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Grade 1-3 English Competencies and Standards

Domains Covered – First Grade Level

1. Oral Language
2. Vocabulary
3. Phonological Awareness
4. Listening Comprehension
5. Grammar
6. Attitude
*Phonics and Word Recognition
*Reading Comprehension
*Writing and Composition
*Study Skills

Grade 1 Grade 2 Grade 3

ORAL LANGUAGE Use speaking skills and strategies Use speaking skills and strategies Use speaking skills and strategies
appropriately to communicate with appropriately to communicate with appropriately to communicate with
different audiences for a variety of different audiences for a variety of different audiences for a variety of
purposes purposes purposes
Listen and speak with a Listen and speak with a Listen and speak with a
purpose in mind purpose in mind purpose in mind
Listen and respond to others Listen and respond to others Listen and respond to others
● give directions ● give multiple directions ● follow and explain
● express their feelings about ● give information shared by processes
others ideas others ● synthesize and restate
● ask simple questions ● express their feelings about information shared by
● seek help ideas of others others
● interact with others ● ask questions to inquire ● engage in a conversation
- initiate a conversation and clarify for a variety of purposes
- engage in a dialogue ● seek help ● express their choices,
- share information and ● interact with others feelings about others ideas

Grade 1 English ● Preclaro, Par, Santos, Zuñiga, Razon, Astilla, Dela Paz, Principe
stories with others - initiate a conversation ● seek help
- engage in a conversation ● ask questions to inquire
with multiple exchanges and clarify
- share information and ● interact with others
stories with others - engage in discussions
about specific topics
- engage in a conversation
for a variety of purposes
- share more elaborate
information/stories with
Identify/Share relevant Identify/Share relevant Identify/Share relevant
information information information
● describe/talk about ones ● describe/talk about ones ● recount a
experiences experiences specific/significant event
● talk about the experiences ● talk about insights drawn ● talk about insights drawn
of others from the experiences of from the experiences of
● describe a sequence of others others
events ● describe a sequence of ● include more elaborate
● describe ones environment events details for narrations
(e.g. persons, animals, ● describe ones environment ● report on an assigned topic
places , things , events (e.g. persons, animals, ● make comparisons by
etc.) places , things , events stating similarities and
● identify etc.) differences
similarities/differences ● state/enumerate similarities
and/or differences

Make interpretations Make interpretations Make interpretations

● Listen and respond to texts ● Listen and respond to texts ● Listen and respond to texts
● Clarify meanings heard ● Clarify meanings heard ● Clarify meanings heard
while drawing on personal while drawing on personal while drawing on personal
experiences experiences experiences
● Identify, describe and use ● Identify, describe and use ● Identify, describe and use

Grade 1 English ● Preclaro, Par, Santos, Zuñiga, Razon, Astilla, Dela Paz, Principe
some commonly used some commonly used some commonly used
verbal and non-verbal verbal and non-verbal verbal and non-verbal
features in a range of texts features in a range of texts features in a range of texts

Restate and retell information Restate and retell information Restate and retell information
● Engage in a variety of ways ● Engage in a variety of ways ● Engage in a variety of ways
to share information (e.g. to share information (e.g. to share information (e.g.
role playing, morning role playing, show and tell, role playing, show and tell,
message, show and tell) reporting) radioplay/podcast/vodcast,
● Retell a story ● Share own story/read aloud reporting/poster
stories presentations )
● Summarize and retell ● Share and read aloud
stories stories
● Summarize and retell

Express oneself Express oneself Express oneself

● Speak clearly and audibly ● Speak clearly and audibly ● Speak clearly and audibly
● Speak in full sentences ● Speak in full sentences ● Speak in full sentences
● Express thoughts and ● Express thoughts and ● Express thoughts and
feelings feelings feelings
● Share own ideas ● Share own ideas ● Share own ideas
● Share preferences ● Share opinions ● State opinions and provide
VOCABULARY Use a variety of words to Use a variety of words to Use a variety of words to
communicate ideas orally for a communicate ideas orally for a communicate ideas orally for a
variety of purposes and to variety of purposes and to variety of purposes and to
understand written text understand written text understand written text
● Differentiate English words ● Identify and supply the ● Use English words in
from words in other English word equivalent of spoken and written
languages spoken at home words in the mother tongue expression
and in school or in Filipino ● Supply words that fall into
● Ask about unfamiliar words ● Classify common words conceptual categories

