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Feature: REITs

© 2018 by the American Association of Individual Investors, 625 N. Michigan Ave., Chicago, IL 60611; 800-428-2244;

The Basics of Real Estate Investment

Trusts (REITs)
By Jaclyn N. McClellan

Article Highlights
• These investment trusts own or finance real estate; at least 75% of their total assets must be invested in real estate or cash.
• Equity REITs own, operate and sell physical real estate; mortgage REITs provide mortgages and other real estate–secured loans.
• REITs are pass-through entities and must distribute at least 90% of taxable income to shareholders.

There are two main ways stream of cash flows (as people pay their
monthly mortgages) but do not partici-
to invest in real estate. pate in the appreciation/depreciation of
One is private real estate invest- the real estate properties.
ment. As a private real estate investor, Since debt investors are paid before
you may physically purchase buildings to equity investors (they have “priority
lease or fix up and resell yourself or you claim”), the value of the real estate asset to
may lend money to a purchaser. Private the equity investor is the overall property
investors can also directly or indirectly value minus the debt outstanding. Debt
own real estate through partnerships or commingled real investors’ priority claim makes real estate investment riskier
estate funds (CREF). to equity investors. This is why equity investors expect to
The second option is public real estate investment, which receive a higher return from real estate investments than
takes the form of real estate investment trusts (REITs), real debt investors receive.
estate operating companies (REOCs) and mortgage-backed Public investments in real estate are more liquid, have a
securities. lower minimum investment, have more limited liability (and
Within these two general real estate investment catego- therefore less risk), offer the same protections as publicly
ries—private and public—investors can be debt or equity traded securities, provide easy access to active professional
investors. An equity investor has an ownership interest in management and require less hands-on work than private
real estate or securities of an entity that owns real estate. In real estate investments.
the private market, equity investors often control decisions This article focuses on public investments in real estate
such as borrowing/financial strategy, property management, through real estate investment trusts, or REITs.
purchases and sales. Real estate equity investors expect to
receive an income stream (from tenants paying rent) but What are REITs?
also participate in the appreciation/depreciation aspect of
the real estate investment. REITs are investment trusts that own or finance income-
A debt investor is the lender who owns a mortgage or producing real estate. These companies (structured as trusts)
mortgage securities. It’s common to see the mortgage or note make it easy for individual investors to invest in real estate
secured, or collateralized, by the property itself: If the equity without having to buy and manage private property them-
investor defaults on the loan, the debt investor would have selves. Investors purchase shares much like they do with
the right to seize the property. Generally, lenders receive a stocks. Most REITs trade on major stock exchanges and

