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1 Skeletal muscle and fetal alcohol spectrum disorder

2 Semone B. Myriea,b, *, Mark A. Pindera,b

4 Department of Human Nutritional Sciences, bRichardson Centre for Functional Foods and
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5 Nutraceuticals, University of Manitoba, Winnipeg, MB, Canada, R3T 2N2

7 *Corresponding author. Tel: +012044947290; fax: +012044747593.

8 E-mail address:

9 Running title: FASD and skeletal muscle

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11 Abstract

12 Skeletal muscle is critical for mobility and many metabolic functions integral to survival and

13 long-term health. Alcohol can affect skeletal muscle physiology and metabolism, which will

14 have immediate and long-term consequences on health. While skeletal muscle abnormalities,

15 including morphological, biochemical and functional impairments are well documented in adults
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16 consuming excessive alcohol, there is a scarcity of information about skeletal muscle in the

17 prenatal alcohol exposure (PAE) offspring. This review examines the available studies

18 addressing skeletal muscle abnormalities due to PAE. Growth restriction, fetal alcohol myopathy

19 and abnormalities in the neuromuscular system, which contributes to deficits in locomotion, are

20 some direct, immediate consequences of PAE on skeletal muscle morphology and function.

21 Long-term health consequences of PAE-related skeletal abnormalities include impaired skeletal

22 muscle glucose metabolism, resulting in glucose intolerance and insulin resistance, leading to an

23 increased risk of type 2 diabetes. In general, there is limited information on morphological,

24 biochemical and functional features of skeletal abnormalities in PAE offspring. There is a need

25 to understand how PAE affects muscle growth and function at the cellular level during early

26 development in order to improve the immediate and long-term health of PAE offspring.


28 Keywords: muscle fiber; fetal alcohol myopathy; cytoskeleton proteins; amino acids; insulin

29 resistance
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30 Introduction

31 Skeletal muscle, comprising about 30% of the body mass in the neonate, is critical for

32 mobility and many metabolic functions integral to survival and long-term health (Columbus et al.

33 2015; Davis and Fiorotto 2009). Skeletal muscle abnormalities, including morphological,

34 biochemical and functional impairments, are well documented as common features associated
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35 with chronic binge and excessive alcohol (ethanol, ETOH) consumption in adults (Fernandez-

36 Sola et al. 2007; Simon et al. 2014; Steiner and Lang 2015; Urbano-Marquez and Fernandez-

37 Sola 2004). However, while growth deficits are common, and form key diagnostic characteristics

38 in fetal alcohol spectrum disorders (FASD) (Del Campo and Jones 2017; Landgraf et al. 2013;

39 Riley et al. 2011), there is a scarcity of research on skeletal muscle abnormalities in prenatal

40 alcohol exposure (PAE) offspring. Given that growth rate is highest during the neonatal period

41 compared to at any other stage of postnatal development and that the majority of this growth is

42 skeletal muscle (Columbus et al. 2015; Davis and Fiorotto 2009), it is important to understand

43 the effects of ethanol exposure during this period on muscle metabolism and function. Impaired

44 muscle function during early development could have many consequences including increased

45 risks for future metabolic conditions such as type 2 diabetes, metabolic syndrome and

46 cardiovascular diseases (Beauchamp and Harper 2015; Brown 2014; Dunlop et al. 2015).

47 This review explores the existing body of knowledge available regarding the teratogenic

48 effects of ethanol exposure on skeletal muscle in the fetus and neonate. Research questions

49 addressed to this end include: what skeletal muscle abnormalities at the morphological,

50 functional and biochemistry levels have been observed in PAE offspring, and are there any

51 known long-term health consequences related to early life abnormalities in skeletal muscle.

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53 Morphological impairments in skeletal muscle associated with PAE

54 1. Growth restriction

55 Growth deficits seen in fetal alcohol syndrome (FAS) and other forms of FASD include low

56 birthweight, which affects stature as presented by abnormalities in projected body weight and

57 height (Carter et al. 2016; Del Campo and Jones 2017; Landgraf et al. 2013; Riley et al. 2011).
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58 Inability to gain weight and low body mass index have been frequently reported in FASD

59 children, which have been suggested to be due to hyperactive behaviors, decreased cell mass and

60 increased metabolic rates (Del Campo and Jones 2017), however, these purported underlying

61 causes need to be studied. Growth deficits have also been reported in many animal models of

