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The above listed challenges that could reduce the performance of the organisation will be

overcomed by the various departments.

The finance department handle all issues of financial unavailability. The managerial skills of the
finance department helps in the total management of the flow of funds. The finance department
make sure there is availability of funds at all times for smooth operation of the organisation. They
plan financial budget and write proposals to stakeholders for financial assistance and the health
ministry for subsidiaries. The finance department collaborates with the operation and researches
department to schedule appointment for pitching the ideas for possible investment opportunities.

The IT department with their reliable IT skills solves all problems with user experiences and
complicated user requirements. The IT department adopts all new technologies that could help in
solving user requirement issues, testing problems and bug fixes. The user experience problems such
as the patients’ low level of knowledge of the operations of the sites, the complications of the sites
to the use of nurses and doctors may pose poor performance of the system. The IT department
takes into consideration all such problems and devise ways to fulfil all the users of the system. There
will be the use of Bootstrap 4 technology which is a user-first framework to allow mobile phones
users to have the full access to the application whenever and wherever. A month trial and beta
testing of the site will be done to gather all misconceptions and discomforts about the site.
Whenever such discomforts are solved there will be full operations of the system.

Ensuring the security and confidentiality of the user is paramount, and as such, the challenge with
security will be addressed by adopting Blockchain technology and MySQL technology to enhance the
absolute security of the database system. The skills of cyber security of the IT department, all other
Web related security problems will be handled accurately.

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