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M99152005(1) INTERNATIONAL BACCALAUREATE BACCALAUREAT INTERNATIONAL, BACHILLERATO INTERNACIONAL. MATHEMATICAL METHODS Standard Level Tuesday 4 May 1999 (afternoon) Paper I 1 hour 30 minutes A Candidate name: Candidate category & number: This examination paper consists of 20 questions. The maximum mark for each question is 4 ‘The maximum mark for this paper is 80. INSTRUCTIONS TO CANDIDATES Write your candidate name and number in the boxes above. Do NOT open this examination paper until instructed to do so, ‘Answer ALL questions in the spaces provided. Unless otherwise stated in the question, all numerical answers must be given exactly or to three significant figures as appropriate B c D ‘QUESTIONS ANSWERED EXAMINER |MODERATOR IBCA ALL TOTAL TOTAL TOTAL 0 180 80 EXAMINATION MATERIALS Required: BB Statistical Tables Calewiator Ruler and Compasses Allowed: AA simple translating dictionary for candidates not working in their own language Millimetre square graph paper 229-290 16 pages M99/520/S(1) FORMULAE Sine rule: 2b sind sinB sinc Cosine rule: B40 -2becos A Arithmetic series: S, = Fea +(n-1d} Are length of acircle: 5 = 10 Area of a sector of acircle: 4 =17°@ Area of a triangle: Statistics: If (x,,x,,...,x,) occur with frequencies (f;,f,,...,f,) then the mean m and standard deviation s are given by Newton-Raphson formula: (For finding a root of f(x) = 0) sue f SL’) Integration by parts: (Analytical Geometry and Further Calculus Option only) 2 dx =u fv Hax dx dx 229.290 -3- M99/520/S(1) Maximum marks will be given for correct answers. Where an answer is wrong, some marks may be given for a correct method provided this is shown by written working. Working may be continued below the box, if necessary, or on extra sheets of paper provided these are securely fastened 10 this examination paper. 1. There were 1240 tickets sold for a concert. Of these, 780 were sold at $24.50 each, while the remainder were sold at a reduction of 20%. Find the total money taken in ticket sales. Working: Answer: 2 (@)_ Factorise x*-3x-10 (b) Solve the equation x*—3x— 10=0 Working: Answers: @) b) 229.290 ‘Turn over

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