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3 Field Experiences
Candidates engage in appropriate field experiences to synthesize and apply the content and
professional knowledge, skills, and dispositions identified in these standards.
ARTIFACT: ITEC Field Experiences
The field experience took place at Kennesaw State University in the iTeach department. The
field experience covered many technology tools that allowed students to use their creativity,
critical thinking skills to demonstrate their knowledge on several learning objectives. Every day,
students engage in activities that aligned with grade level standards.
This field experience demonstrates the ability to engage in field experiences to synthesize and
apply the content of professional knowledge, skills, and dispositions identified in the standards.
In this field experience, I had the opportunity to engage in the field experience. I had to model
and facilitate the design and implementation of technology-enhanced learning experiences. I also
had to synthesize and apply those experiences with student content standards and student
technology standards. Additionally, I realized the importance of having sound knowledge of how
to use the tools you are working with and the ability to perform small troubleshooting techniques
when working with these technology tools.
In completing this field experience, I was reminded of the importance of having a clear
and deep understanding of what the objective you are working on and the goals you want the
students to be able to reach by the end of the day and/or camp. Another important thing noted
was every opportunity to teach is also an opportunity to learn, even from the students we are
teaching. This experience required me to remain as open to new experiences as we wanted the
students to be with what we were teaching and the experiences that were being provided.
Additionally, having the skills to provide engaging activities and maintain students’ continuous
focus is important. At the elementary level, students’ attention spans are short and in a setting
such as Maker Camp, the interests widely vary. Knowing this, it is important for you to have the
skills that will address all learning styles, interest and abilities.
This field experience was fun, energetic and full of excitement. One thing being a part of
Maker Camp showed me is how important it is to be more than a facilitator, but to become a part
of the experience with the students. They appreciate it. I also had the opportunity to work with
fellow iTeach coaches that I haven’t had an opportunity to work closely with. This provided
insight to the strategies and tools that other coaches use daily. It allowed for an expansion of my
knowledge and resources.
As noted in the reflection log, the Field Experience took place during the summer with
students from all over the Metro Atlanta area, therefore, I cannot speak to how much this field
experience will impact school improvement. In this instance, I am unsure that one would be able
to assess the impact of this experience in either school improvement or faculty development.
This field experience impacted my practice as an instructional technology coach more so than
school improvement, faculty development and/or student learning at the schools I support.
Nevertheless, I will use what I learned from the experience and implement in my daily practice.

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