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(A Class Action Research in a Junior High School In Ciamis, West Java)

Research Proposal


Class A PPG




I. Tittle of the Research
Using multiple intelligences strategies to improve students’ motivation in reading narrative
text in eight grade of SMP Plus Ma’arif Cihaurbeuti

II. Background of the Study

A. Background of the Study
English is one of the foreign languages taught in Indonesia. It is taught from the
kindergarten until university levels. The goal of the teaching English is to develop
students’ communicative competence and skills. The ability to communicate is realized
into four language skills; they are listening, speaking, reading, and writing which are
used to reach the literacy and supporting the competence. In teaching English, the
teachers often find difficulties in developing students’ language skills, especially in
In the researcher’s workplace, also it can be found there are many students were
less motivated in the learning process especially in reading narrative text. One of the
factors causes the problem is that reading narrative text is boring activity.
To overcome the problem mentioned above, the researcher will conduct English
teaching learning process trough multiple intelligences strategies. In this strategy is
very great for learning to improve the passive learning process and the students’
understanding of reading narrative text.
According to the background above, the researcher entitled his research “Using
multiple intelligences strategies to improve Students’ motivation in reading narrative
text in eight grade of SMP Plus Ma’arif Cihaurbeuti”

B. Formulation of the Problems

According to the background of the study above, the researcher formulates the
problems that will be discussed in this study are:
1. How can Multiple Intelligences strategies be implemented in motivating reading
narrative text for eight graders of SMP Plus Ma’arif Cihaurbeuti?
2. How can the Multiple Intelligences strategies improve the motivation of eight
graders of SMP Plus Ma’arif Cihaurbeuti in reading narrative text?

C. Objectives of the Study

The objectives of the study are:
1) To explain the implementation of Multiple Intelligences strategies in motivating
reading narrative text for eight graders of SMP Plus Ma’arif Cihaurbeuti.
2) To explain how Multiple Intelligences strategies improve the motivation of eight
graders of SMP Plus Ma’arif Cihaurbeuti in reading narrative text.

III. Literature Review

To avoid wrong definitions about the main problems, it is necessary to give an
explanation of some significant words in this research:
1) Multiple Intelligences Strategies
According to Howard Gardner (1991) that intelligence is an ability to solve the
problems, to create products that are valued within one or more cultural settings.
General Concept of Multiple Intelligences
Gardner advocates that there are at least eight intelligences that need to be considered:
a. Linguistic is the potential to use language, as used in reading, writing, telling
stories, memorizing dates, and thinking in words. In the daily life, according to
Armstrong (2005:19), this intelligence can be used to communicate by speaking,
listening, reading and writing.
b. Logical-mathematical is the potential for understanding cause and effect and for
manipulating numbers, quantities, and operations, as used in math, reasoning,
logic, problem solving, and recognizing patterns
c. Spatial is the potential for representing the spatial world internally in one’s mind
as used in reading maps and charts, drawing, solving mazes and puzzles,
imagining and visualizing.
d. Kinesthetic is the potential for using one’s whole body or parts of the body, as
used in athletics, dancing, acting, crafting, and using tools.
e. Musical is the potential for thinking in music; for hearing, recognizing, and
remembering patterns, as used in singing, identifying sounds, and in remembering
melodies and rhythms
f. Interpersonal is the potential for working with others, as used in understanding
people, leading and organizing others, communicating, resolving conflicts, and
g. Intrapersonal is the potential for understanding ourselves, as used in
understanding self, recognizing one’s own strengths and weaknesses, and setting
personal goals.
h. Naturalistic is the potential for discriminating among plants, animals, rocks, and
the world around us, as used in understanding nature, making distinctions.
2) Reading Comprehension
Reading comprehension means the perceiving of the vocabularies which are used in a
written text and making a relationship between them to achieve a comprehensive
understanding. Reading comprehension is a complex skill because it needs other skills
such as vocabulary and decoding skills (Becker, McElvany, & Kortenbruck, 2010).
3) Reading Motivation
According to Dornyei (2001), the meaning of motivation is so complicated because it is
composed of different models and theories. Teachers can supply an exciting and relaxed
environment to increase their learners’ reading comprehension. By using various
genres, they are able to make a more attractive atmosphere for students. In fact the
teachers are as models and motivators.
4) Narrative Text
According to Anderson (1997:8), narrative is a piece of text, tells a story and, in doing
so, entertains or informs the reader or listener.