62 PAE (Chaudhuri 2000; Lee and Leichter 1983; Probyn et al. 2012; Sylvain et al. 2010). Some

63 research suggests that this physical growth restriction persists during the postnatal life (i.e., no

64 catch-up growth) despite adequate growth hormones (Aros et al. 2011; Castells et al. 1981;

65 Hellstrom et al. 1996; Tze et al. 1976) and nutrition (Lancaster et al. 1984). While the

66 mechanisms are not fully understood, one suggestion is that such alcohol-induced growth

67 restriction may be due in part to an allometric reduction in growth of skeletal muscles

68 (Ihemelandu 1984; Nwaogu and Ihemelandu 1999). Using a mouse model, Ihemelandu (1984)

69 found that body weight, and weights of specific muscle groups (soleus, biceps brachii, long

70 digital extensor and cranial tibial muscles) were significantly smaller in offspring exposed to

71 30% ETOH (v/v) during gestation. Similarly, using a rat model, Nwaogu and Ihemelandu (1999)

72 also found that the degree of growth retardation varied among different muscles, with more

73 active muscle groups like the tibialis anterior muscle of the rat showing less weight reduction

74 compared to the extensor digitorum longus muscle. The more active muscle groups have been

75 suggested to have a greater ability to regenerate and recover faster (David and Subramaniam
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76 2005). Although not directly assessed, the researchers from these two studies suggested that

77 retardation of muscle growth postnatally was due to suppression of normal myogenesis, resulting

78 in reduced hyperplasia and hypertrophy of muscle fiber. Later, using a rat model, David and

79 Subramaniam (2005) found that rat dams given 1 ml of 20% ETOH/100 g body weight

80 intraperitoneally during gestation resulted in significant reduction (p<0.05) in muscle weights,

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81 muscle fiber numbers and size in the offspring. However, this study also did not examine

82 myogenesis process at the molecular level.

83 Myofiber ontogenesis begins very early during embryonic development (Picard et al.

84 2002). In utero insults to the fetus are known to alter the number of fibers that are formed during

85 myogenesis, resulting in reduction in total skeletal muscle mass in the animal (Fahey et al. 2005;

86 Yates et al. 2012). Unfortunately, there is no research available that have assessed skeletal

87 muscle at the molecular level due to PAE, thus there is no information available on myogenesis

88 or other skeletal muscle-related subcellular biochemical processes that may affect muscle growth

89 in the PAE offspring. However, research on other types of stem cells indicate that ethanol alters

90 prenatal stem cell differentiation during early development, with almost all the studies to date

91 focusing on the central nervous system (CNS) development (Kim et al. 2016; Krishnamoorthy et

92 al. 2013). Additionally, the study by Hipp et al. (2010) showed that when amniotic fluid-derived

93 stem cells are exposed to ethanol during the uncommitted stage of differentiation this results in

94 commitment to osteogenic differentiation. In regards to muscle size, Mantha et al. (2014)

95 reported that mice exposed to ethanol during the second-trimester (period of muscle fiber

96 formation) had altered genetic networks and cellular processes in the fetal brain including

97 differentially expressed genes involved in skeletal and muscular formation, thus affecting

98 hypertrophy of skeletal muscle. However, this study was an exploratory assessment of gene
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99 expressions, thus there is also a need for more direct assessment of phenotype/function. Because

100 growth rate during the neonatal period is known to be a critical stage of development, with the

101 majority of mass accretion being skeletal muscle (Brown 2014; Brown and Hay 2016; Columbus

102 et al. 2015; Davis and Fiorotto 2009; Suryawan and Davis 2011), there is a need to study this

103 area in fetus/offspring exposed to ethanol during development as it will have immediate and life-
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104 long consequences.

105 2. Fetal alcohol myopathy

106 Adult alcoholic skeletal myopathy is one of the most common pathologies associated

107 with chronic alcohol consumption (Fernandez-Sola et al. 2007; Steiner and Lang 2015; Urbano-

108 Marquez and Fernandez-Sola 2004). Conversely, although characteristics of FAS may also

109 include symptoms of myopathy in the neonate there is a scarcity of information. Fetal alcohol

110 myopathy, which differs from congenital myopathies, is a dysgenetic phenomenon that occurs

111 when developing myocytes are exposed to ethanol (Adickes and Mollner 1986; Adickes and

112 Shuman 1983). Studies in human and other animal models found that fetal alcohol myopathy is

113 in part characterized by morphological alterations of sarcomere structure such as disrupted Z-

114 lines organization (Figure 1) (Adickes and Mollner 1986, 1987; Adickes and Shuman 1983).

