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Project report submitted by

RAHUL KUMAR (0111ME151206)
RAHUL MAHTO (0111ME151207)
RAKESH KUMAR(0111ME151211)
In partial fulfillment for the award of the degree

Department of Mechanical Engineering

BHOPAL (M.P.) - 462021, INDIA

Affiliated to
Rajiv Gandhi Proudyogiki Vishwavidyalaya, Bhopal
JUNE 2019

Department of Mechanical
Engineering, Technocrats
Institute of Technology Bhopal,
Bhopal (M.P.) - 462021, INDIA.


This is to certify that the Project titled "ESTIMATING AND COSTING

OF 3KW ROOFTOP SOLAR POWER PLANT" has been carried out by
these student of B.E. (Mechanical Engineering) under our supervision.
They have completed their work within the period prescribed under the
ordinances governing the course leading to the B.E. Degree in Mechanical
Engineering in Technocrats Institute of Technology, Bhopal.

Place: Bhopal



(Assistant Professor) (Professor)
Mechanical Engineering Mechanical Engineering,
Technocrats Institute of Technology, Technocrats Institute of Technology,
Bhopal (M.P.) - 462021, INDIA Bhopal (M.P.) - 462021, INDIA


We hereby declare that Project titled “3 KW ROOFTOP SOLAR POWER

PLANT” is being submitted in the partial fulfillment for the award of the degree
of Bachelor of Engineering in Mechanical Engineering. The work has been
carried out in Technocrats Institute of Technology, Bhopal and is authentic record
of our own work carried out under the guidance of MR.ALOK MISHRA.

Date: 30/03/2019
Place: Bhopal.


RAHUL KUMAR (0111ME151206)
RAHUL MAHTO (0111ME151207)
RAKESH KUMAR (0111ME151211)

I certify that the declaration made above by candidates is true.


Dr. Hitesh Khare

Dept. of Mechanical Engg.
T.I.T., Bhopal


Words are often less to revels one’s deep regards. With an understanding
that work like this can never be the outcome of a single person, we take
this opportunity to express our profound sense of gratitude and respect to
all those who directly or indirectly helped us through the duration of this
project work.

We express our deep sense of gratitude to Dr. Hitesh Khare, Prof. &
Head of Department of Mechanical Engineering, T.I.T., Bhopal, for
his expert guidance, keen interest, continued encouragement and support.

Our deepest thanks to Mr Alok Mishra, Assistant Professor, Department

of Mechanical Engineering, T.I.T., Bhopal, the supervisor of the project
for guiding and correcting various documents of ours with attention and
care. They have taken pain to go through the project and make necessary
correction as and when needed. We profoundly thank Mr.Alok Mishra,
Assistant Professor, Department of Mechanical Engineering, T.I.T.,
Bhopal, for providing valuable suggestions and advices on our project work.
We are also thankful to Mr. Avinash Selot, Assistant Professor,
Department of Mechanical Engineering, T.I.T., Bhopal to make the
sincere corrections in our project, wherever required.

We would also thank our Institution and our faculty members without
whom this project would have been a distant reality.


RAHUL KUMAR (0111ME151206)
RAHUL MAHTO (0111ME151207)
RAKESH KUMAR (0111ME151211)

B.E. (Mechanical Engineering)


Rooftop solar power plants provide several benefits such as self-reliance in

electricity in a cost effective manner, insurance against future increases in
electricity tariff, environmental sustainability, reduction in carbon foot print
etc., utilizing unused roof space. Governments encourage setting up rooftop
solar power plants through net metering policy. Government of Karnataka
has been proactive in offering a feed-in tariff of Rs. 9.56/kWh with a 25 year
PPA for net energy sold to grid under its net metering policy. Engineering
Institutions can derive all the benefits listed above and additionally use the
solar power plant infrastructure for education and research purposes.

However, in order to ensure optimal utilization of solar energy and derive

maximum benefits from the investment made, it would be essential to
integrate solar power plants with SMART LOAD & GENERATION
MANAGEMENT SYSTEM comprising of a system for real time load
monitoring and smart switching systems. Such integration will help match
the load to the generation as far as possible with the difference being
imported from / exported to the grid. Integrating Smart Load Management
systems can also help shift some of the loads to peak generation time, reduce
demand during peak load hours and minimize wasteful consumption of
electricity, if any. Integrating Solar Power Plant with Smart Load &
Generation Management System will help the institution to utilize the solar
power optimally during grid interruptions by enabling generation during grid
interruptions too and switching on the appropriate loads to match the solar
generation automatically based on a load priority matrix, thereby utilizing all
the power generated and catering to the most important loads.
Engineering Institutions being the nursery for future nation builders , can use
the rooftop solar power plant and smart load & generation management
infrastructure as a SOLAR LABORATORY for education and R&D
purposes. This can be done by designing the power plant to include different
types of solar modules (crystalline, thin film, concentrating PV), different
types of module mounting structures (fixed, single axis
dual axis tracking), different types of inverters (grid tie, hybrid). Needless to
state that the educational and R & D value of the infrastructure will be over
and above its productive use for power generation and its optimal utilization.

