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27 March 2019

Ms. Jennifer Rodriguez

Contact Person

ATD Fourth World Philippines Foundation

Pandacan, Manila

Dear Ma’am Rodriguez,

Good Day!

I’m Mikee D. Manipon, a graduating senior high school student of Global City Innovative College
under the Humanities and Social Sciences strand. I’ve seen your post In IVolunteer website about
finding of Volunteers. My passion for volunteering made me want to join to your upcoming
events. I believe that my advocacy to help the children in needs can help me to be a good
contribution to the Foundation; with my experience as a volunteer in other Foundation is a good
start and I see volunteer opportunities not as a assignment to check off but rather as a chance to
learn and grow.

I would be honoured to continue my journey as volunteer in the FOL Workshops. I would love to
speak with you further and answer any question you may have, You can reach me through e-mail or through my mobile number- 0955 623 9516.

Thank you for your time and I look forward to helping in the FOL workshops!

Respectfully yours,

Mikee D. Manipon

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