115 The work of Adickes and Shuman (1983) showed that PAE can lead to fetal alcohol myopathy,

116 which is characterized by a unique constellation of skeletal muscles morphologic features and

117 presents as hypotonicity and flaccidity in infants with FAS (Adickes and Shuman 1983). In their

118 study of three neonates with FAS, muscle biopsies from the vastus lateralis muscle in these

119 children showed generalized hypotrophy of myocytes, dominance of type II fibers (over 70% in

120 two cases, compared to the normal 50%) and central nuclei in 5%-10% of the myocytes (normal

121 <3%) (Adickes and Shuman 1983). The constellation of skeletal muscle structural modifications
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122 observed included that the centrally placed sarcolemmal nuclei were surrounded by poorly

123 demarcated sarcoplasm, and there was marked sarcomeric dysplasia at the ultrastructural level,

124 wherein there was variability in the length and diameters of sarcomeres; Z-band material with

125 actin persisted in a coagulum of granulofilamentous debris; the number of filaments was

126 decreased (Adickes and Shuman 1983). Normally, the filament proteins of muscle cytoskeleton
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127 in the sarcomere are aligned in a configuration in which actin-containing filaments are attached

128 to the Z-band (Z-disc/Z-line) and interdigitated with myosin filaments (Figure 1) (Adickes and

129 Mollner 1986; Luther 2009; Vigoreaux 1994; Wang et al. 2005). For more on muscle Z-line/Z-

130 disc/Z-band, readers are referred to reviews elsewhere (Luther 2009; Sanger and Sanger 2008;

131 Vigoreaux 1994).

132 Adickes and Shuman (1983) believed that the pattern of muscle damage observed in

133 these neonates was due to dysplasia rather than degeneration as they found no inflammatory or

134 fibrotic response to the muscle damage. The damage seems to affect the contractile myofibrils

135 without inducing lysosomal activation and leaves nearby cellular components structurally

136 unaltered (Adickes and Shuman 1983). Overall, these researchers believed that hypotonia in FAS

137 is better attributed to an ethanol-induced dysplasia of muscle rather than to CNS malformation,

138 as previously thought (Schapiro et al. 1984). While there are morphological differences in adult

139 and fetal alcohol myopathy, it is believed that the mechanism of alcoholic damage to myocytes

140 may be similar between both, and any observed morphologic differences may be due to the

141 plasticity of growth in the neonate, which is lacking in adults (Adickes and Shuman 1983). Thus,

142 adult muscle shows a rapid progression to myonecrosis while infant muscle are more resilient to

143 cell death, but the surviving cell may suffer permanent damage to the subcellular apparati,

144 producing high quantities of disheveled proteins (Adickes and Shuman 1983). Animal models of
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145 PAE have also shown such structural damages to myoctes. Using Spargue-Dawley pregnant rats

146 given alcohol (12.5 and 20.0 g ETOH/kg body weight), Adickes and Mollner (1986) were able to

147 replicate that ethanol was teratogenic to developing myocytes resulting in disorganization of

148 sarcomeres and myofilaments. The nuclei in the damaged myocytes were either central or

149 subsarcolemmal. Myofibrillar damage manifested as Z-band streaming and disorganization of

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150 cytoskeletal proteins such as actin and myosin (Adickes and Mollner 1986). The cytoskeletal

151 proteins, including actin, myosin and α-actinin, are important for cell shape and focal adhesion

152 (Ni et al. 1992; Vigoreaux 1994; Wang et al. 2005).

153 Besides major disruption of Z-line organization in the sarcomere, other structural

154 damages have been noted in fetal alcohol myopathy animal and cell culture models. Using a

155 guinea pig model, Nyquist-Battie et al. (1987) found that ethanol exposure (8g/kg body weight;

156 30% ETOH v/v) during the second half of gestation resulted in the presence of vacuolated

157 sarcoplasmic reticula and enlarged lipid droplets, mitochondrial abnormalities (included irregular

158 shape) and decreased interfibrillar glycogen in gastrocnemius muscle (Nyquist-Battie et al.

