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Human Resource Policies refers to principles and rules of conduct which

“Formulate, redefine, break into data govern the relationship with employees in the attainment of the
Human resource policies are continuing guidelines on the approach an organization intends to adopt
in managing its people. They represent specific guidelines to HR managers on various matters
concerning employment and state the intent of the organization on different aspects of Human
Resource management such as recruitment, promotion, compensation, training, selections etc. They
therefore serve as a reference point when human resources management practices are being
developed or when decisions are being made about an organization's workforce.
A good HR policy provides generalized guidance on the approach adopted by the organization, and
therefore its employees, concerning various aspects of employment. A procedure spells out precisely
what action should be taken in line with the policies.
Each organization has a different set of circumstances and so develops an individual set of human
resource policies. The locations an organization operates in will also dictate the content of their
The establishment of policies can help an organization demonstrate, both internally and
externally, that it meets requirements for diversity, ethics and training as well as its
commitments in relation to regulation and corporate governance of its employees. For
example, in order to dismiss an employee in accordance with employment law requirements,
amongst other considerations, it will normally be necessary to meet provisions within
employment contracts and collective bargaining agreements. The establishment of an HR
Policy which sets out obligations, standards of behavior, and documents disciplinary
procedures, is now the standard approach to meeting these obligations. HR policies provide
frameworks within which consistent decisions are made and promote equity in the way in
which people are treated.
HR policies can also be very effective at supporting and building the desired organizational
culture. For example, recruitment and retention policies might outline the way the organization values
a flexible workforce, compensation policies might support this by offering a 48/52 pay option where
employees can take an extra four weeks holidays per year and receive less pay across the year.

HR Policies cover the following:

1. Policy of hiring people with due respect to factors like reservations, sex, marital
status, and the like.

2. Policy on terms and conditions of employment-compensation policy and

methods, hours of work, overtime, promotion, transfer, lay-off and the like.

3. Policy with regard medical assistance-sickness benefits, ESI and company

medical benefits.

4. Policy regarding housing, transport, uniform and allowances.

5. Policy regarding training and development-need for, methods of, and frequency
of training and development.

6. Policy regarding industrial relations, trade-union recognition, collective

bargaining, grievance procedure, participative management and communication
with workers.


Well-written HR Policies and Procedures allow employees to understand what the rules are of
working for the organization. Some call it a guide or a framework to govern employee
relations. HR Policies and Procedures help managers and employees understand what’s expected
and prevent misunderstandings about how to behave and how things are done within the
If a manager is constantly telling employees the rules, or how to behave in the workplace, it may
be because the HR Policies and Procedures haven’t been well written or communicated in various
ways to suit different learning and communication styles. Remember, everyone has to see and
understand the policies, not just hear about them third hand. Sounds obvious, doesn’t it?
Last week one of our clients said, “My staff just don’t get the message”. Our next question was
“How have you told them and when?” The manager’s reply: “I sent a couple of emails”. And
managers wonder why a large percentage of their teams say the company doesn’t communicate
with them!


1. In any organization human resource is the most important asset. In today’s current
scenario, Deepak Ni and marketer of chemical.

2. As most of the company’s overall pe performance which depends largely on the HR

POLICIES of the organization.

3. So the project has wide scope to help the company to perform well in
today’s global competition.

4. The core of the project lies in analyzing and assessing the organization and
to design an HR POLICY manual for the organization.


1. To study the amendments made in the HR Policies of The Leo labs pvt ltd.
since the time of incorporation.

2. To incorporate the amendments in the base policy and prepare a final policy.

3. To design a HR Policy manual for the company with special emphasis on the
“Managerial Service Conditions”.

4. To study the HR Policies of the company.


The researcher has chosen the questionnaire methods of data collection due to limited time in
hand. While designing data-collection procedure, adequate safeguards against bias and
unreliability must be ensured. Researcher has examined the collected data for completeness,
comprehensibility, consistently and reliability.
Researcher has also gathered secondary data which have already been collected and analyzed
by someone else. He got various information from journals, historical documents, magazines
and reports prepared by the other researchers. For the present piece of research the
investigator has used the following methods:
 Questionnaire
 Interview
 Observation

Here, researcher has taken 30 as the sample size.

Human Resource Policies provided by the organization of employees works as an agent for
the growth of employees and also motivates the employees to perform well i.e. employee
performance and satisfaction is the valuable outcome of sound of HR Policies of the
The various HR Policies in The Leo labs pvt ltd. makes the employees enthusiastic towards


In this method a questionnaire is sent to the HR Manager concerned with a request to answer
the questions and return the questionnaire. The questionnaire consisted of a number of
questions printed or typed in a definite order. The HR Manager has to answer the questions
on their own. The researcher has chosen this method of data collection due to low cost
incurred, it is free from bias of the interviewer and respondent have adequate time.


1. Firstly the respondents were not available readily and the data were collected as per
the convenience of the respondents.

2. Secondly the sample of 100 respondents was given by the organization hence
appropriate sample technique was not applied for selecting the respondents.

3. Thirdly, time is also one of constraints. Duration of 45 days is not sufficient to cover
all the aspects of the study.


Malik and sur (2003)

In their study on "Human Resource Accounting in India" observed that the progress of any
organization is absolutely dependent on the skillful utilization of its human resources. Even
in the modern world, an organization may own adequate financial resources and acquire
physical resources with latest technology as it needs, it would find difficult to manage its
affairs, if the human organization of the concern is not strong enough. However, the strange
irony is that in India most of the organizations do not recognize it properly. They do not
adopt human resource accounting (HRA) although it could contribute significantly both to
internal and external management decisions. HRA also helps the people of the organization
in improving their performance and bargaining capacity. It makes each of them conscious
about the ratio between his contribution towards the betterment of the concern and the
expenditure incurred by the concern on him.

