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Chapter 1
1.1 Background
Since English has become an international language, the learners started to learn English
language as per their needs, desires and occupational purposes. English language plays a role of
a backbone in human structure, for communication. English language is dominating in various
fields of life like business, trade, politics, Culture and especially in the field of education as well.
Therefore, English is expending globally. The people who have their native language except
English they learn English as a second language. To learn any language as a second language
(L2) there must be some important or essential elements which help to learn the target language.
There are some skills which are important in English language learning like writing, reading,
speaking and listening. Moreover, there are some language components like grammar,
pronunciation, and vocabulary. ESL learners face a lot of challenges to achieve their goals
vocabulary is one of the most important challenges to achieve. Therefore they use different types
of strategies to enhance their proficiency. Without a broad vocabulary, learners will be unfit to
utilize the structure of the language. (Nunan and Rivers, 1991).

Origin of vocabulary

The word vocabulary came to English in the 16th century it came from the Latin word
vocabulum which means “name”. Vocabulary is defined as the words of language which
includes single items and phrases or chunks of several words which gives a particular meaning.

The particular strategies used by ESL learners for acquisition of new words or to enhance
the word list are called“vocabulary learning strategies” also known as VLS. ESL learners or
speakers most of the time consciously and unconsciously apply some strategies while learning
the vocabulary. Scrivener(1994) has drown his attention to the fact that,“vocabulary is the
powerful career and without knowing thousands of words we cannot speak, read, write or
communicate in foreign language”. It’s also fact strategies are the tools for developing ability of

Schmitt’s taxonomy

. This study followed the Schmitt’s taxonomy (1997) because of its magnitude and wide
utilize everywhere throughout the world. Schmitt classified all VLS into five categories. But this
study is based on metacognitive vocabulary learning strategies especially.

The first category is determination strategies which help students to discover words
utilizing its past information about the form of language.

Second is a social strategy which denotes recollecting the significance of an unknown

word with the help of social means; from the teacher, instructor, mates and native speaker or
from the expert in language.

Third are memory strategies which include the collection of unknown words with the
help of past learning, and gathering andfourth is a cognitive strategy which combines mental
handling of words.

The last category presented by Schmitt is Metacognitive strategies which are utilized to
take authority of learning. Metacognitive is accounted as self-awareness of mental process (Byrd,
Carter & Waddoups, 2001).

Oxford Believes that metacognitive strategies provide a way for learners to coordinate
their own learning process (p.136, 1990).Schmitt (1997) trusts that metacognitive strategies
increase ability in target language.

Statement of problem

In Pakistan vocabulary has not been treated as a particular subject for ESL learners although it’s
included in course as a topic. The way of teaching vocabulary in our schools, colleges and
universities is very traditional and that is the teacher ask students to underline unknown words
and meaning of that words given by the teacher than students memorize that new words with
meaning in their native languages without following any strategy.

Jahan’s (1994) study states that in our classes vocabulary development skills are not
emphasized. In Pakistan’s academies vocabulary taught through just a memorization of words
and its meaning, but with the passage of time students usually forget that words and meaning.

Alvi et al., (2014) study states that students those have weak vocabulary is due to the fact
that, they are not aware of the use of VLS. Therefore it is important that ESL learners should
have complete knowledge of VLS.

In the light of above realities this study inquired about the metacognitive vocabulary
learning strategies used by ESL learners at tertiary level and investigated that what
metacognitive strategies adopted by them to enhance their vocabulary size.

Objective of the study

The aim of this study was:

 To find out the metacognitive vocabulary learning strategies used by ESL learners at
tertiary level.
 To explore the perceptions of ELTs regarding the importance of metacognitive
vocabulary learning strategies to enhance the vocabulary size of ESL learners.

Research questions

The present study investigated some questions under these two main questions:

1. What are the metacognitive vocabulary learning strategies used by undergraduate

learners to increase their vocabulary size at tertiary level?
2. What are the perceptions of ELTs regarding importance of metacognitive
vocabulary learning strategies to enhance the vocabulary size of ESL learners at
tertiary level?


