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Biology (25 marks)

1. Explain about cell theory. (3m)

2. Expand ICBN, ICZN. Give hierarchy of units of classification(3m)
3. Explain the phylum in which adult exhibit radial symmetry and larvas exhibit bilateral symmetry
with example (1m)
4. What is metagenesis? Give example (1m)
5. Explain post fertilization changes in flower. (3m)
6. Difference between a diploblastic and trophoblastic animal with example.(1m)
7. What are semi autonomous cell organelles. What is their significance (3m)
8. Write the different types of circulations? Explain with example and phylum(1m)
9. Explain about ambulacaral system with phylum (1m)
10. Write about mouth parts of periplanata americana (cockroach) names, position and function
11. Explain about phallic gland? Explain about collateral glands?(1m)
12. What are the adaptations (contravances) to prevent autogamy ( self fertilization) in flower
13. Is respiratory pigment present in cockroach? How the transport of gases will take place.

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