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Chapter Three

Educational Technology

Chapter 3: Educational Technology 41

3.1 Introduction

The objective of this chapter is to understand the meaning of

‘Education’ and ‘Educational Technology’ its application and

various phases of application. In this the researcher tried to

understand the purpose of education described by eminent

educationist, then the role of educational technology in fulfilling

objectives of education in general. The success of any new

content creation tool in education depends upon the application

part of it, how the new content has helped in making the subject

more interesting, more knowledge worthy and simple to use in

an accepted atmosphere of learning.

This chapter goes to the roots of the educational technology, its

application, its utility and the contribution it has made in the

teaching and learning process.

3.2 Objective of the study:

The various views and comments made by the eminent

educationist and scientist give a broad outlook into the theories

of ‘Educational Technology’

This theoretical study of fundamentals of educational technology

will be helpful in understanding the role of technology in the field

of education.

Chapter 3: Educational Technology 42

One will be able to understand the methodology in making use

of audio-visual technology in the fields of management


3.3 Purpose of the study:

The purpose of the study is to understand the various

possibilities of the use of educational technology in teaching and

learning process. Teaching is a process of communication, one

need to understand the various principles to be followed in

applying technology in the education process.

Technological revolutions are required to be used creatively and

apply it and create relevant content suited to teach the subject.

Chapter 3: Educational Technology 43

3.4 Theoretical overview of ‘Educational


Education Tools


Figure 3.1 Field of Educational Technology

Derek Rowntree explains the purpose of education, as ‘The

purpose of education is to help people to change. We want our

students to become more knowledgeable, more skilful, more

confident, more empathetic, more rational and so on’. Thus we

can say the main aim of education is to bring necessary change

in students. To bring about necessary changes teachers use

various modes of communication such as lectures, drawing

Page 5, Second Edition, ‘Educational Technology In Curriculum Development’, written
by Derek Rowntree, Published by Harper Education Series, London

Chapter 3: Educational Technology 44

pictures on the black board, giving notes, taking oral and written

examinations, by giving feedback. So, teachers constantly use

various communication forms to bring necessary change in

students. Every teaching and learning process is an experiment

where teacher tries to make combination of various possible

ways to bring desired changes in the students. A learning

process of an individual starts right from the birth. A new born

baby tries to learn various things by using various senses such

as see, hear, touch, smell, taste etc. In a formal form of teaching

a teacher tries to use various means and modes to make

effective transfer of learning. When a teacher delivers a thought

in the form of words, graphs, charts, practical orientation, the

student uses his senses to understand the topic which ultimately

results into change of behavior.

Chapter 3: Educational Technology 45

In Behavior


Figure 3. 2 Change in behavior

A.J Romiszowski defines learning as a ‘Change of behavior or

as a capacity for new behavior, the concept of communication is

closely linked to the concept of learning’. Education is

communication process by which the educator tries to educate

the student and develop his capacity to change and change his

pattern of behavior. In a way education is a way to develop

capacity to change and to bring changes in behavior pattern.

Teacher-learner relationship is built upon a good understanding

as a human being, where in the process the teacher shares his

expertise to the learner in the best possible way.

Page 4, Second Edition, ‘The selection and use of Instructional Media, written by A J
Romiszowski, Kogan, page London/ Nichols Publishing, New York.

Chapter 3: Educational Technology 46

Learners also give response to this effort by giving feedback,

appearing for exams, attending lectures, discussions, doing

practical work and there by taking active part in the learning

process. Teacher as well as student uses different form of

communication such as written, oral, non-verbal in the process

of education. Romiszowaski gives more emphasis on two way

communication process in teaching and learning process, where

both the parties are required to take active part in the process of

learning. All the means and modes perform the supporting role

in the process of teaching and learning. The sole aim is to bring

desired change in the behavioral pattern of a learner.


Learning Learning
Process Inputs

Figure 3. 3 Learning Process

Chapter 3: Educational Technology 47

Fred Percival and Henry Ellington points out that ‘The process

of education and learning can be considered to be very complex

systems indeed. The input to a given educational or learning

system, consist of people, resources and information, and the

output consists of people whose performance has (it is hoped)

improved in some desired way’. The input in an educational

system consist of information, experience and content and it is

delivered to students by teachers in various forms such as

lectures, field trips, demonstration, experiments, and audio-

visual aids such as films, multimedia, computer based

presentation. Thus teacher’s expertise and the educational

technology try to make effective communication in various ways

with the student’s, to bring desired change in them.