May 2018 7
are tax-advantaged compa- REITs may be fully inte-
nies (trusts) that are gener-
ally exempt from corporate
Nareit REIT Stats grated real estate operating
companies or may focus
income tax. There are more The National Association of Real Estate Investment on a specific aspect of real
than 220 REITs in the U.S. Trusts, or Nareit, is a well-known resource in the REIT estate operations. Generally,
registered with the Securities industry. their options include: acquisi-
and Exchange Commission According to Nareit, an estimated 80 million Ameri- tions and sale of properties,
(SEC) that trade on one of cans own REITs through their retirement savings and property management and
the major stock exchanges other investment funds. leasing, property rehabilita-
(the majority on the New Other notable statistics include: tion and repositioning and/
York Stock Exchange). These • REITs invested $52.8 billion in new construction or property development.
REITs have a combined eq- and routine capital expenditures to maintain existing Equity REITs make up
uity market capitalization of property in 2016. the majority of the publicly
more than $1 trillion. • It is estimated that all REITs own approximately $3 traded REIT market today:
According to the SEC, in trillion in gross assets. Publicly traded equity REITs roughly 90% of the total
order to qualify as a REIT, a account for $2 trillion. publicly traded REIT market
company must: • REITs own nearly 290,000 properties across the U.S. capitalization and roughly
• Distribute at least 90% • 226 REITs are in the FTSE Nareit All REITs Index. 80% of the total number of
of its taxable income to • 191 REITs trade on the New York Stock Exchange. publicly traded REITs.
shareholders annually in • 32 REITs are members of the S&P 500 index. Most equity REITs spe-
the form of dividends; cialize in a specific type of
• Be an entity that would property, but also diversify
be taxable as a corporation but for Nareit, as well as many investors, within their specific sector by geo-
its REIT status; often refer to equity REITs simply graphic location and other factors. See
• Have shares that are fully transfer- as REITs. the box on page 9 for descriptions of
rable; • Mortgage REITs (mREITs): the various types of equity REITs. The
• Have a minimum of 100 sharehold- Provide financing for income- online version of this article includes a
ers after its first year as a REIT; producing real estate by purchas- table with defining data on each type.
• Have no more than 50% of its ing or originating mortgages and An equity REIT’s performance can
shares held by five or fewer indi- mortgage-backed securities and be heavily dependent on the sector or
viduals during the last half of the earning income from the interest geographic location it operates in. Some
taxable year; on these investments. of the main factors that can affect equity
• Invest at least 75% of its total assets • Pu b l i c n o n - l i s t e d R E I Ts REIT performance include economic
in real estate and cash; (PLNRS): Are registered with the growth, the real estate cycle, the job
• Derive at least 75% of its gross SEC but do not trade on national market, population growth, occupancy
income from real estate–related stock exchanges. rates and rents, mortgage rates and
sources, including rents from real • Private REITs: Are exempt from interest rates.
property and interest on mortgages SEC registration; shares do not
financing real property, and at least trade on national stock exchanges. Mortgage REITs
95% of its gross income from real Another type of REIT that Nareit Mortgage REITs (mREITs) provide
estate plus dividends and interest doesn’t specifically mention is a hybrid money to real estate owners and opera-
from any source; and REIT, which is a combination of both tors either directly through mortgages or
• Have no more than 25% of its an equity and a debt REIT. other loans that are secured by real estate
assets consist of non-qualifying This article generally discusses pub- or indirectly through the purchase of
securities or stock in taxable REIT licly traded REITs, not public non-listed mortgage-backed securities. Mortgage-
subsidiaries. REITs or private REITs. backed securities are publicly traded
asset-backed securities that are secured
Types of REITs Equity REITs by a mortgage or a collection of mort-
Equity REITs own, operate and gages and receive cash flows from the
The National Association of Real sell physical real estate. Equity REITs underlying pool of mortgages owned.
Estate Investment Trusts (Nareit) are actively managed trusts that own Essentially mortgage REITs finance real
outlines and defines four main types income-producing real estate and seek estate transactions, while equity REITs
of REITs. to profit by growing cash flows, improv- own the physical real estate properties.
• Equity REITs: Own or oper- ing existing properties and purchasing Generally, mortgage REITs invest
ate income-producing real estate. additional properties. Overall, equity in either residential or commercial debt

8 AAII Journal
Feature: REITs

securities, although some mREITs may mortgages owned as well as changes raising equity capital. Mortgage REITs’
invest in both. Data from Nareit shows in the net present value of the mort- general objective is to earn a profit from
that residential mortgage REITs make gages owned. This differs from equity their net interest margin, which is the
up roughly 72% of the mortgage REIT REITs, which derive their returns from difference between interest income
sector by market capitalization, while rents paid by tenants and changes in from mortgage assets and the cost of
commercial mortgage REITs make up property values. debt. Because income is the main goal,
the remaining 28%. Mortgage REITs fund the mort- mREITs tend to have a higher dividend
Mortgage REITs’ return comes gages or mortgage securities they invest yield than equity REITs (see Table 1).
from the income received from the in by borrowing via short-term debt or Mortgage REITs are sensitive to