Grade 1 English ● Preclaro, Par, Santos, Zuñiga, Razon, Astilla, Dela Paz, Principe
to gain meaning into conceptual categories ● Provide alternate words for
● Sort and classify familiar (e.g., animals, foods, toys) a target word to reflect
words into basic categories ● Determine what words understanding of nuances
(e.g., colors, shapes, mean based on how they (ie, big, huge, enormous)
foods) are used in a sentence ● Transform root words to
● Describe familiar objects ● Talk about the meaning of appropriate structure to fit a
and events in both general words and use new words sentence (e.g.
and specific language when speaking and writing smile→smiled, smiles,
● Show curiosity about and ● Begin to see that some smiling)
play with words and words mean the same ● Use English to define or
language (synonyms) and some describe other English
● Use new words learned words have opposite words
through stories in own meaning (antonyms) ● Use English to describe
speech ● Recognize that words play persons, places, processes
● Know and use words that different roles in sentences and events
are important to school (for example, some words ● Use knowledge of prefixes
work, such as the names —nouns—name things and to (e.g., un-, re-, in-, dis-) to
for colors, shapes, and some words—verbs—show determine the meaning of
numbers action) words.
● Know and use words that ● Find the meaning of ● Use knowledge of suffixes
are important to daily life unfamiliar words through (e.g., -ful, -ly, -less) to
like names of persons, context clues determine the meaning of
animals, things, places and ● Recognize root words and words.
events their inflections (e.g., look, ● Recognize some words
● Determine what words looks, looked, looking) represented by common
mean using context clues ● Identify some words that abbreviations (e.g., Mr.
● Ask, talk about and comprise contractions Ave., Oct.).
determine the meaning of (e.g., can’t=can not, it’s=it ● Determine the meaning of
new words is, aren’t=are not) compound words, using
● Use new words when ● Recognize that two words knowledge of individual
speaking can make a compound words (e.g., lunchtime,
● Recognize that some word (e.g., airport, treetop, daydream, everyday).
words have the same popcorn) ● Want to learn new words
meaning and share them at school

Grade 1 English ● Preclaro, Par, Santos, Zuñiga, Razon, Astilla, Dela Paz, Principe
● Recognize that some and home
words have opposite ● Use clues from the context
meanings to figure out what words
● Recognize that words play mean
different roles in sentences ● Increase vocabulary
(for example, some words through the use of
—nouns—name things and synonyms and antonyms
some words—pronouns— ● Use different parts of
replace naming words) speech correctly, including
nouns, verbs, adjectives,
and adverbs
● Learn more new words
through independent
PHONOLOGICAL AWARENESS Display sensitivity to sounds in Display sensitivity to sounds in Display sensitivity to sounds in
spoken language spoken language spoken language
● Recognize rhyming words ● Distinguish rhyming words ● Know all letter sounds
● Distinguish rhyming words from non-rhyming words ● Blend letter sounds to
from non-rhyming words ● Supply rhyming words in read/form a word
● Supply rhyming words in response to spoken words ● segment letter sounds in a
response to spoken words ● Identify/count individual word
● Identify/count individual words in ● Understand that the order
words in phrases and phrases/sentences of letters in a written word
sentences ● Identify/count syllables in represents the order of
● Identify/count syllables in words sounds in a spoken word
words ● Identify/count sounds in a
● Identify/count sounds in a word
word ● Identify the beginning
● Identify the beginning sound of a word
sound of a word ● Identify the final sound of a
● Identify onsets and rimes word
● Identify the final sound of a ● Identify onsets and rimes
word ● Identify the medial sound of

