Tugas Konversi Biologi

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NRP : 03211850010002

Chapter 8
8-7. The following information is given for an activated sludge system design :

Parameter Unit Value

Flowrate m3/d 10000
Influent BOD mg/L 150
Effluent BOD mg/L 2
 h 4
SRT d 6
Synthesis Yield, YH gVSS/gbCOD
Wastewater 1 0.40
Wastewater 2 0.50
Wastewater 3 0.30
Cell debris yield, fd gVSS/gVSS 0.15
Endogeneous decay, bH gVSS/gVSS.d 0.08
nbVSS mg/L 40
Temperature oC 10
Assume no nitrification occurs due to the SRT selected and low temperature. Determine (a) the
aeration tank oxygen requirements in kg/d (b) the aeration tank oxygen uptake rate in mg/L.h and
(c) the aeration tank biomass concentration (mg/L). Assume bCOD = 1.6 (BOD).
Penyelesaian :

(a) Develop the wastewater characteristics needed for design

Menumukan bCOD
bCOD = 1.6 (BOD)
bCODinf = 1.6 (150 mg/L) = 240 mg/L
bCODeff = 1.6 (2 mg/L) = 3.2 mg/L
Design sistem activated sludge untuk menghilangkan BOD (untuk wastewater 1)
- Menetukan produksi biomassa
Q = 10000 m3/d
YH = 0.4 g VSS/g bCOD
So = 240 mg/L
fd = 0.15
bH = 0.08
SRT = 6 d
S = 3.2 mg/L
𝑄𝑌 (𝑆 − 𝑆) (𝑏 )Q𝑌 (𝑆 − 𝑆)𝑆𝑅𝑇
𝑃 , = +
1 + 𝑏 (𝑆𝑅𝑇) 1 + 𝑏 (𝑆𝑅𝑇)

(10000𝑚 /𝑑)(0.4)[(240 − 3,2)𝑔/𝑚 ](1𝑘𝑔/10 𝑔)

[1 + 0.08 𝑑(6 𝑑)]
(0.15)(0.08)(10000𝑚 /𝑑)(0.4)(240 − 3.2)𝑔/𝑚 (6 𝑑)(1𝑘𝑔/10 𝑔)
[1 + 0.08 𝑑(6 𝑑)]
= (640 kg/d) + (46.08 kg/d) = 686.08 kg/d
- Hitung kebutuhan oksigen

Ro = Q(So – S) – 1.42 PX,bio

Ro = (10,000 m3/d)[(240 – 3.2) g/m3)](1 kg/103 g) – 1.42 (686.08 kg/d)

Ro = (2368 – 974.2) kg/d = 1393.8 kg/d

- Tentukan OUR pada tangka aerasi (mg/L . h)

Dik :
Ro = 1393.8 kg/d = 58.1 kg/h
Q = 10000 m3/d
 =4h

( . / )( / )
OUR = =
( / )( / )( )( / )
= 34.9 mg/L.h

- Tentukan konsentrasi biomassa pada tangka aerasi (mg/L)

, ( ) , ( )
Xvss = =
( . / )( )
( / )( )( / )
= 2470 kg/m3 = 2470 mg/L

8-11. An industrial wastewater from food processing is to be trated in an activated sludge process.
The wastewater consist of soluble organics (no particulate degradable COD) with low nitrogen and
phosphorus concentration . for the summary of wastewater characteristics and design assumptions
giving in the following table, determine the amount of N and P that must be added to the influent flow
as mg/L and in kg/d. assume that residual effluent NH4-N and soluble phosphorus concentration of
0.10 mg/L are needed to prevent nutrient limitations, and no nitrification.