Once such infrastructure is in place, engineering institutions can encourage
its students and faculty to take up research in crucial areas such as energy
storage, forecasting etc., which are essential for scheduling solar power
which is a pre-requisite for increasing the penetration of solar power in the



Acknowledge iv

Abstract v

List of Figure viii

List of Table ix

List of Symbols x














Fig 1.1 Rooftop PV systems at Googolplex, California…………………. 2

Fig 1.2 Rooftop PV hybrid system……………………………………………… 3

Fig 4.1 Installation of solar cell ………………………………………………… 16

Fig 4.2 Solar deal ……………………………………………………………………. 17

Fig 4.3 Investment and economy …………………………………………….. 18

Fig 4.4 Rooftop installation ……………………………………………………… 19

Fig 6.1 Basic of solar cell …………………………………………………………… 25

Fig 6.2 Cycle of development ……………………………………………………. 27

Fig 7.1 Solar module ………………………………………………………………. 29

Fig 7.2 Solar manufacturing plant ……………………………………………… 31

Fig 8.1 Deflection of rays ………………………………………………………… … 33

Fig 11.1 Grid pv without diesel generator ………………………………………. 41

Fig 11.2 Grid pv with diesel generator …………………………………………… 42



Table 1.1 Cost of electricity …………………………………………………….. 23










A rooftop photovoltaic power station, or rooftop PV system, is a photovoltaic

system that has its electricity-generating solar panels mounted on the rooftop of a
residential or commercial building or structure. The various components of such a
system include photovoltaic modules, mounting systems, cables, solar inverters
and other electrical accessories.

Rooftop mounted systems are small compared to ground-mounted photovoltaic

power stations with capacities in the megawatt range. Rooftop PV systems on
residential buildings typically feature a capacity of about 5 to 20 kilowatts (kW),
while those mounted on commercial buildings often reach 100 kilowatts or more.

1.1 Installation

Fig 1.1 Rooftop PV systems at Googleplex, California

The urban environment provides a large amount of empty rooftop spaces

and can inherently avoid the potential land use and environmental
concerns. Estimating rooftop solar insolation is a multi-faceted process, as
insolation values in rooftops are impacted by the following:

Time of the year

Weather conditions
Roof slope
Roof aspect
Shading from adjacent buildings and vegetation

There are various methods for calculating potential solar PV roof systems
including the use of Lidar and orthophotos. Sophisticated models can even
determine shading losses over large areas for PV deployment at the
municipal level.

In a grid connected rooftop photovoltaic power station, the generated electricity

can sometimes be sold to the servicing+g electric utility for use e payback for the
investment of the installer. Many consumers from across the world are switching
to this mechanism owing to the revenue yielded. A public utility commission
usually sets the rate that the utility pays for this electricity, which could be at the
retail rate or the lower wholesale rate, greatly affecting solar power payback and
installation demand.

The FIT as it is commonly known has led to an expansion in the solar PV

industry worldwide. Thousands of jobs have been created through this form of
subsidy. However it can produce a bubble effect which can burst when the FIT is
removed. It has also increased the ability for localised production and embedded
generation reducing transmission losses through power lines.

1.2 Hybrid systems

Fig1.2 Rooftop PV hybrid system.

rooftop photovoltaic power station (either on-grid or off-grid) can be used in

conjunction with other power A components like diesel generators, wind turbines,
batteries etc. These solar hybrid power systems may be capable of providing a
continuous source of power.

1.3 Advantages

Installers have the right to feed solar electricity into the public grid and hence
receive a reasonable premium tariff per generated kWh reflecting the benefits of
solar electricity to compensate for the current extra costs of PV electricity.

1.4 Disadvantages

An electrical power system containing a 10% contribution from PV stations

would require a 2.5% increase in load frequency control (LFC) capacity over a
conventional system[jargon] - in issue which may be countered by using synch
converters in the DC/AC-circuit of the PV system. The break-even cost for PV
power generation was in 1996 found to be relatively high for contribution levels
of less than 10%. Higher proportions of PV power generation gives lower break-
even costs, but economic and LFC considerations imposed an upper limit of about
10% on PV contributions to the overall power systems.

1.5 Technical Challenges

There are many technical challenges to integrating large amounts of rooftop PV

systems to the power grid. For example:

1.5.1 Reverse Power Flow

The electric power grid was not designed for two way power flow at the
distribution level. Distribution feeders are usually designed as a radial
system for one way power flow transmitted over long distances from
large centralized generators to customer loads at the end of the
distribution feeder. Now with localized and distributed solar PV
generation on rooftops, reverse flow causes power to flow to the
substation and transformer, causing significant challenges. This has
adverse effects on protection coordination and voltage regulators.