Grade 1 English ● Preclaro, Par, Santos, Zuñiga, Razon, Astilla, Dela Paz, Principe
a word
● Identify/count individual
sounds in a word
● Blend sounds to form
LISTENING COMPREHENSION Understand a range of texts Understand a range of texts Understand a range of texts
listened to for a variety of listened to for a variety of listened to for a variety of
purposes purposes purposes
● Expect oral/written text to ● Identify a purpose for ● Identify a purpose for
make sense listening listening
● Identify a purpose for ● Listen to, understand and ● Listen to, understand and
listening follow simple instructions follow simple instructions
● Listen to, understand and
follow simple instructions ● Appreciate a variety of ● Appreciate a variety of
● Appreciate a variety of texts texts
texts ● Activate and use prior ● Activate and use prior
● Listen carefully to texts knowledge to understand knowledge to understand
read aloud the text the text
● Derive meaning from ● Determine most likely ● Draw/Refine conclusions
repetitive language
conclusions about the text about the text using their
● Participate / Engage in a using their prior knowledge prior knowledge
read-along of texts (e.g. ● Identify connections ● Identify connections
poetry, repetitive text) between the story listened between the story listened
● Activate and use prior to and personal experience to and personal experience
knowledge to understand ● Make predictions about ● Make predictions about
the text stories based on other stories based on other
● Select most likely
elements from the text (e.g. elements from the text (e.g.
conclusions about the text
using their prior knowledge book cover, title, pictures, making story impressions
● Identify connections character/s, setting, etc) based on the character,
between the story listened ● Modify prior knowledge setting, etc)
to and personal experience based on new knowledge ● Modify prior knowledge
● Make predictions about

Grade 1 English ● Preclaro, Par, Santos, Zuñiga, Razon, Astilla, Dela Paz, Principe
stories based on the cover from text based on new knowledge
or title, pictures, details in ● Validate predictions made from text
the text after listening to a text ● Validate predictions made
● Use/ Modify prior ● Recall information, main after listening to a text
knowledge based on new
knowledge from text ideas, and details after ● Recall information, main
● Validate ideas made after listening to a text ideas, and details after
listening to a story ● Identify/Describe literary listening to a text
● Recall information, main elements of text including ● Identify/Describe literary
ideas, and details after characters (e.g., traits, elements of text including
listening to a text roles, similarities), plot, characters (e.g., traits,
● Identify story elements
specific events, problem roles, similarities), plot,
(title, characters, setting)
● Identify and discuss key and solution, and setting specific events, problem
themes ● Identify and discuss key and solution, and setting
● Discuss reasons for events themes ● Identify and discuss key
in stories ● Discuss reasons for events themes
● Make simple inferences in stories ● Discuss reasons for events
about the thoughts, ● Make simple inferences in stories
feelings, dialogue and
about the thoughts, ● Make simple inferences
actions of characters
● Establish and analyze feelings, dialogue and about the thoughts,
relationships between actions of characters feelings, dialogue and
characters and events in ● Establish and analyze actions of characters
the text relationships between ● Establish and analyze
● Sequence a series of characters and events in relationships between
events in a literary the text characters and events in
● Identify cause and effect of ● Sequence a series of the text
specific events in a literary events in a literary ● Sequence a series of
selection selection events in a literary
● Compare events and ● Identify cause and effect of selection
characters in literary specific events in a literary ● Identify cause and effect of
selections from a variety of selection specific events in a literary

Grade 1 English ● Preclaro, Par, Santos, Zuñiga, Razon, Astilla, Dela Paz, Principe
● Appreciate the effects of ● Evaluate/analyze and draw selection
different words and conclusions based on the ● Evaluate/analyze and draw
phrases, e.g. to create similarities in structure conclusions based on the
humor, images and and/or content/theme of similarities in structure
● Appreciate words that the texts listened to and/or content/theme of
author uses in a literary ● Go beyond own experience texts listened to
selection to create a or general impression and ● Go beyond own experience
graphic visual experience refer to text to explain or general impression and
● Appreciate figurative meaning refer to text to explain
language ● Compare events and meaning
● Take part in creative
characters in literary ● Compare events and
responses to stories, (e.g.
oral retelling, dramatization, selections from a variety of characters in literary
etc.) cultures selections from a variety of
● Determine whether a story ● Begin to understand the cultures
is real or make-believe effects of different words ● Understand the effects of
● Appreciate that texts vary and phrases, e.g. to create different words and
with regards to content and humor, images and phrases, e.g. to create
atmosphere humor, images and
● Locate specific information
by using organizational ● Identify words that the atmosphere
features in expository text author uses in a literary ● Identify words that the
● Restate facts, identify main selection to create a author uses in a literary
idea and appreciate graphic visual experience selection to create a
information from listening to ● Appreciate and recognize graphic visual experience
informational text figurative language ● Appreciate, recognize and
● Appreciate the usefulness
of the information in a ● Participate in the retelling use figurative language
particular text of poems and stories ● Take part in creative
● Ask and answer questions ● Take part in creative responses to stories, (e.g.
before, during and after responses to stories, (e.g. oral retelling, dramatization,
listening to a text (i.e. oral retelling, etc.)
literal, inferential, dramatization, etc.) ● Distinguish fiction from
evaluative, integrative,