Kundu. Subhash C., Divya Malhan (2009)

In their article on "HRM Practices in Insurance Companies: A Study of Indian and

Multinational Companies" opined that Competitive advantage of a company can be
generated from human resources (HR) and company performance is influenced by a set of
effective HRM practices. The results of this study indicated that both multinational
companies and Indian companies have to significantly improve their practices regarding
performance appraisal, training and financial benefits, and hr planning and recruitment.
Service sector is human resource intensive business. To gain competitive advantage, service
organizations should emphasize on human resource management practices, as has been
indicated in the results. A well-defined framework of human resource management practices
benefits not only the organization but also the employee. HR policies of an organization
benefit the employee by providing better opportunities for growth in terms of better
compensation, benefits, training and development opportunities, and career management, in
turn leading to job satisfaction and self fulfillment.

M.A. Sahaf and M.A. Siddiqui (2007)

Examined the effectiveness of training in the Educational organizations. The focus of the
paper is various components of training and development like induction training, training
needs, training inputs, management attitude towards training. Findings of the study revealed
that teachers were not satisfied with the prevalent training and development programs. In the
study a number of recommendations were made like induction training of the fresher should
be given, Feedback may be obtained from the students about their teachers, separate training
programs may be organized to train faculty in handling teaching aid equipment like
computer, lab equipment, overhead projector, internet etc.

Hassan (2007)

Reviewed HRD practices with organizational values and measured the

employees‘perspective. It was observed in research that HRD practices namely potential
appraisal and promotion, learning/ training, performance guidance and development were
positively correlated with organizational values like collaboration, creativity, quality,
delegation and human treatment but the performance appraisal, career planning and
contextual analysis variables were negatively associated with Trust and creativity. Hassan et
al (2006) investigated whether ISO certification contribute toward improvement in HRD
system and also examined the role of HRD Practices on employees development and quality
orientation in the organization. Results indicated that ISO certified companies, as compared
to others, obtained higher means on some HRD Variables. It was identified that
organizations with better learning, training and development, reward and recognition, and
HRIS (Human resource information system) promote HRD climate in the organization.
Quality orientation was estimated by career planning, performance guidance and
development, role efficacy, and reward and recognition system.

S. Husain Ashraf (2007)

Brought out the fact that Human development is the core of all development efforts. It was
explained that Human resource is very dynamic and essential resource for producing goods
and services and welfare of the society. Human development at micro (Institutional) level
involved selection, manpower planning, training, performance appraisal, potential appraisal,
development, compensation etc. At macro (National) level it involved illiteracy, poor health,
eradication of poverty. Human development included sustainable development, human rights,
security, productivity and development, empowerment, equity and opportunity. In fact to
achieve higher standards of human development positive approach was necessary which
include higher growth rate, larger expenditure on social sector, an efficient utilization of funds

Human resource policies are the formal rules and guidelines that businesses put in place to
hire, train, assess, and reward the members of their workforce. These policies, when
organized and disseminated in an easily used form, can serve to preempt many
misunderstandings between employees and employers about their rights and obligations in
the business place. It is tempting, as a new small business owner, to focus on the concerns of
the business at hand, and put off the task of writing up a human resource policy. All business
analysts and employment lawyers will advise a new business owner to get a policy down on
paper, even if it is a simple one drafted from a boilerplate model. Having policies written is
important so that it is clear to all what the policies are and that they are applied consistently
and fairly across the organization. Moreover, when issues concerning employee rights and
company policies come before federal and state courts, it is standard practice to assume that
the company's human resource policies, whether written or verbal, are a part of an
employment contract between the employee and the company.Without clearly written
policies, the company is at a disadvantage.

Small businesses—and especially business startups—can not afford to fritter away valuable
time and resources on drawn-out policy disputes or potentially expensive lawsuits. Having a
human resource policy in place from the start can help to avoid this situation. The business
owner who takes the time to establish sound, comprehensive human resource policies will
be far better equipped to succeed over the long run than the business owner who deals with
each policy decision as it erupts. The latter ad hoc style is much more likely to produce
inconsistent, uninformed, and legally questionable decisions that may cripple an otherwise
prosperous business. For as many small business consultants state, human resource policies
that are inconsistently applied or based on faulty or incomplete data will almost inevitably
result in declines in worker morale, deterioration in employee loyalty, and increased
vulnerability to legal penalties. To help ensure that personnel management policies are
applied fairly, business owners and consultants alike recommend that small business
enterprises produce and maintain a written record of its HR policies and of instances in
which those policies came into play.


Small business owners should make sure that they address the following basic human
resource issues when putting together their personnel policies:

 Equal Employment Opportunity policies

 Employee classifications

 Workdays, paydays, and pay advances

 Overtime compensation

 Meal periods and break periods

 Payroll deductions

 Vacation policies

 Holidays

 Sick days and personal leave (for bereavement, jury duty, voting, etc.)

 Performance evaluations and salary increases

 Performance improvement

 Termination policies


Software industry:

The software industry includes businesses involved in the development, maintenance and
publication of computer software using any business model. The industry also includes
software services, such as training, documentation, and consulting.


The software industry started in the early 1960s, almost immediately after computers
(‘mainframes’) was first sold in a more or less standardized way. Universities and
businesses began to use these computers and to seek out programs to do certain computing
tasks. Many of these programs were written in-house by full-time staff programmers. Some
were distributed freely between users of a particular machine for no charge. But others were
done on a commercial basis, and the very first standalone software firms started in the
United States in 1959-1960. Pretty soon, the computer-makers started bundling operating
systems software and programming environments with their machines. IBM, which
delivered most of the computers at the time, became a household name in corporate
businesses worldwide.