This study is specifically crucial for Pakistani ESL learners at tertiary level, this
investigation is fruitful for them to know their vocabulary learning techniques. This study may
help the English teachers in Pakistan at tertiary level about the metacognitive vocabulary
learning strategies .This study is beneficial for ESL learners who face many problems while
dealing second language including insufficient vocabulary as the most important problem.


Schmitt, (1997) provesthat, it is essential to comprehend what strategies students are

utilizing and what technique they should utilize. It is important that ESL learners should have a
complete knowledge of VLS. He himself divided VLS into categories.Therefore, thoughts of this
study is based on metacognitive vocabulary learning strategies in Pakistani tertiary students, as
this reality has not been inspected yet.


This study has following limitations:

 The limited time period which is used to conduct this research is considered as
 The sample is limited because lacking of short access.
 There are many vocabulary learning strategies but this research concentrated only on the
metacognitive vocabulary learning strategy.
 The data obtained from this study is limited to only tertiary level students. Future
researchers can offer more participants at different level to gain a strong and clear image
of strategies used by learners.


It is assumed that ESL learners have not good educational background and they are not
aware of different type of strategies of vocabulary learning and this study conducted because
students at tertiary level are unknown about the vocabulary learning strategies that they are
practicing. Basically away from aware knowledge of VLS, usage of strategies cannot be
successful. This study may help ESL learners to buildup understanding of metacognitive
vocabulary learning strategies.

Definitions of Keywords

ESL: English as a second language; English taught to or studied by people whose mother
tongue is not English but who are living in an English speaking country. (Longmandictionary

ELTs: English language teaching; the teaching of the English language to people whose
first language is not English (Longman dictionary 6th edition).

METACOGNITIVE STRATEGIES: are considered one of the human‘s most

sophisticated cognitive capacities, metacognitive strategies means thinking of the thinking
(Longman dictionary 6th edition).

Chapter 2: literature review

English language consists on many components including grammar, accent, pronunciation,

vocabulary and so on. Vocabulary is an essential part of English language, especially for the ESL
learners’ vocabulary is a bottom line, Without vocabulary we cannot speak, write and cannot
understand what we read and listen. Vocabulary items play a vital role in all language skills for
i.e. listening, speaking, reading and writing (Nation, 2011). Schmitt (1997) has classified all VLS
into five categories:

1. Determination strategies
2. Social strategies
3. Memory strategies
4. Cognitive strategies
5. Metacognitive strategies

There are many studies conducted to cover the all language components including
vocabulary learning strategies. But less attention had given to the Metacognitive vocabulary
learning strategies. The term Metacognitive first introduced in 1976 by the psychologist John
flavell. He defined the term as thinking about thinking. According to O Malley and Chamot
(1990), Meta cognitive strategies are considered as the most essential strategies to reach learning
autonomy, they also claimed that without Meta cognitive strategies it would be difficult for
learners to plan monitor and evaluate their learning process.

Metacognitive knowledge

Metacognitive knowledge has its own importance with its own parameters, which includes the
monitoring of one’s’ own cognition, planning of activities and evaluation or awareness of
process and strategies. The metacognitive focuses on the learner’s belief and learning task or the
process of learning. ESL learners can become more confident in their abilities to language
learning process using metacognitive knowledge. Wenden (1998, p: 516) classified the
metacognitive knowledge in three components.

1) Person knowledge
2) Task knowledge
3) Strategic knowledge

Person knowledge: it refers to person’s awareness of particular thinking and learning process.
According to wenden (1998) the lacking of personal ability may cause to take long duration in
second language learning process. The personal knowledge or personal way of thinking is a good
way to speedup learning activities.

Task knowledge: according to wenden (1978) it’s about the knowledge of task nature, task
demand and purpose behind the task.

