Oc-Lo+ Xo. S.N$ 5qs:r6ii": Dlvllroll

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Region X- Northem Mindanao

Sayre Highway, P6, Casis{ng Aty of Maldyfulay
Tetqax d o8&)14-oo94

June 7, 2016
' sr6 -oc-lo+Dlvllroll
xo. fi9 s.n$ JUN
Dat e:-
09 0
t*",-I&- #
1 $i

TO Chief Education Supervisors and Staff, CID

Chief Education Supervisors and Staff, SCOD
Senior Education Program SpecialisG
Public Schools Distrlct Supervlsors
School Heads, Elementary and Secondary
All Others Concemed

r. Relative to the opening of classes for School Year 2016-2017, this Office
reiterates DepEd Order Nos.41 & 66,5.2oi2 re: "Revised Guidellnes on the Opening
of Classes", the content of which is self+xplanatory.

2. lmmediate dissemination and compliance of this Memorandum is highly



orc - h s Division Superintendent
Etlublir ol trr pralippanei
Depurtment of @Ducution

JUN 2 I 20r?
No. 65, s. 2012
af,EIIrruEIfTS IIf DEPED ORDER rO. 41, S. 2012
(RevrrGd GEideliacs or thc Oltclirg of CL.tc.l

To Undersecretaries
Assistant Secretarieg
Bureau Directora
Directors of Services, Centers and Heads of Units
Regional Directors
Sctrools Division/City Superintendents
Heads, Public and Private Elementary and Secondary Schools
All Others Concerned
1. DepEd Order No. 4L, s. 2012 entitled Rcvlred Gutdcllacr on the Opcar''g
of Clrsrec has the following changes in Paragraph 2b:
a. Philippine National Red Cross (PNRC) is changed to PhlllpPlnc Rcd Cross
IPRCI; ard
b. The amount of the PRC annual membership fee for each student has been
increased from thirty iive pesos @hP35.00) to fifty pc.o. lPLPSO.qrl.

2 Thus, Paragraph 2b of DepEd Order No. 41, S. 2Ol2 shall be corrected and read as

"b. No fees shall be @llected fiom Grade 5 pupils up to High School

stud.ents from June to Julg 2O12. Howeuer, starting August 2012 until the
end of this School Year, the follouing shown tn the table belout ntag bc
collccCed. on d lohrntzr14 basLs.'

ern,€,nhlg ?a/ Atnount Raf,crer,rce

tug tuuts of the Philippines PhPSO.OO per leaner DM No. 513,
IBSP) s. 2OO9
Gid *outs oI the Philippines PhPS0.OO per learner DM No. 235,
(csP) s. 2OO9
Phlltpplne Red Cboss IPRC, PhPSO.OO pa learaer Dr IIo. 7O5,
s. 2072
Anti-TB Fund Driue PhP5.00 per leaner DO No. 31,
s. 2OO1
Parents - Te at hers Associatbn Reasonable aflwunt to be N No. 54,
(PTAS) detetmincd bg the YtA's General s. 2O09
&hml Publia.tian PhP6O.OO for ercry elenentarV pupil N No. 19,
PhP9O.OO lor ewry high school s. 20O8
Membership in pupil/ student Based on exbting schml policbs DO No. 48,
organizations s. 2009

DcpEd Coaplcx, Mcralco Avenuc, PasiS City 1600 F uu-'rr*, u""'r"2a rc32-r361* uau*rruruar-uzos I o,**.aerod.e-.pi,
3. All previous issuances which are inconsistent with the provisions of this DepEd
Order are hereby repealed or modified accordingly.

4. these guidelines shall remain in force and in effect during the succeeding school
years until revised or repealed.

5. Immediate dissemination of and strict compliance with this Order is directed.

BR. ARUIIT A. tr€c


DepEd Memorandum: No. 1O5, s. 2012;
DepEd Order: (Nos. 41, s. 2012 and 22, s.2OO5l

To be indicated in the Peroetual Index

under the following subjects:


SMA/Mam Jo/MCR, DM Phil. Rcd Cro$ IPRC)

1334-Jnjac 6 / 13 / 2012 / 06- 15-12 / 6-25-12

Aeputlir of tDe Sbil:wftwi

Depsrtment of @lucation

DepEd ORDER l{AY 2 t 2012

No. 2072
To Undersecretaries
Assistant Segetaries
Bureau Directors
Dircctors of Services, Centers, and Heads of Units
Regional Directors
Schools Division/City Superintendents
Heads, Public Elementary and Secondary Schools
All Others Concerned
1. Pursuarit to the Constitutionai mandate to provide aII Filipino learners wit} free
basic educatioa in public elementary and secondary schools, and to achieve the
country's taigets for tl1e Millennium Developrnent Goal (MDG) on universal primary
education and this Department's objective of Education for all (EFA) in 2015, there is an
urgent need to ainimize, if not eliminate, Iinancial constraints among parents/guardians
during the opening of classes, and to implement ellective sctrool/classroom management-

