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Member Name:

1. Sindy Helda Putri {chairman} (22)

2. Kresna Dewanto Aji (13)
3.Okta Fajar Silviana (20)
celebration build a house
celebration is food alms
ceremony and prayer that seeks
to invoke the safety and peace
for the family that organizes
expert. Javanese people believe
that celebration is a spiritual
condition that must and if
breached will receive blessings
or lack of accident.
Habits good day, hold salvation
with the first stone placement
or planting buffalo head, put
offerings at high tide horses and
various other myths are considered to be a mandatory
requirement when building a house, actually have long done
by primitive peoples and customs is not clear when it started
and who started it.
A well-known spiritual, SH Permadi once said something like
this, "we are born into this world not alone, no brother, father,
uncle, neighbor, every man in the world. There are also herbs in
front of the house, behind the house, in the woods, animals,
cats, dogs, tigers and so forth, at the same time there are also
spirits of God's creation. Therefore we have to live on the earth,
we have to get along, help each other. Because the people of
Java if you want to make a home, he thought it must have
been there the land is inhabited, so that we do not disturb
occupants celebration so let's live together do not interfere with
each other. "
It is indeed a very wise teachings and wise. Salvation in
Javanese traditional spiritual event that is more or less the
point is that we can not be bothered to live safely with
creatures who might have first inhabited the place, negotiate
with other creatures invite to live in harmony. Because after all,
human beings who believe in the teachings of the Lord should
also believe that in this life we are not alone. There are also
other creatures created by God such as animals, plants and
So many teachings were passed down by our ancestors, so that
problems occupy the home, maternal, people get married, or a
person dies there special rituals as part of a tribute to the
universe that God created.
celebration, when seen from the above expression can be
understood with a very simple logic. Because we do not live
alone. There is no element of shirk or whatever, precisely, we
are reminded to respect the reality of God because God did not
create man alone. There is a
harmony that must be
maintained so that the values
of harmony between nature,
man and God are well
The things that can be
destructive to a harmonious
life is the loss of ancestral
cultures. So rituals like this
salvation must remain
preserved. there are no bad
people who will occupy the
new building, a new office or a
new house hold salvation, for
example with rice cone, yellow
rice, or whatever, of course, by
inviting relatives and loved ones are definitely more keeping
A broad archipelago and is very rich in various kinds of
agricultural products is not something that exists by itself, but
was created by God in which there is also a natural harmony
that is charged to the human beings who inhabit it with others.
So no exquisite taste if within each of us being selfish without
looking around us.
In the construction of the house, in addition to well known
celebration kenduren term. Kenduren is food alms ceremony
because someone has obtained a boon or success according to
what is aspired. Kenduren event is personal. Invitations are
usually made up of relatives, fellow colleagues, and neighbors.
They come together to share the love, the atmosphere is
relaxed while talking about role models that can be replicated
eg promotion, pass the exam, was elected to the post of
Khilafat dasn other successes that need and deserve imitated.
So from the translation of that has been read, it can be
concluded that the wake was held as a celebration custom
demands and have numerous benefits, namely:
 Can share happiness with others
 As a sign of gratitude for the new residence
 Can bring the blessing of God and does not need to be here
dedicated to a particular practice (prayer together, reading
a letter, etc.) when they want to enter it.

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