Slovak - Imperative

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Slovak imperative

Slovak imperative is formed from the word base of the third person plural.

English Slovak 3. person plural Word base needed for

infinitive infinitive - they imperative
to hold držať držia drž
to write písať píšu píš
to read čítať čítajú čítaj

The suffix is different for each person:

Person Singular Plural

1. - my držme
2. ty drž vy držte
3. - -
* (-) imperative does not exist

Here are some example phrases:

 Urobme si snehuliaka! = Let's make a snowman!

 Kamaráti, príďte na návštevu! = Friends, come for a visit!
 Jano, prestaň fajčiť! = Jano, stop smoking!

Irregular imperative of "byť"

The verb to be (byť) is an irregular verb. Here is its imperative form:

Person Singular Plural

1. - my buďme
2. ty buď vy buďte
3. - -


 Buď ticho! = Be quiet!

 Deti, buďte slušné! = Kids, be polite!
 Dobre dievčatá, buďme milé! = Ok girls, let´s be nice!
Ex. 1. Make imperatives of the following verbs in the infinitive form:
spievať (we)

byť (you sg.)

poslúchať (you sg.)

kráčať (you sg.)

pomôcť (you pl.)

zaparkovať (we)

otvoriť (you sg.)

počkať (you pl.)

zastaviť (we)

vytlačiť (you pl.)

učiť sa (you pl.)

robiť (negative – you


opraviť (you sg.)

Slovak commonly used verbs
English Verbs Slovak Verbs

I can accept that môžem to prijať

she added it dodala to

we admit it príznávame to

they advised him radili mu

I can agree with that môžem s tým súhlasiť

she allows it dovoľuje to

we announce it oznamujeme to

I can apologize môžem sa ospravedlniť

she appears today ona sa objaví dnes

they arranged that vybavili to

I can arrive tomorrow Môžem prísť zajtra

she can ask him môže sa ho spýtať

she attaches that prikladá to

we attack them úťočime na nich

they avoid her vyhýbajú sa jej

I can bake it viem to upiecť

she is like him ona je ako on

English Verbs Slovak Verbs

we beat it porazili sme to

they became happy stali sa štastní

I can begin that Môžem začať, že

we borrowed money požičali sme si peniaze

they breathe air dýchajú vzduch

I can bring it môžem to priniesť

I can build that môžem to postaviť

she buys food kupuje si jedlo

we calculate it spočítame to

they carry it nesú to

they don't cheat nepodvádzajú

she chooses him vyberie si jeho

we close it zatvárame to

he comes here príde sem

I can compare that viem to porovnať

she competes with me ona súťaží so mnou

we complain about it sťažujeme sa na to

English Verbs Slovak Verbs

they continued reading pokračovali v čítaní

he cried about that zvolal o tom

I can decide now teraz sa môžem rozhodnúť

she described it to me opísala mi to

we disagree about it nesúhlasíme s tým

they disappeared quickly rýchlo zmizli

I discovered that zistil som to

she dislikes that neznáša to

we do it robíme to

they dream about it snívajú o tom

I earned zarobil som

he eats a lot veľa je

we enjoyed that užili sme si to

they entered here vstúpili tu

he escaped that utiekol tomu

I can explain that môžem to vysvetliť

she feels that too cíti to tiež

English Verbs Slovak Verbs

we fled from there utiekli sme odtiaľ

they will fly tomorrow odlietajú zajtra

I can follow you môžem ísť za tebou

she forgot me zabudla na mňa

we forgive him odpúšťame mu

I can give her that môžem jej to dať

she goes there ide tam

we greeted them pozdravili sme ho

I hate that nenávidím to

I can hear it Počujem to

she imagine that predstavila si to

we invited them Pozvali sme ich

I know him Poznám ho

she learned it naučila sa to

we leave now odchádzame teraz

they lied about him klamali o ňom

I can listen to that môžem to počúvať

English Verbs Slovak Verbs

she lost that stratila to

we made it yesterday urobili sme to včera

they met him stretli ho

I misspell that chybne som to vyhláskoval(a)

I always pray vždy sa modlím

she prefers that uprednostňuje to

we protected them ochránili sme ho

they will punish her potrestajú ju

I can put it there môžem to tam dať

she will read it prečíta to

we received that dostali sme to

they refuse to talk odmietajú hovoriť

I remember that pamätám si to

she repeats that opakuje to

we see it vidíme to

they sell it predávajú to

I sent that yesterday poslal(a) som to včera

English Verbs Slovak Verbs

he shaved his beard oholil si bradu

it shrunk quickly rýchlo sa to zmenšilo

we will sing it budeme spievať

they sat there sedeli tam

I can speak it môžem to povedať

she spends money ona míňa peniaze

we suffered from that utrpeli sme z toho

they suggest that navrhujú, že

I surprised him prekvapil(a) som ho

she took that zobrala to

we teach it učíme to

they told us povedali nám

she thanked him Poďakovala mu

I can think about it Môžem o tom premýšľať

she threw it hodila to

we understand that chápeme to

they want that Chcú, aby

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