2, Accordingly, the tnpleneatlag pollcicr ot the collectlo! of yoluatary school

coatrlbutions lVSCrl shall be strictly observed.
a. No fees shall be collected from school children in Kindergarten up to Grade
4 anJrtime during the School Year (SY) 2012-2013.

b. No fees shall be collected from Grade 5 pupils up to High School students

from June to July 2012. However, starting August 2Ol2 until the end of
this School Year, the following shown in the table below nay bc collcctcd
oaly oa a vohatary baatc.

eoberrhip Fcc / Aaotllt Rofcrencc

Boy Scouts of the PhP50.00 Per leamer DM No. 513,
s s. 2009
Ph S
PhP5O.0O Per learner
DM No. 235,
Girl Scouts of the s. 2O09
Phili GS
DM No. 330,
PhilipPine Natio nal PhP35.00 P€r learner s. 2010
Red Cross {PNRC}
DO No. 3 1,
Anti-TB Fun d Drive PhP5.00 Per leamer s.20O1
DO No. 54,
Re asonable alrro ull
t to be
s. 2009
achers ,s Asse tt
the PTA DO No. 19,
ery elementary pu pil
PhP6 0 0 0 for ev s. 2OO8
School Pu blication sch ooI stu dent
PhP9 o 0 o for DO No 48,
school policies
p 1I1 Based on exrs ting s. 2OO9
M em
pupil stu dent

I *"'r ro", u"""'a I 632' t36r * u.u.rrur*"'- I rrwv.acpea.gov'Ph

City 1600
Mctalco AeeDuc' Pasig
DcpEd Conpl€a'
c. The Parents-Teachers Association (PTA) may collect contributions starting
August 2O12 only after presenting to their members and to the school
head/principal a Rclrott oa thc Utlllzatlon of the Prevlour gchool Yoar'r
Couoctloa. and t]:e SY 2012 koporcd Budgct wtth Program of
Actlylttec taking into account the following:
The a&ount of contributions to the PTA shall be agreed upon
during the General Assembly pursuant to DepEd Order No.54, s-
2OA9; and shall be concurred in by the school head/princtpel. Vhe
concurren@ of thc school head/ principal on the amount o/ voluatary
rchool contrlbutloae rhall not be latarlrrctcd to nean that the
contributiotts are nandotory ).

ii. The PIAs are enjoined to ro&rla fron scttilg crortit !t

aaount for volEstar7 rchool coatdbuHola. In consideration of the
many expe[ses that parents incur in sending t]reir children to school,
the PTAs are encouraged to minimize the arnount of contributions for
graduation ceremonies and extra-curricular activities as well as minimize
requests for in-kind contributions.

iii- The contributions to the PfA shall be on a per m.ember basis,

regatdless of the number of children that the member has cnrolled in
the school;

iv. The PTAs are encouraged to open and maintain a bank account to
manage its collections and budget; and

v. The Division PTA Affairs CoEmittee shall stricuy mo[itor the activities of
the PTAs and their compliance with report8 and other requirements.

d. lhe publication of the school newspaper, although not mandatory, is

strongly encouraged in line with the promotion of tJ:e campus
journalism program at the elementary and secondary levels. The school
publication fee shall b€ set at the school level. Elementary pupil shall nat
pag fiare ttan Sirtg Pesos (PhP6O.OO). ald higlr schml student, Ninetg
Pesos (PhP90.0O) per DepED Order No. 19, s. 2008.

e. No teacler, school oficial nor schal personrel shdl colled fees or

crntributions, nor shatl tFleg be entrusted with the safeleeping and
disbursement of alledions made bg tle PTA pursuant to the Codc
of Ethlca for Profcrsloud Tcachcre (as provided for in Articlc XI of
Republic Act. No. 7836). Teachers shall not act, directly or indirectly, as
agent of any commercial venture, nor shall they be linancially interested, of
which they can exercise olEcial influence. Hence, teachers, school
oflicials and school personnel are prohibited from selling or requiring
the purchase of locally- produced workbooks, instructional materials, test
booklets, school supplies and other items;

f. The membership fees for student/pupil organizations shall be set by the

organization subject to existing school policies on atudent organizations.