Grade 1 English ● Preclaro, Par, Santos, Zuñiga, Razon, Astilla, Dela Paz, Principe
creative) ● Determine whether a story nonfiction
● Use details and pictures is real or make-believe ● Recognize/Compare texts
found in the informational ● Recognize/Compare texts based on the structure,
text to create meaning based on the structure, content and purpose
content and purpose ● Locate specific information
● Locate specific information by using organizational
by using organizational features in expository text
features in expository text ● Discuss/Evaluate/
● Discuss/Evaluate/ Analyze information about
Analyze information topics listened to
about topics listened ● Identify the topic, main
to idea, important details and
● Identify the topic, main relevant information in
idea, important details and expository text
relevant information in ● Evaluate the usefulness of
expository text the information in a
● Evaluate the usefulness of particular text
the information in a ● Ask and answer questions
particular text before, during and after
● Ask and answer questions listening to a text (i.e.
before, during and after literal, inferential,
listening to a text (i.e. evaluative, integrative,
literal, inferential, creative)
evaluative, integrative,
GRAMMAR Apply grammar to communicate Apply grammar to communicate Apply grammar to communicate
effectively effectively effectively
Sentence Sentence Sentence
● Recognize sentences and ● Recognize sentences and ● Recognize sentences and
non-sentences non-sentences non-sentences

Grade 1 English ● Preclaro, Par, Santos, Zuñiga, Razon, Astilla, Dela Paz, Principe
● Use simple sentences ● Use simple sentences ● Recognize simple subject
● Use different kinds of ● Use different kinds of and predicate in sentences
sentences (e.g. declarative, sentences (e.g. declarative, ● Use complete simple and
interrogative) interrogative, exclamatory) compound sentences
● Recognize punctuation ● Recognize punctuation ● Use different kinds of
marks (period, question marks (period, question sentences (e.g. declarative,
mark) mark, exclamation point) interrogative, exclamatory,
● Use punctuation marks
(period, question mark,
exclamation point)

Noun Noun Noun

● Use nouns in sentences ● Use nouns in sentences ● Use nouns in sentences
(people, animals, places, (people, animals, places, (people, animals, places,
things, events) things, events) things, events)
● Recognize the use of a/an ● Use nouns with a/an ● Use plural form of
● Use plural form of regular ● Use plural form of regular commonly used nouns
nouns by adding /s/ or /es/ nouns by adding /s/ or /es/, ● Use collective nouns
changing y to i and ● Use frequently occuring
adding /es/ irregular plural nouns (e.g.
children, feet, teeth)
● Use concrete and abstract
● Use common and proper
● Use count and mass nouns
Pronoun Pronoun Pronoun
● Use personal pronouns ● Use personal pronouns ● Use personal pronouns
(e.g. I, you, he, she, it) (e.g. I, you, he, she, it, we, (e.g. I, you, he, she, it, we,
● Use commonly used they) they)
possessive pronouns ● Use possessive pronouns ● Use possessive pronouns
● Use demonstrative ● Use demonstrative ● Use demonstrative

Grade 1 English ● Preclaro, Par, Santos, Zuñiga, Razon, Astilla, Dela Paz, Principe
pronouns (this/that, pronouns (this/that, pronouns (this/that,
these/those) these/those) these/those)
● Use interrogative pronouns ● Use interrogative pronouns ● Use interrogative pronouns
(e.g. who, what, where, (e.g. who, what, where, (e.g. who, what, where,
when, why) when, why, how) when, why, how)
● Use reflexive pronouns
(e.g. myself, ourselves)

