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Assessment Details

Unit Code and Title: SBM4203 Management Information Systems

Assessment 4: Reflection
Due date: Week 12
Group/individual: Individual
Word count / Time provided: 1000 words
Weighting: 20%
Unit Learning Outcomes: ULO-4, ULO-5, ULO-6, ULO-7
Course Learning Outcomes: CLO-1, CLO-2, CLO-8, CLO-9
Graduate Attributes: GA09, GA11

Marking Information: The Reflection will be marked out of 100 and will be weighted 20% of the total
unit mark.

Assessment Details:
Students are required to conduct self-reflection associated with personal learning. You are required
to identify the key issues and findings from your learning outcomes Reflection on learning and
progress is based on the following:

1. After studying different types of information system that can be used for business
management. Discuss how the management information system can be practically applied in
the manufacturing, medical and education sectors.
2. In Week-3, you studied the advantages and disadvantages associated with the
implementation of an enterprise resource planning system. SAP R/3 software application is
an example of ERP system, in your opinion, do your think SAP R/3 is the best application for
all business? Justify your answer.
3. Artificial intelligence (AI) systems form a broad and diverse set of systems that can replicate
human decision making for certain types of problems. In week-4, discuss the Business
Intelligence and Knowledge Management. Reflect your understanding with the support of
examples, the techniques of using the AI in supporting Knowledge Management system in
making correct decision.
4. Do you believe it is ethical and legal for the executives to monitor or spy their employee’s
online behaviour and activities? Why or why not?
5. Would you spy on your employee’s online activities once you become a leader of an
organization? Why or why not?
6. Could you give a real example or evidence where employees are caught up for their immoral
online behaviour? If you were the leader of that company how would you deal with that

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Asia Pacific International College Pty Ltd. Trading as Asia Pacific International College
55 Regent Street, Chippendale, Sydney 2008: 02-9318 8111
PRV12007; CRICOS 03048D
Approved: 13th February 2019 & Version 1
Marking rubric:

Not satisfactory Satisfactory Good Very Good Excellent

Criteria (0-49%) of the (50-64%) of the (65-74%) of the (75-84%) of the (85-100%) of
criterion mark criterion mark criterion mark criterion mark the criterion
Introduction Poor Introduction Introduction is Introduction is Introduction is Introduction is
(10 marks) with irrelevant presented briefly generally well written with very well written
details with some presented in clear discussion with very clear
relevance and good fashion, about the impact background,
missing elements however missing of phishing on the discussion about
such as the impact one element such society, and the the impact of
of phishing attack as the impact of report outline phishing on the
on the society/ phishing on the society, and the
the report outline society/ the report outline
report outline
Content Lack of evidence of Unsatisfactory Satisfactory Highly satisfied at Clear and
Understanding adequate evidence of basic evidence of basic the evidence of satisfactory
of items and understanding of knowledge and knowledge and basic knowledge evidences of basic
issues to be items and issues to understanding of understanding of and knowledge and
address in the be address in the items and issues items and issues understanding of understanding of
reflection reflection. Majority to be address in to be address in items and issues items and issues
(30 marks) of information the reflection. the reflection. to be address in to be address in
irrelevant and the reflection. the reflection.
significant points
left out.
Report Does not clearly States a States a Presents an
Develops a clearly
organization state a conclusion or conclusion or conclusion or argument using
How logically point of view or else point of view but point of view but evidence and /or
argument, using
arguments are little or no does not organize expected to be logical reasoning
evidence and/or
stated and how supporting the evidence or organized more in support of a
systematic logical
critically reasoning or reasons in a logically. Analysis point of view.
reasoning in
problems are evidence is logically adequate of the problem Problem situation
support of a
analysed presented. Problem way. Analysis of situation is so far is analysed with
conclusion or
(20 marks) situation is not the problem reasonable. satisfactory level
point of view. The
critically analysed situation is not of critical analysis
way problem
that satisfactory skills.
situation is
analysed requires
high level of
critical analysis
Analysis and Poor analysis and Very brief analysis Generally good Critical analysis Very detailed
logical arguments are weak with some level of Analysis with valid with strong analysis which are
argument arguments arguments in the arguments in the critical in thinking
statements statements with very strong
(20 marks) valid arguments

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Asia Pacific International College Pty Ltd. Trading as Asia Pacific International College
55 Regent Street, Chippendale, Sydney 2008: 02-9318 8111
PRV12007; CRICOS 03048D
Approved: 13th February 2019 & Version 1
Summary not Brief summary of Generally good A section clearly
A section very
relating to the the report with summary of the summarizing the
report some report overallsummarizing the
(10 marks)
relevance contribution
References and Lacks consistency Unclear Generally good Clear referencing/ Clear styles with
citation with many errors. referencing/style referencing/style style excellent source
(10 marks) of references.

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Asia Pacific International College Pty Ltd. Trading as Asia Pacific International College
55 Regent Street, Chippendale, Sydney 2008: 02-9318 8111
PRV12007; CRICOS 03048D
Approved: 13th February 2019 & Version 1

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