1.5.2 Ramp rates

Rapid fluctuations of generation from PV systems due to intermittent

clouds cause undesirable levels of voltage variability in the distribution
feeder. At high penetration of rooftop PV, this voltage variability
reduces the stability of the grid due to transient imbalance in load and
generation and causes voltage and frequency to exceed set limits if not
countered by power controls. That is, the centralized generators cannot
ramp fast enough to match the variability of the PV systems causing
frequency mismatch in the nearby system. This could lead to blackouts.
This is an example of how a simple localized rooftop PV system can
affect the larger power grid. The issue is partially mitigated by
distributing solar panels over a wide area, and by adding storage.


To achieve a sustainable development route that provides advancement in

economic as well as environmental objectives, MNRE is closely working with
the C e n t r a l / S t a t e / U T G o v e r n m e n t a n d Central/State Electricity
Commissions on various schemes:

1.6.1 20 States have developed Solar Policies supporting Grid Connected

Solar Rooftop Systems, and
1.6.2 State Electricity Regulatory Commissions of 34 States/UTs have
notified regulations fornet-metering/gross-metering as on 06.01.2017.

1.6.3 Some State Governments also provide capital subsidy in addition to CFA
provided by MNRE. Thus under the Chief Minister’s Solar Rooftop Capital
Incentive Scheme, Tamil Nadu Government provides a capital subsidy of
Rs. 20,000 per kilowatt for grid- connected residential solar PV systems in
addition to the 30% subsidy scheme of MNRE. Similar incentive is also
being provided by the State Governments of Gujarat & Chhattisgarh.



The history of photovoltaic energy (aka. solar cells) started way back in 1876.
William Grylls Adams along with a student of his, Richard Day, discovered that
when selenium was exposed to light, it produced electricity. An electricity expert,
Werner von Siemens, stated that the discovery was “scientifically of the most far-
reaching importance”. The selenium cells were not efficient, but it was proved that
light, without heat or moving parts, could be converted into electricity.

In 1953, Calvin Fuller, Gerald Pearson, and Daryl Chapin, discovered the silicon
solar cell. This cell actually produced enough electricity and was efficient enough
to run small electrical devices. The New York Times stated that this discovery was
“the beginning of a new era, leading eventually to the realization of harnessing the
almost limitless energy of the sun for the uses of civilization.”

The year is 1956, and the first solar cells are available commercially. The cost
however is far from the reach of everyday people. At $300 for a 1 watt solar cell,
the expense was far beyond anyone’s means. 1956 started showing us the first
solar cells used in toys and radios. These novelty items were the first item to have
solar cells available to consumers.

In the late 1950’s and early 1960’s satellites in the USA’s and Soviet’s space
program were powered by solar cells and in the late 1960’s solar power was
basically the standard for powering space bound satellites.

In the early 1970’s a way to lower to cost of solar cells was discovered. This
brought the price down from $100 per watt to around $20 per watt. This research
was spearheaded by Exxon. Most off-shore oil rigs used the solar cells to power
the waning lights on the top of the rigs.

The period from the 1970’s to the 1990’s saw quite a change in the usage of solar
cells. They began showing up on railroad crossings, in remote places to power
homes, Australia used solar cells in their microwave towers to expand their
telecommunication capabilities. Even desert regions saw solar power bring water
to the soil where line fed power was not an option!

Today we see solar cells in a wide variety of places. You may see solar powered
cars. There is even a solar powered aircraft that has flown higher than any other
aircraft with the exception of the Blackbird. With the cost of solar cells well within
everyone’s budget, solar power has never looked so tempting.

Recently new technology has given us screen printed solar cells, and a solar fabric
that can be used to side a house, even solar shingles that install on our roofs.
International markets have opened up and solar panel manufacturers are now
playing a key role in the solar power industry.

 1838

In 1838, Edmund Becquerel started the history of solar energy when he

observed how the nature of certain materials turns light into energy and even
published his findings. Although very interesting, this work was not further
continued and solar power history went on.

 1860 – 1881

Then from 1860 - 1881, Auguste Mouchout (whose research was funded by
the French Monarch) patented a design that turned energy from the sun into
mechanical steam power and thus made the first motor to run on solar
energy... the steam engine. Later he took this steam engine and attached it to
a refrigeration unit proving that the sun's rays can make ice! He received
much attention for this find and was even awarded a medal.

Unfortunately, solar energy history took a bad turn when his research was
cut short by the French Monarch who struck a deal with England for the
supply of coal for energy leaving Mouchout's work unexplored further and
on the back burner due to lack of funding.

 1873

In 1873, a British man named Willoughby Smith was testing material for use
in underwater cables and noticed that selenium had a great sensitivity to
light. This resulted in further experimentation with selenium cells for energy
 1876 – 1878

Solar power history happened again when the first book about solar energy
was written between 1876 - 1878 by William Adams and it was called: A
Substitute for Fuel in Tropical Countries.

By experimenting with the sun and mirrors, Adam's and a student of his
named Richard Day were able to power a 2.5 horsepower steam engine. This
was much bigger than Mouchout's .5 horse powered steam engine and this
design called the Power Tower is still being used in energy applications

 1883

Charles Fritz was responsible for another breakthrough in solar power

history when he created a solar cell with a conversion rate of 1-2% in 1883.
At this time in solar energy history, that was a lot!

