and positive character over the
other members and the adviser. The promotion from an ordinary member into a CORE
Member shall be awarded by the Youth Coordinator.
2. A CORE Member can be promoted into CORE Officer or a PROGRAM Lead once
he/she shown the youth coordinator and the adviser that he/she is worthy of the
promotion. The CORE member should show initiative, respect (to both co-members and
adviser) and exceptional performance in every PYM Activity. The promotions are to be
awarded by the PYM Adviser.
3. If the CORE Officer or the CORE Member wasn’t able to fulfill his/her duties, the PYM
Adviser or the Youth Coordinator has the power to demote him/her from the position that
he/she handles.

Ministry Meetings and Activities

1. PUNCTUALITY and BEING ALWAYS ON TIME shall be observed in every meeting or

activity of the ministry. The assistant secretary shall monitor the attendance of the
members in every meeting (whether they are absent, late or early).
attended by the CORE Officers and CORE Members.
3. In any meeting, only the PYM Adviser or the Youth Coordinator can preside the meeting.
The External Youth Coordinator or any other officer from the chain of command can
organize a meeting if both the adviser the youth coordinator is absent.
4. In ministry activities, the Youth Coordinator has the authority over the members of the
ministry. He will be responsible for making sure that the activity or the preparation for the
activity will run smooth. In case of his/her absence, the adviser can assist.
5. Once the activity or the meeting is adjourned, all attendees of the activity of the meeting
shall all go home right away.
Ministry Group Chat House Rules

1. Members shall address co-member older than they are with “Ate” or “Kuya” as a sign of
2. Obedience to the rules and the officers should also be observed. Disrespectful manners
and conducts shall be prohibited.
3. Leaving the group due to conflicts within the group is NOT ALLOWED, the member is
allowed to only leave the group once, if the member leaves the group chat twice, he or
she should explain to the Youth Coordinator and the Adviser on the reason why left the
group chat.
4. Profane languages, conflicts, verbal confrontations and fighting are NOT ALLOWED.
5. Division among the members is also not allowed. The ministry shall be united for we are
only in one ministry.
6. Be responsible on everything you say or do.
7. Act according to your age.

Ministry House Rules

1. All members should not only be active but also PRODUCTIVE in all aspects.
2. Respect towards co-officers and members MOST SPECIALLY towards YOUTH
COORDINATOR AND ADVISER shall always be observed.
3. Before coming-up with a decision that will definitely has an effect to the group, always
consult the Youth Coordinator and most specially the PYM Adviser.
4. If can’t be avoided, LESSEN personal affection to co-members for we are a ministry with
one goal, and that is to produce FUTURE YOUTH SERVANT LEADERS.
personal activity that a member undertakes that will PUT THE MINISTRY’S NAME IN

Disciplinary Actions

Failure to comply with the following house rules will lead to the following consequences:

1st Offense = Verbal Counseling from the PYM Adviser and the Youth Coordinator

2nd Offense = Written Warning signed by the PYM Adviser and the Youth Coordinator and a
special task to be completed.

3rd Offense = 2nd Written Warning signed by the PYM Adviser and the Youth Coordinator and a
special task to be completed.

4th Offense = Suspension from ALL PYM ACTIVITIES FOR ONE (1) MONTH and a letter to
be sent to the guardian of the member signed by the PYM Adviser and the Youth Coordinator.

5th Offense = Dismissal from the Ministry and a letter to be sent to the guardian of the
member signed by the PYM Adviser and the Youth Coordinator.
Ministry Performance

-Keep in mind that everything within the ministry will now be PERFORMANCE BASED. If a
member wants to join a specific activity outside of the parish or other youth events, he/she
SHALL EARN IT. The performance indicators are as follows:

1. Productivity

2. Attitude

3. Responsibility

4. Attendance

-These performance indicators are needed to help the ministry produce quality future youth
servant leaders that are to be distributed to the different ministries of the parish.

By signing this, I hereby understood the Parish Youth Ministry By Laws and shall abide with the
above mentioned rules and regulations.

Signed by:

1. ___________________________ 11.________________________

2. ___________________________ 12.________________________

3. ___________________________ 13.________________________

4. ___________________________ 14.________________________

5. ___________________________ 15.________________________

6. ___________________________ 16.________________________

7. ___________________________ 17.________________________

8. ___________________________ 18.________________________

9. ___________________________ 19.________________________

10. ___________________________ 20.________________________

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