When Digital Equipment Corporation brought a relatively low-priced micro-computer to

market, it brought computing within reach of many more companies and universities
worldwide, and it spawned great innovation in terms of new, powerful programming
languages and methodologies. New software was built for micro-computers, and others,
including IBM, followed DECs example quickly, resulting in the IBM AS400 amongst

The industry expanded greatly with the rise of the personal computer in the mid-1970s,
which brought computing to the desktop of the office worker. In subsequent years, it also
created a growing market for games, applications, and utilities. DOS, Microsoft's first
product, was the dominant operating system at the time.

In the early years of the 21st century, another successful business model has arisen for
hosted software, called software as a service, or SaaS; this was at least the third time this
model had been attempted.

Software sectors:

There are several types of businesses in the software industry. Infrastructure software,
including operating systems, middleware and databases, is made by companies such as

Microsoft, IBM, Sybase, EMC, Oracle and VMware. Enterprise software, the software that
automates business processes in finance, production, logistics, sales and marketing, is made
by Oracle, SAP AG , Sage and Infor. Security software is made by the likes of Symantec,
Trend Micro and Kaspersky. Several industry-specific software makers are also among the
largest software companies in the world: SunGard, making software for banks, Blackboard
making software for schools, and companies like Qualcomm or Cyber Vision making
software for telecom companies. Other companies do contract programming to develop
unique software for one particular client company, or focus on configuring and customizing
suites from large vendors such as SAP or Oracle.

Leading companies: mindshare and market share:

In terms of technology leadership, the software industry has long been led by IBM.
However, Microsoft became the dominant PC operating system supplier. Microsoft has
never returned the stick. Other companies that have substantial mindshare (not: market
share) in the software industry are SUN Microsystems, the developer of the Java platform,
Red Hat, for its open source momentum, and Google for its Google Docs. However in terms
of revenues coming from software sales, the software industry is clearly dominated by
Microsoft, since inception. Microsoft products are still sold in largest number across the

Size of the industry:

According to market researcher Data Monitor, the size of the worldwide software industry in
2008 was US$ 303.8 billion, an increase of 6.5% compared to 2007. Americas account for
42.6% of the global software market's value. Data Monitor forecasts that in 2013, the global
software market will have a value of US$ 457 billion, an increase of 50.5% since 2008.

software development:

Software development is the act of working to produce/create software. This software could
be produced for a variety of purposes - the three most common purposes are to meet specific
needs of a specific client/business, to meet a perceived need of some set of potential users
(the case with commercial and open source software), or for personal use (e.g. a scientist
may write software to automate a mundane task).

The term software development is often used to refer to the activity of computer
programming, which is the process of writing and maintaining the source code, whereas the
broader sense of the term includes all that is involved between the conceptions of the desired
software through to the final manifestation of the software. Therefore, software development
may include research, new development, modification, reuse, re-engineering, maintenance,

or any other activities that result in software products. For larger software systems, usually
developed by a team of people, some form of process is typically followed to guide the
stages of production of the software.

Especially the first phase in the software development process may involve many
departments, including marketing, engineering, research and development and general


There are several different approaches to software development, much like the various views
of political parties toward governing a country. Some take a more structured, engineering-
based approach to developing business solutions, whereas others may take a more
incremental approach, where software evolves as it is developed piece-by-piece. Most
methodologies share some combination of the following stages of software development:

 Market research
 Gathering requirements for the proposed business solution
 Analyzing the problem
 Devising a plan or design for the software-based solution
 Implementation (coding) of the software.

These stages are often referred to collectively as the software development lifecycle, or
SDLC. Different approaches to software development may carry out these stages in different
orders, or devote more or less time to different stages. The level of detail of the
documentation produced at each stage of software development may also vary. These stages
may also be carried out in turn (a “waterfall” based approach), or they may be repeated over
various cycles or iterations (a more "extreme" approach). The more extreme approach
usually involves less time spent on planning and documentation, and more time spent on
coding and development of automated tests. More “extreme” approaches also promote
continuous testing throughout the development lifecycle, as well as having a working (or
bug-free) product at all times.

More structured or “waterfall” based approaches attempt to assess the majority of risks and
develop a detailed plan for the software before implementation (coding) begins, and avoid
significant design changes and re-coding in later stages of the software development

There are significant advantages and disadvantages to the various methodologies, and the
best approach to solving a problem using software will often depend on the type of problem.
If the problem is well understood and a solution can be effectively planned out ahead of
time, the more "waterfall" based approach may work the best. If, on the other hand, the
problem is unique (at least to the development team) and the structure of the software
solution cannot be easily envisioned, then a more "extreme" incremental approach may work
best. A software development process is a structure imposed on the development of a
software product. Synonyms include software life cycle and software process. There are
several models for such processes, each describing approaches to a variety of tasks or
activities that take place during the process.


A software development process is a structure imposed on the development of a software

product. Synonyms include software life cycle and software process. There are several
models for such processes, each describing approaches to a variety of tasks or activities that
take place during the process.


The largely growing body of software development organizations implements process

methodologies. Many of them are in the defense industry, which in the U.S. requires a rating
based on 'process models' to obtain contracts.

The international standard for describing the method of selecting, implementing and
monitoring the life cycle for software is ISO 12207.

A decades-long goal has been to find repeatable, predictable processes that improve
productivity and quality. Some try to systematize or formalize the seemingly unruly task of
writing software. Others apply project management techniques to writing software. Without
project management, software projects can easily be delivered late or over budget. With
large numbers of software projects not meeting their expectations in terms of functionality,
cost, or delivery schedule, effective project management appears to be lacking.