The result of entire process is depend upon the quality of

delivery and the way of communication of teacher and the level

of understanding and grasping capacity of the learner. To make

teaching and learning more effective one has to utilize all the

resources including people in an optimized and creative way.

The role of technology in education is required to be understood

properly, as it plays an important part in entire journey of

teaching and learning activity.

Page 15, ‘ A hand Book of Educational Technology’ by Fred Percival and Henry
Ellington, Kogan Page Ltd. London

Chapter 3: Educational Technology 48

Figure 3. 4 Audio-Visual Aids

‘Technology in Education’ embraces every possible means by

which information can be presented. It is concerned with the

gadgetry of education and training, such as television, language

laboratories and the various projected media, popularly called as

‘Audio-Visual Aids’.

As the teaching and learning happens through number of

various means and mode of communication one has to

understand how learners perceive the information and


Page 12, ‘ A hand Book of Educational Technology’ by Fred Percival and Henry
Ellington, Kogan Page Ltd. London.

Chapter 3: Educational Technology 49

‘Learners receive information through the senses, mainly sight

and hearing (hence audio- visual aids). These aids are used to

support lectures, text books, reference books some time with the

help of teacher, some time as an independent unit. Teacher

makes combination of various forms of communication such as

oral lectures, audio-visual aids such as black board, charts,

photos, models, audio tapes, television programs, slides,

computer generated presentations, photos, specially designed

educational films. All this supportive tools can be called as

technology in education or ‘Educational Technology’

Educational Technology’ represents a combination of education

and technology. As discussed before, the purpose of the

education is to bring ‘Desired change in students’ to bring

about this desired change many academicians are

experimenting for the past many years. The principals of

educational technology are not new. They were vigorously

heralded by curriculum reformers like Ralph Tyler as early as the

1930s.19 One can say that ‘Black Board’ and ‘Chock’ are the

first technological tools, which are commonly used in an

Page 11 The selection and use of instructional media, by A .J. Romiszowski, second
edition, Niclols Publishing, New York.
Page 5, Educational Technology in Curriculum Development, By Derek Rowntree,
Harper Education series.
Page 4, Educational Technology in Curriculum Development, By Derek Rowntree,
Harper Education series.

Chapter 3: Educational Technology 50

education for generations and still have tremendous potential.

The reasons may be many like simplicity, cost effective, simple

to operate and many more, but the concept of educational

technology not only related to tools and equipments used in


There are two approaches to educational technology, one deals

with electrical and electronic gadgets like overhead projectors,

closed circuit television, audio-visual films, interactive computer

programs, computer based training modules, power point


In this approach emphasis is given on creation of material

software and hardware both which includes audio-visual aids,

films, power point presentations, interactive computer programs,

Computer based training modules and hardware such as

development of high end televisions, computers and other

gadgets, LCD projectors, digital audio and video technology,

high end computers. This approach can be considered as more

technical in nature where innovations in technology are tried to

use for education.

Page 12, A hand book of Educational technology, by Fred Percival and Henry Ellington.

Chapter 3: Educational Technology 51

As Fred Percival and Henry Ellington rightly mentioned ‘To

some, the term is associated solely with technical equipment

and media of education such as overhead projectors, television,

tape-slide program etc’ Others take a view that educational

technology involves a clinical , systematic analysis of the entire

teaching / learning process in an attempt to maximize its


Educational Technology in teaching can be explained as every

possible way with which content can be presented in an effective

manner to target group by using appropriate technology such as

LCD projector, Computer aided presentations, OHP, television,

live transmission through educational satellite, language

laboratories and every possible tool and technique. Basically it

comprises of all types of audio- visual aids, lab experiments and

so on. In these cases technologist such as film producer,

computer programmers, and visual aid producing agencies,

developers of language lab work independently and create

‘Educational Technology’ and they disseminate in their own way.

For example, when educational program is broad cast on air it is

very difficult to count the number of viewers who have viewed

the program, it is also difficult to understand the conditions in

Page 11, A hand book of ‘Educational Technology’ by Fred Percival and Henry
Ellington, Kogan Page Ltd.

Chapter 3: Educational Technology 52

which they have watched the program, how much they know

about the subject etc. and so it is very difficult to measure the

effect of the program. The same case applies to the interactive

program available on the internet and educational satellite

program. As there seems no uniformity in the mechanism, no

defined and combined objectives, so there is great difficulty in

evaluating the learning experience gained by the students, for

whom the ‘Educational Technology’ is produced.

