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We require various capacity cold storage in wet products (0-4 Deg.Cent) and frozen
Products (-24 Deg. Cent). Vendors having the following eligibility criteria may approach us
for enquiry documents along with documents duly filled in all respect with requisite
enclosures in the Supplier Data on Firm’ under the B2B link (
pdf/ dof_internet.pdf) by 13.10.2013. The due date of enquiry document going to over on
15-10 2013 by 17:30 Hrs.


1. The Supplier should have own in house production facility & ISO certification, with
R&D QC and testing facility .

2. Capable for tropical, proven & efficient refrigeration systems, for 0 to 4 and –26
Deg. Cent. applications in Ambient temperature of 43 Deg. Cent.

3. The supplier should have all India services facility. In support of this, we may need
list of own service stations/ Agents across the country. The weightage may be given
to suppliers which has proven FMCG clients' list & have experienced team for
installation & commissioning in major metros/ cities of the country.

4. Suppliers which have professional experience in production, supply, installation,

commissioning and in after sales services for more than 5 years may be enlisted for
our prestigious projects,allied requirements and for other direct purchase scheme.

5. An Indian agent of imported equipments has to provide the authorization certificate

for their principal company that they have authorized franchisees for selling and
after sales services with them.

6. The comprehensive warranty should be offered for not less than 5 years in any
case. Supplier has to provide free four services (quarterly) / Annum and all break
down class along will all reasonable speed/ promptly.

7. Equipment are required for functioning of 14 years & warranty and AMC services to
be provided by principal supplier. Energy audits and performance review of
equipments shall be carried out periodically either with help of approved supplier or
third party. Supplier shall give new replacements under any unreasonable reasons
of equipment or system degraded/ corroded during the functioning period.

8. Supplier should capable to offer complete the turnkey works within 4 to 5 weeks &
services asked by us along with the specification / documents of enquiry, under
the supervision of their own experienced technical team due to no separate agency
/ third party will be allowed to execute work against the purchase order.

9. Supplier should capable for Technical know-how and with latest improvement in
refrigeration industry and share with us for development/implementation time to
Note: The above eligibility criteria are minimum & are not exhaustive & subjected to further
scrutinization by GCMMF. The inclusion of the vendor for enquiry as per the requirement and
decision of GCMMF from time to time. The envelope should be addressed to: Head
(Purchase), GCMMF Limited, Amul Dairy Road, Anand- 388001, Gujarat. For immediate
detail information on the matter, vendor may approach to our Shri Devang Shukla AM
(Purchase) on or 02692 221324 and Shri Shailesh Tiwari Executive
(Purchase) 02692 221325


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