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Human Behavior in Organizations

Topics: Case study, Organizational studies, Team Pages: 30

(3648 words) Published: April 7, 2013
MGMT 5032.03
Human Behavior in Organizations
Spring 2013

Instructor:Alix Valenti, Ph.D.Phone:281-283-3159

Associate Professor of ManagementFax:281-283-3951
and Legal

Office:3321-16, Bayou Building

Class:1217, Bayou Building
Office Hrs:Tuesday and Wednesday, 1-4, and by appointment

Textbooks/Required Materials:

Behavior in Organizations, 10th ed. Jerald Greenberg.

Pearson/Prentice Hall (2011). ISBN 0-13-609019-2 or 978-0-
13-609019-9 See the last page of the syllabus for how you
can purchase the text as an ebook.

Course Objectives

Upon completion of this course, students will be able to: 1. To

develop an understanding of management functions and
principles 2. To develop an understanding of basic behavioral
theory and its application to contemporary organizations 3. To
illustrate an understanding of basic behavioral techniques and
their use in the world of management 4. To develop the
conceptual and analytical frameworks necessary to become a
diagnostician of organizational systems, structures, and
processes 5. To demonstrate critical thinking skills through
analysis of a case study to management and organizational
behavior 6. To illustrate managerial and professional abilities
through application of concepts and theories by active
participation in class discussions, cases, and exercises 7. To
demonstrate awareness of personal traits, needs, styles, and
preferences through the use of assessment instruments and
methods resulting in a personal portfolio 8. To apply team
based skills through the use of peer assessment and

Instructional Methodology

The course is broking into four areas, planning, directing,

organizing and controlling, the four main functions of
managers. Under each area, students will be asked to engage
in various activities within and across course modules, which
are the rational groupings (i.e., sections) of course content.
Generally speaking, students will have the opportunity to learn
both as individuals as well as a member of a team. Students
will be asked to act both independently as well as collectively.

Case Studies

During the first class teams will be formed and posted under
the Groups link under the Course Menu. Cases will come from
various sources based on real life situations and companies.
The table at the end of the syllabus will contain a listing of
each case and the day that case will be discussed. Students
are encouraged to think of the aspects of the cases that may
be relevant to the module, and teams will be graded on their
creativity and resourcefulness in linking the course material to
the case study. Each week one or more teams will lead the
discussion of the case. However, it is expected that all
students will have read the case and participate in the class

The presentations and postings are due on the class date

according to the table at the end of this Syllabus. The case
studies are worth 20% of the student’s overall grade.

Final Team Project

In addition to the case studies, each team will make a 10-
minute presentation on a topic related to the material covered
during the semester. Suggested topics will be provided by the
instructor, and student teams must select their topic by
February 6, 2013. The final presentations will be made on
May 1, 2013, and is worth 10% of the student’s overall grade.

Personal Portfolio

Each student working individually will complete his or her

Personal Portfolio which consists of several self-assessments
and reflections on the results of each assessment, followed by
an action plan. The portfolio can be accessed through the
Portfolio link under the Course Menu. The Personal Portfolio
is due on May 1, 2013. The Personal Portfolio is worth 10% of
the student’s overall grade

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