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Commentary on Isaiah 60



An ode of congratulation to Zion on her restoration at the Lord's second advent to her true
position as the mother church from which the Gospel is to be diffused to the whole Gentile
world; the first promulgation of the Gospel among the Gentiles, beginning at Jerusalem [ Luke
24:47 ], is an earnest of this. The language is too glorious to apply to anything that as yet has

1. Arise--from the dust in which thou hast been sitting as a mourning female captive ( Isaiah
3:26,Isaiah52:1Isaiah52:2 ).
shine--or, "be enlightened; for thy light cometh"; impart to others the spiritual light now given
thee ( Isaiah 60:3 ). The Margin and GESENIUS translate, "Be enlightened"; be resplendent with
posterity; imperative for the future indicative, "Thou shalt be enlightened" ( Isaiah 58:8 Isaiah
58:10,Ephesians5:8Ephesians5:14 ).
glory of the Lord--not merely the Shekinah, or cloud of glory, such as rested above the ark in
the old dispensation, but the glory of the Lord in person (Jeremiah 3:16 Jeremiah 3:17 ).
is risen--as the sun ( Malachi 4:2 , Luke 1:78 , Margin).

2. darkness . . . earth--the rest of the earth: in contrast with "light . . . upon thee" ( Isaiah 60:1).
The earth will be afterwards enlightened through Israel (Isaiah9:2).
be seen--conspicuously: so the Hebrew.

thy rising--rather, "thy sun-rising," that is, "to the brightness that riseth upon thee."

4. Lift up . . . eyes--Jerusalem is addressed as a female with eyes cast down from grief.
all they . . . they--The Gentile peoples come together to bring back the dispersed Hebrews,
restore their city, and worship Jehovah with offerings.
nursed at thy side--rather "carried at thy side." It is the custom in the East to carry the children
astride on the hip, with the arms around the body ( Isaiah 66:12 ).

5. see--( Isaiah 60:4 ), namely, the bringing back of thy sons.

flow together--rather, "overflow with joy" [LOWTH]; or, from a different Hebrew root, "be
bright with joy" [GESENIUS] ( Job 3:4 ).
fear--rather, beat with the agitation of solemn joy at the marvellous sight [HORSLEY] (
Jeremiah33:9 ).
be enlarged--swell with delight. Grief, on the contrary, contracts the heart.
abundance of . . . sea--the wealth of the lands beyond the sea, as in Solomon's time, the type of
the coming reign of the Prince of peace.
converted--rather, "be turned," instead of being turned to purposes of sin and idolatry.
forces--rather, "riches."

6. camels--laden with merchandise; the camel is "the ship of the desert" (compare Isaiah 30:6 ).
cover thee--so many of them shall there be.
dromedaries--They have one hunch on the back, whereas the camel has two: distinguished for
swiftness ( Jeremiah 2:23 ).
Midian--east of the Elanitic branch of the Red Sea, and stretching northward along Mount Seir.
Associated with the Ishmaelites in traffic ( Genesis 37:25 Genesis 37:28 ).
Ephah--part of Midian, east of the Dead Sea. It abounded in camels ( Judges 6:5 ).
Sheba--in Arabia-Felix, famed for frankincense and gold ( Psalms 72:15 , Jeremiah 6:20 ),
which they traded in ( Isaiah 45:14 , Job 6:19 , Ezekiel 27:22 ).

7. Kedar--( Isaiah 21:16 , Solomon 1:5 ), in the south of Arabia-Deserta, or north of Arabia-
Petræa; they traded in flocks ( Ezekiel 27:21 ).
Nebaioth--son of Ishmael, as was Kedar. Father of the Nabatheans in Arabia-Petræa.
minister--by coming up as an acceptable sacrifice.
come up with acceptance--that is, acceptably. The rams offering themselves voluntarily (
Psalms 68:30 , Romans 12:1 , 1 Peter 2:5 ), without waiting for any other priest, answer to
believers strong in faith and lamb-like meekness; and in the white fleece-like robe of sanctity
house of my glory--the temple ( Ezekiel 41:1-26 , Haggai 2:7 Haggai 2:9 , Malachi 3:1 ).

8. The prophet, seeing in vision new hosts approaching quickly like a cloud of doves, asks who
they are.

Tarshish first--The ships of Tartessus Isaiah 23:1 , that is, vessels that trade to the most distant
regions) will be among the foremost to bring back the scattered Israelites ( Isaiah 66:20 ).
their silver--The nations among whom the Jews have been scattered shall help them with their
money in returning ( Isaiah 60:5-7 Isaiah 60:11 Isaiah 60:16 ), as was the case at the return from
Babylon ( Ezra 1:4 ; compare Psalms 68:30 Psalms 68:31 ).
unto the name . . . to the Holy One--rather, because of the name--because of the Holy One
(compare Isaiah 55:5 ) [LOWTH].

