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Jessica Lopez

Isabel Graciano

Mercedes Ross

Interpersonal Skills in the IT

March 2nd, 2019

Video Intro (17 seconds)

Picture of employees not communicating

Voice Over

Why is it necessary to have interpersonal skills in the workplace? The job does not require any communication
to complete the work so how will this benefit me? These are questions you are probably asking yourself.
Although, you are in IT, you will always need to have interpersonal skills to succeed.

Interpersonal skills (17 seconds)

Picture of someone standing out amongst peers.

Voice Over

Interpersonal skills make the difference among a good employee and a great employee. Also, helps
differentiate between a team member and a team leader. Interpersonal skills will help you stand out amongst
your fellow coworkers. Evolving and putting to use your interpersonal skills can advance your job hunt, improve
your resume progress, increase your interview success rate, and help you advance in your career.

Listening ( 40 seconds)
Video of someone working on their body language/ listening skills

Voice Over

Listening, can help make, or break a relationship or a business negotiation. Your listening skills must involve
care, attention,appropriate gestures, and appropriate body language!

You must give your full attention to whoever you are listening to and pay attention not only to the words but
their tone of voice, facial expressions, and body language.

Active listening is extremely important. Failing to do so, can have catastrophic consequences. If you are not
active listening, you can miss important details. This can result in failing to follow a manager’s directions to not
completing a client’s request. Listening carefully will help you interpret and respond in the best possible way.
Employees and employers appreciate being heard and it will help enhance the relationship between the two of
you by just simply listening to their needs.

Communication ( 50 seconds)

Pic or video of workers communicating

Voice Over

Regardless of your industry, there are always moments that you must communicate information clearly and
concisely. This may include presentations, team building activities, negotiations, trainings, or customer service.
From small to large companies, communication can either make or break an organization.There are so many
opportunities for one who possess strong communication skills. They may be assigned important projects
where they have to speak in front of executives or important clients. This can potentially help them gain a
promotion and raise.

When communicating, you want to make sure you are choosing your words wisely, have the right tone of voice,
and always be polite. It is extremely important that you maintain positive body language throughout the
duration of your conversation with another person. There are so many things, intents and thoughts that can be
said without words and just our body language.

Self-Confidence (35 seconds)

Picture or video of someone with and without self confidence

Voice Over

When you have self-confidence, you give out a more positive impression. Your peers, managers, etc. will have
more respect for you, your views,and ideas. Your input will be taken more seriously. The right level of self-
confidence in the workplace can help you stand out amongst your peers and may show clients that you are
capable of doing a job well done. If a person does not have self-confidence they can often be overlooked by
their employers, such as a promotion. Clients may lack confidence that you will execute their project. That is
why it is important to present self-confidence and it can also help with tackling various situations and dealing
with them both positively and efficiently. This will allow you to set and reach new goals.

Team work (15 seconds)

Pic of teamwork

Voice Over

Employers often promote those who work successfully within a team and those who are willing to cooperate
and collaborate to deliver excellent work. Be optimistic and communicate your enthusiasm for team work. This
allows you and your team to work productively and deliver positive results for clients and the organization as a
whole. If you are not communicating fully with colleagues, there may be a good idea that is missed.
Communicating is what makes the team work effectively and efficiently, therefore communication is required
to work well together.

Emotional Content ( 20 seconds)

Picture of someone stressed out at work

Voice Over

For someone who does not have these various interpersonal skills, being put into an IT workplace where
people may have to communicate often can make them extremely anxious in this setting and prevent them
from doing their job productively. This can result in ineffective communication, the inability to communicate
with others at work, and making one feel unmotivated in the workplace. That’s why developing these skills
early will prepare them for a career in which interpersonal skills are a necessity and help them avoid the
possibility of getting any kind of anxious feelings they may get if they did not know how to communicate with
employers or colleagues easily.

Conclusion (15 seconds)

A final picture

Voice Over

These kinds of interpersonal skills allow for a more successful career in the IT workplace with both your
colleagues and superiors and a better relationship with clients as well. This is why having interpersonal skills is
important not only in the IT workplace but in general as it is required for practically every career in order to
effectively do something and advance both in your professional and personal life. Evaluate yourself figure out
what you want to improve or develop. Practice and apply your interpersonal skills and be mindful of how
people respond to you. Then, think about ways you can improve your interactions.

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