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HCAAPI-C-1 Local Conditions



The proposed project consists of construction of three (3) Irrigation systems. namely;
Catubig , Bulao and Hagbay. Each system has a diversion dam ; Catubig is a Concrete
Ogee type while Bulao and Hagbay are of Concrete Barrage type. The main canals
have each respective irrigation and drainage structures.

The Catubig River system covering the project areas consist of the main Catubig river,
two main tributaries , the Hinaga River and Hagbay River (or San Vicente River) and
other creek tributaries including Bulao creek, the proposed source of Bulao irrigation
scheme. The valley is relatively flat with a slope of more or less 2 %. All rivers are
affected by tidal movement and water salinity at the lower reaches .

The estimated potential gross irrigable area is 4,622 ha in Catubig Irrigation System
(CIS) , 7 42 ha in Bulao Irrigation System (BIS) and 1,349 ha in Hag bay Irrigation
System (HIS) . The designed length of main and lateral canals although this may still
ch ange in each irrigation system is 122 .61 km in CIS , 19.87 km in BIS and 35.18 km
in HIS .


The project area is located partly in the Municipality of Catubig and Las Navas, Province of
Northern Samar, about 820 km south of Manila. It is 75 km southeast of Catarman , the
province capital. The Municipality of Catubig and Las Navas is a part of the Catubig Valle y
in the Northem Samar, one of the three provinces in Samar Island. Samar is the third
largest island in the Philippine Archipelago. The project area is situated approximately 12
degrees 20 minutes Nand 12.5 degrees E.

Catubig valley is accessible by air transportation (Asian Spirit) with a flight time of about
one .hour from Manila to Catarman; then by land transportation of about 65 km through
portland cement concrete pavement to Catubig town proper. It is also accessible by air
transportation from Manila to Tacloban City using either Philippine Air Lines or Cebu
Pacific with a flying time of also about one hour; then by land transportation of about 385
km to town proper of Catubig with a travel time of about 8-1/2 hours. The road condition
via Tacloban is that about 40% of the stretch of the road is in bad condition .

Project sites such .as the :q~m~~!t~~J and _,;~o§ls,-need const11Jction of temporary access
roads in order to reach the specific sites· as there are no existing roads in most of these
areas. At present the proposed Catubig dam site under the Project, can be reached
through the use of mororized-banca..._(about 1 ~ hours travel time) via Catubig River from
Catubig town up to~il)iP.iS?~an" f~~~ ~arangay San Isidro, Las Navas. Fo( Bulao dam
site _it ~n be reache8--via "~~~n . i,c_~l)!; R,iver and then ,_ by__cof!sf!ucting about 5.0 km of
temporary~q~ess -~C?C)_C;t Eor :,Hq~99Y.19~1J.J,.., site it can be. reached through the San
Vicente/Hagbay River ·directly quring rainy season due to higher water level which is then
nav i g~~le ,through the use of motorized banca, but during dry season by constructing
about 10.0 km of temporary access road. ·

LC- 1
HCAAPI-C-1 Local Conditions


The project area belongs to Type- II in the climate classification of the Philippine Climatic
Zone, which is characterized mainly by heavy rainfall during November to January
(northeast monsoon), while during other months the rainfall is equally distributed . The
average annual rainfall in the project area accumulates a total amount of 4,561 mm. There
is no well-defined dry season in the project area and the heaviest precipitation occurs
during the month of December. However, distribution of rainy days is not even in any
month. Annual mean temperature is around 26.rC in the area. June is the highest in
annual mean and maximum mean temperature. Relative humidity is high 84 % on the
annual average, with the highest of 87 % in the month of December. Annual mean
potential evaporation is around I ,605 mm, while the average evaporation is low at 4.3
mm/day. The area lies well within the typhoon belt. About 31 to 40 percent of typhoons
pass the area with the highest frequency during the months of October to December.