Organizations may create a Software Engineering Process Group (SEPG), which is the focal
point for process improvement. Composed of line practitioners who have varied skills, the
group is at the center of the collaborative effort of everyone in the organization who is
involved with software engineering process improvement.

The activities of the software development process represented in the waterfall model. There
are several other models to represent this process.


The important task in creating a software product is extracting the requirements or

requirements analysis. Customers typically have an abstract idea of what they want as an
end result, but not what software should do. Incomplete, ambiguous, or even contradictory
requirements are recognized by skilled and experienced software engineers at this point.
Frequently demonstrating live code may help reduce the risk that the requirements are

Once the general requirements are gleaned from the client, an analysis of the scope of the
development should be determined and clearly stated. This is often called a scope document.

Certain functionality may be out of scope of the project as a function of cost or as a result of
unclear requirements at the start of development. If the development is done externally, this
document can be considered a legal document so that if there are ever disputes, any
ambiguity of what was promised to the client can be clarified.

Implementation, testing and documenting:

Implementation is the part of the process where software engineers actually program the
code for the project.

Software testing is an integral and important part of the software development process. This
part of the process ensures that bugs are recognized as early as possible.

Documenting the internal design of software for the purpose of future maintenance and
enhancement is done throughout development. This may also include the authoring of an
API, be it external or internal.

Deployment and maintenance:

Deployment starts after the code is appropriately tested, is approved for release and sold or
otherwise distributed into a production environment.

Software Training and Support is important because a large percentage of software projects
fail because the developers fail to realize that it doesn't matter how much time and planning
a development team puts into creating software if nobody in an organization ends up using
it. People are often resistant to change and avoid venturing into an unfamiliar area, so as a
part of the deployment phase, it is very important to have training classes for new clients of
your software.

Maintenance and enhancing software to cope with newly discovered problems or new
requirements can take far more time than the initial development of the software. It may be
necessary to add code that does not fit the original design to correct an unforeseen problem
or it may be that a customer is requesting more functionality and code can be added to
accommodate their requests. It is during this phase that customer calls come in and you see
whether your testing was extensive enough to uncover the problems before customers do. If
the labour cost of the maintenance phase exceeds 25% of the prior-phases' labor cost, then it
is likely that the overall quality, of at least one prior phase, is poor. In that case, management
should consider the option of rebuilding the system (or portions) before maintenance cost is
out of control.


Several models exist to streamline the development process. Each one has its pros and cons,
and it's up to the development team to adopt the most appropriate one for the project.
Sometimes a combination of the models may be more suitable.

Waterfall Model:

The waterfall model shows a process, where developers are to follow these phases in order:

 Requirements specification (Requirements Analysis)

 Design
 Implementation (or Coding)
 Integration
 Testing (or Validation)
 Deployment (or Installation)
 Maintenance

In a strict Waterfall model, after each phase is finished, it proceeds to the next one. Reviews
may occur before transitioning to the next phase which allows for the possibility of changes
(which may involve a formal change control process). However, it discourages revisiting

and revising any prior phase once it's complete. This "inflexibility" in a pure Waterfall
model has been a source of criticism by other more "flexible" models.

Spiral Model:

The key characteristic of a Spiral model is risk management at regular stages in the
development cycle.


Leo Labs IT Solutions Pvt. Ltd. has built a reputation of delivering software and business
management solutions that provide measurable results. It has been recognized as one of the
fastest growing companies in Hyderabad, India.

Leo Labs growth can be attributed to the company's focus on quality, consistency, and long-
term vision. While many Software companies chased the market to find revenue in the latest
fads, Leo Labs IT Solutions remained focused on delivering proven business solutions to its

Utilizing our project management methodology that has produced esteemed results for our
clients, we are strategically establishing new offices in markets that offer opportunity. This
methodology, combined with the extraordinary talent of the local managing directors and
exceptional consultants with their years of experience, will develop offices to serve our
clients and partners.

In order to thrive in an interconnected economy, the service offerings by Leo Labs IT

Solutions meet the demands of an ever-changing business environment. Leo Labs delivers
fresh solutions with seasoned professional developers and consultants who have one singular
focus: Ensure that everything we do delivers value to our clients and moves their businesses
forward giving them the edge in the demanding business world.

We provide our customers with the highest levels of service, quality, and efficiency. The
enduring and personal relationships we hold with our clients, gives us the advantage of a
loyal, well-established client and partnership base. We offer the assurance that company
needs will be met now and in the future.

To be globally recognized as a provider of a trusted, reliable resource to quality Information
Technology (IT) solutions To build worldwide partnerships for success.

To give the clients a competitive edge.

To enhance the operational efficiency and financial advantage to clients.


Business Strategy

E-Business/Web Services

Enterprise Application


Integrated Marketing

It Strategy Development

Process Development

Business Strategy:

The greatest accomplishments begin with an architect plan. We believe that Leo Labs IT
Solutions is the advisor that the company needs most as you begin to conceptualize the
business road map.

Our business consulting team is the cohesive mortar that unites our various disciplines. By
focusing on company's strategic objectives, we are able to design, develop, and implement
the solutions that will produce measurable change across the enterprise.

As the foundation of Leo Labs IT Solutions, this business-centric philosophy permeates our
various discipline leaders. Whether a developer or a designer, the goal of producing custom
business solutions is paramount.

Our ability to offer guidance throughout the highest levels of leadership is cultivated by our
ability to architect and execute solutions that matter most. This focus on sound strategic
direction provides a high-level road map that can manage and expand channels, enhance
revenue, and penetrate markets that may have previously been inaccessible. Our knowledge
and use of business intelligence tools allows our clients to make calculated decisions based
on real-time data, thus providing accurate and effective results.

Our skill in analyzing company's internal structure enables Leo Labs IT Solutions to
enhance business processes, operational efficiencies and manage or reduce overall costs.