159 1987). Moreover, these researchers found that the increased fatty deposits and the vacuolization

160 of the sarcoplasmic reticulum occurred in separate sarcomeres and was possible in different

161 muscle fiber types, likely the slow twitch fiber (type I fiber) and fast twitch fiber (type II fiber),

162 respectively (Nyquist-Battie et al. 1987). Guinea pig gastrocnemius muscle has predominately

163 fast twitch fibers (~88%), which these researchers believed represents the major site for ethanol-

164 induced sarcoplasmic reticulum vacuolization, conversely the slow twitch fibers are known to

165 contain much higher quantities of mitochondria and lipid droplets compared to fast twitch fibers

166 (Nyquist-Battie et al. 1987). Overall, based on the results observed and available literature,

167 Nyquist-Battie et al. (1987) concluded that ethanol exposure during the second half of gestation
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168 can cause changes in skeletal muscle organelles similar to those seen in adult skeletal muscle

169 exposed to chronic ethanol. This would suggest that maturational state once embryogenesis is

170 complete may not play the main role in the type of damage ethanol produces in muscle; however

171 the developing muscle in the young may be more sensitive. Using a chick embryo model of FAS,

172 Chaudhuri (2004) reported skeletal muscle damage, as evident by neutrophil infiltration, fatty
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173 degeneration and necrosis in chick embryos exposed to 10% or 15% ETOH. Chaudhuri (2004)

174 speculated that the fetal muscle damage induced by ethanol exposure could be due to a direct

175 fetotoxic effect of ethanol to cause generation of free oxygen radicals, or formation of aldehydes

176 such as 4-hydroxynonenal, because the fetus lacks an effective protective mechanism against

177 these disruptive processes. A derangement of maternal functions was also speculated as a cause

178 for the muscle damage and as well as growth retardation (Chaudhuri 2004). Ethanol teratogenic

179 effects on developing myocytes, resulting in disorganization of sarcomeres and myofilaments,

180 have also been observed in cardiac myocytes (Adickes and Mollner 1987; Adickes et al. 1990;

181 Ni et al. 1992; Uphoff et al. 1984).

182 In general, while there is limited research, the available evidence indicates that PAE can

183 cause myopathy through a variety of mechanisms, including disruption of myofibrillar structure

184 via alterations of cytoskeleton proteins and their disorganization in the sarcomere Z-band,

185 abnormal myofiber type distribution (dominance of type II myofiber), decreased myocyte size,

186 mitochondrial abnormalities, and enlarged lipid droplets. These features are all reminiscent of

187 observations in adult alcoholic myopathy (Rubin et al. 1976; Sunnasy et al. 1983; Urbano-

188 Marquez and Fernandez-Sola 2004). However, in contrast to adult alcoholic myopathy, these

189 modifications in the neonate are believed to be due to general disruption of myocte subcellular

190 structure rather than myonecrosis (Adickes and Shuman 1983). The limited animal in vivo and in
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191 vitro studies suggest that the mechanisms may vary depending on the severity of ethanol

192 exposure during fetal development and other factors (Nyquist-Battie et al. 1987), but should be

193 further explored. Future research should investigate if these damages are treatable or even

194 reversible if treated early. Studies in adult alcoholic myopathy suggested that myofiber damages

195 are mediated in part by direct ethanol effect, not necessarily nutritional deficiencies (Nicolas et
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196 al. 2003; Preedy and Peters 1990). Adult alcoholic myopathy has been shown to be partially

197 reversible (Estruch et al. 1998).


199 Functional impairments in skeletal muscle activities associated with PAE

200 Peripheral neuropathy due to abnormalities in the neuromuscular system contributes to

201 locomotion deficits

202 While PAE is well known to be associated with CNS defects (de la Monte and Kril 2014; Del

203 Campo and Jones 2017; Fontaine et al. 2016), abnormalities to the peripheral nervous system

204 (PNS) may also occur with FASD (David and Subramaniam 2005; de la Monte and Kril 2014).