Parameter Unit Value

Flowrate m3/d 3000
Influent Soluble bCOD mg/L
Wastewater 1 2000
Wastewater 2 3000
Wastewater 3 2500
Effluent Soluble bCOD mg/L 5
Influent NH4-N mg/L 20
Influent Phosphorus as P mg/L 5
SRT d 10
Sythesis yield, YH gVSS/gbCOD 0.15
Heterotrophic decay, bH gVSS/gVSS.d
Cell debris yield, fd gVSS/gVSS.d 0.08

Penyelesaian :
Tentukan produksi biomassa (kg/d), bagian a dan b dan asumsikan proses design untuk
menghilangkan BOD (Wastewater 1)
𝑄𝑌 (𝑆 − 𝑆)(1𝑘𝑔/10 𝑔) (𝑓 )(𝑏 )Q𝑌 (𝑆 − 𝑆)𝑆𝑅𝑇(1𝑘𝑔/10 𝑔)
𝑃, = +
1 + 𝑏 (𝑆𝑅𝑇) 1 + 𝑏 (𝑆𝑅𝑇)

a. Dik :
Q = 3000 m3/d
So = 2000 mg/L bCOD
S = 5 mg/L bCOD
YH= 0.4 gVSS/g COD
bH= 0.1 g VSS/g VSS . d)
fd = 0.1 g VSS/g VSS
SRT = 10 d

b. Untuk Px,bio
(3000 𝑚 /𝑑)(0.4 𝑔/𝑔)(2000 − 5)𝑔/𝑚 (1𝑘𝑔/10 𝑔)
[1 + (0.1𝑔/𝑔. 𝑑)(10 𝑑)]
(0.1𝑔/𝑔)(0.1 g/g. d)(3000𝑚 /𝑑)(0.4 g/g) [(2000 − 5)𝑔/𝑚 ](10𝑑)(1𝑘𝑔/10 𝑔)
[1 + (0.1𝑔/𝑔. 𝑑)(10 𝑑)]
Px,bio = (1197 + 119.7) = 1316.7 kg/d
- Tentukan nilai N dan P yang dibutuhkan untuk pertumbuhan (kg/d)
Asumsikan 12% berat N yang akan dibutuhkan dan asumsikan kebutuhan P 20% dari
kebutuhan N
a. Tentukan nilai kebutuhan N untuk pertumbuhan
N needed = (Px,bio) (12%) = (1316.7 kg/d) (0.12) = 158 kg/d
b. Tentukan nilai kebutuhan P untuk pertumbuhan
P needed = (N needed) (20%) = (158 kg/d)(0.2) = 31.6kg/d

- Tentukan nilai N dan P yang harus ditambahkan pada effluent

a. Mass balance untuk N dan P
N di influent + Nadded = N in Biomassa + N di effluent
Q (Ni) + Q (Nadded) = Px, bio (12%) + Q (Ne)
Px, bio (12%)
𝑁𝑎𝑑𝑑𝑒𝑑 = + 𝑁𝑒 − 𝑁𝑖 (𝑖)
P in the influent + P added = P biomassa + P effluent
Q (Pi) + Q (Padded) = Px, bio (12%) (20%) + Q(Pe)
Px, bio (0.12)(0.20)
𝑃𝑎𝑑𝑑𝑒𝑑 = + 𝑃𝑒 − 𝑃𝑖 (𝑖)
b. Masukkan data pada eq. (i) dan (ii)
Q = 3000 m3/d
Px, bio = 1316.7 kg/d from part 1
Ni = 20 mg/L NH4-N influent N
Ne = 0.1 mg/L NH4-N enfluent N
Pi = 5 mg/L influent P
Pe = 0.1 mg/L NH4-N enfluent P
Eq (i)

𝑁𝑎𝑑𝑑𝑒𝑑 = (1316.7 kg/d)(0.12)/ (3000 𝑚 /𝑑)(10 𝑔/1𝑘𝑔) + 0.1 𝑔/𝑚 20𝑔/𝑚

= (52.67 + 0.1 -20) 𝑔/𝑚 = 32.77 𝑔/𝑚

Nadded in kg/d= Nadded (Q) = (32.77 𝑔/𝑚 ) (3000 𝑚 /𝑑) (1 kg/10 𝑔) = 98.3 kg/d

Eq (ii)

