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Official advice:
Exercise normal safety precautions


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Malaysia overall, exercise normal safety precautions

Coastal region of eastern Sabah including nearby islands and dive sites, reconsider
your need to travel

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1 of 23 10/10/2017 10:59 AM - Malaysia

This travel advice contains new information on local travel. The level of our advice has not
changed. Exercise normal security precautions in Malaysia overall. Reconsider your need
to travel to the coastal region of eastern Sabah.

Exercise normal safety precautions (

explained.aspx#level1) in Malaysia overall. Use common sense. Look out for suspicious
behaviour, as you would in Australia. Monitor the news and other sources for changes
to local travelling conditions.

Terrorism is a threat in Malaysia, including in Kuala Lumpur and other major cities.
Take official warnings seriously. Report any suspicious activity to police. Follow the
advice of local authorities. See Safety and security ( .

Malaysian authorities have arrested a number of people allegedly involved in planning

terror attacks, including against entertainment venues in Kuala Lumpur. See Safety
and security ( .

Reconsider your need to travel (

explained.aspx#level3) to the coastal resorts of eastern Sabah, including the islands, dive
sites and associated tourist facilities, due to the high threat of kidnapping. The risk of
kidnapping increases on the water and waterfront after nightfall and is highest in the
area between the towns of Sandakan and Tawau. See Safety and security
( .

Smoke haze across some parts of Malaysia, including Kuala Lumpur, is usual from
June to October but can occur at any time of the year. When haze levels are high,
Malaysian authorities recommend limiting outdoor activity. See Health
( .

If you are intending to travel overland from Malaysia to Thailand, read our advice for
Thailand ( . Travel to or through the
far southern provinces of Thailand is unsafe.

See Travel smart ( for

general advice for all travellers.

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If you are visiting Malaysia for tourism, you can get a visa on arrival for a stay of up to
ninety days. If you are visiting Malaysia for other purposes – such as business,
volunteering, study or research – you may need to arrange a visa in advance.

Contact an Embassy, High Commission or Consulate of Malaysia (

/foreign-embassies-and-consulates-in-australia.aspx) for the most up-to-date information on visa
requirements and other entry and exit conditions (such as currency, customs and
quarantine regulations).

If you violate your visa conditions or overstay your visa, you could face penalties including
fines, detention and/or deportation.

Always check the dates on the visa stamp placed in your passport are correct.

Make sure you comply with all immigration rules and regulations, including your visa

Other formalities
All foreigners entering Malaysia must provide biometric fingerprints of both thumbs and
index fingers on arrival. Children below 12 years of age and visitors with finger disabilities
are exempt from this procedure.

Malaysia regulates the import of prescription and non-prescription medication. Some

medications require a letter from the prescribing doctor. Contact the Malaysian High
Commission ( before you travel to check the rules regarding
any medicines you take. Keep your medication in its original packaging.

Make sure your passport is valid for at least six months after the date you intend to return
to Australia. If you arrive in Malaysia with less than six months validity remaining on your
passport, you could be denied entry and deported – even if you intended staying for just a
few days.

Carry suitable photographic identification with you at all times while in Malaysia.
Passports are required for travel between Peninsular Malaysia and East Malaysia (Sabah
and Sarawak).

Your passport is a valuable document and attractive to criminals who may try to use your

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identity to commit crimes. Always keep it in a safe place.

Be aware of attempts to obtain access to your passport by deception. If you are forced to
handover your passport, contact the Australian High Commission for advice.

By law, you must, as soon as possible:

report a lost or stolen passport online ( or

contact the nearest Australian Embassy, High Commission or Consulate (

/about-us/our-locations/missions/Pages/our-embassies-and-consulates-overseas.aspx) .

Declare on departure any Malaysian Ringgit (MYR) exceeding MYR30,000 or $US10,000
(or foreign currency equivalent). Higher amounts may be taken out of the country if
declared on arrival.

ATMs are widely available throughout the country.