IV. Research Methodology

This chapter consists of some parts, namely subject of the study, research
design, instruments of data collection, procedures of data collection and procedures
for data analyzing. Those parts will be described as follow:
A. Subject of the Study
This research will be conducted in A Junior High School, school year
2019/2020. The population of this research is the 8th graders of SMP Plus Ma’arif
Cihaurbeuti-Ciamis that consists of 20 students.

B. Research Design
The design of this research based on the research question, the researcher
decides that the appropriate model of the research is Class Action Research.
According to Mettetal, G. (2015:1) “Classroom Action Research is a method of
finding out what works best in your own classroom so that you can improve student
learning”. Meanwhile, Ary, D. states that classroom action
research is a process to improve education by incorporating change and involves
educators working together to improve their own practice. It can be conclude that
Class Action Research is a tool for teachers to improve students learning

C. Method of Data Collection

To gain data and information in this research, the researcher uses Multiple
sources. The method in collecting the data are:

1. Observation
Based on the research question, the researcher uses observation to collect
data from the research object. Driscoll, D.L. (2011:160) states observations can
be conducted on nearly any subject matter, and the kinds of observations you
will do depend on your research question. Meanwhile, Mills (2000:50-51)
states the active participant observer has to be involved in the teaching learning

2) Questionnaire
Questionnaire is a research instrument consisting of a series of questions
(or other types of prompt) for the purpose of gathering information from
respondents. Based on Mills, (2000:58) the questionnaire uses to get the
written feedback that warrant further investigation.

3) Test (Content Area Reading Inventory (CARI))

According Vacca and Vacca (2009:126) content area reading inventory is
an alternative of the standardized reading tests. It is an informal test. The
CARI’s result can give a teacher some good insight of students’ reading
A CARI focuses on students’ abilities to comprehend text so the
questions on the CARI reflect to the text they have read and it is not time
consuming because it can be integrated into learning and teaching process.

D. Method of Data Analyses

The data analysis in this research will apply technique which is proposed by
Ary (2010: 481). The technique includes three steps such as, organizing and
familiarizing, coding and reducing, and interpreting and representing. The data from
three sources in this study (observation, questionnaire, and test) will be analyzed to
answer the research question.
The research question will be answered by analyzing observations, questionnaire,
and test analyses data on the process of the action research during the English teaching
learning in 8th graders of a Junior High School in Cihaurbeuti-Ciamis, the observation
will be carried out while in narrative text teaching learning process using “multiple
intelligences strategies” is conducted. Meanwhile, the data from questionnaire, and test
analyses will be conducted after the teaching learning process, the researcher will give
test for the participant related English teaching learning especially to their
understanding in reading narrative text and the document analyses will be conducted by
collecting and reviewing the participant of the projects’ documents.
All data of the research will be compared with the data obtained in the next
cycles. The researcher knows the result of his research from the compared data from
whole cycles.