 1885 – 1889

From 1885 to 1889, a French citizen named Charles Tellier performed solar
experiments with a non-concentrating/ non-reflecting solar motor and
created a solar energy system that could heat water by collecting roof top
sunlight. Later, Tellier gained fame as the father of refrigeration and decided
not to pursue his solar experiments further.

 1868 – 1888

Between 1868 and 1888, an American who immigrated from Sweden named
John Ericsson added to the history of solar power by further developing a
solar powered steam engine, very much like Mouchout's in design.

He was also one of the first to actively raise awareness about the depleting
coal fields of Europe and the eventual inevitability of solar energy use.

 1892 - 1905

Next in solar power history, the first solar energy company was founded by
Aubrey Eneas and was called The Solar Motor Co. They sold a solar power
system to Dr. A.J. Chandler of Mesa, Arizona for $2,160, which was
destroyed days later by a windstorm. They then sold another solar energy
system to John May, but it too was ruined by a hailstorm. As a result, the
company closed down.

 1904

Henry Willsie attributed to the history of solar power by being the first
person to generate solar energy at night and use it in the day. He even built 2
huge plants in California for the purpose of storing generated solar power.
However, his company also folded due to lack of sales.

 1906 – 1914

In 1906 - 1914 the largest and most cost-effective solar energy system was
built by Frank Shuman's Sun Power Company. It spanned over 10,000 feet,
produced a lot of steam, but the problem was it didn't produce enough
pressure to be effective. Shuman then joined forces with E.P. Haines to build
an irrigation plant just outside of Cairo, which was eventually destroyed
during the Great War period.

 1954

Calvin Fuller, Gerald Pearson and Daryl Chaplin of Bell Laboratories all
contributed the history of solar power by discovering a much more efficient
solar panel when they stumbled upon the application of silicon as a semi-
conductor. The result was a solar panel with a 6% efficiency rating. Quite an
impressive spot in solar power history!

 1956

Solar energy history was made in 1956 when the very first commercial solar
cell was made available for purchase at $300 per watt. Wow that's
expensive. It was typically used then in radios and other "low wattage"

 1950s - 1960s

In 1958 the history of solar energy changed again when the space program
launched the Vanguard I, which for the first time ever successfully generated
electricity using solar power in space.

 1970

In 1970, when the OPEC oil embargo came, it also changed solar energy
history by growing awareness that we couldn't rely on fossil fuels forever
and the world better embraced the possibility of solar power as a viable
alternative form of energy. As a result solar history was made when the price
of solar cells dropped to $20 per watt - a much more affordable rate which
ultimately opened the door for the creation of many more solar powered
products and solar energy applications.

 1980 – 1991

During the eighties a Los Angeles company named Luz Co. made solar
energy history by managing to produce 95% of the entire world's solar
electricity. With numbers like this, you'd think they would survive, but when
the price of fossil fuels dropped and the government reconsidered state and
federal incentives, investors backed out and Luz Co. was shut down. A sore
spot in solar power history.

 Modern Day

Today, the history of solar power goes on, as solar energy becomes a lot
more practical as well as more affordable for both residential and
commercial use. This is due to the steady development of solar technology
and the invention of better, more efficient solar panels.

People are now able to power their homes, cottages, businesses and outdoor
equipment with solar energy for a fraction of what it used to cost.

As the history of solar energy progresses, governments have also relaxed

some of the restrictions on solar power usage. In fact, they now even offer
rebates, tax benefits and other incentives for utilizing solar power or for
solar based employment programs. As a result, more and more people are
now realising the benefits of solar power and enjoying the savings.




Power is one of the key infrastructures for growth of Industry and economy. Over
the past two years, India's economy expanded at an average annual rate of 7.3% to
7.6%, placing it among the top five fastest growing nations in the world.

With about 308 GW of installed capacity (as of November 2016), the Indian
power system is among the largest in the world, but per capita consumption of
electricity is less than one- fourth of the world average. An estimated 55 million
households are not connected to the national grid. Even when connected, many
face frequent disruptions and get low quality power. India's power system needs to
almost quadruple in size by the year 2040 to catch up and keep pace with
electricity demand that— boosted by rising incomes and new connections to the
grid—increases at almost 5% per year.

With an average solar insolation of 4-7kwh/m2 and 300 sunny days in a year,
India's potential for harnessing solar power is immense. Government of India
(GoI) wants a growing share of the country's electricity generation to come from
renewable energy.

In its NDCs, India aims to increase the share of installed electric power capacity
from non- fossil-fuel-based energy resources to 40 % by 2030. With India setting
the ambitious target of 175 GW by the year 2022 for Renewable Power, this sector
is now poised for a quantum jump.
As a part of clean climate commitments, India plans to install 40 GW of PV
Rooftop Solar Systems by 2022. With a market potential of 124 GW, around 506
MW of Rooftop Solar has been installed up to December 2016.

Government of India has taken an ambitious target of 100,000 MW of solar power

by 2022 out of which 40,000 MW is to be achieved through Rooftop Solar (RTS)
power plants as per the clean climate commitments.