205 For instance, children exposed to heavy (dose not defined) PAE can present with locomotion

206 deficits (Simmons et al. 2012), which is due in part to abnormal maturation of the neuromuscular

207 system (David and Subramaniam 2005; Sylvain et al. 2010). Alcohol-related peripheral

208 neuropathies are also known as alcoholic polyneuropathy as it may involve damage to sensory,

209 autonomic and motor nerve cells, and the pathophysiology is primarily characterized by

210 degeneration of the axons and a reduction in myelination of the nerve fibers (David and

211 Subramaniam 2005; de la Monte and Kril 2014). Symptoms include numbness, sensory changes,

212 muscle weakness, muscle cramps, and tingling. It is believed that individuals afflicted with FAS

213 also suffer from alcoholic polyneuropathy as they often have muscle weakness, muscle wasting,
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214 and atrophy (David and Subramaniam 2005). A rat model of PAE found that there were

215 alterations in the myelination of sciatic nerve fibers and in the connectivity of myelin sheath, as

216 well as the neuromuscular junction in the alcohol-exposed animals. The PAE animals showed a

217 higher proportion of endplates polyneuronal innervation compared to control animals, suggesting

218 delay in the maturation process of the neuromuscular junction system of skeletal muscles (David
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219 and Subramaniam 2005). Increased motoneuronal activity is critical for regression of

220 polyneuronal innervation; however, the adverse effect of alcohol on muscle fiber may cause

221 muscle to lose some of this functional abilities (David and Subramaniam 2005). Assessment of

222 electromyographic activity in the tricep surae and anterior tibialis muscles of children exposed to

223 alcohol showed delayed motor development as measured by increased long-latency responses,

224 which are thought to involve a transcortical pathway between peripheral somatosensory nerve

225 fibers and the CNS (Roebuck et al. 1998).

226 Sylvain et al. (2010) used a zebrafish embryo model to investigate the effects of ethanol on

227 cells involved in locomotion. Their results showed that ethanol exposure at 1.5% v/v or higher

228 affected motor neuron axon and muscle fiber morphology in a dose-dependent manner, where

229 3% ETOH (v/v) exhibited a mortality rate of more than 50%. In general, alcohol exposure

230 resulted in aberrant innervation, fewer axonal branches in primary and secondary motor neurons,

231 and smaller slow, tonic (red) and fast, twitch (white muscle) fibers, resulting in weaker,

232 uncoordinated movements during swimming in the zebrafish (Sylvain et al. 2010).

233 In the study by Adickes and Shuman (1983) the hypotonic state in the FAS neonate was

234 shown to be partly related to the altered distribution of myofiber types, with a dominance of type

235 II fiber. Type I fibers (slow-twitch myofibers), involved in sustained, tonic contractile events, are

236 required for maintenance of posture, whereas type II fibers (fast-twitch myofibers) are for quick
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237 contractions and fatigue rapidly (Bassel-Duby and Olson 2006). The pattern of motor nerve

238 stimulation is well-known to influence skeletal muscle fiber type, where tonic motor neuron

239 activity at low frequency promotes type I fiber (slow fibers), whereas phasic motor neuron firing

240 at high frequency (100-150 Hz) results in type II fibers (fast fibers) (Bassel-Duby and Olson

241 2006). However, this needs to be studied in the context of PAE.

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243 Metabolic effects in PAE that could directly impact skeletal muscle

244 Amino acids availability and protein synthesis in PAE

245 Amino acids are the building blocks for proteins and key regulators of metabolic

246 pathways that are crucial processes in development and growth (Davis and Fiorotto 2009; Lin et

247 al. 2014). During developmental periods, inadequate amino acids supplies for muscle protein

248 synthesis and accretion will lead to retarded growth. Alteration of protein synthesis has been

249 suggested as partial explanation of the mechanism of FAS (Schenker et al. 1990; Shibley and

250 Pennington 1997). Maternal alcohol consumption can impact nutrients utilization, metabolism

251 and transport by the mother as well as the fetus (Weinberg 1984). Indeed, PAE has been shown

252 to alter amino acids bioavailability and metabolism in the fetus (Marquis et al. 1984;

253 Padmanabhan et al. 2002; Ramadoss et al. 2008; Sawant et al. 2015; Shibley and Pennington

254 1997; Washburn et al. 2013). For instance, high dose of alcohol (0.29-0.33 g/100g body weight;

255 47.5% ETOH) to pregnant rats reduced protein synthesis in the brains of the fetus due to a

256 significant decrease in leucine uptake (Fisher et al. 1981). Henderson et al. (1982) showed that

257 high dose of ETOH (4 g/kg; 20% v/v) administered on the 20th day of gestation 2 hr before

258 sacrifice in rats decreased placental uptake of alanine, leucine and lysine. Marquis et al. (1984)

259 showed that rat dams given 20% ETOH (v/v) ad libitum for 4 wks prior to mating + 30% ETOH
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260 (v/v) during gestation produced fetus with significantly low plasma levels of proline and aspartic

261 acid compared to control fetus. Maternal acute alcohol exposure (single dose of 0.03 ml/g; 25%

262 ETOH v/v) in a mouse model resulted in decreased plasma concentrations of threonine, serine,

263 glutamine, glycine, alanine and methionine in both the dam and fetus (Padmanabhan et al. 2002).

