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Transforming India: Gandhi Fellowship and Grass root renaissance

A sincere effort can culminate in to a revolutionary saga. This is what happens

when a vision transforms in to a mission and seed of social renaissance is sawn.
The vision of Aditya Natraj got a platform of reality when the idea of
transforming grass root education was supported by Ajay Piramal head of
Nicholas Piramal. This was how kaivalya educational foundation got initiated. It
was a generous step an extension of what is called the corporate social

The idea was to penetrate deep in to the rural areas and target school
headmasters for leadership training and creating a fun filled fearless learning
atmosphere where asking questions was no more taboo and mistakes of
students are encouraged. The idea was to give an out of box learning module on
the pattern of interest of student. Parallel to it was to bring a shift in the psyche
of headmasters from Hitler type mindset to passionate human being.

The flag bearers of the experimental module were young motivated learned
individuals that were selected by a rigorous screening committee to transform
India to Bharat. Though the fellowship was not very lucrative but passion driven
individual could seek opportunity in rural chaos. The task was not easy the
pattern and beliefs of headmasters were the bottleneck. There stubborn and
adamant nature to learn something new that too from young people was not
acceptable by them. But these commandos of educational renaissance made it
possible. In the remotest villages of Rajsthan and Ahmadabad the saga
continues. Thus now one can witness a viral transformation in educational
scenario throughout the country this was what Piramal and Natraj has in back of
their mind. They propose to establish universities that can train these
headmasters in totality so that none of the kicked out student from school is
christened as dropouts.

I had the opportunity to witness the graduation ceremony of the first batch of
Gandhi fellowship on 26th June 29, 2010. To my surprise what can young minds
do when they touch experience of gentle souls of headmasters? The extreme
humility that Ajay had was great I can only remember his message that do not
let ego come to your mind that you are doing something unique discharge your
duties with passion and responsibilities. He further added that the corporate
world awaits such diamond souls who have been polished in the
microenvironment of rural India. His passion for being ambassador of
transforming India to Bharat is bound to fructify by the increasing lot of talented
youth sharing common passion mission and dream.

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