3.1 Quadratic Functions and Models

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Quadratic Functions and Models
A quadratic function is a function of the form:
Properties of the Graph of a Quadratic

Parabola opens up if a > 0; the vertex is a minimum point.

Parabola opens down if a < 0; the vertex is a maximum point.
Graphs of a quadratic function f(x) = ax2 + bx + c
Vertex is highest point
Axis of

Axis of
a>0 a<0
Opens up Opens down
Vertex is lowest point
Steps for Graphing a Quadratic Function
by Hand
• Determine the vertex.
• Determine the axis of symmetry.
• Determine the y-intercept, f(0).
• Determine how many x-intercepts the graph has.
• If there are no x-intercepts determine another
point from the y-intercept using the axis of
• Graph.
Without graphing, locate the vertex and find the axis of symmetry
of the following parabola. Does it open up or down?


Since -3 < 0 the parabola opens down.

Finding the vertex by completing the square:


10 (0,0) 0 10


yx 2

10 0 10
(2, -12)


(2, 0)
10 0 10
(4, -12)

(2, 13)

10 0 10

Determine whether the graph opens up or down.
Find its vertex, axis of symmetry, y-intercept, x-

x-coordinate of vertex:

y-coordinate of vertex:

Axis of symmetry:
There are two x-intercepts:

(0, 5)
(-5.55, 0) (-0.45, 0)
5 0


Vertex: (-3, -13)

Polynomial Functions and
A polynomial function is a function of the form
Determine which of the following are
polynomials. For those that are, state the degree.

Polynomial. Degree 2.

Not a polynomial.

(c) Not a polynomial.

If f is a polynomial function and r is a real number
for which f(r)=0, then r is called a (real) zero of
f, or root of f. If r is a (real) zero of f, then

(a) r is an x-intercept of the graph of f.

(b) (x - r) is a factor of f.
Use the above to conclude that x = -1 and x = 4 are
the real roots (zeroes) of f.
1 is a zero of multiplicity 2.
-3 is a zero of multiplicity 1.
-5 is a zero of multiplicity 5.
If r is a Zero or Even Multiplicity

If r is a Zero or Odd Multiplicity


If f is a polynomial function of degree

n, then f has at most n-1 turning points.
For large values of x, either positive
or negative, the graph of the

resembles the graph of the power function.

For the polynomial

(a) Find the x- and y-intercepts of the graph of f.

(b) Determine whether the graph crosses or

touches the x-axis at each x-intercept.
(c) Find the power function that the graph of f
resembles for large values of x.
(d) Determine the maximum number of turning
points on the graph of f.
For the polynomial

(e) Use the x-intercepts and test numbers to find

the intervals on which the graph of f is above the
x-axis and the intervals on which the graph is
below the x-axis.

(f) Put all the information together, and connect

the points with a smooth, continuous curve to
obtain the graph of f.
(a) The x-intercepts are -4, -1, and 5.

(b) -4 is a zero of multiplicity 1. (crosses)

-1 is a zero of multiplicity 2. (touches)
5 is a zero of multiplicity 1. (crosses)

(d) At most 3 turning points.

Test number: -5
f (-5) 160
Graph of f: Above x-axis
Point on graph: (-5, 160)
-4 < x <-1

Test number: -2
f (-2) -14
Graph of f: Below x-axis
Point on graph: (-2, -14)
-1 < x < 5

Test number: 0
f (0) -20
Graph of f: Below x-axis
Point on graph: (0, -20)
Test number: 6
f (6) 490
Graph of f: Above x-axis
Point on graph: (6, 490)
(6, 490)

(-1, 0)
(-5, 160)
100 (0, -20)
(5, 0)
8 6 4 100
2 0 2 4 6 8

(-4, 0) (-2, -14)

The Real Zeros of a Polynomial
Theorem: Division Algorithm for Polynomials
If f(x) and g(x) denote polynomial functions and if g(x) is
not the zero polynomial, then there are unique
polynomial functions q(x) and r(x) such that

where r(x) is either the zero polynomial or a

polynomial of degree less than that of g(x).
Remainder Theorem

Let f be a polynomial function. If f(x) is

divided by x - c, then the remainder is f(c).
Find the remainder if

is divided by x + 3.

x + 3 = x - (-3)

Factor Theorem

1. If f(c)=0, then x - c is a factor of f(x).

2. If x - c is a factor of f(x), then f(c)=0.

Use the Factor Theorem to determine whether the
function has the factor
(a) x + 3
(b) x + 4

x +3 is not a factor of f(x).

(b) f (-4) = 0
x + 4 is a factor of f(x).
Theorem Number of Zeros

A polynomial function cannot have

more zeros than its degree.
Theorem Rational Zeros Theorem
Let f be a polynomial function of degree 1 or
higher of the form

where each coefficient is an integer. If p/q in the

lowest terms, is a rational zero of f, then p must be
a factor of a0 and q must be a factor of an.
List the potential rational zeros of

Find the real zeros of

Factor f over the reals.

There are at most five zeros.

Write factors of -12 and 1 to obtain the potential
rational zeros.
Thus, -3 is a zero of f and x + 3 is a factor of f.

Thus, -2 is a zero of f and x + 2 is a factor of f.

Thus f(x) factors as:
Theorem Bounds on Zeros
Intermediate Value Theorem
Let f denote a continuous function. If a<b
And if f(a) and f(b) are of opposite sign,
then the graph of f has at least one zero
between a and b.
Use the Intermediate Value Theorem to show
that the graph of function

has an x-intercept in the interval [-3, -2].

f(-3) = -11.2 < 0

f(-2) = 1.8 > 0

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