Types of Equity REITs

Data Centers Office
Own and manage facilities that customers use to safely Own and manage office real estate and rent space in those
store data. These facilities offer a range of products and properties to tenants. The properties can range from
services to help keep servers and data safe, including pro- skyscrapers to office parks. Some office REITs focus on
viding uninterruptable power supplies, air-cooled chillers specific types of markets, such as central business districts
and physical security. or suburban areas. Some emphasize specific classes of
tenants, such as government agencies or biotech firms.
Own and manage a variety of property types and collect Retail
rent from tenants. For example, these REITs might own Own and manage retail real estate and rent space in those
portfolios made up of both office and industrial properties. properties to tenants. They commonly focus on large
regional malls, outlet centers, grocery-anchored shopping
Health Care centers and power centers that feature big box retailers.
Own and manage a variety of health care-related real Net lease REITs own freestanding properties and structure
estate and collect rent from tenants. Property types include their leases so that tenants pay both rent and the major-
senior living facilities, hospitals, medical office buildings ity of operating expenses for a property, including taxes,
and skilled nursing facilities. utilities and maintenance.

Industrial Residential
Own and manage industrial facilities and rent space Own and manage various forms of residences and rent
in those properties to tenants. Some focus on specific space in those properties to tenants. Residential REITs
types of properties, such as warehouses and distribu- may specialize in apartment buildings, student housing,
tion centers. Industrial REITs play an important part in manufactured homes or single-family homes. Within those
e-commerce infrastructure and help to meet the rapid market segments, some residential REITs also focus on
delivery demand. specific geographical markets or classes of properties.

Infrastructure Storage
Own and manage infrastructure real estate and collect Own and manage storage facilities and collect rent from
rent from tenants that occupy that real estate. Property customers. They rent space to both individuals and busi-
types include fiber cables, wireless infrastructure, telecom- nesses.
munications towers and energy pipelines.
Lodging/Resorts Own and manage a unique mix of property types and
Own and manage hotels and resorts and rent space in collect rent from tenants. Specialty REITs own properties
those properties to guests. Lodging REITs own different that don’t fit within the other REIT sectors. Examples of
classes of hotels based on features such as the hotels’ such properties include movie theaters, casinos, farmland
level of service and amenities. Their properties service a and outdoor advertising sites.
wide spectrum of customers, from business travelers to
vacationers. Timberland
Own and manage various types of timberland real estate.
They specialize in harvesting and selling timber.