Realizing our immense RTS potential and the ambitious targets, MNRE had
launched Grid Connected Rooftop and Small Solar Power Plant Program with
increased budget of `5,000 Crore (`50 billion) for rooftop solar photovoltaic (RTS)
projects up to 2019-20.

Under this program, RTS capacity in the commercial and industrial sectors is to be
developed without any subsidy support. RTS plants on rooftops and vacant area of
buildings in residential/ social/ institutional/ Government/ PSU sectors would be
developed based on subsidy/ incentive as follows:

3.1.1 For rooftops and vacant areas of buildings in residential/ social/

institutional sectors, capital subsidy at the rate of upto 30% of project
cost or benchmark cost whichever is lower for General Category
States and upto 70% of project cost or bench mark cost whichever is
lower for Special Category States/Islands.

3.1.2 Special Category States/Islands: North Eastern States including Sikkim,

Uttarakhand, Himachal Pradesh, Jammu & Kashmir and Lakshadweep,
Andaman & Nicobar Islands.
3.1.3 General Category States: All other States/UTs not covered under special
3.1.4 Residential buildings: All types of residential buildings, including group
3.1.5 Social sector buildings: Community centers, welfare homes, old age
homes, orphanages, common service centers, common workshop for
artisans or craftsman, facilities used for the community. Trusts/ NGO/
Voluntary organizations/ training institutes, any other establishments for
common public use, etc.
3.1.6 Institutional buildings: Schools, health institutes including medical
colleges & hospitals, universities, educational institutes, etc.
3.1.7 Benchmark price: For rooftop solar PV systems without battery
backup support benchmark price is Rs. 75 per Wp at present.




3kW (kilowatt) solar systems typically sell in the US (as at March 2017) for
between $2.95 and $3.50 per watt meaning a cost of between $8,850 and $10,500
before the 30% solar tax credit.

After the 30% solar tax credit this equates to a range of $6,195 to $7,350.
However, the price varies by state and also depending on whether the system is
purchased for cash or whether the system is financed. Most solar financing offers
have an origination fee of 10-12% and so systems that are financed are usually 10-
15% more expensive.

We have a table on the front page of our site showing the cost of a 3kW solar
system in your area, both for cash purchase and finance in each state.
It pays to be a cash buyer when it comes to solar !!

Fig 4.1 installing of solar cell

3.2 Best Solar Deals Available

To see the best deals available for cash or financed solar systems in your city you
can either use the solar quote comparison tool on the homepage of this site or use
the solar panel calculator above. Unfortunately there is no real way to see this
information without handing over your personal details.

Pricing is a solar companies most commercially sensitive information and very few
solar companies allow us to share their pricing information with consumers
without requiring us to validate your contact information. However, we are very
strict with installers about not spamming you and we protect your personal

Fig 4.2 solar deal

3.3 Saving Of a 3KW System

The amount you would save by installing a 3kW solar power system will vary
depending on:

 Your location: More sun = more power = Greater savings
 The amount you pay for power: Obviously the more you pay for power the
more money a solar system saves you. Remember when calculating this that
the solar will take consumption away from your most expensive bands of
power use first.

So although there is no one answer for this question that will be true for everyone I
would say the range of savings from a 3kW solar system would be from $500
per year to $850 per year in places with high power prices and a lot of sun.

Fig 4.3 investment and economy

3.4 Roof Space Required For Installation

Depending on the exact efficiency of the solar panel being used each 1 kw of DC
peak solar capacity requires around 66 square feet of roof space meaning a 3kW
solar system will require approximately 198 square feet of roof space.

Fig 4.4 rooftop installation



Fossil fuels, namely crude oil, natural gas and coal, are the world’s number one
source of energy. Despite being a non-renewable source, there is still a high demand
for fossil fuels due to their affordability and reliability. From heating and lighting
homes to fueling vehicles, fossil fuels play an integral role in energy production and
the global economy.

Even with the massive strides made in technological innovation, sustainable energy
has failed to usurp traditional fossil fuels. In order to incentivize renewable energy
adoption, governments have levied tax credits for solar and wind energy, which until
recently, were far more expensive than the status quo. However, due to increased
production, government subsidies and mounting environmental concerns, the costs
of solar and wind production have decreased. In fact, some markets generate
renewable energy more cheaply than fossil fuels. While wind energy is
predominantly used for commercial means, such as wind farms, solar energy has
both commercial and residential uses.