Adjective Adjective ● Use descriptive and limiting
● Use common adjectives ● Use descriptive and limiting adjectives
adjectives ● Use the degrees of
● Use the degrees of adjectives in making
adjectives in making comparisons (positive,
comparisons (positive, comparative, superlative)
comparative) ● Use synonyms and
Verb Verb Verb
● Use common simple verbs ● Use verbs ● Use verbs
● Use simple tenses of verbs ● Use simple tenses of verbs
● Use correct subject-verb ● Use correct subject-verb
agreement agreement

Adverb Adverb
● Recognize adverbs ● Use adverbs of manner
and frequency
● Preposition Preposition Preposition
● Recognize directional ● Use the most frequently ● Use the most frequently
prepositions (e.g. in, on, occurring prepositions (e.g. occurring prepositions (e.g.
under, etc.) on, over, under, to, from, towards, into, etc.)
above, etc.)
ATTITUDE TOWARDS Display a positive regard towards Display a positive regard towards Display a positive regard towards

Grade 1 English ● Preclaro, Par, Santos, Zuñiga, Razon, Astilla, Dela Paz, Principe
LANGUAGE, LITERATURE AND literacy learning literacy learning literacy learning
● Revisit favorite books, ● Retell familiar storybooks to ● Make choices about which
songs, rhymes others texts to read based on prior
● Attempt to read or re-tell ● Make choices from a reading experience
texts listened to selection of texts and begin ● Respond to text by
to justify preferences discussing preferences
● Take books from home to such as favorite characters,
school (or vice versa) for and books with similar
independent/extra reading themes
● Identify favorite stories and ● Write and share own
authors stories
● Explore and investigate
topics of own interest
PHONICS AND WORD Use strategies to decode/identify Use strategies to decode/identify Use strategies to decode/identify
RECOGNITION words words words
Skills that may emerge: ● Know all letter-sounds ● Know all letter-sounds
● Identify signs, symbols, ● Understand that the order ● Use phonic knowledge to
labels, and captions in the of letters in a written word attempt unknown words
environment represents the order of ● Show how spoken words
● Recognize some common sounds in a spoken word are represented by written
words on sight (e.g. a, the, ● Use phonic knowledge to letters that are arranged in
and, said) attempt unknown words a specific order
● Show how spoken words ● Blend phonemes to read
are represented by written words
letters that are arranged in ● Recognize some common
a specific order words on sight (e.g.
● Blend phonemes to read then,there, had, some)
words ● Recognize and read some
● Recognize some common irregularly spelled words
words on sight (e.g. he, (e.g. such as enough,
she, they, are, will, with) through, beautiful)

Grade 1 English ● Preclaro, Par, Santos, Zuñiga, Razon, Astilla, Dela Paz, Principe
● Recognize and read some ● Identify/Distinguish words
irregularly spelled words with short and long vowel
(e.g. have, said, please, sounds
because) ● Read and spell one to two
● Identify/Distinguish words syllable words with
with short and long vowel consonant blends
sounds ● Read and spell one to two
● Read and spell one to two syllable words with
syllable words with consonant
consonant blends digraphs/trigraphs
● Read and spell one to two ● Read and spell words with
syllable words with affixes (e.g. -ful, un-)
consonant ● Recognize and write
digraphs/trigraphs irregularly spelled words
● Read and spell words with (e.g. one, the, you, said,
inflectional endings (e.g. etc)
● Recognize and spell
irregularly spelled words
(e.g. one, the, you, said,
FLUENCY Read aloud with speed, accuracy Read aloud with speed, accuracy Read aloud with speed, accuracy
and proper expression and proper expression and proper expression
● Participate in shared ● Participate in shared ● Participate in shared
reading of repetitive texts reading of repetitive texts reading of repetitive texts
● Recognize and read some ● Recognize and read some
common words on sight irregularly spelled words
(e.g. he, she, they, are, will, (e.g. such as enough,
with, there) through, beautiful)
● Read aloud at-level text at ● Read aloud at-level text at
a rate of approximately 60 a rate of approximately 80
words per minute words per minute
● Read aloud at-level text ● Read aloud at-level text