Strategic knowledge: oxford (1990) he viewed learning strategies are the specific actions taken
by the learners to make their learning process easier, faster more enjoyable and more self-
directed. Strategic knowledge is about the strategies followed by the learners to complete the
task or activity.

Many studies have been done in the area of vocabulary learning strategies such as papers, articles
and many other works. For the ESL learners vocabulary size plays an influential role in acquiring
the valuable aspect of the vocabulary knowledge. Learners who have large vocabulary size are
more independent in study as compare to the learners of small vocabulary size.

Rott (1999) the study aim was to find out the answers of three research questions, (1) do
intermediate foreign language learners acquire vocabulary through reading? (2)If they acquired,
vocabulary retained for a long time period? (3) Does frequency of exposure to any lexical item
have an effect on incidental acquisition and retention of vocabulary? The result of this study
showed that encounters with unknown words for two times while reading can be considered a
significant gain in vocabulary but more valuable results for learning and retention of new items
can be better observed at least six times meeting with items.

Atlan (2003) investigated a research study with 21 intermediate ESL learners according
to him the social strategies were employed by them followed by cognitive, metacognitive,
memory and affective strategies respectively. The result of study showed that the high-achievers
used compensation strategies more than low-achievers which indicate that high-achievers used
clues to guess novel vocabulary items whereas the low-achievers need more proficiency to do so.

Hamza et al. (2009) realized that determination strategies were preferred the most using
strategies while the social strategies were preferred least. They also found the relationship
between vocabulary size and vocabulary learning strategies used, according to them there were
only nine items were found to be significant including (talking to native speakers, making notes,
using physical actions, using technology, study with friends, using multi-lingual dictionary,
repetition of vocabulary).they suggested that these strategies were focused to be enlarging the
vocabulary size.

Nacera (2010) explored the vocabulary size and vocabulary learning strategies he worked
with 46 English major students and he realized that metacognitive strategies were used the most
frequently instead of other vocabulary learning strategies.

Celik & Toptas (2010) surveyed 95 EFL learners to find the frequency of the vocabulary
learning strategies using and the perception of learners as well, the study showed that
elementary, pre-intermediate and intermediate learners had equal score of using social
vocabulary learning strategies, but according to the researchers view about the perceptions of
learners regarding vocabulary learning strategies it was revealed that there was little mismatch
between their perceptions in that context they were not in favor of using social strategies instead
they preferred the metacognitive strategies as the most useful one.

Kocaman (2015) the study associated the computer assisted vocabulary teaching and
learning tools indented to explore the vocabulary learning strategies use of secondary school of
EFL learners he revealed that there was first choice of metacognitive vocabulary strategies more
than the compensation and cognitive strategies.

GU (2002) he investigated the frequency of using vocabulary learning strategies between

the male in the area of an academic study he realized that the female learners used vocabulary
learning strategies more than male learners.

Nematollahi et al (2017) the Meta-analysis of their study explored the frequency and type
of strategies used the study followed the Schmitt’s taxonomy. The study showed that the
determination strategies were used most frequently followed by memory, metacognitive,
cognitive and social strategies. They viewed that direct strategies were showed a better result to
grasp the vocabulary.

A number of studies have been conducted to provide a clear picture on the influence of
metacognitive strategies instruction. O’ Malley and Chamot (1990) conducted a study to
investigate the effect of metacognitive strategies instruction among American high school
students. This was based on experimental research. The students received instruction in
metacognitive and socio-affective strategies only. The student were divided into three groups and
given the instruction of metacognitive and socio-affective strategies and there was a control
group also which received no any strategy instruction. The result showed that experimental
group performed better than the control group and the group received metacognitive strategy
instruction performed well over the other groups.

Kazi and Iqbal (2011) in their study of “use of language learning strategies by students at
higher secondary level in Pakistan” the aim of this study were to find out which learning
strategies are more preferable in Pakistani ESL learners. They also investigated similarities and
differences within academic groups i.e. (Arts, commerce, and science) that which group focused
on which type of learning strategies. Chang, Liu, and Lee (2007) report that “humanities and
social sciences reveal greater strategy use in contrast to the business and management and the
science and engineering academic majors.” The result of this study showed that metacognitive
and cognitive strategies are more focused because students captivated with listening and
speaking skills rather than writing and reading.

