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(Incorporated by Ordinance No. XXiV of 2002 promulgated by Government of Punjab)



Department: Electrical Engineering

Instructor Details

Course Instructor: Muhammad Rafiq

Office/Room No.: Faculty Offices (Old Library 1st Floor)

Course Details

Core/Elective: Core Credit Hours: 2+1 Contact Hours: 3+3

Prerequisites: None

1. Main Topics Covered in the Course:

a) Floating Point Numbers

b) Error Analysis
c) Non- Linear Algebraic Equations
d) Difference Operators
e) Numerical Interpolations
f) Iterative Methods for System of Linear Eqs.
g) Numerical Differentiation
h) Numerical Integration
i) Numerical Solution of ODES

2. Course Objectives:

This course introduces the principles of numerical techniques to engineering

students and exposes them to problems typical and illustrative of those found in
engineering design. In addition the students will develop an understanding of
limitations, constraints, and applicability of various numerical methods. The
computational skills of the student will also be expanded through the use of
MATLAB as a support to the analysis process.

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(Incorporated by Ordinance No. XXiV of 2002 promulgated by Government of Punjab)

3. Course Outcomes:

By the end of the course, the students will be able to:

1. Apply appropriate numerical methods in various engineering problems.

2. Analyze the accuracy of common numerical techniques.
3. Manipulate various numerical methods in MATLAB.

4. Student Assessment Tools and their Percentage Division:

Theory Total =100 Marks

a) Quizzes (14%)
b) Assignments (7%)
c) Class Participation (4%)
d) Mid Term Exam (25%)
e) Final Exam (50%)
Lab Work Total =50 Marks

a) Weekly Experiments (performance): 20%

b) Mid performance/Evaluation: 20%
c) Sessional Quizzes/Assignments: 20%
d) Final Quiz/viva and project/performance: 40%

5. Practical Applications of the Course:

This course presents Numerical Techniques to solve various problems of

Engineering & Technology. Numerical Methods work even when analytic
techniques fail to provide the solutions of applied problems. For example in:

a) Power System Analysis

b) Circuit Analysis
c) Structural analysis (one force known others unknown)
d) Solid mechanics (determine stress within a loaded object)
e) Maximizing performance or minimizing cost i.e. optimization

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(Incorporated by Ordinance No. XXiV of 2002 promulgated by Government of Punjab)

6. Course Books:

Text Book:

a) Applied Numerical Analysis by Curtis F. Gerald and Patrick O. Wheatly, 7th

ed. Pearson Education Inc.
b) Numerical Techniques by Dr. V. N. Vedamurthy and Dr. C. Iyenger, Vikas

Reference Books:

c) Steven C Chapra “Applied Numerical Methods with MATLAB for

Scientists and Engineers”. 2nd Edition
d) Elements of Numerical Analysis by Dr. Faiz Ahmad and M. Afzal Rana

7. How Course Objectives & Assessment Tools Map onto PEC Program
Learning Objectives and Level of Emphasis of the Objective met by the


Students will be able to apply appropriate Quiz 2,
1 2 C3 numerical methods in various engineering Mid - term Exam
problems Final - term Exam
Students will be able to analyze the Quiz 4,
2 2 C4 accuracy of common numerical Mid - term Exam,
techniques Final - term Exam
Students will be able to manipulate Quiz, Assignment
3 5 C3 various numerical methods in MATLAB Computing task

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(Incorporated by Ordinance No. XXiV of 2002 promulgated by Government of Punjab)

8. Weekly Plan:

Week No. Contents Reference

1 Introduction to Numerical Analysis

Introduction to Numerical Methods, preliminaries, Ch. 0, Ref.1

fixed point and floating point Number System, under
and over flows, IEEE floating point standards for Assignment:1.1
single and double precision computing, significant
digits, rounding and chopping
2 Error Analysis

Error, absolute and relative errors, errors in addition, Ch. 0, Ref.1

errors in subtraction, errors in multiplication , errors Assignment:1.2
in division & errors in powers
3 Solution of Non- Linear Equations

Introduction to non-linear equations, properties of Ch. 1, Ref.1

non-linear equations, Bisection Method, Method of Assignment:1.3
False Position
4 Solution of Non- Linear Equations

Secant Method, Method Of Iterations, Condition of Ch. 1, Ref.1

Convergence for Iterative method, Newton-Raphson Assignment:1.4
Method, Some applied problems on non-linear
5 Difference Operators
Ch. 3, Ref.1
Basic Concepts, Forward, Backward, Central, Shift, Assignment:2.1
Mean and Differential operators, Relations between Quiz-1
operators, Forward and Backward difference Tables

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(Incorporated by Ordinance No. XXiV of 2002 promulgated by Government of Punjab)

6 Interpolation Using Operators

Ch. 3, Ref.1
Introduction to interpolation and extrapolation Assignment:2.2
Forward Difference Interpolation, Backward
Difference Interpolation
7 Unequally Spaced Data Interpolation
Ch. 3, Ref.1
Lagrange Interpolation, Newton’s divided difference Assignment:2.3
formula for interpolation
8 Spline & Least square Interpolation
Ch. 3, Ref.1
Introduction to Cubic Spline, Cubic spline Assignment:2.4
interpolation for equally spaced data , Introduction Quiz-2
to Least Squares, Method of Least Squares

Mid-Term Examination
9 System of linear equations (Direct Methods)
Ch. 2, Ref.1
Introduction to System of Linear Equations, Upper Assignment:3.1
and Lower Triangular Matrices, LU Decomposition
Do, little’s Method for system of linear equations
10 System of linear equations (In-Direct Methods)
Ch. 2, Ref.1
Diagonally dominant systems, Condition of, Guass- Assignment:3.2
Jacobi and Guass-Siedel Iteration Methods,
Condition of Convergence for Iterative methods
11 Numerical Differentiation
Ch. 5 Ref.1
Numerical Differentiation Using Interpolation For Assignment:3.3
Equally and unequally Spaced Data, Numerical
Differentiation Using I Using Forward & Backward
Difference Operators
12 Numerical Integration
Ch. 6 Ref.1
Area of Trapezium, Trapezoidal Rule for Numerical Assignment:3.4
Integration, Newton’s Cotes Quadrature Formula
for Numerical Integration
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(Incorporated by Ordinance No. XXiV of 2002 promulgated by Government of Punjab)

13 Numerical Integration
Ch. 6 Ref.1
Simpson’s 1/3Rule and Simpson’s 3/8Rule for Assignment:4.1
Numerical Integration, Some applied problems Quiz-3
14 Numerical Solutions of ODEs
Ch. 6 Ref.1
Introduction to Exact and Numerical solution for Assignment:4.2
Ordinary Differential Equations, Euler’s Method and
Heun’s Method for solving first order Initial Value
Problems( IVPs)
15 Numerical Solutions of ODES
Ch. 6 Ref.1
Taylor’s Series Method and Runge-Kutta Method of Assignment:4.3
Order 4 for solving first order Initial Value
Problems( IVPs)
16 Some applied problems on Numerical Solution of Ch. 6 Ref.1
ODEs Assignment:4.4


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