g. If the collection of school publication fees and other club memberships are
coursed through the PTA as requested by the concemed organization, t}te
amount collected shall immediately be remitted to the school or
organization on the day of collection. No service fee shall be charged to the
school or pupil/student organization by the PIA.
In schools where there are oversized claescs, school heads / principals
shail utilizc alternative delivery modes such as the modified In-School
Off-School (MISOSA), Instructional Management by Parents, Communit5r
and Teachers (E-Impact), Drop-Out Reduction Program (DORP| print
modules, e-modules, and Computer-Assisted lnstruction (CAI) amonS
j. The most qualifred and/or the most experienced teachers shall be
assigned to run the alternative delivery modes; and

k. The provision on the Adoption of buble Shifi tuliq to address

classroom shortages, as provided for in DepED Order No. 62, s.
2004, subject to the above cited average and maximum class size,
shall b€ maintained.
4. The lnplencatlag guldcllacr on the rG.rltry of rtudcrt ualforrn ead
ldcatlficetloa (IDl carik are the following:
a. Ttte wearing of a school uniform shall not be required in public schools.
Students with existing uniforms may continue using these uniforms, if
they so desire, in order to avoid incurring additional costs for new attire;

b. ID cards shall be provided to students at no cost on their part. Ttre school

head/principal shall fund these ID cards from its Maintenance and Other
Operating Expenses (MOOE).

5. The pollcior oa, tLe dlrtdbutlo! of lnrtnrctloa netcrielr such as textbooks

and other learning resources are as follows:

a. The school head/priacipal shall ensure that textbooks and learning

packages available in the school shall be distributed to all the pupils or
students. Reading materials in the library hubs shall be maximized for
instruction; and
b. Teachers in schools with Information and Communication Technolory
(ICT) equipment and matcrials shall utilize these for multiple delivery
formats such as large grcup uorkslaps, sma, group disanssiorzs, and
indiuidualiz,ed instrucrtion to develop se$directed leambLg.

6. The release of f(XrE ln cslh adveacc to rctoolr shall be guided by this policy.
Scrtools diuision/ citg superintendenrs ISDSs/ are directed to relcose MOOE funds Jo schools
uttlad ftscra,l autonong tn tle form of a ush aduone and in ad.eqtote amounk
proportional to the ewobtBnt size to ensure ttat the owrating fi)nds are available at the
start of tle school year.
7 . The guidelines on the Eodtorlag of thc lEplcraertstlo! of thls DcpEd
Ordcr rrc an follos::

a The schools division/city superintendents (SDSs) and the school heads

are directed to implement this Order. The regional director [RD) shall
monitor the implementation of these policies; and

b. Every school head must submit to the respective Division Office (DO) a
Leftcr of Coapltanco together with the School ![oaltoriag Rcpott on or
before July 29, 2012. In turn, every schools division/city
superintendent (SDS) is required to submit the IXvleloa Con:olldgtcd
Rrport o! ColnplLncc end lfo!-coulrlllrlcc of tlclr SchooL to
thls Ordcr to the Uldcrsecrotary for i,egioaal Operatlols on or
before Augut 15, 2012, copy furnished the RD.

8, All DepEd issuances pertaining to collection of fees or contributions on voluntary

basis consistent with this DepEd Order are hereby reiterated, and strictly enforced. Any
violation of this Order by any teacher, school ofrcial or school pereonnel shall be dealt
with administratively, pursuart to DepEd Order No. 49, s. 2OO6, otherwise known as
the "Revised Rules of Procedure of the Department of Education in Administrative Cases."

9. AII previous issuances which are inconsistent with the provisions of this DepEd
Order are hereby repealed or modified accordingly.

10- These guidelines shall remain in force and in ellect during the succeeding
school years until revised or repealed.

1 1. Immediate dissemination of and strict compliance with this Order is directed.


DECS Order: (Nos.31, s.2001,32 s.2003)
DepED Order: (Nos. 62, s. 2004; 49, s. 2OO6; 25 and 49, s. 2OO7;
19, s. 20O8;40,48,54 and 77, s.2009,65, s.2010)
DepED Memorandum: (Nos.235 and 5i3, s.2009)
DepED Order: (No. 41, s. 2011)

To be indicated in the PerDetual Index under the following subjects:


R: AIM/DO lr:dgllrddllsjq&-gpiEbS_of_-ebe!
l27a-M6y la,2or2lu^y 22, ,or2

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