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PHALT TECHNOLOGY Check ~ up Test AY The primary qualiy control mechanism for the ploduetion of asphalt mixture a) Asphalt Cement Job - mix Formula ©) Asphalt Content 25, The most common used! method in tho dosiqn ant evaluation of bituminous concrete mixes @ Marshall Stability ttethou b) Plant Mix Method ©) None of the above 3), Alaver of an asphalt aggregate misturo of variable thickness used to eliminate ieregulavities in the ‘sontent of an existing surface prior to placement ol an overlay a) Asphalt Cement b) Asphalt Surface Treatment © Asphalt Leveling Course 2 Futshcaton of fw — viscosity culback ta an_abserbent surface," oF mixed = in application of omulsiid asphalt. tis used only on untreated base prior to placoment ef an esphall pase a) Asphalt Seal Coat © Asphalt Primo Coat ©) Asphalt Tack Coat 5) A ihin asphalt surlace treatment used to waterprool and improve the t xture of a asphalt wearing surface a) Asphalt Tact Coat ©) Asphalt Seal Coat ©) Asphalt Surface Coat 8) The upward movement of asphalt in an asphalt pavement resulting ia the information of film of asphalt on the surlace a) Blow ~ up b) Asphalt Seal Coat © Bloveing oF Fishing Asphalt 7) Anapplicalion of asphal materials to any tyve of road or pavoment surtave with of wlthoul a cover of mineral aggregates, that produce an increase in thickness of less than 25:nm or {inch a) Asphait Overlay Aspivall Surlace Treatment ©) Macadam Asphatt 8). The localized buckling oF shatlering of a rigid ~ type pavement, occurring usually al transverse crack or joint a) Longitudinal Crack Blow — up ©) Alligator Grack 9) A very ight application of asphalt applied to an existing asphalt or Portland! cement surlace, usec! ta ensure a bond belwoen the surface of being paved and the overlaying course @ Asphalt Seal Coat D)_Asphalt Tact Coat... ©) “Asphalt Leveling Course 10) A mixture of ow ~ setting emulsified asphalt, water aggregates and mineral filer, produced to a slury Consistency and placed on pavement surface. @ Asphalt Seal Coat Asoent EAesiod Sousey tere b) Asphalt tact Coat ©) Allof the above 11)The separation of the pavement due to natural causes, trafic action, or fetlections from an underlying pavernenit 8) Construction Joint Crank 2S Bh ing 12) The,bow! - shape Ios of vary slzos inahREYBIFnt, e-ultiny rom localized disinteyation - @) po ules i ) ch ks 8} ra ting ek patton inthe pavement structure undeineath 13) A crack in asphalt overlays that reflects the c ‘ Gi) Rolioctive Cracks ) Transverse Cracks 7) Hairiine Cracks 14)The progressive separation of ayyregate particles in pavement from the surface downward or trom 7 the edge inward 3) Pumping Raweling - ©). Micro ~ surfacing (19 'f cracks sometimes crescent shaped, that point in the direction of the trust of the wheels on the Pavement surface, caused by lack of Bond betwen two pavement layers a) Slippage Cracks “b) Reflection Cracks © Longiusnal Cracks jon thal might contribute te making a pavement shppery @ Skid resistance 6) Skid hazard 8) pont the ahove 17) A Department Order, heraby directed, No acceptance and final payment shall be made on completed conerele and asphalt pavement unioss core test for thickness deterunation is Conducted @ voniis rte (16) Any condi b) DOW SS ee c} DOH 100 18) A number of measurements for Asphalt core specimen é a) 2 Oa 1c) 8 ee 19)-A test covers the quantiiative termination of bitumen in hot mixed paving mixtures and pavement /__ Samples for specilication acce ance, service evaluation, control and research Extraction Tex te —_-b)- Spot Test ye ©) Hot ~ mixed Temperature Test 20yThe bituminous Prime Coat materials should be appliod by a pressure distributor at specilied temperature and at an application rate ranging irom 140 2iters/m? B) 110.2 ¥ liters/m® ©) 110 4 liters! m* 217 The rate of application for Bituminous Tack Coat materials (Item 302) ranging from : 3B 0.2007 liters . ) 0.2 t0 0.9 liters! m? ae ¢) 0.1 10.0.7 liters! m? 22) The gradation requirement used for Hot Plant Mix Bituminous Pavement a) Grading A t b) Grading C - * @ Grading dD é 28) Tho placing temperatura for Bituminous mixture measured nthe truck prior te dumping a @) Should not be less than 107 oC }) Should not be less than 100 oC 5 PADIE D (tp rast fay: stress) (WO) SPSinin, 259 arm) fees Rs dep Senn 4ag0h ag ascmn B® rigmm 2-40 o-eoMm [s-s0 6-Dmin D-2y Gopem a ©) Should not bo lo: s that 105 of 24) How many samipies of cove diilled samples be taken for e: @) Atleast one, but not mare than 3 ) Atleast two, but not more than 5 ©) Alleast sch dat full operation 75) The'solvorit used to lest on residue from Histillation at 2011 HG of Asphalt materials 2) Carbon Disulphide b) Hydrochlorico © Tichisroethylone 26) Atleast three (3) weeks prior lo production, he contractor shall submit in waiting ‘upported by laboratory test lata Job = mic tonmula eS ©) none of the above 27) Determines the thickness and density of eons) a) Id density test Compaction test Core test 28)'Sampling of PCCP/asphalt cure specimens shall be taken from the pavement using a) Auger boring Core ail %) Subsurface exploration acted asphalt pavement 29)'Size of'asphalt cora specimen for thicknas's aril densily determination a) Atleast 150 mim x 150 mm (G in. x6 in) 4) 100 mm diamoter full depth © alloline above d)_ none of the above 30) The diameter of asphalt core speci ‘i shall be al least equal to four (4) times the maximuin size of agyregates ‘wo (2) times the maximurn size of agujreyates ©) one and one ~ hall times !1e maximum size of aggreyatrs 31) ‘The thickness of asphalt core recimens + a) four (4) times the maximus size of aqijegalos imo (2) fines the maximus size of aysiegatos 9)_one and one half times tive maximum size of aygieyates 32Y Obtaining asphalt core specimens for each full day's operation shall be a) Al least one (1), but more than threo (3) core samples @) Alleast one (1), but not more than three (2) core samples ©) Atleast three (3), bul not more than three (3) core samples 33) Detelitiining the thickness of asphalt cora specimens is by a) Averaging the two (2) or throe (3) core samples b) Averaging the four (4) core samples Averaging the four sides of the core samples 34Y Bituminous mixture will be measured by a) Linear meter Tones "e) gin/om® square meters (Ir?) 38) The averaga,o “thickness, all be a lesist equal to ‘measures are made on the asphalt core specimens in determining the 4 ) 9 3 6

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