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My STEM Philosophy

During my early education years, STEM education was offered as an college magnet program

track. It was a program one had to apply for and explore STEM career paths in science,

technology, engineering, and math. An early misconception I had was thinking STEM education

only included science and mathematics. After enrolling in the STEM Education Endorsement

program, I soon learned that it includes a lot more. I have progressed as an educator through the

planning of lessons, interviewing STEM professionals, researching different aspects of STEM,

using problem base approaches, and project base approaches to lessons. I have learned that

STEM Education help students become critical thinkers, problem solvers, and discover new


In my opinion, STEM is an infusion of science, technology, engineering, and mathematics. It

allows me as an educator to make cross-curricular connections and make learning more

meaningful for students. It is also a multi-disciplinary curriculum integration with other

subjects. This is helps when a I am completing a math-based project that involves science.

STEM is very beneficial to students because it engage and motivate students to learn solving

real-world scenarios. STEM education allows student to learn in a safe environment that allows

students to fail and try again. It help students build confidence in their ability to perform lesson

task and enables them to keep going. I feel that STEM is all about teamwork and collaboration

because it is motivating to student as a whole. The most important thing about STEM is that the

student get to use the knowledge that the currently have to derive new learning concepts. STEM

provides an open door to other job opportunities such as statistician, software developer, dentist,

civil engineer, pharmacist, biologist, and much more.

While completing my professional interviews, I have learned that STEM professions require a

base foundation of science, math, and technology. One the base knowledge is there it opens the

door for engineering. I also learned that when performing STEM professions the mind has to be

trained to think critically and solve problems very quickly. I pursued the STEM endorsement to

plan math lessons that are more challenging and engaging for students. I wanted my students to

feel very accomplished after a lesson instead of a bored tired feeling. STEM education provides

alternative career jobs that just require a being board certified like a pharmacist technician. It is

a job that pays a decent salary and can provide a manageable income for someone who chooses

not to attend college.

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