Table LC-01 : Average Climate Parameter at Catubig and Catarman Stations

Items Jan. Feb. Mar Apr May June July Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec
Catubig Station
Rainfall (mm) /a/

Average 515 404 255 202 241 353 297 228 258 341 ( 639 816 4561
Maximum 1049 621 467 580 426 1445 437 336 367 448 846 1259 5694
Minimum 164 103 122 98 92 245 163 131 1 78 293 305 743 3513

Catarman Station
Number of rainy
22 18 1 16 113 13 16 16 15 15 20 23 26 214
dCl)IS /b/
Relative Humidity
84 84 83 82 83 83 82 81 82 85 86 87 84
Temp (deg C) /d/
Mean 25 1 25.1 26.1 26.5 27.6 28 27.7 27.8 27.7 27.1 26.4 26.8 26.7
Mean Maximum 29.9 30.1 31 .1 32 33.3 33.8 33.2 33.5 33.4 32.3 31 .5 30.5 32 .1
Mean Minimum 20 20.1 21.1 21 21.8 22.2 22.2 22 22 21 .9 21.4 21 21.4
Evaporati on (mm)
113.1 111 1 161 163 167 137 143 167 136 124 97 87.4 1605
Prevailing wind
Direction lfl
NE NE NE NE NE NE sw sw sw I NE ~~E NE
Prevailing wind I
10.7 10.2 8.4 6.5 5.4 5.3 6 6.4 5.9 r 6.7 8.4 8.9 7.4
Velocity Iff
Number of
typhoons lql I1 2 0 1 4 4 4 2 2 16 8 8 42

I a! Period of Observation; 1973-1977 l ei Period of Observation; 1966-1976

/b/ Period of Observation; 1951 -1975 If/ Period of Observation; 1958 -197 4
tel Period of Observation; 1960-1976 /g/ Period of Observation; 194B -1978
/dl Period of Observation; 1951 -1975 Document source is from feasibility Report

LC- 2
HCAAPI-C-1 Local Conditions

Table LC-02: Maximum Daily Rainfall at Catubig (1977- 2000)

Year 1977 1978 1979 1980 198 1 1982 1983 1984 1985 1986 1987 1988
mm/day 833. 1 280.6 150.1 150.4 176.6 2 15.4 250.8 100 .0 114.5 102.3 103.4 292.6
Year 1989 1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000
mm/day 27 1. 8 142 .2 126 .3 76.9 118.1 170. 7 253.5 390 .1 169.2 202 .0 117 .6 123.2
Mean 2 08 .3
Maximum 833.1
Minimum 76 .9
2 5 10 20 50 100
Period (year)
mm/da y 174.8 274.4 350.2 429 .6 542.3 634 .5

Table LC-03 : Monthly Rainy Days more than 5.0 mm/day at Catubig (1996- 2001)

Yea r Jan Feb Mar Apr Ma y Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec Total
1996 21 16 15 15 9 14 12 5 6 13 18 18 162
1997 15 10 10 3 4 7 10 4 17 12 9 10 111
1998 8 2 6 3 4 5 7 9 3 14 18 21 100
1999 17 17 15 14 8 16 12 11 10 14 22 24 190
2000 21 20 14 10 4 8 14 6 7 19 19 24 166
2001 13 12 13 6 6 8 9 7 7 16 20 21 138
Avera ge 15.8 12.8 12.2 8. 5 5 .8 9.3 10. / 1.0 8.3 .' 14./ 1 1.7 197 144.5

Estimated Unworkable Days v ----
a) Earthworks 9 8 9 9 9 9 I 9 9 9 9 g 11 109,
b) Concrete Works 8 7 7 7 7 7 7 8 7 8 8 9 90

Note : Daily rainfall Jess than 5 mm is deem ed zero and not counted as rainy day.

It was estimated that for embankment works higher than 20 mm rainfall depth/day the
Contractor's output will be affected , while for the concreting works higher than 30 mm
rainfall depth per day the Contractor can not effectively undertake the normal activities.

NIA will not be responsible whatsoever for the accuracy of the above climatic data. Any
risk arising from the interpretation of such data shall be borne by the Contractor.