Na Zhao (2009) conducted a study it was based on descriptive design with quantitative
data and the aim of this study was to investigate the use of metacognitive strategies and to

explore use of metacognitive strategies in vocabulary learning. The study was applied on a
Chinese college students, the result revealed that the students of this college do not use
metacognitive strategies frequently to learn vocabulary. Pre-test and post-test were also used in
this study, the pre-training result showed that overall use of metacognitive strategies is very low
further showed that students depends on teacher’s interpretation of vocabularies rather than
vocabulary learning by themselves but the experimental group who received metacognitive
training performed well.

Although there have been many studies investigated on English as second language
including to find out the problems regarding Grammar, spelling error, pronunciation and
vocabulary learning strategies as well and worked a lot on each vocabulary learning strategies
including social strategies, determination strategies, cognitive strategies and found out the
relationship between social strategies and determination strategies etc. There have been less
study conducted specifically focused on metacognitive vocabulary learning strategies and the
studies which has done with metacognitive strategies worked on school level students or primary
level and mostly used the questionnaire tool to collect the data. While the current study based on
metacognitive vocabulary learning strategies used by ESL learners at tertiary level to check that
how many students use metacognitive strategies and what metacognitive strategies they used to
enhance their vocabulary size. The current study used the mixed research design and the
questionnaire were given to the 30 participants and interviews has been conducted as well from 3
ELTs who teach English language and this study was done with the help of class observation as


Research design

This research engaged a mixed method research paradigm to conduct this study. “Mixed
method research is the type of research in which a researcher or team of researchers combine
elements of qualitative and quantitative research approach” (Johnson, Onwreghuzie &turner,
2007, pg.123). This research is said to be a descriptive research because firstly, it collected
quantitative data through 12 close-ended questions and last one based on open-ended question
about use of vocabulary learning strategies. Secondly, a qualitative research tool is also used in
the form of descriptive data collected through structured questions to ELTs about their
perception regarding vocabulary learning strategies especially Meta-cognitive vocabulary
learning strategies.

Population and sample


The population of the current study is undergraduate ESL learners at Private Sector
University with minimum qualification of BS and M.A fresh student s and ELTs English
language teaching at tertiary level is also be a part of the population.

Sample and sampling method

In this study random sampling is used in order to collect the data. It is a type of sampling
where participants are selected a non-biased and comprehension data. (Taylor, 2006).

Sample size

The sample size of these study 30 ESL learners at undergraduate level to find out their
strategies to develop their vocabulary size, sample size is large so that it can be generalized to
others easily.

Data collection procedure

The participants have asked to answer a questionnaire of likert scale, interview taken
from teachers and class observation (to observe the vocabulary learning of students during the
lectures) have also conducted for the purpose of the need of this study.


To gather data from the students for the present study following tools are used; a
questionnaire for students and interview for teachers and students both. An interview is typically
a face to face conversation between a researcher and participant involving a transfer of
information (Creswell, 2012). A questionnaire is an instrument for collecting primary data
(Cohen, 2013).


Descriptive Statistics
N Range Minimum Maximum Mean

I face problems in
understanding the meaning 30 4.00 1.00 5.00 2.4333
of new words
I guess the meaning of new
words through other words
30 4.00 1.00 5.00 2.0667
in text by using word attack
to enhance my vocabulary
list I read novels, 30 3.00 1.00 4.00 1.9667
I just memorize new words
30 4.00 1.00 5.00 2.4667
without any strategy
I make vocabulary list 30 4.00 1.00 5.00 3.1667
I underline the unknown
30 4.00 1.00 5.00 1.4000
words during study
I usually use dictionary to
find out the meaning of new 30 4.00 1.00 5.00 1.6667
I am aware of what kind of
30 3.00 1.00 4.00 2.1000
strategy I use when studying
I spend some time to
memorize new vocabulary 30 4.00 1.00 5.00 3.0667