Others take the view that educational technology involves a

clinical, systematic analysis of the entire teaching / learning

process in an attempt to maximize its effectiveness. In this

approach one has to consider, what end result is expected when

‘Educational Technology’ is used? The objective may vary as

per the case and situation, for example the objective may be to

give practical knowledge to students. In this case they may be

sent to field trip supported with showing relevant audio-visual

film and writing journal for the same.

This approach deals with ‘Educational Technology’ in totality,

which means it takes into account complete educational

process. It starts with setting objectives, production of relevant

material, evaluating it, making necessary changes in material

and again using it to achieve our objectives.

Chapter 3: Educational Technology 53

Derek Rowntree explains educational technology as ‘This

concept is as wide as education itself, it is concerned with the

design and evaluation of curriculum and learning experiences

and with the problems of implementing and renovating them.

Educational Technology is not to be confused with electronic


From the point of view of education and training, we have to

study this in totality. Education and training can be improved by

thinking carefully about all aspects of the design of teaching

/learning situations. This discussion will evolve new aspects of

‘Educational Technology’.

Figure 3. 5 Technology of Education

Educational Technology in curriculum development published by Harper and Row
Publishers, London.

Chapter 3: Educational Technology 54

As Fred Percival and Henry Ellington describe, a ‘Technology

of Education’ approach to educational technology thus involves

a systematic approach to a problem together with the application

of appropriate research, both from ‘hard’ sciences such as

physics and electronics and from social sciences such as

psychology and sociology. In the whole process what is

important is educational development or innovations has been

systematically and scientifically planned and executed. It is thus

‘Systems Approach’ to educational technology which is the heart

of the technology of education.

While applying technology in education there are several factors

involved which can be called as hidden aspects such as

affordability of the system, availability of time to create and use

the technology, up gradation of knowledge, awareness about the

technology. In this, totality approach of technology in education,

one has to keep in mind desired results before introducing

educational technology. Is there going to be an increase in

quality of learning? Will there be decrease in the time taken for

learner to attain desired goal? Is there increase in the capacity

of teacher in terms of learners taught, without reducing quality of

A Hand book of Educational Technology by Fred Percival and Henry Ellington
published by Kogan Page Ltd. UK. (Page No. 14)

Chapter 3: Educational Technology 55

learning? Is educational technology helping to reduce cost in

long run, without affecting quality?

So many questions comes when one think about totality

approach in education. In this approach various components

such as man, machine, methodology of teaching, educational

system, learners behavior, his grasping capacity, resources

available, time constraint, syllabus pressure, geographic

surroundings are required to be considered with an aim to

achieve desired results from the students. Before going to

further details in these areas we will study various definitions in

an increasing detail order cited by various educationists,

academicians and educational technologists.


Development Application

Figure 3. 6 Educational Technology-1

‘Educational Technology is the development application and

evaluation of systems techniques and aids to improve the

process of human learning’

Chapter 3: Educational Technology 56

Council for Educational technology for United Kingdom (CET)

This definition gives emphasis on development of human

learning process, which is very complex, difficult to understand

as so many factors such as socio-economic, educational,

culture, language contribute a lot in a whole learning process.

Constant research is still going on about how humans learn from

birth. This definition takes into account all the factors such as

social, cultural, regional, economical which contribute a lot, in

the process of human learning. It also takes into account its

application which means the educational technology is basically

an evaluation process where the participants of teaching and

learning process such as teacher, students, and various officials

of the education system are required to constantly evaluate and

upgrade the teaching methodology to achieve desired result and

bring desired changes in students. It also talks about the

evaluation of the whole systems, it means that we cannot study

the impact of ‘Educational Technology’ in bits and pieces, we

need to consider the prime objectives of educational system and

how best ‘Educational Technology’ can help to attain the desired

objectives. To achieve the objectives technology, tools and

various aids are just means and not ends, so mere development

of educational tools, equipments, machines, films, educational

Chapter 3: Educational Technology 57

TV programme, computer aided visual support cannot be

considered as an ‘Educational Technology’. One has to evaluate

the educational process, find out various lacunas where

technology can be helpful to achieve desired results then one

should create appropriate technology and use it to make better

human learning process.

The psychological factors in the process of learning are not

mentioned directly in this definition. Factors like conditions of

learning, teaching methodologies are not talked about in the

above definition and hence we have to study one more definition

of ‘Educational Technology’.