~~early half of the river basin area is covered by forest. Flat areas with ground elevati on
of 2-10 m are located along the Catubig river and its tributaries. About 90 % of flat
areas have a slope of less than 2 % and are used for rainfed rice culture in the
traditional "payatak" system . Lands along the rivers are little elevated and form natural
level where people stay and villages exist. The depression in flat areas are scattered
far from the rivers and contribute to drainage problems which are a major cause of
schistosomiasis . Paddy fields in the project are not level, but have slopes and
undulations and have no paddy dikes.

LC- 3
HCAAPI-C-1 Local Conditions

The land being more than elevation 10 m is mostly hilly and with steep slope and/or
mountains. The valley is surrounded by mountains and has an outfall to the north. The
mountains of the south with an elevation of 300 to 800 m and those of the east and
west with an elevation of 200 to 400 m are divided by a body of water.

The Catubig river basin has a catchment area of about 836 sq km with two major
tributaries , the Hinaga and San Vicente-Hagbay rivers , runs at the center most of the
project area . The Catubig river is deep and navigable and the gradient is flat up to the
Pinipisakan falls located at Brgy San Isidro , Las Navas. Alluvial plain extends along the
Catubig River and its tributaries with a width of about 2 to 5 krr. .
Soils are predominantly silty and clayey loam with a fine-texture and high water
retention capacity . The soils are ferti le and suitable for lowland rice but need drainage
fo r upland crops . Drainage problems of soils are due mainly to fine-texture, abundant
rainfall , absence of drains, high ground water table and local topographic conditions .


The majority of construction materials required under this Contract are concrete (cement,
sand & gravel), road surfacing materials, cobbles and boulders, steel bars, form lumbers
and embankment materials.

Construction materials such as cement, steel bars, lumbers, hardware and other special
materials are available in Manila or other places in the country or from other countries.
·- Sand and gravel for road surfacing~~s a _ uld r_s are available either from10rmoc_,
City__i£1 L~yte or.near Legaspi Cit ~n Alba~or ·alapa Northern Samar, while aggregates
for major concretln~f wo!'Ks are avaJ-at5 e fro rmoc City. These are located in the
separate island therefore, it is econ ical to haul by barge. The unloading area is either in
Barangay Paninirongan, town of Pambuja in the Province of Northern Samar; it is about
40 km away from the town prop~ o _Q_atubig. However, the jetty port in Barangay
Paninirongan for unloading has to be rehabilitateq. Another ·option for unloading woUid be
along the bank of the Catubig river but depending on the size of the barge which can
navigate inside the Catubig river channel up to the Pinipisakan falls.

The Contractor should make proper planning with regards to the hauling and stockpiling of
the construction materials due to adverse weather conditions that may not allow hauling by
. barge, particularly during the month of October to February.

Embankment materials are available from the excavation along the main and lateral
canals. The materials that will generally be encountered are clay of medium to high
plasticity. The in-place moisture content is generally above the optimum moisture content
therefore drying by harrowing/scarifying will be required. Such embankment materials shall .
be subject to materials testing for its suitability as provided in Volume-Ill , Technical
Specifications, Section X , "Embankment Construction and Compaction" of these Bid

For mino( structures, the aggregate source from the municipality of Palapag may also be
used by the Contractor, subject however to materials testing for the approval of NIA.
;\ggregate sampling and testing shall be as stipulated in Volume-Ill , Technical
Specifications, Section XII, "Concrete" of these Bid Documents.

LC- 4
HCAAPI-C-1 Local Conditions

NIA can not guarantee the quantity and quality of the materials from the above aggregate
quarry sources , therefore, the Contractor has the option to find/investigate other source(s)
for proper inclusion in their Bid proposal.

The Contractor shall be responsible for the payment of all local taxes , permits and
clearances required by the local government agencies including royalty (if any)
from the land owners arising out in the performance of these works in addition to the
requirements of Article GC-37, "Taxes and Duties", Volume-! of these Bid Documents.
All expenses incurred for these works shall be deemed included in the Bid prices
submitted by the Contractor on this Contract.