I discover the meaning of

30 4.00 1.00 5.00 2.3000
I understand the meaning of
words by the help of suffixes
30 4.00 1.00 5.00 2.4000
and prefixes like un-believe-
I plane strategies to
30 4.00 1.00 5.00 2.9000
enhance my vocabulary size
after taking class I review
the new word list which I 30 4.00 1.00 5.00 3.0000
learned during the lecture
after giving the class
presentation I realize the 30 2.00 1.00 3.00 1.3000
mistakes which I committed
I realize that I have a short
list of vocabulary during
30 4.00 1.00 5.00 1.9667
speaking, writing, reading
and listening
I think technology is helpful
to enhance the vocabulary 2.00 1.00 3.00 1.4000
I understand the meaning of
unknown words with the
30 4.00 1.00 5.00 2.3000
help of text attack skills
I listen BBC news to
30 4.00 1.00 5.00 3.3333
enhance my vocabulary size
Valid N (list wise) 30

Questionnaire analysis
Data analysis
Table 1

I face problems in understanding the meaning of new words

Frequency Percent Valid Percent Cumulative


strongly agree 4 13.3 13.3 13.3

agree 15 50.0 50.0 63.3

neutral 7 23.3 23.3 86.7

strongly disagree 2 6.7 6.7 93.3

disagree 2 6.7 6.7 100.0

Total 30 100.0 100.0

The findings of statement 1 (table 1) shows that 19 out of 30 participants face problems in
understanding the meaning of new words and they agree with the statement which makes 63.3%
and almost 7 out of 30 participants shows their neutral attitude which makes 23.3% while 4 out
of 30 participants are disagree to the statement which makes 13.4%.

Table 2

I guess the meaning of new words through other words in text by

using word attack skills(WAS)
Frequency Percent Valid Percent Cumulative

Valid strongly agree 12 40.0 40.0 40.0


agree 9 30.0 30.0 70.0

neutral 6 20.0 20.0 90.0

strongly disagree 1 3.3 3.3 93.3

disagree 2 6.7 6.7 100.0

Total 30 100.0 100.0

The findings of statement 2 (table 2) reveals that 21 out of 30 participants guess the meaning of
unknown words through other words in text by using (WAS) which makes 70% and they agree
with the statement while 6 out of 30 participants shows neutral attitude towards it that makes
20% whereas 3 out of 30 participants are disagree by the statement which makes 10%.

Table 3

To enhance my vocabulary list I read novels, newspapers

Frequency Percent Valid Percent Cumulative

strongly agree 11 36.7 36.7 36.7

agree 11 36.7 36.7 73.3

Valid neutral 6 20.0 20.0 93.3

strongly disagree 2 6.7 6.7 100.0

Total 30 100.0 100.0

The findings of statement 3 (table 3) suggests that 22 out of 30 participants agree to the
statement that they read novels and newspaper to enhance their vocabulary size which makes
73.3% while 6 out of 30 participants shows neutral attitude that makes 20% whereas 2 out of 30
participant disagree to the statement that makes 6.7%.

Table 4

I just memorize new words without any strategy

Frequency Percent Valid Percent Cumulative


Valid strongly agree 7 23.3 23.3 23.3


agree 9 30.0 30.0 53.3

neutral 9 30.0 30.0 83.3

strongly disagree 3 10.0 10.0 93.3

disagree 2 6.7 6.7 100.0

Total 30 100.0 100.0

The findings of statement 4 (table 4) exhibits that 16 out of 30 participants just memorize new
words without using any strategy which makes 53.3% while 9 out of 30 participants are neutral
which makes 30% and only 5 out of 30 participants are disagree by the statement that
Table 5

I make vocabulary list

Frequency Percent Valid Percent Cumulative


strongly agree 2 6.7 6.7 6.7

agree 9 30.0 30.0 36.7

neutral 8 26.7 26.7 63.3

strongly disagree 4 13.3 13.3 76.7

disagree 7 23.3 23.3 100.0

Total 30 100.0 100.0

The findings of statement 5 (Table 5) shows that 11 out of 30 participants are agree to the
statement that they make vocabulary list which makes 36.7% while 8 out of 30 participants
shows their neutral attitude towards the statement that makes 26.7% whereas 11 out of 30
participants are disagree to the statement which makes 36.6%.