Conditions of of
Learning Teaching and
about learning

Figure 3. 7 Educational Technology- 2

‘Educational technology is the application of scientific knowledge

about learning, and the conditions of learning, to improve the

Chapter 3: Educational Technology 58

effectiveness and efficiency of teaching and learning. In the

absences of scientifically established principles, educational

technology implements techniques of empirical testing to

improve learning situations’

3.5 Understanding definition

This definition takes into account scientific principles applied in

an ‘Educational Technology’. Scientific principles mean that one

has to consider knowledge about learning. How learning takes

place? What are the various factors which contribute to effective

learning? For example the need to learn, mental preparedness

of the student, previous subject knowledge, knowledge and

expertise of teacher, methods used to teach, motivation for

learning are responsible for effective learning. If one fails to

consider these factors then sheer use of ‘Educational

Technology’ will be unproductive. So in a way one have to study

all aspects of teaching and learning process and then one has to

find a place for ‘Educational Technology’ to suit the needs. This

definition focuses more on the process of learning and teaching

than technology and equipments. So the technological aspects

in terms of machines, computers, televisions, satellite, camera,

web, and internet are given second importance in this definition,

Chapter 3: Educational Technology 59

but can we give second importance to educational technology?

or we should give equal importance to both human and non

human things? Let’s study one more definition of ‘Educational



Implementation Combination
Systematic and Evaluation of Human
Way of of and
Designing Total Process of Non Human
Learning Recourses

Figure 3. 8 Educational Technology-3

‘Educational technology is a systematic way of designing,

implementing and evaluating the total process of learning and

teaching in terms of specific objectives based on research in

human learning and communication and employing a

combination of human and non human resources to bring about

more effective instructions.

Commissions of Instructional Technology, USA

Chapter 3: Educational Technology 60

3.6 Understanding definition

This definition takes into account many aspects of ‘Educational

Technology’, such as it talks about complete process of teaching

and learning with a specific aim to achieve certain objectives. It

also speaks about research, evaluation and communication in

teaching and learning process. It also describes combination of

human and non human recourses to attain certain specified

objectives. It means that man and machines should be used

creatively to gain the response of the students and march

towards setting goal and achieving it. It also speaks about major

component of teaching and learning and that is

‘Communication’. In the teaching and learning process one

cannot forget the foremost important factor. If there are any

barriers in communication such as language, speed,

understanding level of student, teacher’s expertise, expectations

of the students then in those cases one cannot expect desired

change in student’s behavior which is a main aim of teaching

and learning process. In all these discussions, one can say that

‘Educational Technology’ is not only related to teachers and

students, it is not only related to electronic equipments but it is

an intelligent combination of both, to achieve the desired results.

Chapter 3: Educational Technology 61

These results are required to be tested and based on the

response the changes are required to be made in total

educational process. Only creation of educational technology as

per the needs may not be sufficient. It has to be tested on the

target audience and after testing it if one finds anything to be

improved then one has to improve the technology to get better


It is clear from these definitions that ‘Educational Technology’

has to consider as a part and parcel of whole teaching and

learning process, and the primary objective is to improve the

efficiency of the process of learning.

Chapter 3: Educational Technology 62

3.7 Development of ‘Educational Technology’,
a historical perspective



Individual Group
Learning Learning
Phase Phase

Figure 3. 9 A historical perspective

Professor Lewis Elton (1977) identifies three broad lines along

which the field has evolved, namely mass communication,

individualized learning and group learning. We will understand

three major phases in the development of ‘Educational

Technology’- the ‘mass communication’, ‘individual learning’ and

A Hand book of Educational Technology by Fred Percival and Henry Ellington published
by Kogan Page Ltd. UK. (Page No. 18)

Chapter 3: Educational Technology 63

‘group learning’ phases. The invention in technology and various

approaches in teaching and learning process help us to

understand journey of educational technology. It would be

worthwhile to study these phases as they give us a strong basis

for the use of ‘Educational Technology’

Now we will try to understand various dimensions about these

three phases.