By helping to orientate leadership direction and formulate operational practices, Leo Labs IT
Solutions can also effectively refine how company goes to market. By improving the ways
in which the company deploy their sales force, manage traditional customer relationships
and build an integrated marketing and communications plan, we can help the craft every
touch point between the company and customers.

E-Business/Web services:
E-Business is much more than buying and selling over the Web. In the simplest sense, it is
the use of Internet technologies to improve core business processes. And, while technology
makes e-business possible, e-business isn't about technology. It's about connecting core
business systems and processes to customers, suppliers, and employees—24 hours a day, 7
days a week.

E-Business can help companies meet today's business challenges head-on. Whether it's
increasing revenue or decreasing costs, reaching new customers or better serving existing
ones, a solid e-business infrastructure provides the foundation to deliver true value to

Important reasons to become an e-business include the following:

 Increase revenue
 Decrease costs
 Improve employee efficiency
 Expand market reach
 Strengthen business relationships
 Improve customer satisfaction

At Leo Labs IT Solutions, we know that the success of our company depends on our ability
to provide world-class, e-business solutions with real business value to our clients. We
understand the business impact of e-business. Our experts have helped many companies
leverage the Internet with the following solutions:

E-commerce—allows companies to buy and sell products and services online.Business

intelligence—allows companies to acquire data about their customers to provide better
service. Customer relationship management—provides the ability to support and retain
profitable customers.Supply chain management—streamlines end-to-end processes
associated with the flow of products.

Enterprise Application Integration

Leo Labs IT Solutions development team is designed to partner with our clients to address
many business critical issues and objectives. Leo Labs IT Solutions knows how to use state-
of-the-art technologies to provide targeted, world-class integration solutions that address
unique business needs.

Are the companies getting the most out of the Web and core business-system
implementations? Are these applications connected throughout the organization? Does the
company question whether or not the integration between applications is able to support the
company changing business process needs? Do your business associates have access to
accurate, relevant, and timely information for critical decision-making?

With ever-increasing pressure to be as efficient as possible, Enterprise Application

Integration is becoming vital to organizations of every size. EAI is used to interconnect
existing information systems, prior technology investments, and business partner’s systems
and data. As enterprises grow and recognize the need for their information to be shared
between systems, companies are investing in EAI to streamline processes and keep disparate
elements of the enterprise interconnected.

SAP--This solution provides end-to-end functionality for business analytics, financials,
human capital management, operations, and corporate services -- and allows you to upgrade
to the full range of SAP solutions.

Enterprise Resource Planning [ERP]--Seamless ERP Implementations and Upgrades,

Efficient Support and Quicker Return on Investment (ROI) on their Enterprise Applications
is what every organization dreams of.

Leo Labs ERP team has over 50 highly qualified Consultants, offering a unique blend of
business vertical knowledge and technical expertise that meets its customers' Enterprise
Application requirements from a Short-Term Goal Realization perspective, as well as a
Long-Term Total Cost Operations Reduction
Leo Labs solutions are implemented using a framework that enables your organization to
integrate and extend your business applications across and beyond the enterprise. Our
solutions address specific business challenges such as:

 Finding cost savings by integrating business applications and processes with flexible
and scalable long-term solutions
 Maximizing the return-on-investment from the Web site and core business system
implementations by creating tight inter-application integration
 Having real-time access to more accurate and timely business data to make better
decisions, reduce cycle times and increase operational efficiencies
 Selecting the right technical architectures and vendor products to maximize
efficiencies and compliment your existing and future state enterprise architecture

Leo Labs IT Solutions development team continues to deliver solutions across a wide range
of industries and functional areas. Our solutions are aided by our strong partnerships with
leading industry vendors. As a result, our consultants are well versed in the latest trends,
tools and technologies best suited for the particular business and technical challenges.

Leo Labs IT Solutions focus is on delivering solutions that will be effective in the unique
environment. Our experience and vendor neutral position allows us to choose the best mix of
technologies for the particular environment.
May organization has invested significant time, effort, and financial resources into the
applications and information systems that run business. Leo Labs IT Solutions, solutions are
designed to minimize these investments by identifying and simplifying the processes that
will provide secure and timely access to your company’s information assets—giving the
organization a strong competitive advantage.

Integrated Marketing:
Successful Integrated Marketing solutions take three key elements in order to produce value:
solid strategy, quality design, and measurability.

By understanding competitive landscapes, identifying audiences, and estimating the return
on investment, Leo Labs IT Solutions can help out making intelligent marketing decisions
that provide maximum returns. We analyze the company business objectives and determine
a path of communication that will reach the consumer or client base on a more consistent

Integrated Marketing utilizes a variety of media and channels. It employs designers that
understand these mediums and can translate their designs into effective communications.

Leo Labs designers have the expertise to match visual design with the appropriate language
and elements, essential in improving response rates and reaching near to intended audience.

Leo Labs IT Solutions specializes in business intelligence tools that can analyze data,
response rates, and demographics. By having access to this information in real time, we can
effectively tailor communications to increase response rates, measure return on investment,
and make Intel suited for your business objectives.

IT Strategy Development
Over the past few years the role of technology in business has become a critical success
factor. Many organizations leverage information technology to help them deliver their
products and services. But few organizations truly realize the business benefits that can be
achieved from an effective technology strategy. The rapid pace of change in technology
provides companies with new, cost-effective mechanisms to communicate with their
customers, suppliers, employees, and key business partners. Properly harnessed, technology
initiatives can enrich customer relationships, shorten supply chains, and streamline a number
of internal processes so that a true return on investment is realized. The first step is to create
alignment and consensus within the organization and build an action plan around those
initiatives that will deliver the highest return.