The Contractor shall negotiate and secure the site for his construction camp and office ,
working area for storage, workshop , warehouse , etc. The Contractor shall submit
within thirty (30) calendar days after receipt of Notice to Proceed , a detailed plan
showing the areas he has secured for his use for the duration of Contract Work. The
area in square meters and proposed usage shall be indicated as stipulated in Volume-
Ill , Technical Specifications, Section I, Paragraph 101-A of these Bid Documents.
Except for payment of Contractor's Temporary Works and Mobilization of Construction
Equipment provided in the Bill of Quantities , the Contractor shall, at his own expense,
operate and maintain areas , building warehouses, ships and other facilities necessary
for the execution of the contract work and for the safe storage of materials and
equipment. Materials subject to deterioration from the exposure to the weather shall be
stored in a weather-tight storage sheds or container having adequate capacity to
enable the contract work to proceed in accordance with the construction program .
Supplies of gasoline, fuel , oils or other petroleum products if stored above the ground
in tanks of more than 500 liters in capacity, shall not be located within 100 meters of
any structure.

The Contractor shall be responsible for all his construction equipment, materials ,
supplies and other incidentals and the cost incurred for their protection shall be borne
by him .

All rivers are affected by the tidal movement. The contractor's camp should be located
in a safety location because almost every year there is flood in the area that over-tops
portion of the river banks.

The Contractor shall submit for approval, by the NIA, his detailed plans of the camp
and working areas that he proposes to construct, including his proposal for water and
power supplies and sewerage facilities. The layout of such facilities shall consider the
existing community installation, if any, and shall be properly connected to these , if so
required, all to the satisfaction of the NIA. The Contractor shall comply with all laws,
proclamation , decrees and regulations of the Republic of the Philippines, or any sub-
division thereof which affects the building , maintenance or operation of the Contractor's
Camp and shall be responsible for any damages or claim resulting from inadequate or
improper camp facilities .

Expensive or permanent type of construction will not be required but all buildings shall
be substantial in construction and shall have reasonably attractive appearance. No
flimsy barong-barong , shanties will be permitted .

LC- 5
HCA,API-C-1 Local Conditions

The Contractor shall provide his own security force to the extent he deems necessary
for maintaining peace and order in the camp and work areas and to have safeguard
materials and equipment at the site. Nothing under the provisions of this paragraph
shall relieve the Contractor from full responsibility for the maintenance of peace and
order and the protection of life and property in all areas wherein he operate. The cost
for providing security shall be included in the Bid prices for the various items of work in
the Bill of Quantities.

No direct payment will be made to the Contractor for the operation and maintenance of
the Camp and Office and the entire cost thereof shall be included in the Bid prices for
the various items of work in the Bill of Quantities.


The Contractor shall install the appropriate testing laboratory equipment for the
concrete and related materials and for the soil. Within forty five (45) calendar days
from the receipt of NTP, the Contractor shall submit to NIA for approval the lists of field
and laboratory testing equipment, as stipulated in Volume-Ill , 'Technical
Specifications", Section I of these Bid Documents.

For other special tests which the contractor may specify, testing could be done in the
NIA's Accredited Laboratory as prescribed in Article GC-63 , "Accreditation of Testing
Laboratories", Volume-! , of these Bid Documents .

All expenses in the procurement, installation of the said equipment and operation and
testing works in the accredited laboratories shall be shouldered by the contractor. It is
therefore assumed that it is included in all related pay items in the Bill of Quantities.


There is no power supply .line in the project area. The three phase power supply is
available only in Catubig town p_roper. :fhe power supply line from the town proper of
Catubig to the town proper of Las Navas is only a single phase line. The Catubig diversion
dam site is about 14 km from the town proper of Las Navas. While the Bulao and Hagbay
diversion dam are about 9 km and 10.5 km , respectively, away from the town proper of
Las Navas.

There is no land line telecommunication in Catubig and Las Navas. The existing means of
communication is the service provider by Globe in Las Navas and Smart in Catubig.