264 Maternal alcohol exposure in sheep models resulted in acidemia in the mother and fetus, which
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265 reduced maternal plasma glutamine concentrations resulting in decreased circulating levels of

266 glutamine-related amino acids such as citrulline, arginine, glycine and asparagine in the fetus

267 (Ramadoss et al. 2008; Sawant et al. 2013; Sawant et al. 2015; Washburn et al. 2013). Using an

268 ovine model of maternal alcohol binge drinking (1.75-2.25 g/kg body weight; 40% ETOH w/v)

269 during the third trimester, Sawant et al. (2015) found that glutamine supplementation (100 mg/kg

270 body weight, 3 times daily) during this period was able to mitigate ethanol-induced growth

271 restriction, which was due in part to enhanced amino acids bioavailability to the fetus. Results

272 from their study indicated that maternal alcohol exposure during the third trimester significantly

273 decreased the bioavailability of asparagine, glutamine, histidine and threonine in the fetal plasma

274 as well as asparagine, glutamine, glycine, threonine, citrulline, alanine and leucine in fetal

275 aminiotic fluid (Sawant et al. 2015). Glutamine is involved in many crucial cellular processes,

276 including regulating gene expression, cell signaling and antioxidative responses (Wu 2014).

277 Unfortunately, almost all the aforementioned studies have focused on the effect of low amino

278 acids bioavailability on neurological functions in the fetus/offspring. For instance, glutamine is

279 found in high concentrations in the CNS and known to be important to neurochemical

280 distribution (Albrecht et al. 2010), and thus, the neurological pathophysiology of FASD

281 (Howells et al. 2016; Valenzuela et al. 2008). There is a clear need to also understand the impact
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282 of diminished amino acids bioavailability on muscle metabolism as amino acids such as leucine

283 is known to be a major regulatory of muscle mass in the neonate (Columbus et al. 2015).

284 Adult alcohol skeletal myopathy; the loss of muscle protein, may result from decreased

285 muscle protein synthesis and/or accelerated muscle degradation (Fernandez-Sola et al. 2007;

286 Simon et al. 2014; Steiner and Lang 2015). Although available evidences suggest that protein
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287 degradation might be minimally impacted in adult alcohol skeletal myopathy compared to

288 regulation of protein synthesis (Steiner and Lang 2015). Given the rapid rate of development of

289 the fetus and neonate, one must wonder if a similar phenomenon occurs in ethanol-exposed

290 neonates. Unfortunately, the underlying metabolic mechanisms for fetal ethanol myopathy have

291 not been properly investigated to date in ethanol-exposed neonate models. Adickes and Mollner

292 (1986) showed that PAE can cause fetal alcohol myopathy. They proposed that ethanol

293 teratogenic effects on developing myocytes lead to structural alteration of cytoskeletal proteins

294 such as actin and myosin, which in turn disrupt sarcomere structure via Z-band disorganization.

295 However, although their study with rats showed structural damages to skeletal muscle, the

296 damage was not mitigated by dietary protein manipulation as measured by comparing low–

297 protein (10% protein-calories) and high-protein (25% protein-calories) diets. Though this work is

298 just one animal study and therefore, more studies are required to understand the impact of protein

299 and/or amino acid supplementations on muscle in the PAE offspring.


301 Long-term consequences of PAE associated with skeletal muscle abnormalities

302 Increased metabolic diseases such as type 2 diabetes due to altered regulation of skeletal

303 muscle glucose metabolism

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304 Skeletal muscle is a major site of glucose metabolism, accounting for over 80% of whole

305 body glucose uptake (DeFronzo et al. 1981). Alterations in skeletal muscle play an important

306 role in many chronic diseases, including type 2 diabetes mellitus (Dunlop et al. 2015; Wolfe

307 2006). Glucose transporter-4 (Glut4) is a key molecular regulator of glucose uptake by

308 myocytes, which is stimulated through insulin signal pathways (Figure 2). Glucose taken up by
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309 muscle can be oxidized via glycolysis or stored as glycogen. Glucose intolerance and insulin

310 resistance have been reported in the offspring prenatally and/or postnatally exposed to ethanol in

311 various animal models (Gardebjer et al. 2015; Ting and Lautt 2006; Vaiserman 2015; Yao et al.