May 2018 9
interest rates. When interest rates rise, Table 1. FTSE Nareit Index Dividend Yields
the mortgage securities in an mREIT’s
portfolio lose value (which has histori- Index 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018*
cally caused share prices of mREITs to FTSE Nareit All REITs 4.4% 4.0% 4.3% 4.3% 4.3% 4.8%
lose value). They can act like bonds in FTSE Nareit All Equity REITs 3.9% 3.6% 3.9% 4.0% 3.9% 4.4%
this aspect, as interest rates rise, bond FTSE Nareit Mortgage REITs 10.3% 10.7% 12.2% 10.6% 9.8% 10.9%
prices decline and vice versa. Longer- FTSE Nareit Real Estate 50 4.2% 3.8% 3.7% 5.5% 3.8% 4.2%
term securities, like mortgages, tend to *As of 2/28/2018.
be more sensitive to changes in inter- Sources: FTSE, Nareit.
est rates.
On the other hand, mortgage
REITs can also lose value when interest Table 2. Average Annual Returns: REIT Indexes vs. Stock Market Benchmarks
rates decline. In the case of adjustable FTSE Nareit Indexes
rate mortgages (or ARMs), lower inter- All All Equity Mortgage S&P Russell Nasdaq
est rates reduce the overall payment REITs REITs REITs 500 2000 Composite DJIA
that has to be made—allowing some 2018 YTD (10.0%) (10.0%) (10.0%) 1.8% (1.4%) 5.5% 1.7%
to pay back their loan quicker than 1-Year (5.9%) (6.1%) 0.4% 17.1% 10.5% 26.2% 23.1%
if the payment remained the same. 3-Year 2.2% 2.0% 6.0% 11.1% 8.6% 14.9% 14.2%
Some fixed-rate mortgages may be 5-Year 6.4% 6.5% 4.6% 14.7% 12.2% 19.6% 15.0%
refinanced as rates decline. Essentially, 10-Year 7.1% 7.1% 5.2% 9.7% 9.8% 13.6% 10.3%
lower interest rates may lead to early 15-Year 9.9% 10.5% 3.6% 10.4% 11.5% 12.0% 10.8%
loan repayment and refinancing, which 20-Year 8.2% 8.7% 3.8% 6.9% 7.5% 7.3% 8.0%
lowers the income amount a mortgage 25-Year 9.5% 9.9% 6.1% 9.7% 9.4% 10.0% 8.4%*
REIT receives. 30-Year 9.1% 10.1% 5.0% 10.5% 9.9% 10.5% 8.7%*
However, lower interest rates can be 35-Year 9.4% 11.2% 4.9% 11.4% 9.7% 10.0% 9.3%*
beneficial to mortgage REITs, as more 40-Year 10.7% 12.3% 6.3% 12.1% — 11.3%* 9.2%*
people may be enticed to purchase a 1972–2018 9.4% 11.6% — 10.6% — 9.7%* 7.5%*
home when rates are low. In the case
of commercial properties, real estate *Price return only.
Source: Nareit. Data as of 2/28/2018.
investors may undertake more projects
if they know they can secure financing
at an attractive rate. have higher dividend yields than equity differ from stocks, both security types
Mortgage REITs are susceptible to REITs. are economically sensitive and can fall
credit risk. Credit risk is the risk that According to Nareit (as of Feb- during periods of general sector or
a borrower may default on the loan. ruary 28, 2018), the FTSE Nareit All geographic contractions. See the online
Riskier mortgages tend to pay higher REITs index had a dividend yield of version of this article for a comparison
interest, but have greater credit risk 4.8%, while the FTSE Nareit All Eq- of standard deviations between REITs
(risk of default). uity REITs Index has a yield of 4.4%. and stock and bond market indexes.
This compares to the S&P 500 index’s
Investment Characteristics dividend yield of 1.9%. Capital Appreciation
of REITs Table 1 shows FTSE Nareit indexes Not only do REITs provide income,
and their respective dividend yields from they can also appreciate over time (much
There are a couple of notable char- 2013 to the end of February 2018. like stocks).
acteristics that you can expect REITs to Return figures can be seen in Table
bring to your portfolio. Stable Earnings and Income 2. Over the last 10 years REITs have
The long-term contractual nature underperformed major stock indexes
Relatively High Yield of many leases, rental agreements or on an annualized basis. However, over
In order to gain their tax-exempt mortgages results in REIT earnings longer time periods, equity REITs have
status, REITs are required to distribute being comparatively more stable than slightly outperformed large-cap stocks
90% of their income as dividends to corporate earnings. on an annualized basis.
shareholders. Because of this, REITs Additionally, dividend distribu-
tend to have relatively high yields. tions are a fixed percentage of income Diversification
Their yield is generally higher than that (90%), which also adds to the relative Historically, REITs have had a low
of equities or bonds. As previously stability of earnings and income re- correlation with other assets, as shown
mentioned, mortgage REITs tend to ceived. While some REIT exposures in Table 3. Correlation measures how