Leo Labs IT Solutions Strategic solutions leverage a proven methodology to help our clients
fundamentally align and leverage technology in order to achieve enterprise business
objectives. We devise these strategies by examining the current infrastructure, IT
organization, business processes, organizational objectives, and key stakeholders. Then we
align technology solutions in a way that ties these stakeholders to the business systems and
processes within the organization.

Strategic Planning Service Features

 Aligns technology infrastructure and initiatives with high-priority business processes

and organizational objectives
 Focuses on the needs of the key stakeholders (customers, suppliers, employees) and
not on the limitations of technology.
 Provides qualitative and quantitative measures of the success of the strategy or
business continuity plan.
 Creates alignment, consensus, and accountability for the prioritized initiatives among
executive leadership and line of business management.

Our strategic planning solutions can be used to help the organization during its annual
planning, or throughout the year as industry and market trends demand. Strategic planning
may be necessary in the following situations:

 When a competitive advantage is needed to demonstrate quality of service

 When the organization seeks to expand while maintaining existing operational
infrastructure (capital and human resources)
 When audits have identified gaps or weaknesses in business or IT capability

Process Development

Leo Labs Business Process Improvement solutions are designed to help the company to
streamline the processes that are critical to managing business.

Organizations need to optimize the business process, but seldom do. That’s where Leo Labs
Business Process Improvement solutions come in.

Using our proven methodology and toolsets, we deliver key business results in a timely
fashion. We help to achieve improved customer service, cost reductions, and capacity

Are the company key performance metrics out of alignment with the competitors? Are the
customers reducing their lead times? And do the company employees continually executive
a process that is loaded with “no value–add” tasks?

These are the questions that many organizations are faced with on a daily basis.
The reality is that most organizations could be handling these processes much more
efficiently, providing significant business value and competitive advantage.


Leo Labs IT Solutions Business Process Improvement solutions are designed to position the
organization to take advantage of the opportunities and quickly address the challenges. Our
solutions are able to seamlessly cross the department and operational boundaries within the
organization. Our focus is to ensure that participants within a process are all working off the
same vision and driving toward the same goals.
Leo Labs IT Solutions Business Process Improvement solutions are customized to your
specific needs. In addition to delivering the customer business metrics, we leverage our

experience in order to rapidly deliver best practices that have proven to be important to
many of the organizations that we have worked with.

Leo Labs IT Solutions Business Process Improvement team has delivered solutions across a
wide range of industries. Our consultants are versed in the latest trends, tools, and
technologies being deployed as part of these solutions. Having participated in numerous
Business Process Improvement engagements

Our consultants are well equipped to architect and deploy the solution most suited for your
particular business. Our solutions are aided by our strong focus on economic and financial

Leo Labs IT Solutions has an entire practice dedicated to delivering Business Process
Improvement solutions. Our focus is on delivering solutions that will be effective in the
unique environment. We believe that our vendor focus on economic and financial analysis is
a key differentiator from our competition.

Many Organizations has invested a lot of time, effort, and financial resources into the
applications and information systems that run your business. Leo Labs IT Solutions
Business Process Improvement solutions are designed to minimize those investments by
identifying and simplifying the processes that support the company, giving the organization
a strong competitive advantage.


Product Development:
Leo Labs IT Solutions Pvt. Ltd. fosters rapid, framework and component-based
development approach to build mission critical, off-the-shelf products and applications. We
have developed products and solutions on leading technologies with a strong orientation
toward standards-driven architecture.
Our process driven approach forms the foundation for engaging with customers, to build
high quality, cost-effective products and applications. Over and above, we lay our thrust in
understanding customer needs to devise optimum design and development strategies that
would enable them to market their product quickly.
Leo Labs IT Solutions has the concept of Framework and "Component Based Development"
for product / application development and reusability and provides cost-effective services to
our customers for outsourced product development.
Leo Labs IT Solutions offers maintenance and support services to the customers as part of
its service offering. Leo Labs has a clearly laid down methodology for such maintenance
engagements. Over the years we have gained substantial experience in providing 24/7
maintenance support remotely, to the customers. Leo Labs has the expertise and ability to
meet the needs and expectations to support the applications.

In this approach, the Leo Labs team at onsite will carry out all the maintenance and support
for the application. However the offshore team based at Leo Labs development center will
be extending the support for the onsite team on any technical issues that they may have.
They act as a backup and in the event of any emergency; can immediately act as a


The remote maintenance approach adopted by Leo Labs IT Solutions Pvt. Ltd. to carry out
the maintenance is explained below.

Receiving the issue:

The onsite technical support team receives the issue from client either through any of the
following media like e-mail, telephone, mobile phone or instant messenger services. A ticket
number generated would help the offsite team identify each issue.

Study and Analysis: Once the problem Ticket issue is received, the Onsite technical
team makes a careful study of the issue and analyzes its complexity.

Estimation: After a thorough analysis the work estimation is made and it is placed before
the client through an offsite support Manager. Based on the estimated time and priority, the
issue is then scheduled to be resolved either by the onsite team or by the offshore team.

Scheduling: Identify the best suitable team member(s) for solving the issue and assign the
tasks to that particular resource(s).

Solution: The assigned team member(s) provides the solution as specified in the given
task document in a scheduled time adhering to the quality standards, he also provides a
standard document describing the work done.

Testing: Test the changed code as per the Maintenance Manual. Update the documentation
as required
Log Maintenance: Logs will be maintained for future use by the offsite as well as
offshore team for all the support issues that have come up.

Application Development
With increasing demands, enterprises worldwide are finding it difficult to implement, and
support new applications, while at the same time, maintaining and upgrading their existing
systems. To overcome the situation, companies must seek to expand development capacity,
accelerate time-to-market, and build flexible distributed delivery models to negotiate risk.