Table 6

I underline the unknown words during study

Frequency Percent Valid Percent Cumulative


strongly agree 22 73.3 73.3 73.3

agree 6 20.0 20.0 93.3

Valid neutral 1 3.3 3.3 96.7

disagree 1 3.3 3.3 100.0

Total 30 100.0 100.0

The above results shows that 28 out of 30 participants agree to the statement that they underline
the unknown words during study that makes 93.3%, whereas 1 out of 30 participants is neutral
which makes 3.3% and the same 1 out of 30 participants is disagree to the statement which
makes 3.3%.

Table 7

I usually use dictionary to find out the meaning of new words

Frequency Percent Valid Percent Cumulative


strongly agree 18 60.0 60.0 60.0

agree 8 26.7 26.7 86.7

Valid neutral 2 6.7 6.7 93.3

disagree 2 6.7 6.7 100.0

Total 30 100.0 100.0


The findings of statement 7 (Table 7) shows that 26 out of 30 participants agree to the statement
that they use dictionary to find out the meaning of new words that makes 86.7% whereas 2 out of
30 participants shows neutral attitude that makes 6.7% and 2 out of 30 participants are disagree
with the statement which makes 6.7%.

Table 8

I am aware of what kind of strategy I use when studying

Frequency Percent Valid Percent Cumulative


strongly agree 9 30.0 30.0 30.0

agree 11 36.7 36.7 66.7

Valid neutral 8 26.7 26.7 93.3

strongly disagree 2 6.7 6.7 100.0

Total 30 100.0 100.0

The findings of the statement 8 (Table 8) shows that 20 out of 30 participants are aware of using
strategies which they use during the study which makes 66.7% and agree to the statement while
8 out of 30 participants shows their neutral attitude that makes 26.7% while only 2 out of 30
participants disagree to the statement which makes 6.7%.

Table 9

I spend some time to memorize new vocabulary items

Frequency Percent Valid Percent Cumulative


strongly agree 2 6.7 6.7 6.7

Valid agree 9 30.0 30.0 36.7

neutral 11 36.7 36.7 73.3


strongly disagree 1 3.3 3.3 76.7

disagree 7 23.3 23.3 100.0

Total 30 100.0 100.0

The statement 9 (Table 9) reveals that 11 out of 30 participants spend some time to memorize
new vocabulary items and they are agree to the statement that makes 36.7%while 11 out of 30
participants shows their neutral attitude towards it which makes 36.7% whereas 8 out of 30
participants are disagree to the statement that makes 26.6%.

Table 10

I discover the meaning of words

Frequency Percent Valid Percent Cumulative


strongly agree 8 26.7 26.7 26.7

agree 11 36.7 36.7 63.3

Valid neutral 8 26.7 26.7 90.0

disagree 3 10.0 10.0 100.0

Total 30 100.0 100.0

The finding of statement 10 (Table 10) shows that 19 out of 30 participants are agree to the
statement that they discover the meaning of words which makes 63.3% while 8 out of 30
participants shows their neutral attitude towards it that makes 26.7% and 10 out of 30
participants disagree by the statement that makes 10%.

Table 11

I understand the meaning of words by the help of suffixes and prefixes

like un-believe-able
Frequency Percent Valid Percent Cumulative

strongly agree 11 36.7 36.7 36.7

Valid agree 9 30.0 30.0 66.7

neutral 3 10.0 10.0 76.7


strongly disagree 1 3.3 3.3 80.0

disagree 6 20.0 20.0 100.0

Total 30 100.0 100.0

The statement 11 (Table 11) reveals that 20 out of 30 participants understand the meaning of
words by suffixes and prefixes that makes 66.7% and they are agree to the statement whereas 3
out of 30 participants are neutral that makes 10% while 7 out of 30 participants disagree to the
statement which makes 23.3%.

