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Q App

React Native Assignment 2

Frontend: React Native

Routing: React Navigation
Backend: Firebase/Firestore

1. Login: Create a screen that will allow user to login with Facebook via Firebase
(Save the data in database as well)
2. Home: Provide two buttons
a. Are you a company? (Company)
b. Are you finding/waiting for tokens? (Normal User)

3. Company: Here comes a Plus button initially to add your company, after adding
the companies list will shown here.
Plus Button: This will open a Modal with form consisting of
● Name of company
● Since
● Certificates (Max 3 Images)
● Timings
● Address (Should be searched via foursquare API & can be
seen on map)
4. Company Tokens: After creating a company, user should be able to
● Add today’s total tokens for limit (required)
● Can update the estimated time of each token (required).
● Can see tokens bought by users with their information (Picture, name,
● Can update Current Token by clicking done button.
● Should get Notification on each token bought by user.
● Can Allow/Disallow tokens for today.
● Everyday the tokens will be reset.
● Allow only those customers whose face is recognized within the
5. Are you finding/waiting for tokens? (Normal User)
● Search for companies registered on this app.
● Can see all details of a company. (Can see address on map as well &
direction from current location)
● Can see total tokens and current tokens.
● Can buy a token only by detecting & adding his face data by the app’s
● Show the user estimated time for his upcoming token.
● Should get the notification within 10 minutes of the upcoming token.
● Can cancel the token!

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