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2 A P2h00 ‘ a Hovember 09,2017, Me. Arado rece 30,000 te detrorexpensas 1s offcat tral 1 Oana, 25 amber of the On Nov. 10~ 13, 2017. Op “othe stroma Ton report wo MP2s 000/ is 3a Tefterico co Gch aaa e320 ces ‘Debit to Cash~conecting thee #85000. Cred Cash, MDS Regula P30,000 € dN Debit to Traeng Expenge lea 25,000 4. Cred Reta Offers & Emptovees rag, Sp Gp bq tie Vy 7 a are baroers of ATM parersp. They deited to Aquidate On March 31 o he aie ae resi I ey dee tot i ‘S Up tem meises ¢f 50,000) Andes, Tomas and Notes have canta balances of P00, Pisa ies |, ibe. Profs a Tos are shared 3:34 fr Andres, Tomas aod Moos. All partner are covet. au Sringeri PE fr eters, Dp *nsom . P262,500 © pae7300-—"g.287,500 Fravamme ihest escunts of partners Coleen, Kim and Gerald before luidtion are the following Cash, (oom paznong an CSE PLIIOOM: Labo, 706,00; Coleen, Catal (50%), 460.000: Kim, Copal GF pea2R000 ar Gert, cata (20%), 320,000. on the fst month of taudabon SEs Ulla bodk aloe Sree 2 518 for 060,90, LETTER expanes ot Ped. we pel and adonal ogoree oe rh Inthe ft payment of abo prters, inetd P0000 At Tecate rtonre quater ones ne oe ps elas 13. Hows dsrated te oot fp enna Sscesr eg eaepeeo a muaoego The lori ata were taken rot Statement of Af ofKente Conga Aft ‘en «sy autores seco (Sfp 326 soni apatt thout ecarty 735000 (Sind) > jlo. 4149 Sets opt 0000 Lesson easton ost ssuito Accounts payable without securiy 367,500 \ Taves Ligue Sus fon expenses 55.25 > (28) Treeninaceager tree assets A f 8 PLL16 750° & PaaT. 125, ce rese 250}. psa srs u is oe Tuition orind aa lation nce Binsary, 2038 ts onde atone of esuaton na Iruidation as of March 31,2038, showede — (sits tobereaited P1375000 uasivesnat guided 7.700000 ‘Assets aquired 230000 Uabiltiestobeligutiies —'2'250000 ‘Assets realized 1.200000 Lables assumed 11625,000 assatsnetrealzed 490,090 Supsiemertayenrges $300,000 Supplementary credits 585) SOA la wachinesComeany has the ellowing nforation: ‘hoo w) Unsecured cestors Preferred creators Secured creditors ‘ABC Co, fer value of asset predged P360,000, 220,000) | DEF Co, fairvalue of asset pledged 200.000 ‘340,000 GHICO., falrvalue of asset plecgad P280,000 240,000 ‘The company also basa number ofotheraesets that ace rot pledged in any way, 16. How mach should beratzed fem th re assetsnpidgd) so that ASC Co, would eceve each 402.0002 x 3. 582,000 b, a62,000 | P6A2,000 fd. P582, f a |e Loos pasa 12038, UE Realty Company sold propetty care oben pce nvr mi down Royer was mate an the aa cos of 2,914,710 for 2100.50. a Sey He 30 an ear ernie Pavbl in equal natinens of 47606, gobi sent m Be iment sales fr the year i a P2600 I, SHO 9188 ¥ © e608 yee Oe Sra aun ae ey Comany sl ropety cre in arto a cost f P00 00 #140000, ~ i Dy > Pehss ib, P62,650 05,000 #954590 Jojo Induscies sels merchandise on 9 consignment basis to dealers. Shipping-tosts are chargeabie- “though in some cases, the dealer pays them whte advertising costs ae reimbursable from the censignor. The ‘sling price of the merchandise averages 4OX above cost of rierchandife exclusive of freight. The deaer is paid taps ses pce a rae A ea seat ra on ‘bass owing consignment sales actties ocurred during the currentyear: (4, fa pee ss 300. Kee = 10,000 ee reign cited fj aed by Boddna (Freight = 75,000, oH Paid by consignee (Freight out) 25,000 ‘Advertising costs paid by the consignee 50,000 svti end oa ont, the consqnos recs» oii fom the consgne tha 0 6S nee sl and that the amount due to consignar s enclose an 4. omernie congue cone (1) Poe000 . w7acco PaNs000 A home office ships merchandise branehai 3098 above cost._The atlawance for overvaluatin, oy enng ot yen was Pa On soe cts Bethe mre adjustment wis 254,008, aterite aguament ne (Go) met ean be PL G81 BS How mien ape aalitea arch net ncbie oe Foy Uf yr con m2 Mey 3. iii ont, einer bane sent one home offen books othe Una Company shows |2R s¥lonceot 168.000. the fotowing ae some ofthe wanacons between the home andthe branche ee “8 JED. % Merchandise bied ot 012.30 was shied by the home offce to the branch on Ostdinber eo 28. The merchandise sin transttand has rot been cecoprited on the books f the branch, hey 19,999 The branch callected a home office accoumsrecevble of PECQ00 but fod to not the f Vy 1170999 tome otc ott coleton, i ‘3 « Sree ce wes charges 22,800 when thegranen turned meehardie to the home coffee on December 3. The merchandae sin te Se The Home office recorded incorrectly the branch net income for November Dranch regorted net income of P25,200.~ a = 36) te aaicfstea baancpot ty Of . OO era Zak) 4. 773,000 827,000 4. 73,037,000 922,500. The Dm Ans 4 Home office bis tts branch: for merchandise shipments ( ambos cost The fang are some of the account balancorin the books of home office and its branch as of acento aicasier Hy ~ ew a Branch Books: oe PA leventory, January 1 P5000." P24;500 Shipments from Home Offce NAPE 372005 fae Ie = purchases 25,000 30,000 Shipmerts te Branch 36280 BranchinwenteryAlonence 13438 Seles 390.000 180000 Operating Expenses 72500 TP osm 27,609 Le, ful Pepte theca iS inven of he wrarch is P2050 nd goods nut prhieso 96925; the ending inveniry ofthe ham offce sPsvece 2) Wace ne combines ner ome ter the you? @ PI36,850\———"b P134,675, & P135,771 6. P138,650 eg? alia Company is interested nthe business of Beta Company. Negotations ave been done crchonan Sa 3. 2038 an agreement was reached andthe net ata wih 2 fa vale of poo ene oe ‘exchanged on this date forthe following: es 100,000 shares in Alaho Company, par PL, market value, P25 4,000,000 cash, half to be pad on date of exchange and the other pavabj in semi-annual instalments of 500,000 beginning June 20, 2018. jassume a market rate of Interest of 2Wand ound off pu fer thes decal paces) TN ee euro in enn otic) br 4 ‘in issuing the equity instruments, Alpha Company incurred the folowing Casey] “underwriting ots ad brokeroge fees, 20000 t oe _tansietin cont uch a stamp duties and profesional advsersfee, 95000. 7,4 . \gplendacounengferests wine voneconbewton aet0 7p | , 28. Determine the amount of Goodwtt ek; Te | bh ® 76,427,500 b. -Pa72,500/ 600,600 4, 427,500 MD dai row Co. sold, he Hash Corp has 70% tees in the outstanding shaes of The Arrow Co. On Janudy 2 202, The hi ty en eas ce name et ees ppv, Diiderch dered and pldly The rowin 018 anoues P5000, tk sb Dearne the conohete 208 cet peome atte to pret a Le P1500 1. e570 009) 6 PaIB 4 a, Pa ’) Ce @ 7 Pr an ar gp:

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