312 2014), although the evidence is scarce in human (Castells et al. 1981).

313 Although the mechanisms underlying glucose intolerance and insulin resistance in the

314 prenatal- and/or postnatal-ethanol exposed offspring are not fully elucidated, studies have shown

315 that ethanol may impair insulin action at various regulatory steps (Ting and Lautt 2006),

316 including in skeletal muscle insulin signal pathway activation of glucose transporter, Glut4

317 (Figure 2). Models of adult rat offspring prenatally exposed to ethanol have been shown to alter

318 skeletal muscle insulin signaling pathways due in part to decreased levels of activated insulin

319 receptor substrate-1 (IRS-1) (phosphorylated at tyrosine residue) (Chen et al. 2005),

320 downregulation of phosphatidylinositol -3-kinase (P13K) expression (Chen et al. 2005; Yao and

321 Gregoire Nyomba 2007), increased phosphatidylinositol-3,4,5-trisphosphate 3-phosphatase

322 (PTEN) protein expression (Yao and Gregoire Nyomba 2007; Yao and Nyomba 2008), and

323 inhibits protein kinase B (Akt) activation (Gardebjer et al. 2015; Yao and Gregoire Nyomba

324 2007), and atypical protein kinase C (aPKC) (Chen et al. 2005), which decreases expression and

325 translocation of skeletal muscle Glut4 to the cell membrane, resulting in lower Glut4 levels

326 (Chen and Nyomba 2003a, b), which may cause insulin resistance. These insulin signaling
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327 impairments observed in early ethanol exposed animal models are similar to modifications noted

328 in various animal and human models of altered in utero environment (Dunlop et al. 2015). In

329 addition to the aforementioned mechanisms, PAE or early postnatal ethanol exposure may alter

330 histone deacetylase (HDAC) enzymes, which have key roles in regulating glucose homeostasis

331 (Zhao et al. 2010). HDACs are a family of enzymes that catalyze the deacetylation of lysine
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332 residues in the histone proteins, which are important for post-translation modification. Ethanol

333 exposure is known to elevate markers of endoplasmic reticulum (ER) stress (Nammi et al. 2007;

334 Yao and Nyomba 2008) with research showing that ER stress can lead to elevation in the levels

335 of some HDACs (Kahali et al. 2012; Kawaguchi et al. 2003). Glut4 expression has been shown

336 to be hindered by deacetylation of core histones by HDAC (Raichur et al. 2012; Raychaudhuri et

337 al. 2008; Takigawa-Imamura et al. 2003) and insulin resistance has been observed resulting from

338 HDAC deacetylation of Akt inhibitor proteins PTEN and tribbles homolog3 (Trb3) (Yao and

339 Nyomba 2008).

340 Interestingly, the work of Yao et al. (2014) suggested that early treatment with

341 tauroursodeoxycholic acid (TUDCA) may reverse glucose intolerance in the prenatally ethanol

342 exposed rat offspring. TUDCA is a soluble bile acid that can modulate endoplasmic reticulum

343 (Yao et al. 2013). Studies of human offspring have previously proposed that glucose intolerance

344 (Castells et al. 1981) and obesity, particularly in females (Werts et al. 2014), can result from

345 PAE. Using a rat model, the researchers provided the dams with moderate ethanol (2 g/kg body

346 weight, 36% ETOH v/v) during the last week of pregnancy, and the adult female offspring (13

347 weeks old) were treated with TUDCA (15 mg/kg) for 3 weeks. This resulted in normalized

348 responses in skeletal muscle tissue to both glucose tolerance test (GTT) and insulin tolerance test

349 (ITT), restoration of PTEN and Trb3 levels to normal, reduction of nuclear HDACs to near
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350 control levels and elevation of cytosolic HDACs to normal concentrations. Glut4 mRNA and

351 protein in the muscle were returned to normative ranges with TUDCA treatment and

352 translocation of Glut4 to the cellular membrane was enhanced in response to insulin, while

353 TUDCA alone did not alter association of Glut4 with the membrane (Yao et al. 2014). This

354 suggests that enhanced Glut4 expression alone is not corrective of impaired muscle glucose
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355 metabolism (as measured by GTT and ITT) resulting from ethanol exposure, and that other

356 factors relying on insulin are required. One suggested factor is the inhibition of nuclear PTEN

357 and/or Trb3 allowing for upregulation of Akt activation by insulin (Yao et al. 2014). HDACs in

358 the muscle cell nucleus, but not the cyotosol were elevated by PAE and deacetylation of PTEN

359 and Trb3 in the nucleus would lead to cytoplasmic translocation where these proteins would

360 block Akt activation by insulin and translocation of Glut4 to the cellular membrane (Yao et al.