𝑃𝑎𝑑𝑑𝑒𝑑 = (1316.7 kg/d)(0.12)(0.2)/(3000 𝑚 /𝑑)(10 𝑔/1𝑘𝑔) + 0.1 𝑔/𝑚 − 5𝑔/𝑚

Padded = (10.53 + 0.1 -5) 𝑔/𝑚 = 5.63 𝑔/𝑚

Padded in kg/d = Padded (Q) = (5.63 𝑔/𝑚 )(3000 𝑚 /𝑑) (1 kg/10 𝑔)

= 16.9 kg/d

8-12. An activated system is operating with the conditions describe below for system 1,2, or 3. The
conditions include the average influent flow, aeration tank volume and MLSS concerntration, return
activated sludge flow recycle ratio and TSS concentration, and the secondary clarifier effluent TSS
concentration . Wasting is form the return activated sludge line leaving the bottom of the secondary
(a) What should be the average daily waste sludge rate in m 3/d to maintain an SRT of 10 d?
(b) The plant operator decides to waste 1/10th of the aeration volume each day to maintain the
SRT. What is the waste volume in m3/d and what is the actual SRT?
Activated Sludge System
Parameter Unit 1 2 3
Flowrate m3/d 4000 10000 5000
Aeration Tank Volume m3 2000 4000 5000
Aeration Tank Mlss Concentration mg/L 3000 3500 3000
Clarifier Effluent Tss Concentration mg/L 10.5 10.0 10.0
Return Sludge Recycle Ratio Unitless 0.5 1.0 0.75
Return Sludge Tss Concentration mg/L 9000 7000 7000

Penyelesaian :

8-12. Dari data pada tabel diketahui :

1. Tentukan laju lumpur rata-rata per hari (m3/d)

Dik :
SRT = 10 d
V = 2000 m3
X = 3000 g/m3
Qe = 4000 m3/d
Xe = 10 g/m3
Xr = 9000 g/m3

(VX/SRT) − 𝑄 𝑋
𝑄 =

(2000𝑚 )(3000 g/𝑚 )

− (4000𝑚 /𝑑) (10𝑔/𝑚 )
10 d
𝑄 =
[(9000 − 10)𝑔/𝑚 ]

Qw = 62.3 m3/d

Q 𝑋 + 𝑋
10 10

(2000 𝑚 )(3000 𝑔/𝑚 )

(2000 𝑚 /𝑑) (2000 𝑚 /𝑑)
4000 𝑚 /𝑑) (10 𝑔/𝑚 ) + (3000 𝑔/𝑚 )
10 10

SRT = 9.4 d
Chapter 9
9-2. Two 15 m diameter trickling filters containing conventional cross-flow plastic packing
at a 6 m depth are used to treat a pharmaceutical wastewater at an average flowrate of 2120
m3/d . the influent BOD concentration 600,900,1200 mg/L and the temperature is 20C. each
tower has an 2-arm distributor.
Penyelesaian :
- Tentukan dosis operating dan flushing untuk konsentrasi BOD 600 mg/L.
a. Tentukan volume di setiap filter
𝜋𝐷 𝜋(15)
𝑉= ℎ= 6 = 1060.3 𝑚
4 4
b. Tentukan BOD loading untuk setiap filter (two filters operating in parallel)
BOD loading = QSo/V
= [(2120/2) m3/d](600 g/m3)(1 kg/103 g)/(1060.3 m3)\
= 0.60 kg/m3.d
c. Tentukan estimasi laju operating dan flushing. Dari tabel 9.3 dosis diestimasikan :
Operating rate : 75 mm/pass
Flushing rate : 125 mm/pass

- Tentukan kecepatan distributor. Persamaan (9.1)