3.8 The Mass Communication Phase (1940)

In this phase closed circuit television was used to achieve cost

effectiveness and to reach out to a large number of students. So

the idea was to educate more number of students with less

number of teachers and trainers. It is still used for various

purposes such as expeditions, cultural programs, and medical

operations. In this, technology captures an event such as a

lecture, or program happening at one place and through

technology it is brought before people who are physically at a

distant from that event. When this was invented, the main

purpose was to make cost effective learning. The effectively of

this technology was heavily dependent upon the quality of the

speaker, his delivery style and its relevance to the audience. We

can call this phase of a more mechanical in form as more

Chapter 3: Educational Technology 64

emphasis is given on the availability and requirements of

technology that is television, camera and its transmission than

the needs of a learner. In this method as there was no direct

connection between a teacher and learner, there was no

feedback to the teacher, we can call it as it was more of a one

way communication.

If one look upon the advantages of this phase, then one may

find this phase gave a momentum for the use of educational

technology. Reaching out to the people became easier; the cost

compared to its reach was justifiable. Overall this phase made a

strong foundation for use of ‘Educational Technology’ .

The practice of using audio-visual technology was used in that

phase extensively by countries like UK and USA. In India also

we see programs like ‘Country Wide Classroom’ on Indian

Television (Doordarshan).

In India University Grants Commission has a separate wing

called as ‘Consortium for Educational Communication’ having

twenty centers all over India named as Educational Media

Research Centre, which produce educational video programs

and are transmitted on separate educational channel named as

‘Vyas’ channel and ‘Doordarshan’. Apart from UGC Open

universities like Indira Gandhi National Open University, New

Chapter 3: Educational Technology 65

Delhi, Yashawant Rao Chavan, Maharashtra Open University,

Nasik make use of television for higher education.

The same concept in more extended format is still used in many

developed countries like U.S.A, U.K., including India. It is called

as ‘Education Satellite’ technology where a person delivers

lecture at one place and it is video recorded and transmitted via

satellite to number of pre-decided places, where students can

watch the lecture and ask questions via video conferencing or by

text format and experts answers the questions from his place.

Educational Media Research Centre, University of Pune, has the

facility of ‘Satellite Instructional Television’ (SIT) where there is

live as well as recorded multicasting of educational programs,

and these programs are multicast throughout the Nation at more

than hundred places who have downlink facility, from where

students can ask questions either by video or text through


3.9 The ‘Individual Learning’ Phase (1950)

In this phase learning material were created by taking into

account behavioral psychology developed by B.F. skinner during

1950. As per his principals the learner is considered as active

Chapter 3: Educational Technology 66

element in whole teaching and learning process. As the entire

program is addressed to one single individual, his psychology,

way of reactivity, his basic needs of learning such as monitoring

work, giving feedback at every stage of learning process, right

encouragement at the right movement is taken into account

while designing the content. Content is divided into small

segments leading to the ultimate goal. In the complete process a

system was developed which gives continuous feed back to

students about his performance. When a user uses this program

as he is getting constant feedback from the program, he gets

information about his progress in learning, so one can say that

minimum level of input of the content is assured provided the

user complete his journey of learning. The construction of

modern individualized learning material is now quite flexible and

may involve use of printed material, audio CD’s, slides, film

stripes, models, computer programs etc. either on their own or in

various combinations.

This system of learning is based on the principles of behavioral

psychology theory. This theory is based on what is commonly

referred to as stimulus and response, that is, it assumes that

learning has occurred when a specific response is elicited from a

learner when he is placed in a particular situation and given a

Chapter 3: Educational Technology 67

particular stimulus. Learning of relatively complex behavior can

be achieved through appropriate series of stimulus-response

situations. At each stage the learner must actively participate by

performing a set task, after which he is then supplied with

immediate feedback in the form of correct answer. This is known

as successive reinforcement. Skinner also argued that each

successive response step should be small enough to ensure

that the learner is almost always correct in his response. Use of

these small steps, plus successive reinforcement led to what

behavioral psychologist believed was an efficient way of

‘shaping behavior’, as each and every stage of learning is

meticulously planned the success of learner is well planned. He

is sure to get the decided input of content step by step.

We can find application of principles of behavioral psychology in

development of computer games, where there are challenges,

constant feedback and immediate response to the user. As it

works fantastically it attracts more and more number of user and

which give rise to more and more invention in computer gaming

sector. The principles of behavioral psychology are becoming a

key factor in interactive learning, the interactive learning is

computer based and is popularly known as ‘CBT’ Computer

Chapter 3: Educational Technology 68

based learning, e-learning (Learning by use of electronic

medium such as web, computer network, or by use of web).