The Contractor shall be responsible for all their power supply and communication
requirements that will be installed in the field office and in the main office for their effective
operation, as prescribed in Volume-Ill, "Technical Specifications", Paragraph 101-A under
sub-paragraph (4) and (5) of these Bid Documents.


The sources ~of potable .wa~~r ,supply., in .the barangays of Catubig and Las Navas are
_dependent on the spring .sources fr9m "the mountain sides but the rate of discharge
,. becomes low· o·r insufficient during dry season. The ground water table in most of the area
is very low about 2 to 3 meters below ground surface but the quality is questionable for a

LC- 6
HCAA PI-C-1 Local Conditions

shallow well. The geologic formation of the foundation even at a depth of 40 meters in a
fiat area are dominated by a silty clay formation and no layer of sand therefore, the water
recharge is very low.

For construction purposes, water are available in Catubig & Hagbay rivers and in Bulao
creek, during low tide. The Contractor shall comply with all laws, proclamation, decrees
and regulations of the Republic of the Philippines, the requirement from DENR and local
regulations thereof which affect the ecology and environment of Catubig River and
adjoining areas that might be affected by the operation activities of the Contract Works.
The Contractor shall employ all safety and appropriate measures to comply with these
laws and regulations and shall be responsible for any damages or claim resulting from
inadequate or improper use of Catubig River.


Except for Catubig Rural Bank, there is no other banking facility in the project area. The
other bigger commercial banks such as Land Bank, Philippine National Bank, Veterans
__,. Bank, Metro Bank, Development Bank of the Philippines are available in Catannan , the
1 capital town of Northern Samar, about 65 km from the town proper of Catubig.


Except for site of the Contractor's camp, office and work areas specified in LC-06,
temporary road, diversion $11d <;ar~ otrlver_and dewatering and other temporary works ,
~ NIA will acquire all other_.right of way .for permanent facilities/structures, free of charge
to the Contractor at ttie· time- they . are needed and which in the opinion of NIA , are
required for carrying out the Contract Work.


Pursuant to IB-07, "Site Visit", Volume I of these Bid Documents, it is the responsibil ity
of the Contractor to visit the work site and to make their own investigation to satisfy
themselves as the existing conditions affecting the work to be done under this Contract.

The Contractor shall assume all responsibilities for deductions and conclusions that
they may obtain or arrive at from the site inspection .


In additional to the requirements of the Contract stated under Article GC-9,

"Responsibility for Contract Work", Volume-! of these Bid Documents , and other
requirements from the Department of Environment and Natural Resources , the
Contractor shall be responsible to implement the following safety and appropriate
measures in the conduct of construction and implementation of the Works :

1. The works shall be implemented with the least disturbance to the environment
and ecology of the surrounding area. All cut, exposed and stripped areas which
resulted from the construction and operation shall be covered and revegetated
immediately to prevent soil erosion and siltation .

LC- 7
HCAAPI-C-1 Local Conditions

2 . Spoiled materials generated during excavation and stripping activities shall be

rteatly stockpiled (if the top soil material will be re-used or to be returned) if not, it
shall be disposed of properly at the areas approved by the Eng ineer.

3. Safety measures such as safety gadgets and early warning devices shall be
installed in the areas around the site and access roads to minimized hazards
posed by the construction activities.

4. The Contractor shall be accountable and shall pay just and reasonable
compensation to any aggrieved parties for any damage to life and property as a
result of the implementation of work.

5. Appropriate measures shall be implemented to mitigate air, dust and noise

pollution generated by the construction equipment and machineries during
construction works .

6 . Cutting of assorted trees not designated to be removed shall have prior approval
from the HCAAP/NIA-IDC and LGU or with the DENR representatives .

7 . All other requirements and clauses of the contract that are relevant to
environmental compliance shall be strictly observed by the Contractor.
8. All expenses and cost to be incurred in the prosecution of these works shall be
deemed to have included in the Bid prices submitted by the Contractor on this

All cost incurred in relation to the implementation of the above prov1s1on is then
assumed to be included in the unit cost of the various pay items in the Bill of Quantities .

LC- 8

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