10 AAII Journal
Feature: REITs

Table 3. Correlations With FTSE Nareit All Equity Investors of that one REIT.
REITs Index have the option Additionally, investing in REITs
to invest in indi- through mutual funds (and ETFs) may
Feb. 2008– Feb. 1988– vidual REIT se- be less time-consuming than selecting
Index Feb. 2018 Feb. 2018 curities, much like individual REITs because there may be
DJ U.S. Total Stock Market 0.76 0.58 they do with indi- less research involved.
Domestic High Yield Corp Bond 0.72 0.59 vidual stocks. Se-
Dow Jones Industrial Average* 0.72 0.51 lecting individual Advantages of REITs
Nasdaq Composite* 0.71 0.42 REITs allows an
Russell 2000 0.76 0.63 investor to have REITs offer some advantages over
Russell 2000 Growth 0.71 0.52 control over the direct real estate investment. However,
Russell 2000 Value 0.78 0.72 types of REITs it’s worth noting that both have their
S&P 500 Index 0.75 0.55 owned, whether advantages and disadvantages.
mortgage REITs
*Price return only.
Sources: Nareit, FactSet.
with a specific Superior Liquidity
strategy or one Compared to investing in physical
of the many types real estate, investors in exchange-listed
two variables move in relation to one of equity REITs outlined in the box real estate securities enjoy far greater
another. A correlation of 1.0 means on page 9. Selecting individual REITs liquidity: It is easier and cheaper to buy
that two variables move in lockstep, also allows an investor to better man- and sell such REITs.
while a correlation of –1.0 means two age tax liabilities (capital gains, tax loss The low liquidity of a direct real es-
variables have historically moved in op- harvesting, etc.), as would be the case tate investment stems from the relatively
posite directions (when one goes up the with individual stocks. high value of an individual property, the
other goes down by the same amount). Another option for investing in lack of public exchanges with frequent
A correlation of 0.0 means the two REITs is through mutual funds. Mutual transactions and the unique nature of
variables have no linear relation to one funds are investment vehicles that pool each property.
another. Adding asset classes with low money from many investors. Mutual
correlations allows investors to diversify funds provide investors access to pro- Additional Protections and
their portfolio, lowering the risk. fessional management, though the cost Transparency
The lower correlation between of operating the fund is charged to the Exchange-listed REITs must meet
REITs and the stock market is attribut- shareholders. the same requirements applicable to
able to real estate investments having One notable issue with mutual other publicly traded companies, includ-
different characteristics (yields, business funds is less control over taxes because ing rules related to financial reporting,
models, interest rate sensitivity, eco- of capital gains distributions. Exchange- disclosure and governance.
nomic exposures, etc.) than the general traded funds (ETFs) are more tax- Because these REITs have required
stock market. Some stock market sectors efficient in this aspect. disclosures with the SEC, their opera-
may be heavily affected by a specific Unlike mutual funds, ETFs trade tions are more transparent to investors.
business cycle. REITs are not completely like stocks, and most ETFs track an
immune to the business cycle, but the index (and, depending on the index, may Limited Liability
longer-term nature of leases helps to give less exposure to smaller REITs). Much like stocks, the financial li-
cushion the blow of short-term fluctua- Tracking an index is “passive” invest- ability for REIT investors is limited to
tions in economic activity. ment management, so ETFs that track the amount they invest. Other types of
Because REITs own real assets (real an index don’t have the opportunity real estate investment, such as general
estate is a tangible investment), they to profit from active management (by partnership interests, have potential
also provide some inflation protection. making tactical decisions on which liabilities greater than the amount origi-
When inflation rises, rents and property investments to buy and sell). nally invested.
values can rise as well. This differs from Owning mutual funds and ETFs With REITs, the risk is pooled
bonds, which can be negatively affected helps to spread out the company-specific among many different investors, as op-
by inflation. risk within your portfolio. One share of posed to direct real estate where there
a REIT fund could cost the same as one may be just one or relatively few owners
Investing in REITs share of an individual REIT, but with open to risk.
the fund you are receiving exposure to
There are a couple of important potentially hundreds of REITs. With Lower Initial Investment
distinctions to make when it comes to one share of an individual REIT, you In most cases, direct real estate
investing in REITs. are only exposed to the performance investment generally requires a 20% to