There is an ongoing threat of terrorism in Malaysia, including Kuala Lumpur and other
major cities. Attacks could be indiscriminate and may affect locations frequented by
Westerners, including in Kuala Lumpur and other major cities.

On 28 June 2016, a grenade attack was carried out by Islamic State (ISIL)-linked
terrorists at a bar in Puchong, on the outskirts of Kuala Lumpur. Eight people were
injured. Malaysian Police cautioned the attack could be the first of a series of attacks
planned by the terrorist group in Malaysia. The group has threatened further attacks.

Malaysian authorities have made a number of arrests of persons involved in planning

terror attacks, including against entertainment venues in Kuala Lumpur. The Malaysian
Government has increased the visibility of its response to the threat. Joint patrols by
police and military are in place at public places around Kuala Lumpur, including shopping
and entertainment venues. Other possible targets of future attacks include hotels, clubs,
restaurants, schools, markets, places of worship, outdoor recreation events and tourist

Be alert to possible threats, especially in public places.

Exercise particular caution around locations known to be possible terrorist targets.

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Report any suspicious activity or items to police.

Keep an eye on the news for any new or emerging threats.

Take official warnings seriously and follow the instructions of local authorities.

If there is an attack, leave the affected area immediately if it is safe to do so.

More information: Terrorist threat worldwide (

Overland travel through Thailand

If you are intending to travel overland from Malaysia to Thailand, read our advice for
Thailand ( . Travel to or through the far
southern provinces of Thailand is unsafe.

Kidnapping threat in Eastern Sabah

There is a high threat of kidnapping in the coastal areas of eastern Sabah. Extremists
based in the southern Philippines are particularly active in the area between the towns of
Sandakan and Tawau in eastern Sabah. Foreigners have also been kidnapped from
nearby islands (Sipadan and Mataking) and surrounding waters. The risk of kidnapping
increases on the water and waterfront after nightfall.

A number of successful and attempted kidnappings occurred in coastal areas of eastern

Sabah in recent years. In November 2016, militants based in the southern Philippines
attacked a yacht in waters between eastern Sabah and the Sulu archipelago. One
German national was killed and another kidnapped. A number of commercial seamen
were also kidnapped from cargo vessels in the area in 2016. In May 2015, gunmen
entered a local seaside restaurant in Sandakan and abducted the manager and one
customer (who was subsequently beheaded).

Malaysian authorities increased security in the region in response to these and similar
incidents and the Sabah Government imposed restrictions on the use of waterways.
Current security measures include:

A curfew on all travel by water from 6:00pm to 6:00am in six coastal districts of eastern
Sabah state. This includes offshore areas up to three nautical miles (5.5 kilometers)
from the coast.

A requirement for all vessels travelling in the waters off Lahad Datu and Sandakan in
daylight hours to first get a permit or permission from police. Vessels must travel only
on designated routes.

A ban on all resort-organised water activities at night (such as diving and fishing).

Establishment of the Eastern Sabah Security Zone (ESSZone) comprising the regions

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of Beluran, Kinabatangan, Kota Marudu, Kudat, Kunak, Lahad Datu, Pitas, Sandakan,
Semporna and Tawau. There is an increased presence of security forces in the

The water travel curfew is subject to fortnightly extension. If you travel by water during
curfew hours without permission, you could face a fine or up to six months in prison.

The Australian Government's longstanding policy is that it does not make payments or
concessions to kidnappers. The Australian Government considers that paying a ransom
increases the risk of further kidnappings, including of other Australians.

Avoid all travel to the coastal resorts of eastern Sabah, including islands, dive sites
and associated tourist facilities.

If, despite our advice, you decide to travel to this area:

seek professional security advice

have effective personal security measures in place

make sure your hotel has appropriate security measures in place

exercise extreme caution.

More information: Kidnapping (


Civil unrest and political tension

You could encounter protests or demonstrations on the streets or at certain venues in
Malaysia. While rare, protest activity could lead to violence and could cause disruption to
public services, including public transport, and traffic congestion.

Police permission is required for public gatherings and demonstrations. If you take part in
a protest or demonstration, you could be arrested and deported for breaching the terms of
your tourist visa.