10. kings ... minister unto Isaiah 49:23 ).

in my wrath I smote thee--( Isaiah 54:7 Isaiah 54:8 , 57:17 ).

11. ( Revelation 21:25 ). The gates are ever open to receive new offerings and converts (
Isaiah 26:2 , Acts 14:27 , Revelation 3:8 ). In time of peace the gates of a city are open: so,
under the Prince of peace, there shall be no need of barring gates against invaders.
be brought--as willing captives to the truth; or, if not willingly, be bought by judgments to
submit to Israel ( Isaiah 60:12 Isaiah 60:14 ). GESENIUS explains it, "may come escorted by
a retinue."

12. For--the reason which will lead Gentile kings and people to submit themselves; fear of
the God in Israel ( Zechariah 14:17 ).

13. glory--that is, the trees which adorned Lebanon; emblem of men eminent in natural
gifts, devoting all that is in them to the God of Israel ( Hosea 14:5 Hosea 14:6 ).
fir ... pine ... box--rather, "the cypress ... ilex ... cedar."
place of my sanctuary--Jerusalem ( Jeremiah 3:17 ).
place of my feet--no longer the ark ( Jeremiah 3:16 ), "the footstool" of Jehovah ( Psalms
99:5 , 132:7 , 1 Chronicles 28:2 ); but "the place of His throne, the place of the soles of His
feet, where He will dwell in the midst of the children of Israel for ever," in the new temple (
Ezekiel 43:7 ).

14. The sons--Their fathers who "afflicted" Israel having been cut off by divine judgments (
Isaiah 14:1 Isaiah 14:2 , 49:23 ).
The Zion of the Holy One--The royal court of the Holy One. MAURER translates, "Zion,
the sanctuary (holy place) of Israel" ( Isaiah 57:15 , Psalms 46:4 ).

15. forsaken--( Psalms 78:60 Psalms 78:61 ).

no man went through thee--Thy land was so desolate that no traveller, or caravan, passed
through thee; true only of Israel, not true of the Church ( Lamentations 1:4 ).
excellency--glory, that is, for ever honored.

16. suck--Thou shalt draw to thyself and enjoy all that is valuable of the possessions of the
Gentiles, &c. ( Isaiah 49:23 , 61:6 , Isaiah 66:11 Isaiah 66:12 ).
know--by the favors bestowed on thee, and through thee on the Gentiles.

17. Poetically, with figurative allusion to the furniture of the temple; all things in that
happy age to come shall be changed for the better.
exactors--namely, of tribute.
righteousness--All rulers in restored Jerusalem shall not only be peaceable and righteous,
but shall be, as it were, "peace" and "righteousness" itself in their administration.

18. ( Isaiah 2:4 ). Not only shall thy walls keep thee safe from foes, but "Salvation" shall
serve as thy walls, converting thy foes into friends, and so ensuring thee perfect safety (
Isaiah 26:1 Isaiah 26:2 ).
gates--once the scene of "destruction" when victorious foes burst through them ( Nehemiah
1:3 ); henceforth to be not only the scene of praises, but "Praise" itself; the "gates," as the
place of public concourse, were the scene of thanksgivings ( 2 Chronicles 31:2 , Psalms 9:14
, 24:7 , 100:4 ). "Judah," the favored tribe, means "praise."

19. The sun and moon, the brightest objects by day and night, shall be eclipsed by the
surpassing glory of God manifesting Himself to thee ( Isaiah 30:26 , Zechariah 2:5 ,
Revelation 21:23 , 22:5 ).

20. There shall be no national and spiritual obscuration again as formerly ( Joel 2:10 ,
Amos 8:9 ).
mourning . . . ended--( Isaiah 25:8 , Revelation 21:4 ).

21. all righteous--( Isaiah 4:3 , 52:1 , Revelation 21:27 ).

inherit . . . land--( Isaiah 49:8 , 54:3 , 65:9 , Psalms 37:11 Psalms 37:22 , Matthew 5:5 ).
branch of my planting--( Isaiah 61:3 , Psalms 92:13 , Matthew 15:13 ).
work of my hands--the converted Israelites ( Isaiah 29:23 , 45:11 ).
that I may be glorified--the final end of all God's gracious dealings ( Isaiah 49:3 , 61:3 ).

22. little one--Even one, and that the smallest in number and rank, shall be multiplied a
thousandfold in both respects ( Micah 5:2 , Matthew 13:31 Matthew 13:32 ).
his time--not our time; we might wish to hasten it, but it will come in due time, as in the
case of Jesus' first coming ( Galatians 4:4 ); so in that of the restoration of Israel and the
conversion of the world ( Isaiah 66:8 , Habakkuk 2:3 , Acts 1:7 , Hebrews 10:37 ).

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