May 2018 11
35% down payment and, depending on as ordinary income, REITs are better their income to shareholders in the
the size of the building or property, the suited for tax-preferred accounts such form of dividends, that leaves roughly
initial upfront cost can be quite high. as traditional and Roth IRAs (they can 10% to be reinvested in the REIT itself.
That doesn’t include other expenses be held in a taxable account as well). This limits a REIT’s ability to generate
such as closing costs and realtor fees. Although this can be a negative, it’s future growth through reinvestment.
Most REITs trade with per share important to note that compared to Because REITs distribute most of
prices below $100. The lower initial corporate dividends, REITs are only their earnings, they are likely to finance
investment compared to buying real taxed once (at the shareholder level, additional real estate acquisitions
estate directly allows REIT investors meaning you pay the taxes), whereas through equity offerings (selling addi-
access to properties they would other- corporate dividends received are taxed tional shares) or debt issuance. Equity
wise not have access to. For example, at the corporate level and at the share- issuance dilutes current owners’ value
with a specific REIT an investor could holder level (meaning the corporation per share. However, equity issuance isn’t
invest in a hotel, shopping mall or other pays taxes on dividends and so do you). always bad: If the REIT productively
landmark buildings. These properties According to Nareit, 59% of the uses the new funds, equity issuance
may be difficult for an individual to annual dividends paid by REITs qualify could be beneficial.
invest in otherwise. as ordinary taxable income, 17% qualify REITs have minimal levels of
as return of capital and 24% qualify as financial leverage they are required to
Active Professional Management long-term capital gains. maintain by law. If credit is not available
Some investors manage their own The Tax Cut and Jobs Act included (due to market conditions), or a REIT
properties when investing directly in a 20% deduction on income from is highly leveraged, it may be forced to
real estate. REITs employ professional pass-through entities. This includes the issue equity at a disadvantageous price
management to control expenses, maxi- income that flows to REIT investors when funding is needed.
mize returns and rents, conduct acquisi- through dividends. This means that in-
tion analysis to potentially acquire new vestors can deduct 20% of the income, Conclusion
properties and much more. Direct real with the remainder of the income taxed
estate investors can employ professional at the investor’s marginal tax rate. This Both public and private real estate
managers, but they often still have a lowers the effective maximum tax rate of investing can be lucrative, but under-
level of involvement with day-to-day REIT dividends from 37.0% to 29.6%. standing the advantages and disadvan-
operations. The benefit is available even if the tax tages is paramount.
payer doesn’t itemize deductions. It’s worth noting that while many
Disadvantages of REITs Capital gains distributions are gen- investors may own their homes,
erally taxed at the 15%/20% tax rate. homeownership is not a substitute for
While there are some advantages Both types of distributions are subject real estate investment. Your primary
that REITs have over direct real estate in- to the 3.8% net investment income tax. residence doesn’t produce current in-
vestments, there are also disadvantages. come, but rather it is a place to live. It
Lack of Control also has ongoing costs such as mortgage
Tax Implications REIT investors can’t control what a payments, real estate taxes, insurance
REITs generally do not pay taxes REIT does or doesn’t invest in. Investors costs, maintenance, etc.
at the corporate level. They are con- who invest directly in real estate (pur- Overall, REITs can be an important
sidered pass-through entities that can chase their own buildings) have control part of an individual investor’s portfo-
avoid most entity-level federal tax by over what properties are purchased and lio. REITs have delivered competitive
complying with detailed restrictions on sold. The lack of control can be viewed total returns, composed of relatively
ownership structure, distributions and as a positive or a negative depending on high (and steady) dividend income, as
operations. the investor; some prefer professional well as capital appreciation. REITs’
Unlike qualified stock dividends, expertise, while others may prefer to comparatively low correlation with
which receive the preferential 15%/20% be very involved with operations and other asset classes provides an added
tax rate, REIT dividends are considered investment decisions. diversification benefit.
“pass-through business income” and As with any investment, keep in
are therefore taxed at the recipient’s Limited Potential for Income mind that historical performance (and
ordinary income rate. Because divi- Growth correlation) is not a guarantee of future
dends received from REITs are taxed Because REITs pay out 90% of performance. 

Jaclyn N. McClellan is associate financial analyst at AAII and editor of AAII Dividend Investing. Find out more at

12 AAII Journal

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