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no “ As J look at the growth ever the years, J am eatvemely proud of what Stitlman Company fias achieved, and even more excited about the cuttook for can equally promising future. Cur goat is and always has been to provide safe and effective beauty products for consumers whe demand nothing but the best. For us, beauty is nat just shin-deep. We striue to buitd long-term relationships with eur custemers 0 that they trust us with their shin care needs and leak towards Stittman’s when they require a specific beauty-related solution. With over 60+ years of experience in skincare preducts manufacturing in Pakistan, we at Stittman’s axe committed te providing our consumers quatity products that can be a part of their daily okin care regime. Cur products are produced with safe ingredients using state-af- the-art facility which is why J can say with confidence that cur cansumers trust us with their sfin — that is a Stittman’s promise. Seis, hawever, nat just our cansumers that we build long-term relationships with, but we belicue that eux emplayees are our asset and we share all our successes, all eux moments of pride and achicuement with them. We Belicue in gead carparate citizenship, and aux emplayees are a testament ta that principle, @ INTRODUCTION The Stillman Company is @ leading beauty care company. Our main goal is to provide safe and effective products to people who demand excellence in beauty. More than 120 years ago in a little town of Illinois the first ever Stillman’s skin cream was placed, which would later become one of the best skincare products. Since then, we've grown from one little town to hundreds, and expanded into several countries worldwide. Go back in time, and experience 120 years of great stories, defining moments in skincare, and breakthroughs that have changed beauty as we know it today!

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