Monitor local media for information about planned and possible demonstrations.

Avoid all crowds, protests and demonstrations.

Follow the advice of local authorities.


Petty crime

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Petty crime is common.

Snatch-and-grab type robberies, where thieves snatch handbags, shoulder bags,

jewellery, mobile phones and other valuables from pedestrians, occur regularly. Busy
pedestrian crossings near major shopping malls are particular hotspots for this activity.
Motor-cyclists (and occasionally thieves in other moving vehicles) pull bags from victims,
often causing injuries.

Smash-and-grab type attacks against slow-moving and parked vehicles also occur.
Handbags, expensive watches, jewellery and cameras are tempting targets for thieves.

Many tourists have lost passports and other valuables to thieves on trains from the airport
and at airports.

Thieves sometimes work in groups at busy shopping centres. One or more thieves
approach someone with stories of distress or warnings for that person's safety.
Meanwhile, other thieves steal the person's belongings.

Carry only what you need. Leave other valuables, including your passport, in a secure

Avoid carrying bags that are easy to snatch.

Don't tempt thieves – avoid wearing expensive watches, jewellery and cameras.

Walk on footpaths (where available), away from the curb, with your bag held on the
opposite side to the traffic.

When driving or parking your car, make sure valuables are kept out of sight.

Make sure vehicle windows are closed and doors are locked at all times, including
when moving.

Pay close attention to your personal belongings, particularly in crowded areas, when
travelling on trains from the airport and at airports.

Be wary of approaches from strangers, particularly in shopping centres.

Fraud and scams

Credit card fraud is common throughout Malaysia. Credit cards are frequently copied in
places ranging from small shops to large department stores and hotels for later illegal

Keep your credit card in sight at all times.

Online scams have increased in recent years. Scammers tend to impersonate individuals
in need of financial assistance, and can prey on persons looking for prospective

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companions on online dating websites.

Be wary of requests for money.

Do not send money or provide your bank details to anyone you do not know.

Be cautious when sharing personal information with people you have not met.

Scams involving gambling are also common. More information: Scams (
/guide/all-travellers/avoiding-danger/Pages/scams.aspx) .

Violent crime
You could encounter violent crime in Malaysia.

Foreigners have been assaulted and robbed after their drinks were 'spiked', including in
reputable establishments. Foreigners have also been assaulted by taxi drivers, especially
in downtown Kuala Lumpur.

Never accept food or drinks from strangers or leave drinks unattended.

If you aren't sure if a drink is safe, leave it.

Stick with people you trust at parties and in bars, nightclubs and taxis.

Don't hail taxis on the street, especially after dark.

Book taxis by phone, use a shopping centre taxi desk or the My Teksi App.

Confirm that there is a license (with photo) on the dashboard or seatback before
entering a taxi. Make sure that the driver's appearance matches the photo.

If you're alone in a taxi, sit in the back seat.

Keep your belongings with you when you're in a taxi.

If your taxi stops to pick up additional passengers (which is not allowed but sometimes
happens), get out of the taxi when safe to do so.

Rideshare apps such as Uber and Grab are available in Malaysia. Use similar
precautions when using these services as for using taxis.

If you travel between Peninsular Malaysia and East Malaysia (Sabah and Sarawak), you'll
need your passport.

If you intend to hire a car, motorcycle, jet ski or any other motorised water sport

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equipment, first check with your travel insurer that you would be covered by your
insurance policy for any related damage and injuries. If not, consider paying a premium to
be covered.

Tours and adventure activities

The safety standards you might expect of transport and tour operators, including for
adventure activities such as diving, are not always met. Sufficient safety equipment may
not be provided and recommended maintenance standards and safety precautions may
not be observed.

Don't be afraid to ask about or insist on minimal safety requirements.

Always use available safety equipment, such as lifejackets or seatbelts, even if others

If appropriate safety equipment is not available, use another provider.

If you plan to participate in adventure activities, first talk to your travel insurer to check
if the activity is covered by your insurance policy.