Table 12

I plane strategies to enhance my vocabulary size

Frequency Percent Valid Percent Cumulative


strongly agree 3 10.0 10.0 10.0

agree 8 26.7 26.7 36.7

neutral 12 40.0 40.0 76.7

strongly disagree 3 10.0 10.0 86.7

disagree 4 13.3 13.3 100.0

Total 30 100.0 100.0

The result of statement 12 (Table 12) shows 11 out of 30 participants plane strategies to enhance
their vocabulary size and they are agree which makes 36.7% while 12 out of 30 participants
shows neutral attitude that makes 40% whereas 7 out of 30 participants disagree to the statement
that makes 23.3%.

Table 13

after taking class I review the new word list which I learned during the

Frequency Percent Valid Percent Cumulative


Valid strongly agree 4 13.3 13.3 13.3


agree 7 23.3 23.3 36.7

neutral 10 33.3 33.3 70.0

strongly disagree 3 10.0 10.0 80.0

disagree 6 20.0 20.0 100.0

Total 30 100.0 100.0

Statement 13 (Table 13) shows that 11 out of 30 participants are agree to the statement that after
taking class they review the new word list which they learned during the lecture that makes
36.7% whereas 10 out of 30 participants shows neutral attitude which makes 33.3% and 9 out of
30 participants disagree which makes 30%.
Table 14

after giving the class presentation I realize the mistakes which I


Frequency Percent Valid Percent Cumulative


strongly agree 23 76.7 76.7 76.7

agree 5 16.7 16.7 93.3

neutral 2 6.7 6.7 100.0

Total 30 100.0 100.0

The findings of statement 14 (Table 14) shows that 23 out of 30 participants are agree to the
statement that they realize the mistakes after giving the class presentation which they committed
that makes 6.7% while 5 0ut of 30 participants are neutral towards it which makes 16.7%.

Table 15

I realize that I have a short list of vocabulary during speaking, writing,

reading and listening

Frequency Percent Valid Percent Cumulative


strongly agree 16 53.3 53.3 53.3

agree 5 16.7 16.7 70.0

neutral 5 16.7 16.7 86.7

strongly disagree 2 6.7 6.7 93.3

disagree 2 6.7 6.7 100.0

Total 30 100.0 100.0

The statement 15 (Table 15) shows 21 out of 30 participants realize that they have a short list of
vocabulary during speaking, writing, reading and listening and they are agree to the statement
which makes 70% while 5 out of 30 shows their neutral attitude that makes 16.7% and 4 out of
30 participants disagree to the statement that makes 13.4%.

Table 16

I think technology is helpful to enhance the vocabulary size

Frequency Percent Valid Percent Cumulative


strongly agree 22 73.3 73.3 73.3

agree 4 13.3 13.3 86.7

neutral 4 13.3 13.3 100.0

Total 30 100.0 100.0

The statement 16 (Table 16) reveals that 22 out of 30 participants think that technology is
helpful to enhance the vocabulary size and they are agree to the statement which makes 73.3%
whereas 4 out of 30 participants shows neutral attitude that makes 13.3% and 4 out of 30
participants disagree to the statement that makes 13.3%.

Table 17

I understand the meaning of unknown words with the help of text

attack skills (TAS)

Frequency Percent Valid Percent Cumulative


strongly agree 8 26.7 26.7 26.7

agree 12 40.0 40.0 66.7

neutral 6 20.0 20.0 86.7

strongly disagree 1 3.3 3.3 90.0

disagree 3 10.0 10.0 100.0

Total 30 100.0 100.0

The findings of statement 1 (Table 17) reveals that 20 participants are agree to the statement that
they understand the meaning of unknown words with the help of text attack skills (TAS) which
makes 66.7% while 6 out of 3o shows neutral attitude that makes 20% while 4 out of 30
participants disagree to the statement that makes 13.3%.

