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Marjana Aktar

Unit 22 – Scriptwriting
P2 – Be able to generate ideas and plan the script for a media
product, in response to a client brief.


Mulberry Productions will be writing for new hospital drama “On Ward” which will be set in a small
hospital in East London which will follow the lives of doctors and nurses inside and outside of the
hospital. The script will be a 5-minute scene and will meet the conventions of a medical drama such
as the use of language which will be elaborated code and use medical terminology. Within the script
we will meet the client requirements by adding a description of action, dialogue and music/ sound
effects within the script as asked for.

Cast –

Dr Ryan The hospital administrator, a strong and Cares more for the money and how
callous woman concern in most part for the the hospital itself is running and
efficiency of the hospital. doing compared to the health of the
patients within the hospital.
Nurse Mel The head of nursing, headstrong women with Very determined at doing her job to
a heart of gold. the best of her ability and has a good
heart. – could possibly be patients
Dr The head surgeon, an egotistical man who A man confident in what he does and
Brendan thrives on the thrill of the A&E likes to showcase his ability and
strengthen it through different
injuries coming through A&E
Patrick A junior doctor, eager to learn, but often too Still learning to be a doctor wants to
quick of the mark. show off what he knows therefore
tries to understand and response too
Sarah A senior nurse, who loves to complain and Older woman has been a nurse for a
stir the pot. while good at her job over the years
likes to add drama and keep the
hospital lively however colleagues
may not appreciate her stir of the pot

Client Requirements

 Scene 5 minutes long.

 Filmed in a small hospital in East London.
 Shots in and around East London.
 Uses conventions of a hospital soap opera.
 Follows the lives of doctors and nurses working in the hospital.
 Dialogue
 Description of action and scene.
 Music / Sound Effects.
Marjana Aktar
Symptoms for Poisoning Unit 22 – Scriptwriting
P2 – Be able to generate ideas and plan the script for a media
 Blurred vision. product, in response to a client brief.
 Confusion and disorientati
on. Station 19 Ep 1 – An invisible blue flame causes
 Difficulty breathing. distress for the firefighters, taking on the invisible
 Drooling. idea I had come up with invisible poison within
the water of a block in East London
 Excessive tearing.
 Fever.
 Low blood pressure Grey’s Anatomy Script -
(hypotension) RESEARCH MATERIALS http://www.dailyscript.com/scripts
 Loss of muscle control & DOCUMENTS /grey_s_anatomy_into_you_like_a
and muscle twitching. _train.pdf
- Lists of interior and exterior
sets within a hospital drama.
STIMULUS – for the hospital Use this for my location.

- Medical Terminology
such as intubate and
bag valve.

TEAM – This image is to show that the hospital

team is a small tight nit circle within the ER.

WATER – The source of which all my patients are getting sick from.

MEDICAL FILES – How the Doctors will find the cure.


The Treatment Pitch –

Marjana Aktar
Unit 22 – Scriptwriting
P2 – Be able to generate ideas and plan the script for a media
product, in response to a client brief.


This mind map shows the images and aesthetics I thought of during my planning stage,
MOOD BOARD – it will help me develop my vision of the medical drama into the real physical product.

This was my thought process for when thinking of the plot from my script
and the location of which it will possible filmed at and the characteristics
of the characters also thinking of my target audience.
Marjana Aktar
Unit 22 – Scriptwriting
P2 – Be able to generate ideas and plan the script for a media
product, in response to a client brief.

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