There are benefits in building software to improve existing business processes rather than
changing proven procedures in order of work within the constraints of off-the-shelf
applications. Leo Labs addresses these issues and will help you to remain in step with and
ahead of your competition by continuously improving your information technology-based
business solutions.

We remain focused on developing the best solution to respond to each client's individual
business needs. Through our advanced consultative approach, Leo Labs

Assists in clearly defining organizational goals and determining where the current systems
meet these goals, where they fail, and how they can be improved through our custom
applications solutions. Our experienced team will work on the project from its
conceptualization through and beyond its completion and implementation.
Our focus areas include extranet, intranet, business-to-business, e-commerce solutions,
software, database and other industry applications.


1. Are you satisfied with the external recruitment sources performed in your Organization.

Agree ( ) Disagree ( )

Options No. of employees Percentage%

Agree 38 82
Disagree 12 18
Total 50 100

External recruitment sources




INTERPRETATION: Regarding external recruitment sources 82% employees are satisfied

or agree whereas 18% are not satisfied which is performed in the organization. Therefore,
the employees are satisfied by recruitment process.

2. Are you satisfied with the monetary reward given on bringing a candidate on board?

Agree ( ) Disagree ( )
Options No. of employees Percentage
Agree 34 74
Disagree 16 26
Total 50 100

Monetary reward





INTERPRETATION: Regarding monetary reward given on bringing on board74% of

employees are satisfied and 26% are not satisfied.

3.Are you satisfied with the background checks conduct for employees.
Agree ( ) Disagree( )

Options No of employees Percentage

Agree 38 78

Disagree 12 22

Total 50 100

Background checks





Options No of employees Percentage

Agree 38 78

Disagree 12 22

Total 50 100

INTERPRETATION: Regarding background checks which are conduct for employees

78% employees are satisfied whereas 22% employees are not satisfied.
4. Are you satisfied with the monetary limits given to you for the expenses?
Agree ( ) Disagree ( )

Options No of employees Percentage

Agree 39 79

Disagree 11 21

Total 50 100





Options No of employees Percentage

Agree 39 79

Disagree 11 21

Total 50 100

INTERPRETATION: Regarding monetary limits provided to employees for their

expenses 79% of the employees are satisfied and 21% of the employees are not satisfied.

1. The induction programmed of your organization is informal type.

3. Agree ( ) Disagree( )

Induction program





Options No of emoplyees Percentage

Agree 42 82

Disagree 8 18

Total 50 100

INTERPRETATION: Regarding induction program which is conducted in the

organization, 82% of the employees are satisfied whereas 18% of the employees are not

2. The induction of your organization covers organizational structure and policies.

Agree ( ) Disagree( )






Options No of percentage Percentage

Agree 40 90

Disagree 10 10

Total 50 100

INTERPRETATION: Regarding induction of organization, 90% of the employees are

satisfied and 10% of the employees are not satisfied. It means that most of the employees
are benefited.


1. For Employee performance is the training need analyzed in your organization

Agree ( ) Disagree( )

Employee performance





Options No of employee Percentage

Agree 36 76

Disagree 14 24

Total 50 100

INTERPRETATION: Regarding employee performance, 76% of employees are

satisfied whereas 24% of employees are not satisfied. It means that most of the employees
get affected from this evaluation.

2. Are you satisfied with the Classroom method adopted by your organization to train the
Agree ( ) Disagree( )

Classroom method




Options No of employees Percentage

Agree 33 73

Disagree 17 27

Total 50 100

INTERPRETATION: Regarding Classroom method, 73% of the employees are

satisfied whereas 27% of the employees are not satisfied. It means most of the employees
get affected but some of the employees want training and development programs to train

3. Effectiveness of training program in your Organization is evaluated by observing the
post training performance of employees.

Agree ( ) Disagree( )

Effectiveness of Training program





Options No of employees Percentage

Agree 38 68

Disagree 12 32

Total 50 100

INTERPRETATION: Regarding effectiveness of training program, 68% of the

employees are satisfied whereas 32% of the employees are not satisfied. It means that
some of the employees want that evaluation of effectiveness of training program should
be done with some other method.


1. Are you satisfied with the Balanced Scorecard method?

Agree ( ) Disagree( )

Balance scorecard method





Options No of employees percentage

Agree 48 92

Disagree 2 8

Total 50 100

INTERPRETATION: Regarding Balance scorecard method, 92% of the employees are

satisfied whereas only 8% of the employees are not satisfied. It means that most of the
employees are benefited from this evaluation method.

2. Are you satisfied with the feedback given to you by organization?

Agree ( ) Disagree( )





Options No of employess percentage

Agree 32 72

Disagree 18 28

Total 50 100

INTERPRETATION: Regarding feedback 72% of the employees are satisfied whereas

28% of the employees are not satisfied. It means that some of the employees get benefited
but some are not.


1. Are you satisfied with the mentor system followed for career progression?

Mentor system




Options No of employees Percentage

Agree 44 84

Disagree 6 16

Total 50 100

INTERPRETATION: Regarding mentor system followed for career

progression, 84% of the employees get benefited and only 16% of the employees
are exempted.

2. Are you satisfied with the competence analysis and feedback from manager?

Agree ( ) Disagree( )

Competence analysis and feedback




Options No of employess percentage

Agree 32 78

Disagree 18 22

Total 50 100

INTERPRETATION: Regarding competence analysis and feedback from manager 78%

of the employees are satisfied whereas 22% are not satisfied. It means that some of the
employees want feedback from other source.

1. Are you satisfied with the privilege leave provided to you?
Agree ( ) Disagree( )

Privilege leave





Options No of employees Percentage

Agree 43 83

Disagree 7 17

Total 50 100

INTERPRETATION: Regarding privilege leave provided to employees, 83% of the

employees are satisfied whereas 17% of the employees are not satisfied.