Grade 1 English ● Preclaro, Par, Santos, Zuñiga, Razon, Astilla, Dela Paz, Principe
with an accuracy rate of with an accuracy rate of 95-
95-100% 100%
● Apply punctuation when ● Apply punctuation when
reading aloud reading aloud
● Read with proper phrasing ● Read with proper phrasing
and expression and expression
● Read with automaticity 100 ● Read with automaticity 100
at-level high frequency at-level high frequency
sight words sight words
READING COMPREHENSION Understand a range of Understand a range of Understand a range of
reading/viewing texts from reading/viewing texts from reading/viewing texts from
different contexts for a variety different contexts for a variety different contexts for a variety
purposes purposes purposes
● Identify a purpose for ● Identify a purpose for
reading reading
● Read, understand and ● Read, understand and
follow simple instructions follow simple instructions
● Appreciate a variety of ● Appreciate a variety of
texts texts
● Activate and use prior ● Activate and use prior
knowledge to understand knowledge and understand
the text text
● Determine most likely ● Select most likely
conclusions about the text conclusions about text
using their prior knowledge ● Identify connections
● Identify connections between story read and
between the story read and personal experience
personal experience ● Make predictions about
● Make predictions about stories based on other
stories based on other elements from the text (e.g.
elements from the text (e.g. making story impressions
book cover, title, pictures, based on the character,
character/s, setting, etc) setting, etc)

Grade 1 English ● Preclaro, Par, Santos, Zuñiga, Razon, Astilla, Dela Paz, Principe
● Modify prior knowledge ● Modify prior knowledge
based on new knowledge based on new knowledge
from text from the text read
● Validate predictions made ● Validate predictions made
after reading a text after the text has been read
● Recall information, main ● Recall information, main
ideas, and details after ideas, and details after
reading a text reading a text
● Identify/Describe literary ● Identify/Describe literary
elements of text including elements of text including
characters (e.g., traits, characters (e.g., traits,
roles, similarities), plot, roles, similarities), plot,
specific events, problem specific events, problem
and solution, and setting and solution, and setting
● Identify and discuss key ● Identify and discuss key
themes themes
● Discuss reasons for events ● Discuss reasons for events
in stories in stories
● Make simple inferences ● Make simple inferences
about the thoughts, about the thoughts, feelings
feelings, dialogue and dialogue and actions of the
actions of characters characters
● Establish and analyze ● Establish and analyze
relationships between relationships between
characters and events in characters and events in
the text the text
● Sequence a series of ● Sequence a series of
events in a literary events in a literary
selection selection
● Identify cause and effect of ● Identify cause and effect of
specific events in a literary specific events in a literary
selection selection
● Evaluate/analyze and draw ● Evaluate/analyze and draw
conclusions based on the conclusions based on the

Grade 1 English ● Preclaro, Par, Santos, Zuñiga, Razon, Astilla, Dela Paz, Principe
similarities in structure similarities in structure
and/or content/theme of and/or content/theme of the
texts read text read
● Go beyond own experience ● Go beyond own experience
or general impression and or general impression and
refer to text to explain refer to the text to explain
meaning meaning
● Compare events and ● Compare events and
characters in literary characters in literary
selections from a variety of selections from a variety of
cultures cultures
● Begin to understand the ● Understand the effects of
effects of different words different words and
and phrases, (e.g. to create phrases (e.g. to create
humor, images and humor, images and
atmosphere) atmosphere)
● Identify words that the ● Identify words that the
author uses in a literary author uses in a literary
selection to create a selection to create a
graphic visual experience graphic visual experience
● Appreciate and recognize ● Recognize and use
figurative language figurative language
● Participate in the retelling ● Participate in the retelling
of poems and stories of poems and stories
● Derive meaning from texts ● Take part in creative
with repetitive language responses to stories, (e.g.
structure oral retelling, dramatization,
● Take part in creative etc.)
responses to stories, (e.g. ● Distinguish fiction from
oral retelling, nonfiction
dramatization, etc.) ● Recognize/Compare texts
● Determine whether a story based on the structure,
is real or make-believe content and purpose
● Recognize/Compare texts ● Locate specific information