Road travel
Motorcyclists are a common traffic hazard in Malaysia. They often weave through traffic,
drive through red lights and pedestrian crossings and travel on the wrong side of the road
to beat traffic congestion. Increasingly, drivers who react by shouting, gesturing or tooting
their horn at motorcyclists, are physically confronted and sometimes assaulted. You are
four times more likely to be killed in a motor vehicle accident in Malaysia than in Australia.

Drive defensively.

Avoid road rage. Don't react to poor driving practices of other drivers or riders.

To drive in Malaysia, you need a valid International Driving Permit (IDP) prior to arrival in
Malaysia. You can drive in Malaysia with an IDP for up to 90 days. See Road travel
( page for relevant
IDP authority.

If you intend to drive in Malaysia for a longer period, you will need a local driver's licence.

More information: Road travel (


Some taxi drivers, particularly in tourist spots or when roads are jammed, refuse to use

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the meter despite a law requiring them to use it.

SPAD, the government body regulating taxis in Malaysia, has an English language hotline
for reporting problems. To make a report, provide details such as the vehicle number, the
taxi company name, the time/date/location of the incident and the name of the driver (if

Always confirm the driver will use the meter (or agree the fare) before you get in a taxi.

At the start of your trip, take note of the vehicle number, the taxi company name and
the name of the driver.

If problems arise, call SPAD's English language hotline on 1 800 88 7732.

Public transport
There have been fatal and other serious accidents involving long-distance tour buses in
Malaysia, particularly at night or in adverse weather conditions. If you plan to travel by
bus, choose a reputable company and avoid overnight routes.

Sea travel
In recent years, several passenger boats have sunk because of overloading and poor
vessel maintenance.

Ensure that appropriate safety equipment is available before booking tickets on a

passenger ferry, speedboat or other vessel.

Don't travel on any vessel that looks overloaded or in poor condition.

When you board, confirm that life jackets are available and readily accessible for all

In bad weather, wear a life jacket, even if others don't.

A curfew on all travel by water from 6:00pm to 6:00am in the coastal districts of eastern
Sabah state. This includes offshore areas up to three nautical miles (5.5 kilometres) from
the coast. The water travel curfew is subject to fortnightly extension. If you travel by water
during curfew hours without permission, you could face a fine or up to six months in

Yachts and other vessels in the southern Sulu Sea and those sailing between Sabah,
Malaysia and Palawan in the Philippines are at risk from kidnapping. In November 2016,
a yacht was attacked in waters between eastern Sabah and Sulu by militants based in the
southern Philippines. One German national was killed, and another kidnapped and later
beheaded. In April 2014, two German nationals were kidnapped from their yacht in the
Sulu Sea and held captive for six months. See Safety and security.

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Piracy in south-east Asian waters is an ongoing problem, particularly in the Strait of

Malacca, around Tioman Island off peninsular Malaysia's east coast in the South China
Sea, and in the waters between Sabah and the southern Philippines. The International
Maritime Bureau (IMB) ( issues weekly piracy reports.

Reconsider your need to travel (

explained.aspx#level3) by boat in the southern Sulu Sea, including in the waters between
Sabah, Malaysia and Palawan in the Philippines.

Check IMB piracy reports, seek local advice and take appropriate security measures
before any travel by boat in the Strait of Malacca.

More information:

Piracy (

Travelling by boat (

Cruises (

Airline safety
The Australian Government does not provide information on the safety of individual
commercial airlines or flight paths. See the Aviation Safety Network (
/database/country/country.php?id=9M) for information on aviation incidents in Malaysia.

More information: Air travel (

National parks
National parks are protected areas and some are home to ethnic minority groups.

Be respectful of the law and customs in these areas. If in doubt, seek local advice.

Do not remove any wildlife or plants from the park.

Before entering a park, register your plans with park officials and let a reliable person
know of your plans.

You are subject to all local laws and penalties, including those that appear harsh by
Australian standards. Research local laws before travelling, especially for an extended

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If you are arrested or jailed, the Australian Government will do what it can to help you
under our Consular services charter ( .
But we can't get you out of trouble or out of jail.