361 2014). Through a reduction in nuclear HDACs, the levels of PTEN and Trb3 found in the

362 nucleus are lowered, resulting in restoration of normal reaction to insulin for Akt and Glut4

363 translocation. It is also known that deacetylation of IRS-1 in the liver caused by HDAC2 can

364 hinder the insulin response of the P13K pathway (Kaiser and James 2004). Though Yao et al.

365 (2014) did not study HDAC2 or IRS proteins, they speculated that TUDCA restored acetylation

366 of IRS-1 and impacted the phosphorylation of Akt and Glut4 translocation in the presence of

367 insulin. Overall, because skeletal muscle is a major site for glucose disposal and insulin

368 sensitivity, a decreased muscle mass and other early muscle alterations will predispose the PAE

369 offspring to glucose intolerance and insulin resistance, greatly elevating the risk of diabetes in

370 the long-term.

371 Conclusions
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372 It has been stated that there tends to be an underappreciation for the role of skeletal

373 muscle in health and disease states in adults (Wolfe 2006), and a similar situation may also apply

374 to neonatal conditions such as FASD. Growth restriction, fetal alcohol myopathy and deficits in

375 locomotion, due in part to peripheral neuropathy, are some direct, immediate consequences of

376 PAE on skeletal muscle morphology and function. Long-term health consequences of PAE-
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377 related skeletal abnormalities include impaired skeletal muscle glucose metabolism, resulting in

378 glucose intolerance and insulin resistance, leading to an increased risk of type 2 diabetes. While

379 altered protein synthesis and the reduced availability of amino acids to the fetus are known to be

380 partially responsible for FASD, the research in this area focuses almost exclusively on the impact

381 on the CNS leaving a need for research targeting the effects on the peripheral nervous system

382 and skeletal muscle development and function. In general, there is limited information on

383 morphological, biochemical and functional features of skeletal abnormalities in PAE offspring.

384 There is a need to understand how PAE affects muscle growth (including effect on muscle

385 protein synthesis and protein accretion/mass) and function at the cellular level during early

386 development in order to improve the immediate and long-term health of PAE offspring.


388 Acknowledgements

389 The authors declare no conflicts of interest relevant to this manuscript.

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647 Figure captions

648 Figure 1. Simplified view of myofibril and its associated sarcomere unit. A myofibril is made

649 up of myofilament proteins: actin (thin filament) and myosin (thick filament). Sacomere, a

650 repeating unit of a myofibril, is defined as the area between two Z-lines (Z-discs). Thin filaments
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651 are tethered to the Z-lines and interdigitate with the thick filament.


653 Figure 2. Putative effects of prenatal ethanol exposure on skeletal muscle insulin signaling

654 pathways in adulthood. Ethanol exposed skeletal muscle may decrease insulin-stimulated

655 glucose uptake by the insulin signal pathway due to down-regulation in the expressions of

656 various components, including IRS-1 (insulin receptor substrate-1), PI3K (phosphatidylinositol-

657 3-kinase), Akt (protein kinase B) and aPKC (atypical protein kinase C). Increased expression of

658 PTEN (phosphatidylinositol-3,4,5-trisphosphate 3-phosphatase) is also noted. See text for

659 references. Akt mediates many insulin-induced metabolic effects including glucose metabolism

660 (e.g., Akt can inhibit GLUT4 translocation to the membrane) and protein synthesis via mTOR

661 (mammalian target of rapamycin) complex 1. PDK1, 3-phosphoinositide-dependent protein

662 kinase-1; PIP2, phosphatidylinositol 4,5 bisphosphate; PIP3, phosphatidylinositol (3,4,5)-

663 trisphosphate; Trb3, tribbles homolog 3; GLUT4, glucose transporter-4; p70 ribosomal S6

664 protein kinase (p70S6K); Glc-6-P, glucose-6-phosphate.


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Figure 2

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