5.1 Solar Power

Though renewable energy represents a fraction of total energy consumed, the U.S. is
the leading consumer of renewable energy. Yet, despite the increase of available
solar energy over the past 10 years, solar still only accounts for 0.4% of total energy
used in the U.S. Solar power also trails hydropower, biomass and wind in terms of
preferred sources of renewable energy, making up 4% of total U.S. renewable

Currently, only two types of solar technology exist that are capable of converting the
sun’s energy into a source of power: solar thermal and photovoltaic. Solar thermal
collectors absorb the sun’s radiation in order to heat a home or water. Photovoltaic
devices use sunlight to replace or supplement the electricity provided on the utility

5.2 Solar Power Adoption

Until recently, solar energy systems were only accessible to the wealthy or fanatical.
However, due to sharply declining costs, universal access to solar paneling systems
is becoming a reality. In the early 2000s, the average U.S. solar system cost $10 per
watt; in 2013, the price per watt was just below $4. As a result, the number of
photovoltaic systems installed in the U.S. has drastically increased among residential

and commercial spaces. Over the past decade, it is estimated that the global output
from photovoltaics has increased 40% each year.

Until recently, solar energy systems were only accessible to the wealthy or fanatical.
However, due to sharply declining costs, universal access to solar paneling systems
is becoming a reality. In the early 2000s, the average U.S. solar system cost $10 per
watt; in 2013, the price per watt was just below $4. As a result, the number of
photovoltaic systems installed in the U.S. has drastically increased among residential
and commercial spaces. Over the past decade, it is estimated that the global output
from photovoltaics has increased 40% each year.

Although solar power continues to account for a small share of overall energy
supply, the residential and commercial sectors are slowly embracing renewable
energy. As prices continue to decline, it is expected that solar energy systems
become more prevalent. In Europe, the price per kilowatt hour is expected to decline
to between 4 and 6 cents in 2025 and further decrease to as low as 2 cents in 2050.

In conjunction with increased production of renewable energy, there is an increasing

commitment to declining greenhouse gas emissions from burning fossil fuels. Many
cities and countries around the world have committed to cutting greenhouse gas
emissions 80 percent by 2050, including New York City. Besides cutting emissions,
California has committed to producing 33% of total energy by renewable resources
by 2020.

5.3 Tax Credits

Even though solar energy systems are more cost-effective today, residential and
commercial usage still receive government subsidies. In the U.S., the Renewable
Energy Tax Credit decreases the tax liability of solar energy users. A taxpayer can
claim a credit of 30% of qualified expenditures for systems that serve an occupied
space. The U.S. government applies the same credit to wind and geothermal systems.

Many European countries impose a Feed-In-Tariff scheme to increase the appeal of

renewable energy systems. Under a feed-in-tariff scheme, renewable energy system
owners can collect money from the government. Costs are based on per kilowatt-
hour (kWh), with prices varying between countries

5.4 The Bottom Line

For the most part, the commitment to renewable resources has come from
individuals, big businesses and countries. Besides solar energy, companies such as
Google (GOOG) and Amazon (AMZN) have committed to using wind to power
company facilities. With big businesses, individuals and countries continuing to
transition to renewable energy sources, adverse environmental effects from burning
fossil fuels can hopefully be moderated.

Typical PV system prices in 2013 in selected countries ($/W)

United United
USD/W Australia China France Germany Italy Japan
Kingdom States

Residential 1.8 1.5 4.1 2.4 2.8 4.2 2.8 4.9

Commercial 1.7 1.4 2.7 1.8 1.9 3.6 2.4 4.5

Utility-scale 2.0 1.4 2.2 1.4 1.5 2.9 1.9 3.3

Table 1.1 cost of electricity



Solar power cost reduction potential is highly correlated with the

efficiency improvement in solar technologies. JNNSMhas envisaged a
progressive and focused research infrastructure development. SECI is a
member of the Solar Energy Research Advisory Council (SERAC)
constituted by MNRE to analyze the existing research infrastructure in
solar sector and then to set up a framework which would incubate a
conducive environment for accelerating research and development
activities in the country in alignment with the vision of JNNSM. The
various activities being taken up by SECI are as follows:

6.1 Solar Radiation Activity

SECI is working on a R&D project for setting up calibration facility for solar
radiation measuring sensors in collaboration with Solar Energy Centre. The project
also has the objective of solar radiation data analysis at select locations.

SECI is planning to set up a 2.5 MW capacity demonstration plant at Himachal

Pradesh, in collaboration with Himurja. Project Site has been finalised. Tendering
process would commence soon.

Fig 6.1 basic of soler cell

6.2 Solar Guidelines

An initiative under the Indo German Energy Forum (IGEF), SOLAR GUIDELINES
is a web-based platform for encouraging rapid development of the solar power sector
in India by facilitating dissemination of information and latest updates on the
development of solar energy projects, policy frameworks announced by Central and
state governments from time to time, regulatory framework announced by CERC,
Regulations of the MoEF, Contractual Agreements (PPA/PSA), and procedural
details of approval and clearances required for timely commissioning of solar
projects in the country. It is envisaged to evolve into a one-stop information and
facilitation portal for all stakeholders in the solar sector that would help create an
investment friendly environment and give a fillip to the sector’s growth.