Many of the CBT training modules, e-learning lessons include

use of multimedia such as text, video, animation, still

photographs, audio, music, graphics, sketches etc. These

components are used as per the requirement of the topic and

availability of the resources. CBT is more popular in industrial

training as this kind of training is provided at a number of places

at the same time by using web technology. The cost is required

to be incurred at one time and benefit of these training sessions

can be taken by large number of users working at different

geographical places around the world. The greatest advantage

of these systems is that the user can learn the CBT based

lesson as per his own convenience at his own pace.

3.10 The Group Learning Phase

The phase of individual learning though being used massively, it

has its own limitations such as in this way of learning learners

are learning individually at their own speed and at their own

convenience, it hardly gives any chance to learners to interact

personally with each other and understand concepts in a group.

Chapter 3: Educational Technology 69

The obvious limit of the individual learning method is it caters to

the need of one individual. As we have seen that basically

learning is a communication process, the learner needs to

communicate his experience of learning, the difficulties faced by

him, how he understood the concept, what challenges he faces

during the learning phase, all these things are required to be

communicated for two reasons. One, by doing this one can

cross check his level of understanding and two, he gets

stimulation in a natural way as he communicate his journey of

learning with this peer group.

This gave birth to the group learning phase, which gives more

importance to, one to one communication in the process of

teaching and learning.

‘The theoretical basis for modern developments in group

learning is the humanistic psychology that was developed by

people such as ‘Carl Rogers’ in the 1960s. Humanistic

psychology is concerned with how people react with and learn

from one another in small group situations’.

In his phase more importance is given to interaction between the

learners, so that they can share their opinions, feelings and

there by develop group dynamics. The purpose of all these

Page no 25, A Hand book of Educational Technology by Fred Percival and Henry

Chapter 3: Educational Technology 70

activities is that they should be able to work in teams and

perform the given task. Several methods and techniques have

been evolved in an attempt to facilitate this type of learning such

as games, stimulations,, and interactive case studies. In a game

method, a game is played with a group of learners. Before

playing the game a teacher or a trainer decides about the

strategy of teaching. In this strategy he plans how to draw a

meaningful conclusion after the game is over. When the game is

actually played the complete process of game is minutely

observed by teacher and observer if appointed separately. The

observations are the key basis of learning elements, then the

game is analyzed referring to the observations made and

learning principles are drawn and communicated to the learners.

In such type of method of learning, a learner takes part a

member of the group this motivates other members of the group

to take active part in the teaching and learning process. In such

method group dynamics works, there is more interaction

between the group members; there is good communication

between a teacher or trainer and learner.

Chapter 3: Educational Technology 71

3.11 System of Learning

In all these three phases namely Mass Communication phase,

Individualized learning and group learning phase, the system of

education in which these experiments have been done is

required to be understood. Then only we will be able to

understand the importance and limitation of educational

technology. Every learner has to undergo through some system

by which he can get formal education which led to some sort of

certification such as Diploma or degree. We can classify these

systems in to two broad categories popularly known as

institutional learning and individualized learning.

3.12 Institutional Learning

In the institutional learning system learner has to complete a

stipulated course of syllabus prescribed by some external body

followed by a certain type of examination and certification. In this

system a learner has to attend pre decided number of classroom

lectures, which normally have fixed timings and place. The

schedule of content delivery is conveyed to the learner well in

advance, which is popularly called as a ‘Time Table’

The learner is supposed to attend course schedule as decided

by the institute, normally the learner has no choice about the

Chapter 3: Educational Technology 72

timings, course material, method of teaching, he is required to

follow the instruction and complete the course as designed by

some external body like University.

In this system the teacher or the instructor takes all decisions

about the teaching methodology, decisions regarding

structuring, sequencing and presentation of the material are also

made by the teacher.

The student or learner has very limited control about various

academic decisions taken by the institution such as syllabus,

way of teaching, timings of the classes, examination system,

gradation system and certification criteria.

Chapter 3: Educational Technology 73

3.13 Advantages in Institutional type of


Examination System

Standard Admission
Set Educational Practices

Figure 3. 10 Advantages in Institutional type

of Learning

This kind of institutional learning has some advantages such as

in many cases it is well organized structure where the human

and non human resources tried to use in an optimized manner.

There are set practices in every stage of the learning right from

the admission process to the delivery of the certificate.

Certifying candidate and ensuring minimum amount of subject

knowledge is a key factor in entire process of institutional

learning. From primary education to post graduation these

Chapter 3: Educational Technology 74

systems are in operation, institutional certification has its own

value and wider acceptance in the employment market also.