Death penalty for drug offences

Penalties for drug offences are severe and include the mandatory death penalty for drug

Surrogacy laws
Under Malaysian civil law, which applies to everyone in Malaysia, it's unclear whether or
not (and in what conditions) surrogacy is legal. However, under Sharia law (which applies
only to Muslims), surrogacy is clearly illegal.

Surrogacy is not practised openly in Malaysia. It is mostly a private arrangement made

between the surrogate and the commissioning parents.

Seek independent legal advice before entering into a surrogacy arrangement.

More information:

International surrogacy (

Overseas birth, adoption and surrogacy (


Other laws
Some aspects of Sharia (Islamic) Law have been introduced by all states in Malaysia.
Kelantan and Terengganu states are particularly observant. Relevant provisions apply to
all Muslims, including those from Australia. Research applicable laws before you travel.

Penalties for criminal offences, including certain drug offences, commercial crime, rape
and robbery, may include corporal punishment.

Homosexual acts are illegal. Malaysian law provides for whipping and up to a 20-year
prison sentence for homosexual acts involving either men or women.

More information: LGBTI travellers (

Driving under the influence of alcohol is illegal. Penalties are strictly enforced.

Australian laws
Some Australian criminal laws apply overseas. If you commit these offences, you may be

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prosecuted in Australia. Laws include those relating to:

bribery of foreign public officials

child pornography

child sex tourism

female genital mutilation

forced marriage

money laundering


More information: Staying within the law (


Local customs
Malaysia is a multicultural but predominantly Islamic country. There are conservative
standards of dress and behaviour in many areas of Malaysia.

The Islamic holy month of Ramadan will begin in late May 2018.

Respect local traditions, customs, laws and religions at all times.

Find out what customs are observed at your destination. If in doubt, seek local advice.

Make sure your words or actions don't offend others' cultural or religious beliefs.

During Ramadan, take particular care to respect religious and cultural sensitivities,
rules and customs.

If you are not fasting during Ramadan, avoid eating, drinking and smoking in public
and in the presence of people who are fasting.

More information: Ramadan (

Information for dual nationals

Malaysia doesn't recognise dual nationality. This may limit the ability of the Australian
Government to provide consular assistance to Australian/Malaysian dual nationals who
are arrested or detained. If you're a Australian-Malaysian dual national, travel on your
Australian passport at all times.

If Malaysian authorities discover that you hold both Australian and Malaysian citizenship
you may be required to renounce either your Australian or Malaysian citizenship

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More information: Dual nationals (

Travel insurance
Take out comprehensive travel insurance (
/default.aspx) before you depart to cover overseas medical costs, including medical

Remember, regardless of how healthy and fit you are, if you can't afford travel insurance,
you can't afford to travel. The Australian Government will not pay for a traveller's medical
expenses overseas or medical evacuation costs. This can be very expensive and cost
you many thousands of dollars upfront.


what circumstances and activities are and are not covered under your policy

that you are covered for the whole time you will be away.

More information: Travel insurance (

Physical and mental health

It's important to consider your physical and mental health before travelling, especially if
you have an existing medical condition.

At least eight weeks before you depart, see your doctor or travel clinic for a basic
health check-up, and to discuss your travel plans and implications for your health.

Get vaccinated before you travel.

More information:

Taking care of your health (

World Health Organization ( advice for travellers

Not all medications available over the counter or by prescription in Australia are available

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in other countries. Some prescription medications available in Australia may be controlled

in Malaysia, even if prescribed by an Australian doctor. Restrictions may also apply to
some medications available over the counter in Australia.

If you intend to bring prescription or non-prescription medication into Malaysia,

first contact a Malaysian High Commission, Embassy or Consulate (
/default/view.rails) to confirm it is legal and to check the rules that apply. If your medicine is
illegal in Malaysia, consult your doctor in Australia about alternatives.