6.3 Solar Photovoltaic Cell

The Photovoltaics (PV) subprogram supports research and development projects that
lower manufacturing costs, increase efficiency and performance, and improve
reliability of PV technologies, in order to support the widespread deployment of
electricity produced directly from sunlight (“photovoltaics”). The PV portfolio
includes research directed toward reaching a levelized cost of energy of $0.03 per

6.3.1 Reaching Goal 2030

With the levelized cost of energy (LCOE) of photovoltaics having decreased by

roughly 90% since 2011, the PV subprogram is focusing on opportunities for even
greater cost reductions to reach a LCOE of $0.03/kWh. This will allow for costs of
several cents/kWh to address dispatchability and grid performance (e.g. for energy
storage devices, demand side management, grid operation and planning, and
advanced power electronics) while maintaining cost competitiveness

Fig 6.2 cycle of development


Solar Cell Material

Solar cells are typically named after the semiconducting material they are made of.
These materials must have certain characteristics in order to absorb sunlight. Some
cells are designed to handle sunlight that reaches the Earth's surface, while others
are optimized for use in space. Solar cells can be made of only one single layer of
light-absorbing material (single-junction) or use multiple physical configurations
(multi-junctions) to take advantage of various absorption and charge separation

Solar cells can be classified into first, second and third generation cells. The first
generation cells—also called conventional, traditional or wafer-based cells—are
made of crystalline silicon, the commercially predominant PV technology, that
includes materials such as polysilicon and monocrystalline silicon. Second
generation cells are thin film solar cells, that include amorphous silicon, CdTe and
CIGS cells and are commercially significant in utility-scale photovoltaic power
stations, building integrated photovoltaics or in small stand-alone power system.
The third generation of solar cells includes a number of thin-film technologies
often described as emerging photovoltaics—most of them have not yet been
commercially applied and are still in the research or development phase. Many use
organic materials, often organometallic compounds as well as inorganic
substances. Despite the fact that their efficiencies had been low and the stability of
the absorber material was often too short for commercial applications, there is a lot
of research invested into these technologies as they promise to achieve the goal of
producing low-cost, high-efficiency solar cells.

Fig 7.1 solar module

7.1 Crystalline silicon
By far, the most prevalent bulk material for solar cells is crystalline silicon (c-Si),
also known as "solar grade silicon".[citation needed] Bulk silicon is separated into
multiple categories according to crystallinity and crystal size in the resulting ingot,
ribbon or wafer. These cells are entirely based around the concept of a p-n
junction. Solar cells made of c-Si are made from wafers between 160 and 240
micrometers thick.

7.2 Monocrystalline silicon

Monocrystalline silicon (mono-Si) solar cells are more efficient and more
expensive than most other types of cells. The corners of the cells look clipped, like
an octagon, because the wafer material is cut from cylindrical ingots, that are
typically grown by the Czochralski process. Solar panels using mono-Si cells
display a distinctive pattern of small white diamonds.

7.3 Epitaxial silicon development

Epitaxial wafers of crystalline silicon can be grown on a monocrystalline silicon
"seed" wafer by chemical vapor deposition (CVD), and then detached as self-
supporting wafers of some standard thickness (e.g., 250 µm) that can be
manipulated by hand, and directly substituted for wafer cells cut from
monocrystalline silicon ingots. Solar cells made with this "kerfless" technique can
have efficiencies approaching those of wafer-cut cells, but at appreciably lower
cost if the CVD can be done at atmospheric pressure in a high-throughput inline
process. The surface of epitaxial wafers may be textured to enhance light

7.4 Multijunction cells

Multi-junction cells consist of multiple thin films, each essentially a solar cell
grown on top of another, typically using metalorganic vapour phase epitaxy. Each
layer has a different band gap energy to allow it to absorb electromagnetic
radiation over a different portion of the spectrum. Multi-junction cells were
originally developed for special applications such as satellites and space
exploration, but are now used increasingly in terrestrial concentrator photovoltaics
(CPV), an emerging technology that uses lenses and curved mirrors to concentrate
sunlight onto small, highly efficient multi-junction solar cells. By concentrating
sunlight up to a thousand times, High concentrated photovoltaics (HCPV) has the
potential to outcompete conventional solar PV in the future.

A triple-junction cell, for example, may consist of the semiconductors: GaAs, Ge,
and GaInP

Triple-junction GaAs solar cells were used as the power source of the Dutch four-
time World Solar Challenge winners Nuna in 2003, 2005 and 2007 and by the
Dutch solar cars Solutra (2005), Twente One (2007) and 21Revolution
(2009).[citation needed] GaAs based multi-junction devices are the most efficient
solar cells to date. On 15 October 2012, triple junction metamorphic cells reached
a record high of 44%

Fig 7.2 solar manufacturing plant


Solar Cell Working

The solar cell works in several steps:

 Photons in sunlight hit the solar panel and are absorbed by semiconducting
materials, such as silicon.

 Electrons are excited from their current molecular/atomic orbital. Once

excited an electron can either dissipate the energy as heat and return to its
orbital or travel through the cell until it reaches an electrode. Current flows
through the material to cancel the potential and this electricity is captured.
The chemical bonds of the material are vital for this process to work, and
usually silicon is used in two layers, one layer being doped with boron, the
other phosphorus. These layers have different chemical electric charges and
subsequently both drive and direct the current of electrons.

