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SOP 5.

1: Equipment
Operation and

1. Introduction.....................................................................................1
2. Regulatory and contractual requirements...........................................1
3. Training............................................................................................1
4. Health and safety precautions............................................................2
5. Equipment safety..............................................................................2
6. Equipment maintenance....................................................................2

1. Introduction
This Program shall establish written procedures for machine-specific equipment use and maintenance. See
manufacturer’s operating manuals for specific operation of Facility equipment (e.g., can crusher, forklift,
hand-fed or mechanical can puncture equipment, bench scale, air gun/air compressor, etc.).

2. Regulatory and contractual requirements

Equipment operation and maintenance is governed by OSHA 29 CFR 1910.106(e)(3)(v), 1910.242,
1910.243, 1910.147, 1910.178, AWAIR (A Workplace Accident and Injury Reduction Program), and the
requirements established in the HHW program and state agency contract (Exhibit A, Parts B and D).

3. Training
3.1 All new staff shall receive job-specific training on equipment operations and maintenance as a part
of orientation. Staff shall be fully trained in all steps of proper equipment use, including associated
hazards and precautions. Staff operating equipment shall be trained on hire (but not annually) and
specific to the job role.

3.2 Staff not involved with equipment operations shall be trained to:
 not touch or operate the equipment at any time.
 be aware of its operation and/or driving paths.

5.1 Equipment Operation and Maintenance Effective date 10/21/2008 1

4. Health and safety precautions
4.1 Precautions shall be followed at all times to assure the safety of the general public and staff while
operating equipment.

4.2 This Program shall provide appropriate personal protective equipment to staff and ensure use while
operating equipment; see SOP 2.4 Personal Protective Equipment.

4.3 A hearing conservation program is required when exposure to equipment noise is equal to or greater than
the action level of an 8-hour time-weighted average of 85 dB (A); see SOP 2.12 Hearing Conservation.

4.4 Adequate air flow shall be provided in work areas to lessen potential exposures to vapors or gases
emitted from equipment.

5. Equipment safety
5.1 Facility staff shall inspect Facility equipment prior to use to ensure no problems exist that would make it
unsafe. Any problems or defects found shall be brought to the attention of experienced and qualified staff
to immediately be repaired or replaced.

5.1.1 Ladders. Staff shall ensure ladders are used for their manufacturer-designed purpose. Staff

shall never use the top step or use on unstable surfaces.

5.1.2 Forklifts. Facilities using powered industrial trucks (e.g., forklifts, platform lifts) shall

comply with the safety requirements pertaining to use and maintenance. If staff is expected
to walk in the same pathways as forklift operations take place, the walk areas shall be
clearly designated and identifiable (e.g., posted signs, yellow lines on floor, outlined in
Facility plans); see SOP 2.8 Powered industrial trucks (forklifts) with checklist..

5.1.3 Loading platforms. All Facility stairways, open-sided floors, and loading docks shall

contain perimeter or fall protection devices (e.g., a removable guardrail, a guardrail fence,
two chains strong enough to withstand the weight of someone sitting on it). A personal fall
arrest system shall be implemented if this Program uses powered platforms.

5.1.4 Can crushers. A safety guard or mechanism shall be in place over the can crusher opening

to prevent staff injury; see SOP 4.7 Can Puncturing: Hand fed & Mechanical type.

6. Equipment maintenance
Clean-up and regular maintenance is important for keeping equipment in good working order. Staff shall
keep specific maintenance logs for all equipment used. Refer to manufacturer’s operation manual for
recommended equipment scheduled maintenance, repair, and/or adjustments. Keep equipment
maintenance records indefinitely.

5.1 Equipment Operation and Maintenance Effective date 10/21/2008 2

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