Take legal prescription medicine with you so you remain in good health. Keep your
medicines in their original packaging. Always carry on your person a copy of your
prescription or a letter from your doctor stating what the medicine is, how much you'll take
and that it's for personal use only.

More information:

Prescription medicines (

Malaysian High Commission ( in Canberra

Health risks

Smoke haze
Smoke haze often occurs across parts of Malaysia, usually from June to October but it
can occur at any time. Monitor the haze situation and any health warnings issued by the
Malaysian government and seek your own medical advice. When haze levels are high,
the Malaysian authorities recommend limiting outdoor activity. Regular air quality reports
are available from the Malaysian Department of the Environment (
/en/info-umum/english-air-pollutant-index-api/100) .

Mosquito-borne illnesses
Dengue fever is prevalent, including in major urban areas, with more serious outbreaks
reported from time to time. There was a significant increase in cases of dengue in 2015
and 2016. There is no vaccination or specific treatment available for dengue fever.

There is some transmission of Zika virus in Malaysia. The Australian Department of

Health advises pregnant women to discuss any travel plans with their doctor and to defer
non-essential travel to affected areas. The Department of Health's Zika virus
( bulletin includes other advice
for male and female travellers (and their sexual partners) on how to minimise Zika virus
risks. There is no vaccination available for Zika virus.

Malaria is a risk in rural areas but is less common in urban and coastal areas. Outbreaks
of other mosquito-borne illnesses (including chikungunya fever and filariasis) also occur.
Reported cases of Japanese encephalitis have increased in recent years.

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The risk of contracting mosquito-borne illnesses increases during the wet season.

Protect yourself against mosquito-borne illnesses:

ensure your accommodation is mosquito proof

take measures to avoid insect bites, including always using insect repellent and
wearing long, loose fitting, light coloured clothing

take prophylaxis against malaria where necessary

get vaccinated against Japanese encephalitis before you travel

discuss your travel plans and other vaccination needs with your doctor before you

if you are pregnant, defer non-essential travel to Zika-affected areas.

More information:

Zika virus ( (Department of


Zika virus ( (Smartraveller)

Infectious diseases (

Ministry of Health ( (Malaysia)

Dengue fever ( (WHO)

Rabies is a potentially fatal viral disease that can be found in dogs, monkeys, bats and
other mammals. In Malaysia, the most recent cases were reported in the state of Sarawak
and were transmitted through feral dog and cat bites. Rabies can also be contracted
when a rabid animal's saliva gets directly into the eyes, nose, mouth or broken skin.

Avoid direct contact with dogs and other mammals.

If you are bitten or scratched by a dog, monkey or other mammal in Malaysia,

immediately use soap and water and wash the wound thoroughly. Seek urgent medical

More information: Infectious diseases. (


Other infectious diseases

Water-borne, food-borne, parasitic and other infectious diseases (including hepatitis,

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tuberculosis, typhoid, cholera, and hand, foot and mouth disease) are prevalent, with
more serious outbreaks occurring from time to time.

Boil all drinking water or drink bottled water.

Avoid ice cubes.

Avoid uncooked and undercooked food.

Seek medical attention if you suspect poisoning, if you have a fever or suffer from

Marine stings
Stings from jellyfish and other marine animals can be fatal. Seek advice from local
authorities, your tour operator or hotel regarding seasonal bathing conditions,
recommended precautions and other potential dangers.

Black henna tattoos

Avoid temporary 'black henna' tattoos as they often contain a dye which can cause
serious skin reactions.

Medical facilities
Private hospitals with international standard facilities can be found in major cities. Public
hospitals in major cities have a good range of medical services but access can be slow.
Services are more limited in rural areas.

Most private hospitals require a cash deposit or a confirmation of insurance prior to

admission and expect immediate payment for services. Foreigners must pay for services
delivered by government hospitals.

Decompression chambers are located in Kuantan, Lumut, Ipoh, Semporna and Labuan.

Medical tourism
Medical tourism, including for cosmetic surgery, is common. Standards at discount and
uncertified medical establishments can be poor. Serious and possibly life-threatening
complications can result.