(1 + R)q(10 𝑚𝑚/ 1𝑚)
𝐷𝑅 =
(𝑁 )(𝑛)(60 𝑚𝑖𝑛/1ℎ)
a. Hitung laju aplikasi hydraulic (q)
q = Q/A
Q= = 1060 m3/d
A= = ( )(15) = 176.7 m2

q = [(1060 m3/d)/(176.7 m2)](1 d/24 h)(103 L/1 m3)(1 h/3600 s)

= 0.069 L/m2. s

b. Tentukan laju resirkulasi dan rasio resirkulasi. Gunakan laju aplikasi hydraulic
minimum 0.5 L/m2.s
Tentukan rasio resirkulasi
q + qr = 0.5 L/m2.s
qr = 0.5 – 0.069 = 0.431 L/m2.s
resirkulasi rasio (R)
𝑞𝑟 0.431
𝑅= = = 6.24
𝑞 0.069
c. Hitung kecepatan distributor untuk flushing rate
(1 + 𝑅)𝑞(1000 𝑚𝑚/𝑚𝑖𝑛)
(𝑁 )(𝐷𝑅)(60 𝑚𝑖𝑛/ℎ)
(1 + 6.24) 0.069 . 𝑠 (1 𝑚 /10 𝐿)(10 𝑚𝑚/1𝑚)
(2)(125 𝑚𝑚/𝑝𝑎𝑠𝑠)
= 0.002 𝑟𝑒𝑣/𝑠𝑒𝑐
1 1 1 𝑚𝑖𝑛
= = 8,33 𝑚𝑖𝑛/𝑟𝑒𝑣
𝑛 (0.002 𝑟𝑒𝑣/𝑠) 60 𝑠

- Hitung laju pumping setiap filter

Pumping rate = (q + qr)A = (0.5 L/m2 . s)(176.7 m2)
= 88.35 L/s = (88.35 L/s)(1 m3/103 L)(3600 s/1 h) = 318 m3/h

9-8. Two 20 m diameter plactic tower trickling filter containing 6.1 m of conventional plastic
media (100 m2 area/ m3 volume) receive a primary clarifier effluent at an average flowrate
of 11200 m3/d. the TKN concentration is 24 mg/L and the BOD concentration is 150, 130, or
120 mg/L (selected by instructor). The temperature is 18C. Evaluate the trickling filter BOD
loading and determine the nitrogen removal efficiency due to nitrification
1. Tetapkan BOD loading untuk air limbah dengan konsentrasi 150 mg/L

BOD loading = (11,200 m3/d) (150 g/m3) (1 kg/103g) =1680 kg/d

( )
Surface area of filter = A= 2 =2 = 628 m2

BOD surface loading = (1680 kg/d)/628 m2 = 2.68 kg/m2. d

2. Tentukan efisiensi penghilang nitrogen oleh estimasi pada konsentrasi effluent NH 4N

Eq. (9.23)
NH4Ne = 20.81(BODL)1.03(NH4-NL)1.52(lv)-0.36(T)-0.12
a. Tentukan media surface area
Media volume = A(D)
= (628 m2)(6.1 m) = 3830.8 m3
Surface area = (3830.8 m3) (100m2/m3) = 383.080 m3
b. Tentukan specific loading rate
( / )( / )
𝐵𝑂𝐷 = = 4.386 gBOD/𝑚 . 𝑑

( / )( / )
𝑁𝐻 − NL = = 0.70 g N/𝑚 . 𝑑
( / )( / )
lv = = 29.2 L/𝑚 . 𝑑

c. Tentukan konsentrasi effluent NH4-Ne dan removal efficiency

NH4-Ne = 20.81 (4.386)1.03(0.70)1.52(29.2)-0.36(18)-0.12 = 11.6 mg/L

( )( . ) / )
Efisiensi penghilang nitrogen = = 51.7%
( / )

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