E. The Cycles of the Research

The research will use two cycles in four meeting. Here are the procedure of the research :
The research will begin with the preliminary study as problem identification, and then
continue by some stages namely planning, implementing (acting), observing and
reflecting. Each cycle consist of two meetings.
1. First cycle
There are consist of two meeting.
 First meeting :
a. Planning
Based on the problem faced by the students of eighth grade of SMP Plus Ma’arif
Cihaurbeuti, the researcher made a lesson plan, the material, worksheet and piece
of paper. The implementation focused on the narrative of students’ reading ability.
b. Action
Pre – test is the first activity of the action research. The test is given to identify
students’ achievement in reading narrative. After see the result, the researcher
gives the explanation about narrative text. Then the teacher asks students to
freeread about the text given before. Besides divide the students into 5 groups and
give the jumble picture puzzle then ask the students to arrange the jumble with
their groups.
c. observation
- Give feedback on the learning process.
- Appreciate the students’ success during the text
d. reflection
- Ask the students about the difficulties they may find in the text
- Ask the students to summarize the material and make one question about learning
material given
 Second meeting :
a. Planning
- Divide the students into five groups.
- Give an example of narrative text
b. Action
- Ask the students to read the text Elaboration
- Give a text (attached) to be discussed the organization of the text in form of story-
- Ask the students to make story-mapping to identify the character, setting, plot
- While student doing their activity, the teacher plays the music.
- Ask them to present their product
c. observation
- Give Content Area Reading Inventory
- Give feedback on the learning process. Appreciate the students’ success during
the text.
d. reflection
- Ask the students about the difficulties
- They may find in text
- Ask the students to summarize the material
Second cycle
There are consist of two meeting.
 First meeting :

a. Planning

- Divide the students into five groups.

- Divide the texts and stick it on the wall
b. Action
- Ask the students to read the texts in turn and in group. During students reading
the text, the teacher plays the music
- Ask the students to classify the texts
- Ask them to present their product
c. observation
- Give feedback on the learning process.
- Appreciate the students’ success during the text
d. reflection
- Ask the students about the difficulties they may find in the text
 Second meeting :
a. Planning
- Divide the students into five groups
- Give brief explanation about the role of the drama to group leaders
- Give students time to study the text during student doing their activity, the
teacher plays the music.
b. Action
- Ask the students to perform the drama
- While one group performing the drama, others act as a judges
c. observation
- Give Content Area Reading inventory
- Give feedback and appreciation on the learning process.
- Give Post Test
d. reflection
- Give feedback and appreciation on the learning process.
F. Schedule the Research
No Stages of Actions Year 2019
July August

1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4
1. Arranging the CAR proposal 
2. Collecting data 
3. Processing data 
4. Action planning 
5. Action research 
6. Reflection 
7. Revising the planning of cycle 2 
8. Carry out the cycle 2 
9. Writing the report of the CAR result 
10. Presenting the CAR result 

The Framework
The theoretical framework of the study can be diagramed as shown bellows:
Classroom Action

Reading Motivation

Linguistic Reading Intrinstic




Figure 2.2: Theoretical framework of the research

V. References
Abdulkader, F. A. (2006). The Effectiveness of Multiple Intelligences –Based Program in
Improving Certain Reading Skills in 5th- Year Primary Learning Disabled
Students. Turkey: Electronic Journal of Research in Educational Psychology,
7(3). Pg. 680

Armstrong, T. (2000).Sekolahnya Para Juara: Menerapkan Multiple Intelligence di Dunia

Pendidikan, translated from Multiple Intelligences in The Classroom-2nd edition.
Bandung: Kaifa.

Arikunto, S., Suhardjono & Supardi.(2008). Penelitian Tindakan Kelas 6th edition. Jakarta:
Bumi Aksara.

Gardner. H.Eight Intelligences. Available on http// [accessed

on 24/01/2013]

Nunan, D. (1992).Research Method in Language Learning. Cambridge:

Cambridge University Press.

Purnaningsih. (2008). “The Effectiveness of Jigsaw Technique to Teaching Reading

(The case study of fifth graders of SDN Ngadirejo 03 Mijen, Semarang in
Academic Year 2007-2008)”.Unpublished Final project. Semarang: Unnes.

Sardiman.(2009). Interaksi dan Motivasi Belajar Mengajar. Jakarta PT.Rajagrafindo


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