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The Philippine Constitution is the supreme law to which all other laws must conform and
in accordance with which all private rights must be determined and all public authority
administered. We, on the government side uphold the constitutionality of the use of medical
marijuana in our country. Article XIII, Section 11 of the Philippine Constitution states that it is
“the policy of the state to adopt an integrated and comprehensive approach to health
development which shall endeavor to make essential goods, health and other social services
available to all the people at affordable cost.” In line with this, it is the purpose and intent of this
Act to provide accessible, affordable, safe medical cannabis to qualifying patients with debilitating
medical condition as certified by medical doctors and approved by the Medical Cannabis
Regulatory Authority. This bill also provides for the control measures and regulation on the
medical use of Cannabis to ensure patient’s safety and for effective and efficient implementation
of this Act.

The “Dangerous Drugs Act of 2002” recognized the medical use of drugs classified as
dangerous drugs including marijuana when it said in Section 2: “The government shall, however
aim to achieve a balance in the national drug control program so that people with legitimate
medical needs are not prevented from being treated with adequate amounts of appropriate
medications, which include the use of dangerous drugs.” It went further in Section 16 when it
provided that “ …in the case of medical laboratories and medical research centers which cultivate
or culture marijuana, opium poppy and other plants, or materials of such dangerous drugs for
medical experiments and research purposes or the creation of new types of medicine, the Board
shall prescribe the necessary implementing guidelines for the proper cultivation, culture, handling,
experimentation and disposal of such plants and materials.”

Article 2, Section 4. The prime duty of the Government is to serve and protect the people.
Article 14, Section 10. Science and technology are essential for national development and
progress. The State shall give priority to research and development, invention, innovation, and
their utilization; and to science and technology education, training, and services. It shall support
indigenous, appropriate, and self-reliant scientific and technological capabilities, and their
application to the country's productive systems and national life. Article 2, Section 15. The State
shall protect and promote the right to health of the people and instill health consciousness among
them. The following articles stated in the constitution are an enough basis that indeed the use of
medical marijuana is ACCEPTABLE and CONSTITUTIONAL. Let us not deprive the people of access
to health services.

When people hear the word marijuana, they think of drugs, addicts, and ruined lives.
However, marijuana has its buried good side. That is the main reason why we are proposing the
legalization of medical marijuana. Marijuana has long been used to treat a number of sicknesses
affiliated with pain. Most of these diseases are those that either makes people suffer or make
them terminally ill. Legalization of Marijuana for Medical purposes is necessary. Over 80,000
cancer cases was reported by the Department of Health and Philippine Cancer Society in 2010
alone that made us one of the most number of cancer patients in Asia. As of January 2013, the
Department of Health (DOH) AIDS Registry in the Philippines reported 10,514 people living with
HIV/AIDS. While National Nutrition and Health Survey, published in2003, which said there were
230 persons with epilepsy per 100,000 populations in the Philippines. It is very obvious that it is
essential to our surviving patients an alternative medicine to cure them or at least ease the pain.
From cancer patients alone we could minimize its number if we only open ourselves for a new
way of treatment. Recently it was reported that HIV cases in our country is spreading fast, we
can even prevent this if we only allow ourselves to see the advantages of marijuana.

Marijuana, like most plant products, is organic and leaves no remaining residue. Marinol,
a compound similar to marijuana, is traditionally prescribed, however, this chemical has a
disadvantage. Marinol contains only one active chemical, unlike marijuana with numerous
beneficial cannabinoids. According to Carter (2003), THC, the chemical found in Marinol, is only
one of the many beneficial cannabinoids in the natural plant. These cannabinoids are the specific
chemicals in the marijuana plant that performs the main effects of the plant. Another statement
is that although natural, the plant still contains toxic chemicals and these produce dangerous side
effects. To start with, the opposition claims that THC is the chemical responsible for the harmful
effects in one’s body. Marinol, which is what the opposition prescribes, also contains THC. Besides,
modern science and technology could separate chemicals and compounds from a plant. Scientists
could also replicate the process on marijuana, removing the toxic chemicals.

To summarize, marijuana can be taken in many different ways. These include oral, topical,
through tincture, and through intravenous methods. Due to its potency and numerous beneficial
chemicals, the cannabis sativa plant can treat numerous acute and chronic illnesses, such as
glaucoma, arthritis, and cancer therapy. The use of marijuana does not cause an individual to get
addicted, get withdrawal symptoms and possess a deteriorating personality. As a final point,
medical use of marijuana should be implemented as the benefits outweigh the risks.
Treatment to alleviate pain

Article 2, Section 4 of the Philippine Constitution states that: The prime duty of the
Government is to serve and protect the people

Your honor, ladies and gentlemen, good morning!

We in the positive side submit that marijuana or cannabis should be legalized here in the
Philippines for medical purposes. Medical Cannabis has been proven to cure illness such as
multiple sclerosis, glaucoma, HIV aids, relieves pain for those people who undergo therapy such
as chemotherapy and the likes.

I together with my team stand that Legalization of Marijuana for Medical purposes is necessary.
Over 80,000 cancer cases was reported by the Department of Health and Philippine Cancer
Society 12 2010 alone that made us one of the most number of cancer patients in Asia. As of
January 2013, the Department of Health (DOH) AIDS registry in the Philippines reported 10,514
people living with HIV/AIDS. While National Nutrition and Health Survey, published in 2003, which
said they were 230 persons with epilepsy per 100,000 populations in the Philippines. It is very
obvious that it is essential to our surviving patients an alternative medicine to cure
them or at least ease the pain.

From cancer patients alone, we could minimize its number if we only open ourselves for a new
way of treatment. There is a recent report that HIV cases in our country is spreading fast, we can
prevent this if we only allow ourselves to see the advantages of marijuana. These numbers are
alarming that calls the necessity of marijuana for medical purposes. Article 2, Section 15 of
our constitution states that: The state shall protect and promote the right to health of the
people and instill health consciousness among them.

The use of marijuana has also been a less addictive substitute than pain killers. Painkillers such
as morphine and vicodin are overly dependent on the elderly. The Center for Disease Control has
concluded that the deaths through painkiller overdose is more than half of deaths by injury.
Medical marijuana has proved for a fact that it is reliable painkiller. The Tetrahydrocannabinol
contained inside the substance has proved to cure muscle spasms and stomach cramps which
has been dated to be used during ancient Chinese and Egyptian cultures.

Article 14, Section 10 of the constitution states that: Science and Technology are essential
for national development and progress. The state shall give priority to research and development,
invention, innovation and their utilization; and to science and technology education, training and
services. It shall support indigenous, appropriate, and self-reliant scientific and technological
capabilities, and their application to the country’s productive systems and national life.

Moreover, Article 14, Section 12. The State shall regulate the transfer and promote the adaptation
of technology from all sources for the national benefit. Salus populi suprema lex esto, welfare
of the people shall be the supreme law.

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