1. Are you satisfied with the informal communication pattern?

. Agree ( ) Disagree ( )

Informal communication pattern




Options No of employees Percentage

Agree 47 87

Disagree 3 13

Total 50 100

INTERPRETATION: Regarding informal communication pattern, 87% of the

employees are satisfied and 13% of the employees are not satisfied. It means most of the
employees are comfortable with this communication process.

2. Are you satisfied with the opinion survey and Department meeting?

. Agree ( ) Disagree ( )

Opinion survey and Department meeting





Options No of employees Percentage

Agree 36 76

Disagree 14 24

Total 50 100

INTERPRETATION: Regarding opinion survey and department meeting,76% of

the employees are satisfied and 24% of the employees are not satisfied.


1. Are you satisfied with the monetary rewards?

. Agree ( ) Disagree ( )

Monetary Rewards





Options No of employees Percentage

Agree 33 67

Disagree 17 33

Total 50 100

INTERPRETATION: Regarding monetary rewards, 67% of the employees are satisfied

whereas 33% of the employees are not satisfied. It means that some of the employees
want to implement non-monetary rewards in the organization.


1. Are you satisfied with contingencies cover under Personal Accident Insurance policy?

2. Agree ( ) Disagree ( )





Options No. of employees Percentage

Agree 34 74

Disagree 16 26

Total 50 100

INTERPRETATION: Regarding contingencies provided under this policy,

76% of the employees are satisfied and 24% of the employees are not satisfied.


1. Are you satisfied with the services covered under Medical policy?






Options No of employees Percentage

Agree 44 89

Disagree 6 11

Total 50 100

INTERPRETATION: Regarding services provided under Medical policy, 89% of the

employees are satisfied and 11% of the employees are not satisfied.


1. The Performance Appraisal of employee is evaluated on the basis of 360 degree

feedback or 180 degree feedback.

2. The Organization should focus on mentor system intend to help employees in

their career progression.

3. The Organization should conduct Psychometric tests for employees.

4. The Training should be mandatory for all level of employees.

5. The Departments should develop constructive attitude towards each other.

6. The company should give the appropriate recognition for the contributions and
accomplishments made by employees. A flexible reward system should be
adopted by organization to improve employee motivation.

7. A more transparent and full proof communication system developed in the


8. Replacing the lacuna in the current system.

9. Wages and salary administration process should have a more scientific

approach laying stress on equal wages for equal work done.


Study shows that

1. The Policy of the company provides facilities for all round growth
of individuals by training in-house and outside the organization,
reorientation, lateral mobility and self-development through self-

2. The Policy grooms every individual to realize his potential in all

facets while contributing to attain higher organizational and personal

3. The Policy builds teams and foster team-work as the primary

instrument in all activities.

4. The Policy implements equitable, scientific and objective system of

rewards, incentives and control.

5. The Policy recognizes worth contributions in time and appropriately,

so as to maintain a high level of employee motivation and morale.

6. The employees agree on the part of their performance that they

know what is expected from them.

7. The employees understand how their work goa goals.

8. Company inspires the employees to do their best work every day.

9. The employees are not satisfied with the communication and

decision-making process as it leaks the information related to



“Human Resource Management” by Ashwathapa.

“Human Resource Management”rong. By Michael Armst
“Human Resource Policy Analysis: NiehausOrganizatio.

Journals & Articles:

1. Articles by T.V.Rao Learning Systems.

2. Policies of the Leo labs pvt ltd.
3. Documents of the Leo labs pvt ltd.


Name of Employee: -----------------------------------------------------------------------

Designation: ----------------------------------------------------------------------


A. Recruitment and Selection

1. Are you satisfied with the external recruitment sources performed in your

1. Agree 2. Disagree

2. Are you satisfied with the monetary reward given on bringing a

candidate on board? 1. Agree 2. Disagree

3. Are you satisfied with the background checks conduct for

employees. 1. Agree 2. Disagree

4. Are you satisfied with the monetary limits given to you for the
expenses? 1. Agree 2. Disagree

B. Induction

1. The induction programme of your organization is informal type.

1. Agree 2. Disagree

2. The induction of your organization covers organizational structure

and policies. 1. Agree 2. Disagree

C. Training and Development

1. For Employee performance is the training need analyzed in your

1. Agree 2. Disagree

2. Are you satisfied with the Classroom method adopted by tour
organization to train the employees?

1. Agree 2. Disagree

3. Effectiveness of training program in your Organization is evaluated

by observing the post training performance of employees.

1. Agree 2. Disagree

D. Performance Appraisal

1. Are you satisfied with the Balanced Scorecard method?

1. Agree 2. Disagree
2. Are you satisfied with the feedback given to you by organization?

1. Agree 2. Disagree

E. Career Progression

1. Are you satisfied with the mentor system followed for career progression?

1. Agree 2. Disagree

2. Are you satisfied with the competence analysis and feedback from manager?
1. Agree 2. Disagree

F. Leave Policy

1. Are you satisfied with the privilege leave provided to you?

1. Agree 2. Disagree

G. Communication and Decision making process

1. Are you satisfied with the informal communication pattern?

1. Agree 2. Disagree
2. Are you satisfied with the opinion survey and Department meeting?
1. Agree 2. Disagree

H. Rewards and Recognition

1. Are you satisfied with the monetary rewards?

1. Agree 2. Disagree

I. Personal Accident Insurance Policy

1. Are you satisfied contingencies cover under this policy?

1. Agree 2. Disagree

J. Mediclaim Policy

1. Are you satisfied with the services covered under this policy?

1. Agree 2. Disagree


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