Table 18

I listen BBC news to enhance my vocabulary size

Frequency Percent Valid Percent Cumulative


strongly agree 1 3.3 3.3 3.3

agree 6 20.0 20.0 23.3

neutral 13 43.3 43.3 66.7

strongly disagree 2 6.7 6.7 73.3

disagree 8 26.7 26.7 100.0

Total 30 100.0 100.0

The last statement (Table 18) shows that 7 out of 30 participants listen BBC news to enhance
their vocabulary size that makes 23.3% while 13 out of 30 shows neutral attitude that makes
43.3% whereas 10 out 30 participants disagree to the statement which makes 26.7%.

Open-ended question analysis

This questionnaire is based on one open-ended question as well at the end of the
questionnaire, in open-ended questions students have freedom to give the answer according to
their opinions. The open-ended question which asked to the students that was Do you have
suggestion of any other effective way to learn vocabulary? The given answers had been
analyzed through thematic analysis the findings of this question reveals that most of the students

suggests that watching English movies, talk shows and reading English books, newspapers,
novels etc. can be an effective way to learn vocabulary items while some of the students suggests
we can take help from technology to enhance vocabulary size and writing essays on different
topics can improve our vocabulary power whereas some of the students suggests that through
using English in our daily communication we can learn new vocabulary items and it can also be
an effective way to learn vocabulary.

Interview analysis

In respond to the first question do you think that vocabulary is essential for learning a
language? Most of the teacher said that vocabulary is essential for learning a language. As
teacher 1 says, “Yes, vocabulary learning is very important for the learners”. Teacher 2 says that,
“of course it plays an important role for the ESL learners” and teacher 3 says, “Yes, vocabulary
is very important for mastery of language and student should know how to use different words in
different situation.”

In respond to the second question, do you think that students face problem to
understand the lecture because of their short list of vocabulary? As teacher 1 says, “of
course they face problem, ESL learners must increase their vocabulary size and learn their use as
well”. Teacher 2 says, “Exactly they face problem to understand because of short vocabs” and
Teacher 3 says, “exactly they have to face problem when they don’t have enough words to
understand, if they don’t have proper knowledge of vocabs so it will be difficult for them to
comprehend the lecture.”

While giving answer to the question that, which type of words you use during the
lecture easy to understand or difficult? As teacher 1 says, “I avoid bombastic words and if
some difficult words are used I try to illustrate them” teacher 2 says regarding this question, “I
use mostly easy and use according to the level” while teacher 3 says “it depends on the level of
student, I tell them synonyms as well but usually use easy to understand words.”

When asking to another question, which type of methods you use for the learners to
increase their vocabulary? As teacher 1 response that “actually whenever I ask them to learn
the meaning of words I usually create the context and ask them to use the words if a word has
multiple meaning, I give different uses of the words in the form of examples” teacher 2 says

regarding this question “I use different varieties according to the needs like flash cards etc.” and
Teacher 3 says “I use direct and audio lingual method, flash cards and match words like
methodology I mostly use I usually prefer direct method.”

In order to ask the question which type of vocabulary learning strategies learners
mostly use according to your observation? Like do they use dictionary? So teacher 1 says
“yes, they use dictionary but only learn synonyms without any proper structure, means they don’t
use that words” while teacher 2 says “they mostly memorize the words” and teacher 3 says “they
sometimes comes to memorization, using ESL dictionary but I think that repetition or
memorization is not right way because vocabulary is something about to use.”

While giving answer to the last question that, which strategy word attack skill (WAS)
or text attack skill (TAS) learners frequently use to know the meaning of unknown words?
As teacher 1 says, “Normally they use word attack skill (WAS)” teacher 2 says “they use text
attack skill (TAS)” while teacher 3 says “I think learners use both skills.”


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