 An array of solar cells converts solar energy into a usable amount of direct
current (DC) electricity.

 An inverter can convert the power to alternating current (AC).

The most commonly known solar cell is configured as a large-area p–n junction
made from silicon. Other possible solar cell types are organic solar cells, dye
sensitized solar cells, perovskite solar cells, quantum dot solar cells etc. The
illuminated side of a solar cell generally has a transparent conducting film for
allowing light to enter into active material and to collect the generated charge
carriers. Typically, films with high transmittance and high electrical conductance
such as indium tin oxide, conducting polymers or conducting nanowire networks
are used for the purpose.

Fig 8.1 deflection of rays


4.1.1 Fuel source without limit.

4.1.2 Free, because main source is the sun Environment friendly, clean, do not
contribute to global warming, acid rains or smog, helps the decrease of
harmful green house gas emissions.
4.1.3 Does not use fuel therefore does not contribute to the cost of the recovery
and transportation of fuel or radioactive waste.
4.1.4 Become an official green business through Green Business Programs.
Solar power production is a silent process. The equipment needs little
maintenance. Saving money on long term basis.
4.1.5 The equipment is easy to install Increase the grid reliability i.e., voltage
and frequency

4.2 Maintenance Instructions

4.2.1 PV modules: The surface of the module should be cleaned every 10

days; the existence of dust on the module reduces significantly its
performance; always use water (neutral) with a clean cloth or sponge;
4.2.2 Inverter: Inverter is designed to work in a specific load conditions.
Therefore, any additional load should not be included. In case of any
continuous trip of MCB’s and malfunctioning of PCU, you should
contact our service engineer. If any overload alarm arises, the excess load
should be reduced immediately.



India has tremendous scope of generating solar energy. The geographical

location of the country stands
to its benefit for generating solar energy. The reason being India is a tropical
country and it receives
solar radiation almost throughout the year ,which amounts to 3,000 hours of
sunshine.This is equal to
more than 5,000 trillion kWh. Almost all parts of India receive 4-7 kWh of solar
radiation per sq metres.
This is equivalent to 2,300–3,200 sunshine hours per year. States like Andhra
Pradesh, Bihar,
Gujarat, Haryana, Madhya Pradesh, Maharashtra, Orissa, Punjab, Rajasthan, and
West Bengal have great potential for tapping solar energy due to their location.

Since, majority of the population live in rural Future Scope of Solar Energy in
India Singh Raj Bharat

Proceedings of International Seminar on Sources of Planet Energy, Environmental

& Disaster Science: Challenges and Strategies (SPEEDS-2015)areas, there is much
scope for solar energy being promoted in these areas. Use of solar energy can
reduce the use of firewood and dung cakes by rural household. According to the
estimates, Rajasthan and Jammu & Kashmir have the highest solar power potential.
Rajasthan, with its healthy resource of solar radiation and availability of vast tracts
of wasteland in the form of the Thar Desert, has a potential of about 142 GW.
Jammu & Kashmir receives the highest amount of solar radiation in India, and has
a significantly large area of wasteland in Ladakh. The state has an estimated
potential of 111 GW. However, this estimate may also include the land currently
under Pakistan’s control. Madhya Pradesh and Maharashtra both have more
than 60 GW of solar power potential. These are among the largest of the Indian
states and thus have large wasteland resources.
Both these states have ambitious solar power policies and plans to implement
large-scale solar power projects. Gujarat, the leading Indian state in terms of
installed solar power capacity, has an estimated potential of 36 GW. The state has
large tracts of land covered with marshes but these lands also support a
wide variety of wildlife. Gujarat already has an installed capacity of close to 900
MW of solar power and has already started developing utility-scale solar power
projects over water canals. Agricultural states like Punjab and Haryana expectedly
rank low in terms of estimated solar power potential. Punjab would find it

difficult to make available land for large solar power projects and has thus decided
to concentrate efforts
to set up solar power projects over rooftops and canals.
India’s current solar power installed capacity is around 3 GW, or less than 0.5% of
the estimated potential. Naturally there exists a massive opportunity to tap this
potential. As a result, the Indian government has increased its solar power capacity
addition target five-fold. Instead of the initial target to installed 22 GW solar power
capacity by 2022, the government now plans to add 100 GW capacities. This
includes 20 GW of ultra mega solar power projects, with installed capacity of 500
MW or more, across 12 states as against the India total Solar Capacity is 750 GWh



Asano, H, Yajima, K, Kaya

IEEE Transactions on Energy Conversion. 11(1): 188–193.

doi:10.1109/60.486595. ISSN 0885-8969.

Shallenberger, Krysti

"POWER TO THE PEOPLE-Investing in Clean Energy for the Base of

the Pyramid in India" (PDF) Retrieved 2011-06-20.



Typical Wiring Diagram For Grid-Connected Solar PV System Without Diesel Generator:

Fig. 11.1 grid pv without diesel generator

Typical Wiring Diagram For Grid-Connected Solar PV System With Diesel

Fig. 11.2 grid pv with diesel generator


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