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Assignment 1 – School of IT Poster Making

Due on: 5th week 1ST meeting

Details/contents of the Poster:

- Promote the short video of your assigned topic

- Include text, drawing (original) and other images (include your face)
- The size is shortbondpaper
- Save the *.psd & jpeg file and submit it in Blackboard (no source file will not be honored)
- File format: (Section_Assignment#Group) - Example: BT1_14


 Original

 Criteria: C.R.A.P. and originality/uniqueness (check the rubrics)

 Students/groups can submit on or before the deadline (chance for QUIZ 2 exemption)

 On the due date of submission, students who will arrive late in class will have a deduction of 10
points and absent students will have 70% of their score. This also mean that they will have no
chance to be exempted in the quizzes.

 Late submission means it was not submitted on our class time (due date and time specified
according with our class schedule)

 Late submission will be accepted until the next day, 11AM only, from the due date.

 Submitted late assignments will be graded 70% of the score and the entire group members will
not have a chance to be exempted to Quiz 2.

 Chosen poster/s will be exempted to Quiz 2.

Assignment 2 –Stop Motion Video

Due on 5th week 1st meeting

Details/contents of the video:

- You are the main character of the video/story

- The video is made from your pictures taken and arranged in sequence to create a stop motion event
and saved in a video format (mp4).
- The video shows about the School of IT – Mapua University Makati. It should be original.
- The video should have a background music/jingle. No need for dialogues (subtitles will do).
- The video should be at least 30 seconds and maximum of 1 minute.
- Save it in mp4 format and submit it in Blackboard.


 Original

 Criteria: Creativity, Quality of the video, Video duration, Uniqueness and Originality (check the

 Students/groups can submit on or before the deadline (chance for QUIZ 2 exemption)

 On the due date of submission, students who will arrive late in class will have a deduction of 10
points and absent students will have 70% of their score. This also mean that they will have no
chance to be exempted in the quizzes.

 Late submission means it was not submitted on our class time (due date and time specified
according with our class schedule)

 Late submission will be accepted until the next day, 11AM only, from the due date.

 Submitted late assignments will be graded 70% of the score and the entire group members will
not have a chance to be exempted to Quiz 2.

 Chosen poster/s will be exempted to Quiz 2.

 If your group were already chosen for exemption in Quiz 2, you can still have the chance
to be exempted in Quiz 3.

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