The obvious limitation of the system is that the success of the

institutional learning is completely dependent upon the skill,

knowledge, and the initiative taken in teaching the subject. Many

times the teacher is the sole interpreter of the syllabus, he has to

finish the portion in time, he has to obey instructions of the

institution, and he is also responsible to perform non academic

work in an institutional set-up. The teacher is required to

interpret the syllabus, structure the content, select the teaching

method, decide the peace of coverage; he has to decide the

amount of reinforcement.

The success of the entire institutional learning system is largely

dependent upon the teacher his attitude and the kind of the

support he gets from his parent institution, if anything goes

wrong then student has no choice because he cannot change

the teacher, he cannot change the syllabus, he cannot

participate in any decision related to academic input, teaching

method or examination pattern.

Chapter 3: Educational Technology 75

3.14 Learner Centered Approach of Education


Exam Modules
such as
Open Book Exam, Interactive
Exams, On Line Course

Creation of Learning material

in creative way
such as e-learning system,
role play method, one to one interaction

Figure 3. 11 Learner Centered Approach of


In this approach the learner or the student is the sole focus of

the entire system. In this system of learning student can be of

any age, geographically situated to different location, he can

study the subject material at his own convenience. It is popularly

called as Open Learning system or Distance Learning system.

In this set up syllabus, subject material is provided in various

forms such as printed study material, computerized learning

material (CBT), e-learning modules on web etc.

Chapter 3: Educational Technology 76

In this type of learning the student carry the highest

responsibility about all aspect of learning objects. He is required

to understand the syllabus structure, learning objects, complete

the tutorials, modules in time, get feedback on it from the parent

institution and improve the performance. There is direct control

over his studies.

In many cases there is tutor or mentor from the parent

organization who offers guidance and support in entire learning

process. The guidance may be in the form of library, resource

centre, counseling, practical facilities, social contact, inter

student help.

3.15 Advantages of the Learner centered


In this system of learning students get well prepared, well

designed study material in various form such as printed material,

recorded video lectures, films, slide shows, computer based

training material.

The objectives of learning are clearer to the student and the

tutor. As the entire process of learning is self–paced, the student

is more comfortable as he can access the content at his own

speed, he can go back to the unit where he has difficulties, and

Chapter 3: Educational Technology 77

there is no pressure of adjusting the pace of learning with the

pace of the teacher.

The availability of the study material in various forms such as

computer based learning units, film shows help student to

generate interest in the subject, and these various forms of

teaching give various options to understand subject.

Use Interactive Combination

Lectures Practical Educational self paced
of of
and Work Broadcast learning
Films programs all methods

Figure 3.12 Instruction Methods

In all types of approaches of learning (Mass, Individualized and

Group Learning) various forms of instruction methods are

utilized to get optimum results in the complete teaching and

learning process. The number of various methods along with

various technological tools is discussed here.

Chapter 3: Educational Technology 78

3.15.1 Lectures and Talk

This is the most commonly used technique used in an

institutional type of learning. The biggest advantage of this

technique is its cost effectiveness and easiness to operate. The

lecture and talk technique can be well fitted into the syllabus

mode. The institute can arrange time table as per the availability

of the expert and need of the system. It is more convenient

when there are high numbers of student attending the course.

The weakness of the system is that every learner has to adjust

his pace of learning as per the lecturer, in this process he may

fall back. The same case is with the students who are more

intelligent, for them the way of delivery of the content may be too

slow. Another disadvantage is that the attention span of the

student in the lecture falls off rapidly with the time. In this

method of instruction various tools such as black board,

magnetic board, wall charts, flipcharts, models, projected visual

aids on Overhead projector, use of computer and LCD player is

made to make this method of instruction effective.

3.15.2 Practical work and assignments

This is a one of the way of demonstrating practical elements of

the subject and making them aware about various intricacies of

Chapter 3: Educational Technology 79

the content. This technique of imparting knowledge does help

student in grasping knowledge. As learners involved in actual

work, it results into good experience of participative learning.

The disadvantage of this technique is it involves good amount of

investment, space and consumption of more time.

3.15.3 Use of films and video programs

The use of film or video works as a good stimulator for learners

in the classroom and it also provides a good break between the

student and learner interaction. The power of camera can bring

aliveness in the process of education. As this form tries to use

all forms of communication such as visual, graphics, artist,

music, set design, costumes, music, animation, it can hold

attention of the viewer and can improve the span of attention.