Grade 1 English ● Preclaro, Par, Santos, Zuñiga, Razon, Astilla, Dela Paz, Principe
based on the structure, by using organizational
content and purpose features in expository text
● Locate specific information ● Discuss/Evaluate/Analyze
by using organizational information about topics
features in expository text read
● Discuss/Evaluate/ Analyze ● Identify the topic, main
information about topics idea, important details and
read relevant information in
● Identify the topic, main expository text
idea, important details and ● Evaluate the usefulness of
relevant information in the information in a
expository text particular text
● Evaluate the usefulness of ● Locate, interpret and
the information in a evaluate specific
particular text information from graphic
● Locate and interpret organizers
specific information from ● Record important details
graphic organizers from a text read using
● Record important details graphic organizers
from a text read using ● Ask and answer questions
graphic organizers before, during and after
● Ask and answer questions reading a text (i.e. literal,
before, during and after inferential, evaluative,
reading a text (i.e. literal, integrative, creative)
inferential, evaluative, ● Understand, interpret and
integrative, creative) use visual information (e.g.,
● Understand, interpret and environmental signs
use visual information (e.g., computer icons, map
environmental signs features, simple charts,
computer icons, map diagrams and graphs)
features, simple charts,
diagrams and graphs)

Grade 1 English ● Preclaro, Par, Santos, Zuñiga, Razon, Astilla, Dela Paz, Principe
HANDWRITING Write legibly in block writing Write legibly in block writing Write legibly in cursive writing
● Write all uppercase and ● Write all uppercase and
lowercase letter forms lowercase letter forms
● String letters through
proper cursive connections
WRITING AND COMPOSITION Use writing skills and strategies to Use writing skills and strategies to Use writing skills and strategies to
communicate ideas for a variety of communicate ideas for a variety of communicate ideas for a variety of
purposes purposes purposes
● Make appreciable marks on ● Express oneself through ● Use invented (or
a page drawing developmental) spelling to
● Understand that drawings ● Write with a purpose in try to spell words on his
convey meaning mind own
● Write with a purpose in ● Engage in free writing ● Understand that there is a
mind ● Write the alphabet correct way to spell words
● Write ones name ● Write ones name ● Use phonemic awareness
● Dictate ideas that ● Use words to label ones and letter knowledge to
- share preferences drawing spell and write words
- narrate a story/experience ● Use phonemic awareness ● Use simple punctuation
- describe (e.g. person, and letter knowledge to marks and capital letters
animal, object, place) spell and write words ● Pay attention to how words
● Draw ideas that ● Write a sentence/a set of are spelled
- share preferences sentences ● Correctly spell previously
- narrate a story/experience ● Use simple punctuation studied words
- describe (e.g. person, marks and capital letters ● Engage in informal and
animal, object, place) ● Write for a variety of formal writing
● Engage in free writing purposes ● Write for a variety of
● Use invented (or ● Proofread and edit work purposes
developmental) spelling ● Use invented (or ● Write more elaborate
when writing independently developmental) spelling to narratives with characters,
try to spell words on his dialogue, descriptions of
own thoughts, actions and
● Pay attention to how words feelings

Grade 1 English ● Preclaro, Par, Santos, Zuñiga, Razon, Astilla, Dela Paz, Principe
are spelled ● Write for different kinds of
● Understand that there is a audiences
correct way to spell words ● Proofread and edit work
● Write narratives that may
include characters,
dialogue, descriptions of
thoughts, actions and
STUDY SKILLS Use strategies for purposeful Use strategies for purposeful Use strategies for purposeful
literacy learning literacy learning literacy learning
● Follow directions ● Follow directions ● Follow directions
● Interpret pictographs ● Locate information in a ● Alphabetize (1st letter)
● Interpret simple maps of picture story book ● Apply dictionary skills
familiar places ● Interpret bar graphs and ● Highlight important
tables information
● Interpret simple maps of ● Interpret graphs, charts and
familiar places tables
● Construct maps of familiar
● Understand simple outlines

Grade 1 English ● Preclaro, Par, Santos, Zuñiga, Razon, Astilla, Dela Paz, Principe

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