Research and choose your medical service providers carefully.

Don't be lured to discount or uncertified medical service providers.

Check your travel insurance covers you if things go wrong with your surgery – most

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Depending on what you need, your best option may be to first contact your family, friends,
travel agent, travel insurance provider, employer, or airline. Your travel insurer should
have a 24-hour emergency number.

Firefighting and rescue services: 999

Medical emergencies: 999

Police: 999 or contact the Royal Malaysia Police Operations Center on +60 321 159
999 or +60 322 662 222

Always get a police report when reporting a crime.

Tourism services and products

For complaints relating to tourism services or products, contact your service provider

Australian Government
Read the Consular services charter (
for what the Australian Government can and can't do to help you overseas.

For consular assistance contact:

Australian High Commission, Kuala Lumpur

6 Jalan Yap Kwan Seng
50450 Kuala Lumpur
Telephone: (+60 3) 2146 5555/2146 5575
Facsimile: (+60 3) 2141 5773
Website: (
Email: (

Check the High Commission website ( for information

about opening hours and temporary closures that may affect service provision.

You can also obtain limited consular assistance, including lodging Australian passport
applications, at the following Australian Consulates headed by Honorary Consuls:

Australian Consulate, Penang

18 of 23 10/10/2017 10:59 AM - Malaysia

14A (1st Floor), Lorong Abu Siti,

10400 Penang
Telephone: (+60 4) 226 8955
Facsimile: (+60 4) 228 3366
Email: (

Australian Consulate, Kota Kinabalu

Suite 10.1, Level 10
Wisma Great Eastern
65 Jalan Gaya
88000 Kota Kinabalu
Telephone: (+60 88) 267 151
Facsimile: (+60 88) 266 509
Email: (

Australian Consulate, Sarawak

E39 Level 2
Taman Sri Sarawak Mall
Jalan Tunku Abdul Rahman
93100 Kuching
Telephone: (+60 82) 230 777
Facsimile: (+60 82) 313 388
Email: (

If you are unable to contact the High Commission or nearby Consulate in a consular
emergency, contact the 24-hour Consular Emergency Centre on +61 2 6261 3305 or
1800 808 449 within Malaysia. If you are in Australia, call 1300 555 135.

Natural disasters, severe weather and climate

If there is a natural disaster:

secure your passport in a safe, waterproof location or carry it on you at all times (in a
waterproof bag)

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contact friends and family in Australia with regular updates about your welfare and

closely monitor the media, weather reports, other local sources of information, the
Global Disaster Alert and Coordination System (

follow the advice of local authorities

check with tour operators before travelling to affected areas.

Earthquakes and tsunamis

Earthquakes occur in Malaysia. In 2015 a magnitude 6.0 earthquake struck in Sabah. It
caused a number of deaths and injuries among climbers on Mount Kinabalu.

All oceanic regions of the world can experience tsunamis, but Malaysia and its
neighbours' susceptibility to earthquakes makes destructive tsunamis more likely.

More information:

Earthquakes (

Pacific Tsunami Warning Centre (

Severe weather
Flooding and landslides are common during the wet season (October to February).
Severe rainstorms can result in loss of life, and extensive damage to infrastructure.
Essential services can be interrupted.

More information: Severe weather (


Additional Resources

More information about Malaysia (

Business travellers (

Female travellers (

LGBTI travellers (

Living and working overseas (


Overseas birth, adoption and surrogacy (


20 of 23 10/10/2017 10:59 AM - Malaysia

Stay Smart Online (

Scamwatch (

Contact us
The Australian Government provides 24 hour consular assistance.

+61 2 6261 3305 (tel:+61262613305) from overseas

1300 555 135 (tel:1300555135) from within Australia

+61 421 269 080 (tel:+61421269080) for SMS

For passport information, visit the Australian Passport Office ( or call
the Australian Passport Information Service on 131 232 (tel:131232) from Australia.

Facebook ( Twitter (

Youtube (
Get the app (

21 of 23 10/10/2017 10:59 AM - Malaysia

About us
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