The limitations of these techniques are it involves good

amount of money, the quality of the film should be of high

standard. The quality of the film can be judged upon technical

aspects as well as content wise. First and foremost thing is it

should be relevant to the topic, it should have defined objectives,

it should be scripted well and the presentation should be sleek. It

should have good camera angle, good quality of editing and

good sound track. One more limitation of this technique is the

projection of the film requires technical facilities such as

Chapter 3: Educational Technology 80

projection system along with sound system. The teacher or

trainer using the technology is required to be well equipped with

the tools and techniques before using it in the class.

3.15.4 Educational Broadcast

This is one of the ways to reach out to people for giving quality

education. In this technique educational programs are broadcast

on television and on the radio. Both are mass communication


The advantage of this technique is that, it is almost offered free

to all population which comes under footprint of the educational

broadcaster. As the material produced for mass media is of

generally high standard, the learners can get high quality

learning material.

The disadvantage of the system is that, it may or may not be

relevant to the topic. The timings of broadcast may not suit the

learner. The quality of the program may not be up to the


3.15.5 Interactive self paced learning software

In this technique a computer based learning module is created

based on the learning objects prepared by a teacher. In this

technique learning path is specified with clear learning

Chapter 3: Educational Technology 81

objectives. The user or learner selects the learning modules

among the given options and then the learner starts his journey

of learning in an interactive way.

The advantage of this technique is that the learner reach to a

specified objective step by step, if necessary he can repeat the

part as many times as he wants. The interactive method of

learning keeps his attention span for a longer period. As these

types of programs are usually made by using appropriate

graphics, animation, video insertion, so the user finds it


The limitation of this technique is that it requires self motivation

to learn. The topic is dealt in a generalized manner, specific

questions; individualized queries can be dealt in this sort of self

learning interactive programs.

3.16 Overview

The evolution of educational technology shows that earlier

phase of educational technology were more of technology

based, that is more importance was given to technology and

later we see a shift in individual learning and a group learning

where we see more emphasis on individual need, constant

Chapter 3: Educational Technology 82

feedback and peer support in whole learning process. In the

later stage of development of educational technology we see a

supportive role played by educational technology to enhance

quality of education.

We can see similar pattern in the usage of educational

technology by Open University in U.K., This University was

established in early 1960, initially this was University of Air,

means there was extensive use of mass media such as Radio

and Television. Later on it shifted its emphasis to individual

learning and group learning, by the use of mass media. This

change in approach, suggest that educational technology

provides a supportive role in teaching and learning process. One

cannot ignore the importance of personal interaction in

education process.
Although the open University has always used all the teaching

methods (Mass communication, individualized learning and

group learning) in its own course, there is no doubt that there

has been a gradual change of emphasis over the years, and that

first individualized learning, and then group learning gradually

came to play more important role than were originally envisaged.

Page 26, A Handbook of Educational Technology by Fred Percival and Henry Ellington.

Chapter 3: Educational Technology 83

There are two prominent approaches to education system. One

is institutional approach and the other is learner centered

approach, both systems have their own advantages and

disadvantages. The method of learning used in both types of

approach is quite different. The institutional system uses more

traditional way such as lectures and talks and the learner

centered system attempts to use more technological based

learning system such as interactive learning system supported

by traditional methods of teaching.

The type of instruction methods in both the approaches includes

lecture and talk method, practical work and assignments, Use of

audio-visual aids including computer, audio-video films, Use of

educational broadcast, Interactive learning modules.

Every method has its own advantages, the utility of the method

depends upon the purpose for which the method is developed

and technological tools are produced.

3.17 Insights gained from the study:

From the discussions, one can understand the importance of

personal interaction in the process of education. The educational

technology plays a supportive role in the teaching and learning

Chapter 3: Educational Technology 84

process. The learning process consists of several factors; the

educational technology can help to function various factors

related to learning work more effectively like the visual input

generated in the form of educational technology can help the

learner to understand the topic clearly.

These insights will provide a solid foundation in creating and

testing educational technology for the purpose of research. The

researcher will make an attempt to create appropriate

technology which will be supportive to the classroom teaching. It

will be also designed in such a way that it will try to bring the

behavioral changes in the students.

The study of fundamentals of educational technology is also

helpful in understanding the limitations of the educational

technology. One has to find whether the education given by

making use of audio-visual technology without any personal

interaction between the students and the teacher produces the

desired results.

Chapter 3: Educational Technology 85

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